Pioneer Knight

Chapter 149:

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"Really? Grandpa Ben Jersey, you are so good!" Hughes exclaimed happily, and also wiped out the loss of Mengasiqin's departure just now.

"Go away! The Imperial Warrior Academy is still more than ten miles away from here?" Although urged by Benzé, he was not in a hurry. He just wanted Husto to look at the luxury of the imperial capital, so that he had a desire for wanton Play with some desire, and then he can use this desire to force Hughes to practice hard.

Desire is also a way to stimulate the potential of the human body, sometimes, even the best way!

Of course, Benz Jersey understands this truth, so he is very satisfied with the fuss of Hughes, which shows that Hughes has a desire.

As the night fell, Hughes saw the three head-sized crystal **** hanging on the Optimus Pillars everywhere on both sides of the street, and began to emit more and more bright white light.

When the dark night covered the four fields, the stars were in the sky, and the faint starlight would illuminate the earth, the light from the crystal ball became brighter, and the entire street of the city of Saskono was illuminated. Bright, bright as daylight!

"What's that?" The only luminous body that Huss had seen was the millenium lepidoptera purchased in Morinxuan, but the light emitted by the fish can only illuminate less than ten meters around him, and the light was still very strong. Dim, and these crystal **** can not only illuminate hundreds of meters, but also the light is dazzling!

"These are the sun and moon crystals, because they absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, so they shine at night!" Benz Jersey said, "However, these crystals are still inferior goods. If they are the best crystals, only One can light up the entire city of Saskono!"

"Is the crystal still waiting for the highest grade?" Hughes asked very learnedly.

"Yes, the crystal is divided into three levels, inferior, medium, and superior. It is said that the superior crystal is only available to the emperors of the Molan Empire, the mainland's first superpower!" Benz Jersey said.

"Where is the Moran Empire?" Hughes has a tendency to break the casserole and ask.

"You will understand when you are in class at the academy!" Benze said, "You see, the Imperial Warrior Academy is here!"

Hughes looked forward, and saw five huge pillars set in a wide square, each of which was carved with dragons and carved Phoenix, emitting a little silver light. At the top of the pillar are five strong warriors standing proudly. Each warrior has a different shape, but all are majestic, especially the pair of deep eyes, which makes people feel a deep chill, followed by infinite respect.

Hughes looked at the five warrior sculptures, and he was shocked. The whole person fell into the bottomless abyss, and it was difficult to extricate themselves. The deep fear swept through the body instantly, and there was no sense of resistance at all. It was like an ant saw an elephant. The gap is too big!

Hughes is no stranger to warriors. He has not only seen the power of the 9th-level peak warrior, but also killed the 5th-level warrior. In his mind, he always thought that the ability of the warrior was very weak and could not withstand a blow! However, when he saw these five warrior sculptures, he was deeply shocked!

What a terrifying power this is! In front of them, he didn't even have the desire to resist! If you really play against each other, it is estimated that one of the opponent's eyes can kill themselves! Hughes watched dumbfounded, his mind dazed.

Ben Jersey looked at the stunned Hughes with a smile and said with a smile: "These five warriors were the guardians of the black gold empire five thousand years ago. They are all holy warriors! It’s a matter of course that you feel scared, not to mention you , The first time I saw the five of them also had a deep sense of fear and powerlessness!"

"They are holy warriors?!" Hughes listened to Benz Jersey's words, and the fear was only slightly relieved, but the shock was even heavier, and he couldn't help shouting, "The power of holy warriors is terrible!"

"Yes! As long as you reach the Sanctuary Warrior, you can reach the sky in one step. You can sweep anyone below the Sanctuary, whether it is a warrior, a magician, or a magic swordsman, as long as you don't reach the Sanctuary, you will be killed by the Sanctuary Warrior!" Ben Jersey sighed endlessly, but his heart was full of longing and longing.

"So powerful! No wonder so many people want to reach the sanctuary. Unfortunately, we have been cursed by the Golden Phoenix Continent, and no sanctuary has been produced in five thousand years. I don't know when the sanctuary will appear again?" Xiu Si also planted the seeds of the Sanctuary in his heart, and he felt a sigh when he thought of what Carrick said.

"No one is sure whether it is a curse or not. But one thing is certain, that is, the person with the dragon's eye ring is most likely to become the first sanctuary! Therefore, Elder Carrick will be so Enthusiastically looking for the person who has the dragon eye ring will only give you to me, let me train you into a ninth-level peak warrior and a ninth-level peak magician! This is his hope, but also the hope of the entire continent! , Hughes, you must know that you are not only cultivating for yourself, but also for the entire Golden Phoenix continent, do you know?" Benz Jersey stooped and glared at Hughes' eyes.

He wants Hughes to feel a sense of pressure and responsibility. For strong people, stress is motivation and the best way to stimulate their potential, but for fragile people, stress is a mountain that will destroy his will in an instant and thus achieve nothing for a lifetime.

Ben Jersey stared at Hughes tightly, just to see if he was a strong man or a fragile person. If it was a fragile person, he wouldn’t mind letting Elder Carrick kill Hughes and seize his dragon eye ring , Let others take this responsibility!

"Grandpa Benzsey, you can rest assured that I will not let you down!" Hughes' bright eyes exuded a determined look. He couldn't understand the great responsibility for the cultivation of the entire continent, but just now he realized the horror power of the Holy Land. At the beginning, he chose to learn magic not only because of his guilt about Laziborg, but also because he saw the powerful power of the magician Lina Ace, which is the kind of powerful power that made him become a magician. Longing.

Today, seeing the Holy Land Warrior, although it is just a sculpture, but the powerful power contained in it makes him have a longing, a strong longing!

"Good!" The smile on Benz Jersey's face was particularly bright. No matter whether you are practicing combat skills, magic, or souls, you must have a tough heart to achieve tremendous achievements, otherwise you can only stay in the primary stage, and you will be so busy and ineffective in your life!

"Go, let's go in!" Benz Jersey led Hughes through the wide square and into the Imperial Warrior Academy.

"I killed your lowly slave, I killed your lowly slave..." Soon after the two entered the college, they heard a loud scream from the woods beside the college avenue. With a low sob.

Hughes immediately stood still and looked over there, only to see a fat and fifteen-year-old boy whipping a seven- or eight-year-old girl.

"Let's go!" Benz Jersey just glanced over there and urged Hughes to move forward. It is too common for masters to play slaves. He has been used to it for a long time. In his heart, he thinks it is justified. There is nothing to be fussed about.

However, Hughes walked over.

"Stop it!" Hughes shouted, startling both of them. Benz Jersey was also taken aback. The fat and chubby boy didn’t recognize it from a distance. It only took a closer look to realize that it was actually the grandson of Duke Ryan Frostman, Ramazan Frostman, and he had already It is a level 5 warrior!

Naramazan was rising up, suddenly heard a loud scream, and couldn't help but stop whip in the air, a pair of fat eyes looking at the person, and seeing a skinny five or six year old child, his heart suddenly angry and scolded. : "The little bastard, who dare to take care of Lao Tzu's business, is impatient to live with you!"

"Why did you hit her?" Hughes asked coldly, even though he didn't care about the little fat man's anger.

"Lao Tzu wants to hit it! If you don't get away, Lao Tzu even fights with you!" Rama said fiercely. Because he was already a fifth-level fighter at the age of fifteen or sixteen, he was usually overbearing, and he was so esteemed by his family's owner, Ryan, that he was even more arrogant and had no one in his eyes. At this time, I saw a six-year-old kid fart too much to do business, or if I saw a terrible middle-aged man standing not far away, it is estimated that he had already fought, how could there be so much nonsense !

"You slave, I bought it! How much?" Susie said suddenly. He knows that slaves can be bought and sold at will, and the price is pitiful. Like the seven- or eight-year-old girl in front of him, the price of two or three silver coins!

"What, are you going to buy this bitch? Well, if you want to buy it, you will be sold for one hundred gold coins!" Ramazan looked at Huss mockingly.

As soon as Benzame heard Ramazan's words, he knew that the kid was deliberately teasing, but instead of intervening, he stood smiling and looked at him coldly. He wanted to see this little boy who hadn't known for a long time. How to deal with this matter.

The little girl also looked at Hughes with tears in her eyes, but she didn't dare to say something. She knew very well that a little slave like her, in the market, one hundred gold coins can buy more than three hundred! Therefore, she did not believe that someone would spend a hundred gold coins in order to buy her, unless that person was her close relative, and sometimes even close relatives would not spend the wrong money for her! Therefore, in addition to the infinite gratitude in her eyes, she is helpless to admit her fate.

"It costs a hundred gold coins to buy a slave, unless it's a fool!" All three people present thought this way, even Lazibague, who was attached to the soul of Hughes, felt the same way, but he was better than everyone else. Knowing more about Hughes' character and knowing that he would be a fool, he didn't stop it.

Sure enough, Hus looked at Ramazan, and then looked at the little girl with blood marks all over her body, and said aloud, "Okay, one hundred gold coins is one hundred gold coins! Here you are!" A pile of golden coins immediately appeared in the hand, exactly one hundred coins!

"Haha... there are really fools like you in this world! Haha..." Ramazan laughed wantonly, but did not receive the gold coins in the hands of Hughes.

"Huh? He really bought it!" Benz Jersey didn't expect that Hughes would actually come up with a hundred gold coins to buy a little slave. He couldn't help but be surprised and suspicious. "What is he like? A six-year-old? The little child can take out a hundred gold coins casually. Is it the prince of which empire? Or the son of a super family?"

He looked at Hughes carefully for a few moments, and suddenly found that the clothes he was wearing were specially made of blood jade rabbit clothes made by Mo Linxuan. The blood jade rabbit clothes of one hundred thousand gold coins, he was even more shocked! I am even more curious about the mystery of Hughes's life experience!

"Less nonsense, do you sell?" Hughes yelled angrily.

Ramazan originally wanted to tease Hughes, let him eat deflated, but did not expect that he was actually willing to spend a hundred gold coins, and could not help but lose face, so the bully repented and said: "Do not sell! Why did Laozi's slaves sell to you!"

At this time, some students and instructors entering and leaving the Warrior Academy also heard the movements here, and all went around to see the excitement. Upon hearing, I was surprised that some people were willing to spend a hundred gold coins to buy a small slave.

Some people with dirty thoughts came over to see Hughes, and then looked at the beaten little girl, and said: "This boy has a very poisonous eye. Although this female slave is only seven or eight years old, she is a beautiful embryo. , Buy it back and raise it for a few years, and sell it to Xiangmanyuan, it is definitely thousands of gold coins."

Others said even more embarrassedly: "This kid, who hasn't grown up yet, has learned to'spend money to buy incense', haha..."

Everyone is talking about it, and most of them are unspeakable obscene words. After all, slaves are popular in the Golden Phoenix mainland. No one will believe that someone will spend a hundred gold coins to buy a small slave without asking for anything.

This little boy will give out so many gold coins. If he is not sick, he must have a plan! It happened that the little girl looked pretty, so everyone around the audience thought that Hughes must have such a purpose, and so much so that even in the end, even Ben Jersey and the little girl vaguely believed that Hughes was this character. !

"Don't sell it? It's late! Here you are!" Hughes threw a hundred gold coins in Ramazan's hand, and at the same time took the little girl and walked on the College Avenue.

"Stop! Your kid thought I didn't dare to hit you, right!" Rama praised the surrounding people, and the desire to perform suddenly increased. He had forgotten that there was a fat middle-aged man behind Hughes. Hughes slammed behind.

The people watching around were all instructors and students of the Warrior Academy. They all knew Ramazan who had always been arrogant and arrogant. He also knew that he was already a fifth-level fighter. When he saw him punching hard, he exclaimed: "Be careful!" Also worried about Hughes!

Hughes didn't turn his head back, and flicked a "golden nail" directly at Ramazan's fist!

"Ah! You kiddie, you're dead!"

Ramazan did not expect that Hughes would cast the hidden weapon. Although he quickly recovered his fist, he was still torn through the skin, bloody, and couldn't help but furiously hit Hughes.

"You want to die, I don't mind!" Hughes took a step forward, and hundreds of "golden nails" suddenly appeared around him, each with a cold golden light, and the sharp nail tips were all directed at Rama. awesome.


"Impossible! Absolutely impossible, this kid is actually a magician, no wonder so arrogant, even the always arrogant Ramazan is not in the eyes!"

"My God, there is such a small magician in the world! Is he a freak reincarnated!"


The onlookers suddenly saw the golden nails emerging from the side of Hughes, and their heads buzzed in shock. Ramazan instantly languished, and dared not be arrogant anymore.

Benzene’s fat face with a smile on his face also changed color at this moment, the magician of five or six years old, and the situation seems to be a second-level magician, such a discovery greatly exceeded his imagination! No wonder Carrick asked him to train Hughes to become a 9th-level pinnacle warrior and 9th-level pinnacle magician within ten years. As it stands, it is not impossible!

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