Pioneer Knight

Chapter 103: 104. Poison

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"Perhaps when he loses consciousness again, he will solve the trouble with a knife!" Hughes even thought a bit viciously.

Hughes didn't answer, and he was too lazy to answer. Since he was unwilling, why should he say good things deceptively?

"Please cut off my right hand..." The fat man spoke out in one breath, then panted wildly, but his eyes were so tenacious.

The huff and puff hit the heart of Hughes again and again, causing his soul to tremble tremblingly; that tenacious gaze pierced directly into the heart of Hughes, making him afraid to go against the fat man. Depending on.

He wanted to kill his right arm to reduce the toxicity of his body. It must be said that the fat man's decision was cruel and wise. If the poison source of the right arm is missing, at least half of the chances will survive. It's just that the broken arm is not an ordinary person, so it can be determined, and there is no hesitation in the fat man's eyes! This shows that fat people can do big things that ordinary people can't do at the critical moment.

The fat man's determination and fierceness deeply admired Hughes. Hughes suddenly decided that no matter how difficult he was, he would try his best to heal the fat man and heal the fat man intact!

Trolls have long been dissociated from the human community. There is no common medicine in human life and the most common medical treatment in the Ming Dynasty. In order to resist various diseases and poisons, a natural set of skills for recognizing medicine and distinguishing medicine is naturally formed. Hughes had no place in the clan and was sent to the field to collect medicine. Over time, pharmacy became his first skill.

Naphthalene ball was obviously swallowed in the food, and then the fat man forced the poison to the right hand with Nedan, so if you want to solve the naphthalene ball poison, you have to start from the inside. After thinking about it, Hughes decided to let fat people take adsorbent fat and use the strong adsorbent gastric lavage. However, equine poison is more troublesome. It is necessary to attack the virus with poison and then remove it by exchanging blood.

The liver of Snow Hedgehog contains a lot of adsorbed fat components, and the blood of the black snake contains a lot of poison. If you want to save fat people, you can only catch these two types of Warcraft. However, looking at the fat man's current condition, I can only stay up to three days. It is really difficult to catch these two World of Warcraft in three days. If you drag it for another day or two, the toxin has penetrated into the body, and even then it will not help to cut the fat man's right hand again.

For a time, Hughes was uncertain.

"I know how to get rid of the poison on your body, but I can't guarantee whether I can find the material before your poison." Hughes said to the fat man.

"Really?" The fat man's voice was a little surprised and suspicious.

Hughes nodded affirmatively.

"Then trouble you," the voice said intermittently, not even asking how much he was sure of success.

Hughes didn't explain anything. After placing the fat man carefully, he ran towards the mountain immediately.

The Blood Mountain Regiment takes the forestry heart of Lin Zhongshan’s young girl as the cohesive force and is led by Yuan Kai. Yuan Kai is divided into four public and eight flags. Four publics (Donggong, Xigong, Nangong, and Beigong) are responsible for the four parties’ affairs. As long as it does not violate the general policy set by Yuan Kai, he usually has the power to arrange himself and is the main pillar of the Blood Mountain Regiment; while the Eight Banners are a special independent institution, they directly serve Yuan Kai and the forestry heart, and represent Yuan Kai. The messenger usually completes some major tasks alone, and ranks second only to Si Gong in the regiment.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the Lingdong Army and reduce the troubles involved, the four males are independent of each other and rarely communicate. Sometimes the Donggong people meet the Xigong people without knowing that they are both blood mountain groups. Of it.

Yuan Kai’s men had a group of messengers dedicated to sending and receiving letters. Part of Yuan Kai’s job was to work hard to coordinate the operations between the four officials, and at the same time caused the greatest trouble to the Lingdong Army. So in the Lingdong District, the blood mountain group is like five small meat thorns, which constantly hurt the nerves of Batan.

The fat man's full name is Rob Zhong, which has recently been promoted to one of the Eight Banners of the Blood Mountain Regiment.

Robber is cheerful and never argues with others. In the impression of everyone, he has always been a gentle fat man. Luo Zhongzhong used his long sword, a set of swordsmanship, which made Ling Dongjun suffer a lot. Moreover, he had a flexible heart hidden under his obese appearance. He often came up with tricks to create miracles at critical moments, and made a promise in the blood mountain group. Many multi-Hanma credit.

The sky is high, the winter is weak, and the fallen leaves are dotted with desolate snow.

In the wild, Warcraft is dangerous and powerful. For unnecessary trouble, Hughes usually walks away from them, but now in order to find materials, he has to dive into the living area of ​​Warcraft.

Snow hedgehog is a gregarious warcraft, loves conifers, so where there are conifers, you can find the nest of snow hedgehog.

Hughes waited quietly. He found the Snow Hedgehog group without much effort, but how to safely hunt Snow Hedgehog was a big problem.

The snow hedgehog has a thick skin, can keep warm in the cold wind, and has spikes all over its body. Sometimes, when in danger, it can be used as a dark weapon to blast out of the body. A snow hedgehog can shoot out hundreds of spikes of large and small. If it encounters ten or hundred snow hedgehogs, it will face thousands of arrows, which is definitely not what ordinary people can bear. !

"Be sure to catch an order." This is Hughes' plan.

From sunrise to sunset, from gorgeous sun to stars, Hughes waited motionlessly.

The snow hedgehogs are playing in groups, playing in the paradise that belongs to them. Unity is their greatest advantage in survival in nature. Whether they are facing terrible enemies or delicious food, they are always inseparable.

The light green hard branches sway gently in the wind and snow, and the conifer trees add a lot of vitality to this white land. The snow hedgehogs are guarding this small forest, and no matter whether Warcraft passes by, they all emit a sharp warning sound.

After a day of observation, it was found that even if he was preying, even if Hughes threw a stone at a distance to attract, Snow Hedgehog was always not far from the big group.

Holding a snow hedgehog one-on-one is not completely sure, not to mention facing the hedgehogs in groups.

Is it difficult to give up, or continue to wait?

It's not Hughes' character to give up halfway, but he continues to wait for the opportunity and fears that time will be too late.

"Since Heaven doesn't give me a chance, then I will create it myself!" Hughes' eyes were firm, and he went back without looking back.

The cold wind was still violent, but the snow hedgehogs could not produce any chill under the unity of the hedgehogs. The snow hedgehogs embraced each other intimately and slept, sleeping sweetly and deeply. Suddenly there was a heat wave not far away, and the snow hedgehogs looked up in confusion, but they were shocked to find that there was a blaze of smoke everywhere.

There is an empty black lake in the northwest of the canyon. The lake is dense and has a pungent smell. Hughes discovered by accident that this kind of "water" burns fiercely and violently. Only a little ignition source can produce people. Marvelous fire.

The plants in winter are dry and flammable, and with the black "water" to support combustion, this fire is burning more crazy and unstoppable.

The conifers that used to be delicious food have now become a dead end, and the home that once relied on survival has now become a graveyard that devours everything. Faced with this irresistible disaster, the snow hedgehogs scrambled to flee, where there is ordinary unity, and there is usually intimacy!

Hughes calmly looked at the fire he was indulging, a little satisfied and a little unbearable in his heart. He picked a snow hedgehog who fled in panic, and the snow-broken sword cut off the other person's head relentlessly. Everything came so easily.

The scattered snow hedgehogs simply ignored the killing of their companions, and the usually united guy now only cares about their chances of survival. Hughes has a kind of enlightenment, and the tribulation is going to fly separately. When life is in danger, who will have the mood to control who? !

After Hughes succeeded, he didn't follow any pause. Looking back at the blaze in the sky, it is estimated that this fire will destroy that small forest. It is estimated that countless World of Warcraft will lose their food and eventually starve to death. The original intention of all this is just to save a person. At the cost of countless lives of Warcraft, in exchange for another person's chance of survival, how extravagant conversion, how selfish choice.

For the sake of better survival, destroying the lives of others with powerful means, this is not always happening in this world!

Hughes laughed at the sky and walked forward firmly.

Fat Luo fell asleep restlessly, frowning from time to time, twitching the corner of his mouth from time to time.

Hughes opened Rob's mouth and flushed Snow Hedgehog's liver with blood. The fat man was awakened by the odor in his mouth and the pungent blood, and suddenly opened his eyes. After seeing Hughes, he withered like a deflated ball.

Use your fingers to constantly stimulate the stomach of the fat man, so that the liver of Snow Hedgehog can attract those toxins enough. About ten minutes later, Hughes continued to stir **** into the fat man's mouth, causing the fat man to have a tendency to vomit.

The fat man kept spitting out black and smelly black blood, and the smelly black blood stimulated the fat man's vomiting desire. As a result, the fat man spit harder, and the black blood in the stomach spouted out with a big gulp, In the end, even the stomach acid vomited completely, and the dark liver was also vomited by him.

With the help of Neidan, the fat man's body eroded the toxins in his stomach at a very slow rate. So most of the toxins are forced into the stomach, and now the toxins are absorbed by the liver of Snow Hedgehog, and the body suddenly feels relaxed.

Although some naphthalene ball poison remains in the fat body, the naphthalene ball in the body can be eliminated in eight or nine days depending on the body's self-cultivation ability. As long as we can find a way to remove equine poison, the fat man's fortune is saved.

Snakes are temperature-changing animals. Most of them live in warm and humid environments, but there are several special snakes living in the cold north. The black snake is one of them.

Black snake, a white snake that grows on the snow, loves the heat and loves fish and shrimp. Mysterious snakes are good at concealing when they are active. They often use the protective colors of their bodies to haunt the snow, and their speed is extremely fast. They walk like flying. The most troubling mysterious snake's snow escape, can quickly walk through the snow, making people prevent Not very guarded!

The black snake contains a poison that will flow around with the blood, wherever it can freeze nerves and cells and paralyze people. In severe cases, the whole body is frozen, causing people to die stiffly.

How can I catch the black snake? Hughes couldn't help but feel a little bored.

Hughes stared at the white snow, not to mention the capture, how to find the black snake is also a trouble.

The fat man woke up wandering around, and the naphthalene ball was less poisoned. The fat man felt a lot lighter, but he couldn't help saying when he saw Hughes' thoughts, "Thank you for your help."

"I voluntarily wanted to save you, it's your business." Hughes responded anxiously.

The fat man choked back with a word from Hughes, could it not matter to him? The fat man looked at Hughes' expression and tried to ask, "Any trouble?"

Hughes replied: "You still lack a medicine to completely rescue you."

The fat man said: "What medicine, maybe I know where."

Hughes said with a helpless tone: "The blood of the black snake is lacking."

Rob Zhong couldn't help but frown. It's not easy to find the black snake in the snow, it's even harder to kill it.

"Don't force yourself, if you can't do it, I'm satisfied that I can retrieve this life." When Hughes cleared the naphthalene ball, there was no poisonous poison, it was not enough to harm the fat man's life, but if he was not happy If the horse alkaloids are eliminated, the martial arts of the fat man will be greatly reduced after a long time. If it is serious, the fat man will become a vegetable.

"So much nonsense!" Hughes said coldly.

If it was just too much vomiting blood, the fat man was probably stimulated by Hughes to vomit blood at this time. The fat man looked at Hughes in shock, his mouth closed, but he was speechless.

"Alas..." Rob Zhong sighed softly. Of course he hoped that he could recover completely, but for the black snake, even he himself was not sure that he could successfully hunt, not to mention that his strength was much lower than his Hughes.

"Sleep!" Hughes said lightly, closing his eyes with thoughts and worries.

"You don't have to force yourself, even if it doesn't work." The fat man couldn't help nagging.

Hughes snorted and ignored him.

"Alas..." Another sigh came.

The nagging of the fat man made Hughes feel a little disgusted, he even thought viciously: Or toss the fat man directly into the snow, and use the fat meat to lure the black snake!

Hughes suddenly caught a hint of inspiration, yes, temptation, if it is easy to find the black snake in a day or two, even if he finds himself, he cannot kill it!

So if you want to catch it, let it come to me by yourself. It's just that after finding it, if you can't think of a perfect solution, you can't kill it again.

Determined and then move, this is the credo that Hughes has always implemented.

The black smoke billowed, and a scorched smell drifted with the wind, scattered in the wind.

Hughes built a mud stove on the earth and stone, and tried to grill the larger individual squid carefully. The squid had zoomed and turned black under Hughes’ hard work, but Hughes continued to add firewood as if Don't give up without burning the fish into ashes.

Suddenly there was a soft noise of "zizi" in the distance, and Hughes's expression suddenly became serious. He carefully extinguished the fire, and backed away alertly.

A small white snake with thick arms swam from a distance, but it stopped outside ten feet away from the mud stove.

The black snake is completely white. If you lie still in the snow, you will ignore it if you don't pay attention.

Hughes once heard the old people talk by chance, the smell of burnt fish will attract the black snake. With a mentality to try it, Hughes burned here.

The black snake wanted to get close to the mud stove, a special smell stopped it again, a smell that made it a little uncomfortable. But the smell of the familiar fish was too tempting. The black snake raised the head of the snake high, and the snake letter kept vomiting, as if thinking about how to act.

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