Pioneer Knight

Chapter 140:

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However, even if the little slave escaped, Eisenger did not care too much. After all, the little slave was too weak to pose a threat to him!

Therefore, in addition to digging the ground to track the little slaves, he also sent his four nephews of King Kong and Ahler to the Jinjiang battlefield so that they could also improve!

It was also this decision that greatly weakened his ability to stay in the Iron Spring Valley. Although Kate had transferred 20,000 troops, those warriors were digging caves and tracing Hughes!

Too much self-confidence, relaxation of vigilance, ill-informed, decreased strength, and many other reasons are mixed together, which leads to the failure of leaving them! However, the main reason is that Eisengel is too confident! To be overconfident is to be arrogant. People who are arrogant tend to make mistakes!

Eisengel lay on his back in a carriage, his face was pale, his thoughts were full, and he was also regretful!

"Don't say that, old man, if I were too eager to break through, I wouldn't let the little slave Huss hold down so much of our manpower!" said Ahler. "Huss, huh! I will let you die." It's ugly!"

He didn't dare to dominate Doug and others who really defeated them, but he could easily deal with Hughes as a little six-year-old slave.

"Uncle, the little slave killed Sophie, it is said that it was for a book. I also saw that book, it was the "Breeze Boxing Book" of the Ritchie family." Kadev lay bloodied. Outermost, said suddenly.

""Breeze Boxing"? This is a secret super martial art of the Ritchie family! In our Golden Phoenix continent, martial arts are divided into five levels, junior, intermediate, advanced, top, and finally the super! Sophie actually put them The family’s super martial arts were stolen! Hey, it’s not easy!” Ahler said in surprise. Kedev, after arriving in the family, you immediately tell the Ritchie family of this news!"

"Okay!" Cardiff responded, and then said surprisingly: "Uncle, don't you think there is anything strange about this little slave?"

"What's weird?" As soon as this word came out, Eisenger also sat up suddenly, thinking carefully, and shouted involuntarily, "Yes! Why can he be a little slave to practice magic, and why is there a level six behind him? We don’t see the gold magician? Does he have the legendary... Dragon Eye Ring!"

"Dragon's Eye Ring!" Ahler and Kedfer screamed when they heard the name.

When the eight people outside the carriage heard the screams inside the car, they all looked at the carriage with surprise, and their faces were shocked and puzzled: "What could make the three super masters in the carriage so surprised, they couldn't help themselves. Exclamation?" He could not help listening to the conversation in the carriage.

"It is said that there are eight dragon eye rings on the entire Golden Phoenix continent. Each one has different colors, shapes and functions. There are golden dragon, silver crane, black tiger, cyan snake, purple monkey and yellow. Wolf shape, blue fish shape, red sparrow shape. Among them, the golden dragon shape is the most powerful! It is said that this ring can test magical talents, can help gather heaven and earth elements, can generate mysterious power to protect the soul of the owner, and can be stored Treasures can enhance the power of magic..." As he said, Eisenger himself was taken aback.

"A little ring actually has so many functions, and each function is very powerful! Help gather the elements of the world... send out mysterious power... store treasures... increase the power... My God! This is simply "It's the treasure of the world!" Kadev shouted in shock, completely unbelieving that there would be such a magical treasure in the world!

Ahler also looked at his old friend in surprise. Although he had also heard of the magic of the dragon's eye ring, he never believed that it was true, always thinking that it was intentionally exaggerated! However, now from Eisengel's mouth, he had to believe it!

The eight people outside the carriage were also frightened, and then came the endless fantasy: "If I get one, that would be great! I can be the first person in five thousand years!"

"It's not counting, the biggest advantage of the Dragon Eye Ring is that it can increase the speed of the master's cultivation, and can help the master to successfully find the way to break through the sanctuary!" Eisengel continued, "However, these eight The ring has not reappeared for two thousand years, so many people do not know that there is a magical treasure such as the dragon eye ring in this world! Therefore, I also guess that Hughes has such a ring, otherwise he only has six At the age of years, how is it possible to cultivate the power of soul!"

"Yes! I heard that the most genius magician will not be able to cultivate the power of the soul until he is about ten years old. He is a little slave, and it is absolutely impossible to possess a genius-like magic talent! Then he can cultivate the power of the soul, absolutely. With the help of the outside world. I used to think that he had eaten the Platinum Magic Pill condensed by the magic crystal of the ninth level. Now it seems that he must have such a ring!" Kedfer nodded while touching his chin.

"Huh! A little slave is so lucky, no wonder he can escape from my domineering trick!" Ahler hummed, "He is such a good thing, he is a lowly slave not worthy of possession!"

When other people heard him say it, they nodded secretly, and their general thoughts were: "Grab!"

"Pabo, Patty!" Ahler shouted suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the two burly warriors immediately photographed and immediately whispered, "Grandpa, what did you tell me?"

"Your two brothers stay, pay close attention to the movement of Hughes, and tell me what is happening immediately!" Ahler ordered.

"Yes!" The two brothers responded respectfully, leaving before turning their horses.

"Wait a minute!" Eisengar suddenly took two silver-white jade rings from his body and handed them to the two brothers. "This is a communication ring that I specially made with soul seal. You just have to see what you see and hear." Tell the story by mouth, it will naturally be recorded and sent to me!"

The two brothers took the silver ring and put it on their right middle finger, and then turned their horses and left.

"Uncle, do you want to notify the Ritchie family and let them chase Huss?" asked Kedev.

"Of course! In the past six months, we have to recuperate. Just use the Ritchie family to contain Hughes, not let him live too comfortably, otherwise who knows where he has grown up after six months, or run away, then It's not easy to handle!" said Ahler.

"Yes, you want to tell the Ritchie family, but you better say the strength of Hughes is lower, don't cause the Ricky family super master to be dispatched, otherwise they will inevitably have people who know the goods, and it will be beautiful by then! "Eisengel reminded.

"I understand!" Kedev nodded, but secretly admired Eisengel's insidiousness!

The carriage continued to run, raising smoke and dust all the way!

In the garden of a house in the southwest of Ulanq City, there are broken flowers and grass everywhere, and broken rock fragments all over the rockery. The messy scene is simply "it can’t be seen", and all of them are from a suspended in the air. Girl's hand.

The girl was wearing a snow-white long dress, her hair fluttering like a fairy, and she was beautiful.

But if anyone is confused by her beautiful appearance, then he will definitely suffer! Because this girl is just a very belligerent Monaschen Jevich.

"Thurs, be careful, I'm going to perform the wind blade technique again!" Meng Nasiqin hung in the air and said with a smile.

"Come on!" A six-year-old child stood among a pile of broken branches and leaves, his body was covered with scars, and his face was also full of exhaustion and helplessness.

Since he was invited to Ulank City a month ago, Mona Siqin will pull him into this garden every day to accompany her to practice her combat skills. But to satisfy her warlike heart! For a month, Hughes was scarred and exhausted every day! Compared to the ten days and nights of sleepless practice before, I do not know that it will be thousands of thousands of times harder!

However, this month has also enabled Hughes to understand flying needles more thoroughly! Because, for a month, he came and went only to show this magic skill. Wanting to let Lazibuge teach him, Lazibuge used a greedy chew to scold him no longer squeak.

Therefore, under the pressure of Meng Nasqin's powerful soul, he performed more than a thousand times during this month, which allowed him not only to display flying needles in an instant, but also to control the "golden nails". It's already perfect, and the battle experience has been greatly improved!

Mona Siqin saw Hughes' face in frustration and smiled involuntarily: "So, you admit defeat!"

"Yes, I admit defeat. Then can I go back?" Hughes immediately said in her tone.

"Huh, listening to your tone, it is clear that you don't accept it! Well, I will convince you to take it orally!" Mengna Siqin Xiaoqiong snorted and hummed. She won't let Hughes leave so easily, she won't give up without hitting him down every day!

There is a reason why she is so persistent.

In the first half of the month, after every injury, Hughes only had to rest for two days and all his injuries were healed, and his recovery speed was really amazing. In the second half of the month, the recovery speed of the injury was even faster.

If Hughes needs to be wounded for ten days and a half months after being beaten, she may not be so entangled. However, Hughes’s physical recovery ability is super fast, especially in the second half of the month, it was almost full of scars the night before, and it was intact the next day, even after the injured area was restored, it was more than the previous skin To be glorious and crystal-clear, there is still a fragrance revealed in the faint.

This scent is not a rouge gouache used by women, nor is it the fragrance of any spices, it is a kind of body scent from his skin and pores! Moreover, if the smell is too much, it will make people feel confused, and the soul reaction will be greatly reduced, and the power of magic skills will also be reduced.

It is for this reason that Meng Nasiqin will find him every day. She is trying to figure out why Hughes has such a quick physical recovery ability!

To know the entire Golden Phoenix continent, the only people who can recover quickly after being injured are wood and water magicians, and their recovery speed is still very limited. Unless they are senior magicians who reach level 7 or above, it is possible to spend one night. Recover all scars.

It is even more difficult for others to recover quickly. Only by taking high-level panacea, such as Bi Ling Dan of the Ritchie family, and Jin Ling Dan of the fifth-level magic crystal, etc., it is possible to recover quickly, and it will take at least three days to fully recover!

Like Hughes, who is neither a wood or water magician nor taking a high-level panacea, he recovers faster than the previous two. This really makes Mona Siqin puzzled! She was a person who likes to explore secrets. She knew that Hughes had such a magical secret. How could she let it go? Unfortunately, Hughes hasn't told her why!

So, Hughes was abused by her for a month when he came to Ulanke City. There was no chance to appreciate the scenery and prosperity of Ulanke City!

At this time, Meng Nasiqin floated in mid-air and once again joined hands and read the spell: "Halloween Divine Spirit, Endless Law, Exquisite..."

Hughes, standing on the ground, heard a sneer suddenly at the corner of her mouth when she heard her mantra, but at the same moment she got into a remnant rockery tunnel.

This tunnel is very narrow, even the four-year-old Monas can't get through. But Hughes could easily get through, because he was too "slim"! It was like a dry firewood. Drilling a hole was really easy for him. No, as soon as he got into the tunnel, he immediately walked through a small fork that had already been chosen and left the garden.

Monash, suspended in mid-air, didn't know that Hughes had left. When he saw him dig into the rockery, he thought he was afraid, so he hid. The winner's smile appeared on his face, and he shouted: " go with!"

Immediately, a mighty wind knife chopped straight down from the void, all of which were chopping towards the tunnel where Hughes had penetrated, and even some wind knives chased along the tunnel entrance, really like the wind , Pervasive, everywhere!

After getting out of the tunnel, Hughes heard the roaring sound behind him, and the ensuing roar of Monas Qin, the smile on his face was more cheerful. But only a moment later, he was worried.

It turned out that the tunnel under the rockery was a sewer, and the small road he chose actually led to a secluded alley outside the house. Fortunately, this is the summer season, there is not much rain, and the sewers have long been evaporated. But after all, the tunnel is narrow, and the dry black stinky mud and dust still contaminated Hughes everywhere, constantly emitting a lot of stench!

"Huh, it was all the warriors of Meng Na Siqin! When my strength increased, I must let her taste the smell of the stinking ditch!" Hughes said bitterly, "It seems that I I can’t go back anymore, otherwise I will be beaten by the little witch every day!"

"Yes, Hughes! Grandpa Lacyborg supports you. Anyway, your dad and your uncle Reese have also been restored to freedom, and now they have become a steward of the Shenmo family, you don't want to go back! We go out and go well Take a tour of the vast world, take a look at the great rivers and mountains, and taste the deliciousness of the world! Don’t you want to go out and take a look at the world? Just don’t go back this time, and Grandpa Lazibague is with you, you Go ahead boldly!" Laziborg suddenly said in a tone that abducted the little boy.

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