Pioneer Knight

Chapter 120:

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The three bodies, two big and one small, one of the "two big" is also wearing dark black armor, obviously a warrior, there is a scary black hole in the eyebrows, still smoking black smoke.

The other big one was a shabbyly dressed, dirty young slave with **** eyes and a black towel wrapped around his left leg, looking miserable.

The small body is even more miserable. Covered with blood and blood, his skin was pale, and his face was pale like a piece of white paper. If his breath was absent, it seemed that he was not far from death.

However, at this moment, a slightly old voice sounded strangely in his mind.

"Wake up, little slave, wake up!"

"Who are you?" The little slave's unconscious brain was awakened.

As soon as he woke up, he saw an old man in his sixties, with white hair and golden armor, with a smile on his lips, and he froze in his heart, wondering where he was.

The old man smiled and said, "My name is Laziborg? Yalekovac, you can call me Grandpa Laziborg. I am a gold ninth-level magician. I was destroyed by my opponent and my body was only left. A ray of soul hid in the eyes of the dragon. I originally wanted my Warcraft Spirit Fox to be taken to the Necro Mountain. Unfortunately, it was hunted down by a ninth-level magician halfway, and finally the Spirit Fox handed you the Dragon Eye. Noon At that time, after being guided by your blood, my soul emerged from the eyes of the dragon and attached to your soul. It can be said that I am just a ghost now."

The little slave opened his eyes in surprise, without fully understanding the old man's words in his heart, and asked gently: "Grandpa Lazibague, what is the dragon's eye? What is the soul?"

Old Man Lazibague explained: "Soul is a ray of consciousness that exists in the minds of every living person. It can shape your body according to your memories, you can also attack according to your thoughts, and you can also use the world. The element enhances its power. The eye of the dragon is a ring, which is inside your clothes."

For the explanation of the soul, the little slave still didn't understand it, that was too esoteric! However, when he heard that "Dragon's Eye" was a ring, he was in his clothes, and he was immediately intrigued.

"Really?" The little slave quickly lowered his head to find, but found that his body was floating in the air like an old man in white, and he could not see clearly dimly.

"What's wrong with me? Can I fly?" the little slave shouted in shock.

Elder Lazibague smiled and said: "We all exist in the state of soul now, and we are all floating in your mind, so you will feel as if you are flying. Your body is still in a coma, after you wake up, Naturally the ring can be found."

"The eye of the dragon is my most precious treasure. If it is not under the siege of a powerful opponent, the hope of survival is very slim. I will never let Linghu escape with it. Whatever the reason, since Linghu chooses Giving you the eye of the dragon shows that we are destined, so I decided to help you lift the imprisoned magic in your soul and let you return to freedom!"

"Really? Grandpa Lazibug." The little slave flew around in surprise.

"Of course, however, lifting the imprisonment magic will be very painful. If you have a weak tolerance, you will probably be alive and dead. Are you afraid?" the old man asked with a smile.

"Don't be afraid!" the little slave responded loudly without hesitation.

In order to restore freedom, the little slave has given too much, looking forward to it for too long, and his dad is even fighting for a slim chance, even his life is spared. It can be seen how important and precious the restoration of freedom is to their slaves!

"Good! You prepare, I will start."

Seeing that the little slave was ready, the old man of Laziborg slowly covered his right hand over his soul.

Suddenly, there was a dazzling golden light in the mind of the little slave. The strange thing was that the golden light only stayed in his mind. It was not revealed. The soldiers sitting outside could not notice any vision.

However, if you look closely, you can still see that the pale face of the little slave suddenly turned red, the neck was also exposed with green tendons, and there was a golden light looming.

The moment the golden light appeared, the little slave felt a headache and seemed to have a pair of claws tearing his soul desperately. The pain spread from the top of the head to the bottom of the footboard. The whole body was shaking like sieve chaff, trembling.

As the golden light became brighter and brighter, the suffering of the little slave also increased. It seemed that he would be alive and dead, sweating all over his body, breathing in the air, and terrified in his heart. He did not know how to deal with it, but just loudly unconsciously. Shouting to relieve the pain in his head.

All these reactions of him are above the soul. Except for the trembling and continuous bleeding of the wound, there is not much abnormality. Therefore, the warriors did not care too much. They only thought that the carriage was too bumpy and caused a small The slaves could not bear the pain.

Imprisoned magic is the magic studied by the slave owners to prevent the slaves from escaping. It acts directly on the soul and is quite fierce! If the imprisoned magic in the soul is triggered, then any slave will instantly disappear.

In addition, when a slave lifts the imprisoned magic, that kind of pain is also unbearable. If the endurance is not strong, it will be alive and dead.

It is said that after lifting the imprisonment magic, there are very few people who survive, and a hundred people but only twenty people can survive!

Therefore, the general slaves dare not resist, even if they are exhausted, they dare not run away. However, every slave wants to restore his freedom, even if it is painful, they are willing.

Because once the body of freedom is restored, they can change their destiny of arbitrary slaughter and arbitrary sale, and live the lives of imperial civilians, from which they can be treated equally by others.


One minute and thirty seconds, the time is not long, just the time for a cup of coffee.

However, like a tens of thousands of years, the little slave, with his teeth grinning, could bear the great pain.


The little slave's soul made a soft sound like a bubble burst, and instantly, he felt that the soul was particularly comfortable like a bird out of the cage.

Let the world fly!

The golden light slowly dissipated.

The spirit of the little slave Qi Ruojia also gradually sobered up as the golden light dissipated, and the pain just now had gradually gone away.

"Good thing! It's not easy to endure the pain of a split soul at a young age. The imprisoned magic in your mind has been removed, you have returned to freedom, and you will no longer be a slave from now on."

The old Lazibague looked at the little slave with admiration, but there was a faint light in his eyes.

The little slave slowly opened his eyes. Although weak, his eyes still showed unexcitable excitement: "Thank you, Grandpa Lazibague."

Elder Laziborg nodded and said: "You have just lifted the imprisonment magic, the soul is still weak, close your eyes first and rest."

The little slave closed his eyes obediently, then immediately opened his eyes and asked excitedly, "Grandpa Lazibague, have I really returned to freedom?"

Elder Laziborg smiled sympathetically: "Yes, you have returned to freedom."

After hearing the words of the old Lazibague, Hughes couldn't help smiling.

Since he was sensible, he has understood how important restoring freedom is to a slave. Because his father wants to restore his freedom, he is desperately completing his master's task all day and night, digging hard for black gold, even if he is sick. Non-stop.

At this moment, he was free again. If Dad heard the news, he would not know how happy he would be.

Thinking of his father, Hughes felt a sorrow in his heart, and quickly asked: "Grandpa Laziborg, can you help my dad to be free again?"

The old man, Lazibague, shook his head and said, "After helping you to lift the imprisoned magic, my remaining soul power has been few and cannot help your dad lift the imprisoned magic. And, as time goes by, my soul power will It is getting weaker and weaker until finally it may be absorbed by your soul and disappear forever."

As soon as the little slave heard that old man Laziborg said that he could not help his dad restore his freedom, he felt a sudden heartache in his heart.

Later, I heard that my soul will absorb the soul of the old man, and quickly waved his hand and said: "I will not absorb you. Grandpa Lazibague, you saved me and helped me restore my freedom. , I will not hurt you, I will repay you! Dad said:'The most important thing in life is to know how to be grateful.'"

Elder Lazibague smiled and said, "Oh, you are really a kind and good child, and your father is also very great. Although it is the lowest slave in the whole continent, compared with some nobles, your soul is more noble than them. More! Boy, you don’t need to worry, people will die, just sooner or later."

The little slave hurriedly said: "Grandpa Lazibague, I won't let you do anything."

The old Lazibague paused and asked, "You really don't want me to die? It's very bitter and tiring, and there will be danger to life. Are you afraid?"

The little slave replied without hesitation: "I am not afraid. As long as you are fine, I am not afraid of anything."

The old man, Lazibague, smiled and said, "Oh, he's such a brave boy. Actually, it's okay to want me, it's simple, just learn magic with me."

"Learn magic?"

The beautiful face of Lina Aisi and her mighty power immediately appeared in the mind of the little slave.

Old man Lazibague said: "Why not?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" The little slave's head nodded like a rattle.

Although he doesn’t know how great the magician is in this world, nor how difficult it is to practice magic, but he knows that practicing magic can bring powerful power, he can freely pick up a thousand pounds of boulders, and can put a big stone Instantly turned into stone powder.

He also knew that after learning magic, he could help his father and uncle Reese to return to freedom. Helping Dad and Uncle Reese to be free is the biggest dream in his heart!

Seeing the little slave look excited, the old Lazibague asked again with a smile: "Learning magic is not only bitter but also boring, are you really willing?"

He must make sure that the little slave really likes to learn magic, if he is not really like it, but is forced or hindered to learn by some pressure, there will be no great success, even if he becomes a magician, it is just An inferior low-level magician.

He spit out bitter water at first, but he just wanted to seduce the little slave to learn magic, but in the end, he was still for himself.

Only by learning magic can the soul of the little slave become stronger and stronger, and the soul of Lazibuge will also increase.

As long as he reaches a certain level, he can find an opportunity to seize the body of a person with a low soul and be resurrected.

This is the soul-taking!

Originally, when the little slave was in a coma, Laziborg wanted to seize his body. However, when he absorbed the soul of the little slave, the dragon eye that originally belonged to him was automatically issued because he absorbed the blood of the little slave. A force that protects the soul of the little slave from being invaded.

His conspiracy would not succeed, and in the end, he could only pretend to be a good man and gain the trust of a little slave, thereby enticing him to learn magic.

So he tricked the little slave into saying that his soul will become weaker and weaker, and eventually he will be absorbed. In this way, I want to make the little slave feel guilty, so as to work harder to learn magic.

The little slave did not know that he had been used by the old man in front of him. His heart was still full of excitement, joy, excitement, and longing. The little head raised upward and shouted, "I will. I am not afraid of suffering, even less afraid dull!"

"Well, after your body wakes up, I will help you test your elemental affinity to see if you have a magical talent. Now, let's take a rest first." Old Laziborg pointed his finger a little, Hughes He fell asleep again.


Jinjiang Town is located in the southeast of the Black and Gold Empire, about twenty miles from the Tiequan Valley. The road is full of bumpy mountain and stone roads. Therefore, the carriage took about two hours to get to the town.

Hundreds of years ago, this place was still a wilderness, and a small town was built only because of the discovery of black gold veins.

And because the east of Jinjiang Town is about 800 miles away, it is the border between the Black and Gold Empire and the Xifeng Empire. It is also a famous battlefield of Jinjiang, so a large number of warriors live in the town.

Nowadays, there are many restaurants in the town, and the shops are very prosperous. But at the same time, because of the army stationed outside the town, it showed a sense of killing.

At this time, it was the first time when the lantern was on. There were soldiers who were drunk, crazy, and shouting loudly on the streets.

The black-faced warrior in the carriage was very clever to avoid the drunken warriors and avoid unnecessary troubles, and ran all the way to a large mansion in the west of the town.

"Who?" A sturdy soldier in front of the house shouted when he saw the carriage coming straight.

"It's me." The black-faced soldier quickly jumped off the carriage and walked towards the tough soldier.

"It turned out to be your kid. Are you in Tiequan Valley, how come back?"

"Don't mention it. It's a big deal! Go and call the house owner. I have an urgent matter to report to him."

"Unfortunately, the owner just left this afternoon and went to Ulank City to trade black gold. It is estimated that it will take half a month to come back."

"This is how to do?"

"What's the matter? Say it, your brother will give you an idea."

"Yesterday our cave in Tiequan Valley collapsed, crushing more than 3,000 slaves, and then came to a water level 9 magician, and rescued a young slave who was crushed under the stone. Unexpectedly, another gold came today. The magician of the sanctuary is still related to the young slave, and he also killed Kinsat. Therefore, our head thinks it should be handled by the owner."

"Gold Sanctuary Magician? Is it true?"

"Of course it is true. At that time, the brothers of the whole valley saw it. To be honest, I was so scared that my legs were soft when I saw the golden light. That is the golden light from the magician of the Holy Land. It was terrible!"

"If that were the case, the matter would be difficult to deal with. If you don't want to find the young master, now, the entire Yakes family is under his temporary control."

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