Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1014:

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When everyone looked at the two on the stage, someone recognized the woman in the white dress that was standing on the stage at the moment. Someone was sorry for the Ji.

In Chaoge City, there is such a rumor that it is better to fight for ghosts than Princess Zizhu. This sentence does not mean how powerful this Princess Zhu is, but because this Princess Zhu is the only emperor of the Southern Shang Dynasty 'S sister, but the people in the royal family, how dare others dare to provoke this bamboo, even if they get mad, they are all pulled by the bamboo quilt on this pedestal, and the result can be imagined, knowing that this bamboo's cultivation is very good Generally, but because of the special status of Zizhu, he did not dare to show his strength. At this point, he was generally defeated by this bamboo princess. From this, the "fame" of Princess Zhuzhu can be described as the whole Chaoge Unprecedented.

At this moment, Ji Kao listened to the voices of these people's comments, and he became interested. Although these people said that the bamboo girl was the only sister of the Nanshang emperor, that is, the princess of the Nanshang, so the people who competed with the bamboos in the past were all hindered by the princess’s background, but they did not dare. Jifa didn't know about this, but Jifa didn't know that this bamboo was the princess of Nanshang. Naturally, it was impossible to talk about the possibility of getting real hands, and even if Jifa really was Got it, according to Ji Fa’s temperament, I’m afraid I won’t be merciless about Zizhu’s identity. For this, Ji Kao still knows his brother well:”

Seeing that everyone was coming around, Zizhu was overjoyed and thought, when the time came, it was up to you how to blame your kid.

Ji Fa didn't care about this situation. Such a move by Zhu Zhu was undoubtedly good for him. He was also worried that the bamboo would be badly paid, but now it is good, everything is free. .

"Girl Bamboo, please first!"

Ji Fa said politely at this time with a smile.

When Zizhu heard it, he couldn't help but suspiciously wondered if this kid would be disgruntled, but he couldn't help but see the crowd watching from below.

"Only three tricks between masters are the winners!"

At this moment, Zizhu cleared his throat.

Hearing Zizhu's words, Ji Fa couldn't help but smile.

"Exactly, what the girl Zhuzi said is, how about the girl Zhuzi!"

Ji Fa said at the moment that he could hold back his heart with an impulsive smile.

"So, as long as I defeat you within three strokes, I lose after three strokes, how do you see it!"

Zizhu said.

"Defeat me within three strokes!"

Listening to this, Ji Fa almost dropped his chin and stared at Zizhu.

"Girl Bamboo, you are really sure that you will defeat me in three strokes!"

Ji Fa asked again, thinking, don’t say three tricks for your ability, even thirty tricks is impossible, go back and practice for a few years, but then you have already cultivated a higher level, so you want to beat Me, this life is impossible. The reincarnation in my next life is a few years earlier than me. Perhaps my cultivation behavior may surpass me, but your reincarnation in your next life, maybe I am eternal life, so, you want to surpass me is hopeless. !

Zizhu didn't know what Jifa thought at the moment, but he saw Jifa's amazed expression, but Zizhu misunderstood.

"Relax, I won't give up, but you still have to be my follower?" Zizhu said at this moment.

"Ha ha ha, then I will thank Zizhu girl here first!"

Ji Fa s is crying and laughing at this moment.

"But if you are too bad, even if you lose, I will not want you to follow me!"

This bamboo is really thunderous than one sentence. After these words, Ji Fa almost burst into tears.

"Zizhu girl, you and I said so much, but still didn't do it. You see that there are more and more crowds watching around. We have been reluctant to do it for a long time. "Ji Fa saw at this moment that there was still a tendency for Zizhu to talk to the following faintly, that is, he quickly pointed to the crowd who were watching.

Seeing Zizhu, he glared at Jifa again.

"In this case, you move!"

Zizhu said.

Ji Fa was helpless.

"Then offend!"

The voice of Ji Fa just fell when the whole body flashed a silver-white grudge, that is, the body was wrapped in it, but in the eyes of everyone, there was an eagle shape vaguely appearing in the graffiti mask of Ji Fa. This form is extremely rare for the grudge cultivator. At this time, everyone was a little interested in Ji Ji's grudge practice.

At this moment, Zizhu saw Jifa's fighting man, but he was amazed, but Zizhu's surprise was not the shape of Jifa's grudge hood, but Jifa's cultivation behavior. This silver-white grudge was not true. Cultivation is just that, with Zizhu's current sword ancestor Xia Gexiu as not enough to judge the true cultivation behavior of Ji Fa, it can only be known that Ji Fa is the realm of Jianzong.

Zi Zhu's face changed slightly, and he was a bit worried. At first, the words he said to this Jifa were too light.

However, it is too late for Zizhu to want to regret it, because, now that so many people are watching, she thinks it is absolutely impossible to cancel the bidu this time. Where are those faces going back?

At the moment, Zizhu's chest burst into a sigh of relief, and looking at the excitation on the opposite side, Xiu's eyes were horizontal, and the time for the qi qi brake burst out.

The confrontation between the two was imminent, and the people under the stage were even more interested in seeing this situation.

Chao Ge Su.

This is the residence that Zin Xin prepared for the Su family a few days ago. The mansion is very large, and it is no less than the mansion in the land of Jizhou.

but? In the face of such a situation, the Su family did not feel able to feel up and down. Su Hu is still worried about this emperor Xin, but he was stepped in by the emperor step by step. The emperor two days ago In the city, Zi Xin asked himself to give the hand of the Emperor Tang Tang to the Royal within half a month. In fact, the hand of Su Hu was always brought with him. When he came to Chaoge from Jizhou, although Emperor Zi Xin did not The meaning is clear, but the news has already been spread among the Chaoye, and the sacred meaning of Zi Xin is that the Su clan clan went to Chaoge. This is ready in Su Huxin's heart. If you want to move yourself, then the oracle is Su's life-saving symbol, so the half-month of Zi Xin's account is just a buffer time, and now Su Hu is closed for the whole day without seeing visitors. This Chaoge is an important place for officials. Although the position of Jizhouhou is only a title, it is against this title that many officials come to visit every day. However, Su Hu is really not in that mood.

"Master, you really intend to give the hand of the ancestor emperor to the royal family!"

Seeing Su Hu's dissatisfaction with the gods all day long, the wife of Su Hu asked, so worried.

"Ah! No, what else can I do? Now that our Su clan is a clan from the clan, it's equivalent to being controlled by the emperor. If we don't turn in this hand, then the emperor will certainly catch this handle. , Then we have a pot of Su's to drink!"

Su Hu said with a sigh.

Mrs. Su Hu was helpless when she listened to it. In this matter, she was a woman and a woman, and she could exert a little power in the chores at home, but there was no way to resolve such political disputes.

"Go down first! I'll be quiet for myself!"

Su Hu is so upset now that she said.

Seeing this situation, Mrs. Su Hu had to sigh with his heart. He naturally understood what Su Hu thought, this became the emperor of the Tang Emperor's hand, which was the ultimate amulet of the Su clan. No one is upset.

Su Daji has come to Chaoge for so many days and days, but she hasn't walked out properly. Today, she has such a leisurely mood to bring Chaoge around the street. She understands that her father Su Hu's heart is naturally worried about Su. The destiny of the clan, but this thing is undoubtedly harder for her than she is, and she can't help this thing at all.

Although Jizhou has been enriched by the power of the Su family for hundreds of years, it still has a certain gap compared to the capital city of Chaoge. The prosperity on the streets is far from comparable to that of Jizhou.

At this moment, Su Daji led the accompanying maid to the market place. After a long distance, she heard the sound of cheering.

"Okay, okay!"

In this way, the sound is endless, and at the same time, the sound of continuous energy explosion is heard.

Su Daji was born in the Su clan, but she knew what was happening. It was nothing more than the attack of various fighting techniques caused by the grudge, but for Su Daji, she did not have the slightest bit of this kind of grudge. interest of. Although at the request of his father, he has already begun to practice, but for many years, hesitant Su Daji has always been devoted to piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, dancing, and the like, but he is not high in the practice of grudge.

However, when I first came to this place of Chaoge, I saw that some people were fighting over this market, but it was a bit new. This situation is very difficult to see in the place of Jizhou. It was just said by my father before. On the Tangling Continent, only those high-strength cultivators will repeatedly appear in the competition, but often in such a situation, the result of the competition is one death and one injury, but today in this Chaoge City, it is actually There will be such a fight.

Under the guidance of the maidservant, Su Daji is walking forward, and under the eyes of Xiu eyes, she is seeing that the shadows of the two groups of silver-white grudges are constantly flashing, and there are constant fighting attacks. Su Daji's follow-up talk is not high in fighting spirit cultivation, but he is also aware of this fighting spirit. At this moment, the two people are the sword sect realm of the fighting spirit cultivation realm, and their respective fighting skills should also be some relatively high-level fighting. The technique is just what kind of high-level fighting technique the two have used, but Su Daji has not been able to see it.

Su Da smiled slightly above her pretty face, but saw the two people flashing back and forth in silver on the platform. The energy attack was wave after wave. The eyebrows will frown slightly, and the expression on the pretty face is so rich and unusual.

A character woman like Su Daji will become the focus of everyone everywhere, except that Su Daji appears at the moment when everyone's attention is scattered, but in this way, she has not been able to notice that there is such a person in the crowd. Role woman.

"Oh, almost got attacked!"

At this moment, Su Daji saw that one of them was almost attacked by the opponent's fighting technique, but he whispered in surprise, but the words just fell to see Su Daji quickly covered this little mouth, and looked at him. Everyone looked at it, and then he felt a little relieved.

The entourage of the entourage has been guarding Su Daji's side. Seeing this, the entourage said squeakly.

"Miss, shall we go elsewhere!"

Obviously, that lady didn't like this kind of occasion very much.

Su Daji smiled slightly.

"Xiaorou, let's see what we are talking about! All these years, we have been singing counter-arguments with my dad. I haven't practiced in a long time. Today I have such an opportunity to see such a competition. How can we miss the opportunity!"

"But miss, this is in the rough place of the market, I worry about you..."

"Okay, okay, I know you are for my own good, but there should be nothing wrong in the land of Chaoge, you can rest assured!"

Su Daji quickly smiled and stopped Xiaorou's words.

Xiaorou had no choice but to nod hesitantly.

At this moment, Ji Kao was watching the situation on the field below, but his heart was slightly smiling. In this case, it seems that this bamboo princess is already a sure loser, but Ji Kao does not know that Zi Zhu has already been It was defeated. On the stage, the two had a discussion. Zizhu said that the so-called master of the ground would send Ji to defeat within three strokes, but it was already more than a dozen strokes at this time, and the fighting skills of the two continued He did not make a difference, but Ji found that in the situation, it was just that he didn't use his full strength. Presumably this kid was very easy to deal with this bamboo princess.

Ji Kao smiled again and again, his head shook slightly, but his eyes suddenly froze.

At this time, a woman appeared in the field of vision, but when the woman looked softly at the fight between the two on the stage, the slight smile between the vagueness, the lips lightly opened, exuding infinite elegance The anger, the time is to stun this Ji Kao.

Astonished as a human being, now it is such four words in Ji Kao's heart, but what he sees in Ji Kao's heart is not the pretty face of this girl's girl, but the gentle and elegant temperament of the woman, which moves every moment. It was such a touching chord at that moment. At this moment, Ji Kao even thought that his heart would melt with the smile of the woman.

Ji Kao is the eldest son of the Zhou tribe's patriarch. In Zhou tribe, he is the ruling party. Naturally, it is not uncommon for this gorgeous woman, but this woman alone makes Ji Kao have such emotions.

Ji Kao's heart gently fluttered with the woman's smile, and at this moment it completely resonated with the woman's facial expression, even if the situation on the field was not at all concerned.


Just under Ji Kao's fascination, he suddenly heard a cry from the surrounding audience.

Ji Kao was only slightly awake, but his eyes turned slightly, looking at the two on the platform.

I saw that Princess Zhuzhu, who was the first to find fault, was now fighting down, and looked at Ji Fa opposite with big eyes, but Ji Fa, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at Zi Zhu, looking very It's easy, don't care.

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