Pioneer Knight

Chapter 113:

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A light breeze blew past, and a figure had stood in front of Andre. Zhu Ra bent down and said, "See Lord."

"It's the right time, you go and see where there is a secret room," Andrea ordered.

"Yes." Zhu Raing should be heard again, another light wind was blowing, and the man had run to the roof.

Zhu Ra closed his eyes slowly, the silver light flashed in the gap between his five fingers, and saw an embroidery needle caught in his finger. The hand bowl shook violently, and the embroidery needle was inserted into the ground.

Looking closely, there is a thin silver thread behind the embroidery needle.

This is Zhu Ra’s stunt. When the needle thread is shot into the ground, he can detect the situation of the underground by the small fluctuations transmitted by the silver wire. For example, if the ground suddenly turned into a hollow, then the following must have been dug. The secret road; or the originally soft soil turned into a hard rock all at once. This is a little difficult to judge. Maybe it is a stone encountered, or maybe the stone wall built by the enemy when the secret road was built.

After a minute, Zhu Ra retracted the needle thread, and then shot the embroidery needle in a targeted manner again to those suspicious places.

Because Andre was standing in front of the door of the utility room at this time, out of respect and admiration for Team Leader An, Zhu Ra deliberately ignored the land of the utility room. Otherwise, the needle and thread flew around in front of Andrea.

Half an hour later, when he shot the embroidery needle for the 39th time, a successful smile finally appeared on his face.

"Come with me." Zhu Rao led the crowd to the well, "The entrance is here!"

"You dive to the left after going down." Zhu Ra said to the soldier next to him.

The soldier had no hesitation, took off his leather armor and jumped straight down. After a minute, the soldier raised his head again and excitedly said: "Sir, there really is an exit over there."

"Good!" Andre called, "The first team will follow me."

"Sir, wait, let me go down to see if there are any traps." Zhu Ra immediately stopped. Andrea is a precious body, and in case of a villain's words, he will not be able to draw much.

Andre nodded softly, "You be careful."

The light at the bottom of the well was very dim and most vulnerable to attack. Zhu Ra opened his eyes and looked around, without any abnormalities. He was still uneasy, closed his eyes, and the needle and thread in his hand flew out in all directions.

Well, nothing unusual.

No, there are situations!

The fluctuation on the right is a bit wrong! Zhu Ra carefully looked deep into the right side, and really faintly found a faint light. He dived carefully, and the needle and needle in his hand continued to shoot out.

A narrow secret road appeared in front of him. Zhu Ra grabbed a small stone and threw it hard. With a loud bang, Zhu Ra judged from the echo that this secret road seemed to be very long! From the waterproof Waco, the fire fold was touched lightly, and the opening suddenly brightened. The Zhu Ra with sharp eyes found a trail of water on the ground leading to darkness. It was obvious that someone had just passed by this place!

Zhu Ra thought for a moment, and immediately realized the enemy's strategy. His fingers were slightly trembling with excitement, but he didn't expect the enemy to play this trick!

Zhu Ra immediately turned and dived back to the wellhead, then climbed back to the ground with the help of the rope.

"It's really a group of cunning enemies, lord, we almost caught each other's words." Zhu Ra exclaimed excitedly.

"What's the situation." Andrea responded calmly. As commander-in-chief, calmness is a necessary condition.

"There is also a secret road on the right side of the well. I just tried the next echo. It is thousands of meters away. It is estimated that it leads directly to the outside of the city. It's too cunning and almost left us busy." Zhu Ra said.

"How do you say that?" Andrea asked.

"If you follow the secret road on the left, it is estimated that we can only turn around the secret road in this yard, and those enemies can take the opportunity to escape." Zhu Ra excitedly, very proud of seeing the enemy's plot.

"One truth and one truth, it really is the style of the blood mountain group. Well, Zhu Ra you have made a great achievement, and wait for the members of the blood mountain group to discuss the merits." Andre patted Zhu lightly. Said the raft's wet shoulder.

Zhu Rao led Andre to the secret passage on the right. When the torch lit the secret passage, Andre looked at the water on the ground and nodded and said, "Sure enough, they ran here. Now."

"Let's chase it quickly." Zhu Ra immediately said.

"Well, let the large troops stay to guard the main courtyard, and then send a few people to the left side to see if there are any traces left, and tell the city guard to patrol the suburbs outside the east city, spread the net a little bigger, and call again The brothers of the Dark Stars team up." Andre explained the task as he walked.

The entourage of the horses took notes one by one, and then ran back to the ground to communicate.

"The first squad follows me, and the others follow up." Andrei ordered, and his speed increased a lot.

The first squad is the main force of the main attack, and the cultivation base is relatively high.

Luo Zhongzhong left and so on and so on, Ling Dongjun just did not come, the taste of waiting for death is definitely uncomfortable, knowing that the ending is the worst result, but people have to wait for that result, which is for people It is definitely a torment. Robber thinks about it from time to time. It would be better to wait like this to kill one now! But, why can't they come down, haven't they found a secret intersection? Impossible, if other people lead this kind of hope, maybe they are fascinated by the property in the jewelry store, but if Andrea personally leads the team, the efficiency cannot be so low! So what happened above, did Andrea get delayed by other things? Yes, it is possible that Anna's safety also requires him to do the town himself. Great, this time I saved!

Rob Zhong thought with excitement, as long as it was not Andre himself, there was hope for survival.

Robber came to Huss to check on the healing situation of the other side. As long as Huss could recover his shape and shape, he could fly.

"Huh..." Rob inspected softly for this inspection, because he faintly felt that Hughes' energy was not healing but constantly trying to break through. No, it's time for me to feel promoted!

Robber didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and the little brother would be too seize the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to play promotion.

Robber only knows one thing but not the other. The anti-bite of the spirit bite is definitely not recoverable by one day or two days of treatment. It is more clear to Hughes who experienced this personally. But the current situation is really not suitable for long-term healing, so Hughes made a bold and desperate decision. Taking advantage of this tumbling blood and the speed of vomiting and practicing qi greatly increased, he directly forced himself to advance. As long as the promotion is successful, not only the strength is greatly increased, but the injury can also be restored. It's just that this forced promotion is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will get mad. The biggest possibility is that the internal organs bleed.

However, when Hughes initiated the promotion challenge, he regretted it. The timing of the promotion was obviously not mature enough. His body and state were at a low point. He desperately wanted to raise his energy, but the energy was pushed up and slipped down. Squeezed up and slid down again, according to this situation, Hughes has no hope of successful promotion!

As Hughes struggled desperately, he suddenly felt a powerful energy help him to break through each level.

It turned out that Robber sensed the difficulty of Hughes and ventured into the opponent's body to help him. The reason for taking risks is that the help in Rob may cause unavoidable harm by Hughes. However, the transformation of the power of destiny has improved Hughes's body a lot. In the face of the introduction of other people's vitality, not only did it cause no harm, but instead advanced all the way, successfully broke through the training obstacles and successfully advanced!

Re-stabilizing the boiling gas, Hughes suddenly felt refreshed, and his strength was significantly improved.

"Little brother, I really envy you as a brother, so that you can be promoted to the first level, it is really not alive." Rob Zhongzhong grumbled to celebrate Hughes' breakthrough. However, he did have a little envy in his heart. It was only a few days. From the last time he saved Luo Fatty's life to now it was only ten days. Hughes was promoted again, which is too fast!

Hughes said while looking at his condition: "It's just a fluke."

Is this a fluke? It should be, after all, the ingredients of this successful luck accounted for the majority. But is this really luck? Judging from Hughes' decision to abandon healing and choose to advance directly, is this courage also luck? Will luck run into someone's head for no reason? If Hughes chose to heal with less danger and difficulty, would luck choose him?

Robber thought, he knew that this success of Hughes seemed to be luck, in fact, it was the result of Hughes' hard work and desperation.

"Someone's here," Hughes whispered, and pointed behind him.

"Why, how come you come from there!" Rob Zhong whispered, this is not to break his plan to escape, "We return the same way." Rob Zhong decided immediately, since the enemy can come in from the wellhead, then there The secret passage must have been exposed, and it makes no sense to go forward.

Ye Yong is an outstanding soldier of the City Defense Army, and was assigned to guard the clutter room. He had expected this time to follow Team Leader An to do a good job of his mother. It would be better if he could be promoted by Team Leader An, but he didn't expect to be a janitor now, looking at the dirty Xi room, such a broken house still need to be guarded?

Ye Yong sighed against the dingy sky for a long time, "No time for me, when will I be able to stand out."

A ray of light flashed through, and Ye Yong was agitated all over his body. A strong sense of crisis made his nerves tense. He rolled to the side, dangerously avoiding an assassination in Rob.

Fatty Luo watched the other party escape his own blow and yelled badly. If he let the other party yell and attract other people, it would be troublesome. At first, Luo Zhongzhong looked at the other party's sluggishness, and thought it was a small soldier. At the same time, in his heart, he also believed that Andre was not in person, so he began to relax. Unexpectedly, he accidentally turned over in the gutter!

I saw Ye Yong opened his mouth and shouted, and Rob Zhong couldn't help but secretly cry.

Hughes sprang out like a ghost, and the snow-knife made it hard to notice as if it had merged into darkness. Ye Yong only felt that his throat was light, all the gas was pouring out of his neck, and the call went out. Ye Yong fell to the ground unwillingly, his eyes wide open, and he never looked back.

"Damn, almost overturned the boat in the gutter." Rob went up and kicked the body, scolding.

"Beep..." On a sharp maple tree in front of the sundries room, a figure protruded and blew his alarm desperately.

There is even a whistle!

Still too careless.

After a short period of observation, Luo Zhongzhong confirmed that there was only one soldier standing at the gate, and then it rushed out. The dark whistle was hidden behind the dense leaves, and it was not easy to be noticed. The Lingdong Army kept approaching, which forced Robber to have to kill and kill.

"Go!" Rob Zhong shouted, rushing towards the nearest east wall.

The cold wind roared, and the Lingdong Army sprang out of the darkness. Rows of arrows were like blood-eating devils. They whistled and rushed to Rob in them. This was the weapon that Andre specially prepared to block the gas master. Facing the pervasive arrows in all directions, Hughes cut a big tree in the hall with a knife, and danced wildly with the big tree.

Having just minimized the danger of sharp arrows, a large number of Lingdong troops rushed over with their sword shields.

"Kill!" Hughes shouted and threw the tree forward, rushing forward.

Hughes went down the mountain like a tiger, and the sword slashed to the other's point. Robber followed behind Hughes. The sword in his hand suddenly stabbed and tangled, protecting Hughes' right and left backs from fools. The cooperation between the two is like a pair that has been practiced for a long time, and the combination is seamless.

The sound of the cry was higher than the wave. Although Hughes' sword was unstoppable, the Lingdong Army still screamed and rushed up deadly.

A burst of blood splattered on Hughes's face, and the hot, bitter, **** smell went straight to the nose and lips, making the heart stimulating directly hit the brain, and the whole body's muscles tremble uncontrollably, not because of fear, but excitement Excited, but a desire deep in the soul.

Hughes completely let go of his defense, attack, attack, attack! Let the blood of the enemy saturate your whole body, and let the enemy's fear occupy all of them. Hughes just wanted to tear up all the moving creatures in front of him, and his crazy appearance made the Lingdong Army frightened.

Robber picked up a torch while he was busy, and continued to set fire to support the flames while fighting.

Splashing blood constantly during the torn-off, raging in the battle between iron and blood, the cry is like the devil in the night has never stopped roaring.

Shouts, tears, fires, this seems to be the whole world.

Under the cover of the fire, Hughes finally broke out of the Dali jewelry shop. Andre took away most of the masters who had the ability to repair. Although the number of Lingdong Army who remained in the jewelry store was large, they were relatively inferior in strength. This is also one of the reasons why they escaped.

There are people walking on the street, there are newly-assigned city guards, and there are people looking at the lively people because of curiosity. When Hughes and them broke into the street, they quickly escaped with the help of the people watching.

The night breeze gasped softly, and in the noisy night, Hughes followed Robber quickly. The coolness kept touching her cheeks, calming Hughes' blood-sucking heart.

"Are we going out of the city immediately?" Hughes suggested during the run.

The current opportunity has been lost. Is it appropriate to leave the city? Rob Zhong was hesitant, but afraid of being caught in the urn without going out of the city,

The real fear in Robber is that if Andrea picks up the guys from the Polestar team, then he must die without a burial place, so there must be no more stay in the city.

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