Pioneer Knight

Chapter 132:

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The fine iron warriors responsible for the guards saw a little slave walk into the slave heap in a clever manner, but they were a little surprised, and did not say much.

"...Wait, our great Elder Sacred Topper-Elder Eisenger will personally perform the "enchanted magic" for you, but he is a seventh-level magic swordsman, who will perform the "enchanted magic" for you, you It should be glorified..." Kedev continued.

Hughes didn't listen to what he said at all. He had been looking for his father Mark in the slave group. Finally, he saw his father in a small corner.

"Dad, were you beaten?" Hughes asked with a heartache when he saw four or five fuchsia marks on his father's face.

"Sius? Why are you here?" Mark looked at his son in surprise, learning that he had come by himself, and raised a burst of anger "poo", whispered, "Why are you so stupid? I'm still glad You haven’t been caught, and you didn’t expect you to come by yourself! You are so stupid to get home! How can anyone like you who is a netizen? Don’t you know that this is a bitter sea, is this hell?”

Mark is really angry. His dream has always been to let his son be free. When his son is finally free, he is too excited to sleep for days and nights, and his heart is full of self-sufficiency and happiness. However, today, at this moment, his baby son threw this hard-won freedom, and actually came back to be a slave, how can he not be extremely angry?

"Dad, I'm not here to be a slave, I'm here to rescue you!" Hughes said aggrievedly, "However, I can't tell you the specific method yet. You'd better pretend you don't know that I am here to save you!"

"Are you really not here as a slave?" Mark nodded at Sees before bending down to hug Hus, laughing. "Son, you must cherish your freedom and defend your freedom! You know?" Dad just blamed you just now, and apologize to you!" He said, putting Hughes on his shoulder. He used to do this before!


There, on the high platform, one by one is receiving the "enchanted magic" performed by Elder Eisengel.

Imprisoned magic is a proprietary symbol of slaves and the simplest soul seal. It can only be performed by the magic swordsman, but it can be eliminated by anyone who cultivates the soul. For example: Hughes’s imprisonment was eliminated by Laziborg, but Laziborg was a magician rather than a magic swordsman.

This time the imprisoned magic was only applied to the thousands of people who had just been captured from the Yerx family, and those who were slaves did not accept it again, so neither Mark nor Hughes went up.

It's noon after the magic of Soul Imprisonment is completed. The slaves began to go back to the cave and continue to dig the black gold.

Suddenly, the horseshoes outside the valley sounded, and soon, three sturdy horses appeared in front of everyone.

The riders on the horse are all warriors in full armor. One of them is wearing a general armor, the other is also an officer, and there is a muscle full of muscles, carrying a large sword, which is slightly younger.

If Shen Mo is here, you can recognize that these three are Neroman, Kate and Sopho.

The three of them jumped off the horse and walked directly to the high platform. After paying tribute to the old whitebeards and the middle-aged magic swordsman, they found the new head of the Iron Spring Valley, Kedev, to ask about the situation. They learned that Shenmo and others did not come To save people, all three were slightly surprised.

They clearly heard that the spies in the army reported that Shen Mo and others had already set off to the Tiequan Valley. How could they not come?

However, when they learned what happened in the morning, they understood: Shen Mo didn't come to save people, but came but didn't do it. They were so scared they didn't dare to do it!

Thinking of this, both Neroman and Kate scolded viciously: "Old fox, you are smart!"

Sophie secretly complained: "It's over, I'm dead!"

It turned out that after returning to the tent angrily last night, he couldn't calm his anger.

"I have such a strong body, but I was caught by the dead old man in one hand and couldn't move! Huh! When I practiced the family's super martial arts-Gale Boxing, I must make you look good!"

Sophie reached into his arms and wanted to take out the "Strength Boxing Score" stolen from his home. His face suddenly changed, and the boxing spectrum actually disappeared! He suddenly felt terrified!

If that cheat is lost, he will certainly die even if he reaches the 7th-level fighter, unless he can reach the 9th-level fighter, but how easy it is to reach the 9th-level fighter!

He carefully recalled all the things that happened on this day, and like the movie, the scenes changed one after another. The final stop was in the scene of fighting Hughes. That was the only time he had the biggest action and the most embarrassing fight on this day.

"It is estimated that the boxing score was lost at that time. The little magician must have picked up my boxing score." Therefore, today he followed Neroman and they came to the Iron Spring Valley for the book.

He originally wanted to touch the fish in muddy water. After the little magician was seriously injured, he found the boxing book from him.

It is a pity that his thoughts have failed, and Shen Mo did not dare to start. Immediately, disappointment, panic, anger and other emotions filled his mind, and he wished to scream to vent his depression.

As soon as he looked up, he glimpsed a very familiar small figure among the thousands of slaves in front of him, but at the blink of an eye, the small figure disappeared.

"Is it really him?"

Sophie was surprised, and quickly said to Kate: "I'll go ahead!" After that, I walked away quickly. Kate didn't speak, but was a little curious, but then his third brother Kadefra went to chat, and the curiosity about Sophie was soon forgotten.

Sophie quickly walked into the group of slaves, looking around for familiar figures. Suddenly, he saw that the familiar little figure was pulled into a cave by a limping young slave.

"It really is him!"

The euphoria in Sophie's heart was really like turning over the river and the sea. It was difficult to suppress, and could not help but scream secretly and immediately followed.

Entering the cave, Sophie saw few people around, and were all slaves, and then shouted, "Stop!"

All the slaves in the cave stopped suddenly, turning their heads to look at Sophie tremblingly.

These slaves were still immersed in the horrifying beckoning knife in the morning, and they have not sobered up to this day. This will hear the anger of a soldier, and they are too scared to breathe.

Father and Son also turned their heads to look at the soldier standing at the entrance of the cave. Because of the backlight, Hughes did not recognize who was coming in.

When the man approached him, Hughes recognized that he was the muscular young man who let him vomit blood last night. He felt stunned in his heart. It seemed that his plan to save his father was going to be broken, and he heard him whisper: "You yesterday Did you pick up a book late?"

a book?

After a moment of stun, Hughes remembered that he had indeed picked up a quaint picture book last night. Because he was illiterate, he thought it was just an ordinary picture book, so he didn't care too much.

Now, it seems that the book is definitely not simple, otherwise, the muscular youth will not come to ask for such a panic. Hughes couldn't help thinking: "That book is in my arms, but it's definitely not enough to give it back to him. He vomited blood last night, he wanted to avenge him, but he didn't expect him to come to the door, Then I must let him bleed a little bit today!" So he said: "Last night, I picked up a book, this is a quaint picture book, but now is not by my side, I hid him in this hole It's inside!"

As soon as Sophie heard the words "quaint picture book", he knew that it was his lost boxing spectrum, and he didn't expect that a six-year-old child would play any tricks, and whispered excitedly: "You will take me to get it, As long as you return the book to me, I can give you a lot of benefits!" But I thought to myself: when I get the book, I will kill you with a punch, so that no one knows that I have a boxing book.

Without any further explanation, Hughes let go of his father's hand and walked towards a tunnel in the cave.

Mark shouted with anxiety: "Thurs, what are you doing, come back!" And then pleaded with Sopho: "Master Warrior, don't embarrass my son. How can he find your book with him all the time, He is playing with you, don’t take it seriously."

"Go away!" Sophie pushed Mark away with a bang, and fell heavily on the ground.

Seeing the father who fell on the ground, a trace of murder flashed in the eyes of Hughes. He walked over to support his father and said, "Dad, don't worry, I will be fine!" Then he said coldly to Sopho: "Go Right!"

Tiequan Valley has been mining black gold for hundreds of years, and it is not known how many owners have been changed. The three big mountains in the whole valley have already been dug up, and each tunnel is as deep as several kilometers, and extends in all directions, like an underground psychedelic array.

Hughes has lived here for six years and is very familiar with the tunnel. He is not afraid of getting lost. He takes Sophie around and deepens.

At one point, Hughes stopped suddenly. It was very quiet here, with no sound heard. A cold wind blew past, sending a strong black gold breath and feces smell.

Hughes frowned, turned around, and according to the old Lazibague's rumors, originally said: "Not far in front, there is a pit, your book is hidden there. I will take it now, you Standing here and looking at the wind, it would be bad if someone saw it!"

When Sophie heard it, he really stood still, and could not help glancing back behind him, as if he was afraid that someone would follow. He realized that there was no figure in the back, and he turned around without any worries, but suddenly found that the gold around him was gleaming. Upon closer inspection, it was actually countless tiny "golden nails" suspended in the air!

He just uttered "you", and his right hand just touched the handle of the big knife behind him, and the golden nails shot at him frantically, all at his eyebrows!

The distance between the two of them was originally no more than two meters, and they were unprepared. In addition, the space in the tunnel was too small to display their skills. Hughes was doing his best. Many elements were added together, so that Sophie even had a chance to struggle. None, only roaring desperately, tragically dying in a secluded tunnel.

The tragic roar passed from far away, enduring!

"Quick, search his body to see what good things are available?" Old Lazibague did not do less murderous and robbery than before, and he was quite skilled in this set.

Hughes quickly groped on Sophie's body. Although he had a murderous chance, it was his first time to kill. After all, he was a little panicked, especially when he saw a huge black hole in Sophie’s eyebrows, and black smoke and blood continuously came out of the hole, his hands could not help. The ground is shaking!

After trembling and busy for a long time, he found out a few gold coins, a thirty-centimeter-long scimitar, and a small porcelain bottle. When he was about to continue searching, he heard rapid footsteps in the tunnel.

"Don't search, hurry and leave from another tunnel!"

Such things as killing people and robbing treasures cannot be seen. Although others will doubt themselves, as long as they do not catch a current one, there is still room for maneuver and sophistry. Why didn't Lazibuge know this way? So, as soon as he heard footsteps, he urged Hughes to leave quickly.

Hughes was still immersed in the panic of murder. At this moment, the six gods had no master, and after listening to Grandpa Laziborg, he immediately put away his things, without any direction, and ran into a tunnel at random, and walked away quickly.

Soon, a group of ragged slaves appeared beside Sopho's body.

"Huh? Isn't this the warrior lord who came in with Hughes? How did he die?" said a young slave who had previously dug black gold with Mark and said in surprise when he saw the body on the ground.

"Hey, it's really him! He looks terrible!" a female slave exclaimed.

"Sus! Sius!" Mark was walking on crutches, but he was limping and rushed here, shouting non-stop, "Sus, where are you? Sius!" Only in the tunnel Echo, but no one agreed.

"What happened?" Mark was saddening himself, and suddenly an angry cry came from behind.

The slaves immediately turned around and saw a warrior with a spear in his hand and a fine iron armor. He quickly bowed his head and gave way.

The fine iron warrior walked to Sophie's body, saw the huge black hole, was startled, and hurried out to report the situation to the new director, Kedev. After hearing this, Kedfer's face changed a lot. He didn't dare to call the shots, but he didn't want to be dismissed as soon as he took office, so he insisted on calling the best four younger brother, Kate, to go and see what happened.

They are all rising stars of the Frostman family. Among their peers, they are the most powerful, one is a seventh-level peak warrior, and the other is a sixth-level peak warrior, and they are not very old. Kate is twenty-six and six. Kedev was only thirty-one or twelve years old. Ordinary ordinary soldiers can live to 150 years old. Fighting power like them, it is more than enough to live to 200 years old. Therefore, according to this trend, they are very hopeful to reach the ninth level peak soldiers, even Sanctuary soldiers. It's not impossible!

The Frostman family also pays special attention to them, not only giving them the best auxiliary treasures, but also giving them the best martial arts and giving them enough opportunities to experience. This time, they were all entrusted with heavy tasks, one as a deputy in the military barracks, and one as the general manager in the Tiequan Valley. In the future, they will also serve as the mayor of Jinjiang Town!

"Fourth brother, wait a minute and be careful. Listen to what the kid said just now. The person who killed Sopho is likely to be a high-level magician!" Kedev entered the cave tunnel and whispered.

"Got it!" Kay responded, but remembered the fourth-level wind girl magician he saw last night. "Is it her?" Although it was a quick glance, Kate was very impressed with Monasqin. Not only because of her violent wind, she threw him into a horde, but also because of the beauty of Meng Siqin!

At that time, in his hometown of Flosman City, he once relied on his powerful combat power. When he saw beautiful women, he wanted to take possession of himself. Later, he went to Jinjiang Town to join the army, and he was singing every night. After seeing the beautiful fairy-like beauty of Mona Siqin, he had trouble sleeping all night, and his heart was turning over and over to plan how to succeed today! She thought she could succeed today, but unexpectedly, she came and went away. At this moment, when she heard that Sophie was killed by a magician, he immediately determined that it must be Mona Siqin left!

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