Pioneer Knight

Chapter 151:

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"My name is Adi Yarra, a 9th-level fighter, who was loyal to Master Upson and the Marshal of the Xifeng Empire. The army that fought against the Black and Gold Empire on the Jinjiang battlefield was under my command!" The stout warrior said first.

Listening to his words, Hughes' heart jumped, and the shock on the small face was obvious.

Just kidding, the marshal of Zhenxi, an imperial empire, is a character who commands thousands of troops, directs the mountains and rivers, and talks about the smashing of the smoke!

Now that he has become his own servant, can he not be shocked?

Seeing the shock of Hughes, the stout warrior was also proud, but when he heard a sudden anger from Miss Mila, his face dimmed instantly.

"Huh, Grand Marshal Zhenxi! What a big officer, but unfortunately it was ten years ago, and now you are just a little **** under Master Upson!" Mila snorted, changing his voice and said to Hughes , "My name is Mila Doric, a seventh-level wind magician, and I have also been loyal to Master Upson. I advise you to best dissolve our soul contract, otherwise Master Upson will..."

"Who is Master Upson?" Hughes asked with a frown, staring closely at Mira.

Mila was also a little worried about Hughes' eyes, fearing that he would strangle her soul light with anger. However, when she thought of the strength of Master Upson, she decided to be hard, and even the volume increased a lot at once: "Master Upson’s real name is Simon Meeks, a ninth-level peak demon who is only in her thirties. The swordsman is also the crown prince of the Molan Empire, the mainland's first superpower, the master of the sacred demon top of the mainland's first magic swordsman, and the highest power behind the scene of Mo Linxuan, the mainland's first business firm!"

Listening to Mila reporting the identity of Master Upson, Hughes did not show much surprise and apprehension. His face changed slightly only when he heard the words "Mo Lin Xuan".

It’s not that Mr. Upson’s strength is not strong enough. On the contrary, his strength is so strong that he can unify the entire continent as long as he wants, but why didn’t Hughes show at least surprise? Because he didn't quite understand the meaning of "Chu Jun", "door master", and "the highest person in power". Because he didn't understand, he was not afraid or shocked. The ignorant are fearless!

Later, after he knows the characters and read a lot of books, he may be shocked by the calm of today.

However, at this moment, he said coldly: "It turns out that his name is Simon Meeks. You are the gifts that Elder Carrick gave me, and he will not come to trouble me, so don't think of him Will come to save you! If I find that you want to resist, I will mercilessly extinguish your soul spot!"

The three of them were startled when they heard Hughes' words, and they immediately understood it. It must have been that day. After the three of them were seriously injured, Elder Carrick came over to save them, and at the same time they also put a soul seal on their souls. This only allows the little fart children in front of them to easily obtain their soul light spot, subject to him.

But then they thought in surprise: "Why did Carrick send the three of them to this little fart boy as a servant? Does this little fart boy have an unknown secret?"

"You haven't introduced it yet!" Hughes interrupted the thoughts of the three, and pointed to the bald warrior.

"Harry Kuf, the ninth-level pinnacle warrior." A very simple introduction, just as bare as his head, without any emotion.

Hughes nodded slightly, scanning the three people from left to right, and then said, "I have a baby, I can hold you, you can take care of it inside!" In the eyes of the dragon.

He already has a thorough understanding of the space in the eyes of the dragon. I know that the wide space can be divided into different areas according to my own wishes, and each area can be imagined as a different decoration. For example, Mila and other three people are now entering three empty rooms that are independent of each other. These three rooms belong to a palace imagined by Hughes.

Those of his babies were directly packed into a huge bottle, which looked like the bottle containing Bi Ling Dan that had been searched from Sophie.

After finishing the three servants, it was already deeper into the middle of the night, the moonlight falling down. Hughes looked at the little girl lying on the bed, and then sat on the edge of the bed and began to practice with his eyes closed. Pay close attention to every minute and second practice, the magic will progress quickly. Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about the weakness of his soul, because he is protected by the mysterious power of the dragon's eye, so he will practice day and night!

This practice is at noon two days later. If the little girl woke up and moaned, it is estimated that Hughes would not wake up from meditation. Since reaching the second level magician, after eating that big meal, Hughes felt less and less when he was hungry, and sometimes did not feel hungry for three or four days! Lazibuge knew that the reason was that he ate big supplements such as dragon liver, liver and heart, drunk grass and fire pig.

"You're awake, you're hungry, eat this immortal medicine!" Hughes took out a piece of Bi Ling Dan and handed it to the little girl, "Yes, what's your name."

"My name is Moran Gael, an orphan. I grew up in the Flosman family and I have always been abused and whipped. I have never been loved by my master! Morans swears that no matter where the master is, Moran will follow you around and serve you!" The little girl took Bi Ling Dan to eat, then turned to kneel on the bed, swearing in tears.

"Morans, I tell you a secret. I used to be a slave too! It was worse than you. You don't need to withstand the wind and rain, you don't need to do heavy work, but I have to do heavy physical work every day! I don’t want to get tired on the ground every day!" said Hughes.

"Master, you..." Moran looked at the master, who was thinner than himself, and opened his mouth incredulously.

"Oh, well, let's go out to eat something, and then take you to buy some clothes!" Hughes pulled Morans and walked to the college cafeteria.


The canteen of the Warrior Academy is located on the first floor of the complex. It is very spacious and can accommodate tens of thousands of people to eat at the same time.

Hughes came to the cafeteria with Morans. It was lunch time. The cafeteria was full of voices and lively.

"Look, look, that kid is the guy who bought a little slave for one hundred gold coins!"

"I heard he is still a magician?"

"Yeah, the gold magician!"

"It's a magician when he's so small! It's not easy! He must have a magical treasure or a top medicine!"

"We are still quiet, otherwise it would be bad for him to hear!"

As soon as Hus entered the canteen, it attracted the attention of many soldiers and students in the canteen. One of the 11-year-old yellow-haired soldiers came over carrying a rice bowl and stopped Huss’s path. He said with a smile: "My name is Ba Phil Gut, what's your name? I dare to provoke Ramazan when I first arrive, I admire! I want to make a friend with you, don't you know if I can?"

"My name is Hughes Liku. I'm glad to meet you!" Hughes said friendly.

"I'll treat you today, just say what you want to eat!" Buffal said boldly. Hughes did not quit. After eating, he asked Buffal to lead the city to buy some daily necessities, and then returned to the dormitory to continue practicing. Moran also found a combat skill book to read while bored.

The third day Hughes came to the Imperial Warrior Academy was also the tenth day he left Ulank City to travel the world. The Golden Phoenix calendar July 8, 990.

On this day, Hughes still sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes to practice, and a cloud of golden, cyan, and yellow elements filled the entire dormitory.

There is a book shelf not far from him. Under the shelf is a little girl. She is holding a thick book in her hand, but her eyes are not on the book, but she is very surprised to look at the change on the bed. Uncertain element light.

The girl has seen it many times, whether it is a soldier’s breathing or a magician’s soul cultivation, but before, all she saw was a faint, single, transient elemental light. However, from last night to now, what she has seen is the transformation of gold, green, and yellow. The element clouds are constantly shrinking and spreading out, which is very strange and beautiful.

If the cultivation scenes I saw before were firecrackers, then the cultivation scenes I see now are fireworks. The splendid and changing light, and the expanding and contracting clouds, made the eight-year-old Moran stunned and looked silly all night!


In Moran's surprised eyes, the changing three-color light slowly disappeared, and the little boy who had closed his eyes and practiced also opened his eyes and looked at her.

Moran suddenly found a sharp golden light in the boy's eyes, which caused her young heart to tremble as if poked by a sharp knife, her face suddenly turned pale. But then she saw that the sharp golden light disappeared instantly, replaced by a soft smile.

"Are you hungry?"

The slight and warm inquiry made Moran's trembling heart beat more intensely, from small to large, no one had ever cared about her food and clothing, and no one had spoken to her so softly, she couldn't help but tears Filled with eyes, the little boy sitting cross-legged on the bed shook his head and did not speak, because she choked with a throat, and was afraid that she would cry when she made a sound.

"what happened to you?"

Watching Morans staring at himself in tears, Hughes asked in a daze, his right hand involuntarily touching his earlobe.

"Master, I'm fine." Finally, after calming the turbulent emotions inside, Morans spoke apologetically.

At this moment, a slight squeak of the door opened and the light in the dormitory suddenly dimmed. A tall and fat middle-aged man appeared in the house with a ghostly smile on his face.

When he saw the expressions of the two children in the house, especially the scars of the little girl who had completely disappeared, the middle-aged man who had just come in had a moment of dullness in his eyes, but then he returned to normal and said with a smile: "Sius, This is for your training plan. Take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be changed."

Hughes took over the plan, and at a glance, there were about a dozen pages. Each page was densely filled with words. It seems that Grandpa Benze has spent a lot of effort to formulate this for him in the past three days. plan! Hughes couldn't help but raise a touch of emotion.

It is a pity that he is illiterate and cannot appreciate the perfect plan drawn by Benz Jersey for him with three days of hard work. He can only hand the plan to Morans, who is standing beside him, and said softly, "You read it to me!"

This unintentional move, in Hughes's own opinion, was a helpless help, but in Benz Jersey's eyes, it was a full-fledged young master's school, a noble habit.

Therefore, when he saw Hughes do this, the smile on Benz Jersey's face was a bit stiff, and his eyebrows fluttered a few times. Obviously, in his view, this was a manifestation of disrespect for his labor achievements, and his heart was angry. Very bad, but seeing the other party is only a six-year-old child did not break out. If it is someone else, it is estimated that it has been snatched away long ago and left.

However, in the eyes of the little girl Moranth, Hughes's move was the biggest reward for her, making her happy to find that she still has some use in the little master's heart. So, he gladly took it and read with a smile: "About the training plan for training Hughes Liku to become a 9th-level pinnacle warrior and 9th-level pinnacle magician. This plan is divided into ten stages, Each stage is divided into one hundred steps, and each step is divided into ten smaller steps. The ten stages are..."

Morans grew up in the Frostman family from an early age, and began to read and read literacy as early as six years old. This is also a means and capital to be able to impress the master and change from slave to servant in the future. Therefore, now that she reads this rather formal document, she did not feel how difficult it was to speak, but instead she spoke eloquently and listened gently, as if a crisp lark was singing.

Even Benz Jersey, who was originally angry with Hughes, was gradually getting enchanted. He felt extremely enjoyable and delighted that his plan was read in such a pleasant voice, and he couldn’t help complimenting Hughes that he really understood Enjoy the dudes.

Hughes also heard a little intoxication, and his crisp voice with a melodious tone of voice was a pleasant song, but when he carefully analyzed the complicated rules and regulations, his head felt bloated.

"My God, Grandpa Benzé is too serious, even my daily schedule for eating and drinking Lasa is so specific! The daily eating time is no more than ten minutes, and the toilet is no more than five minutes... what if constipation? It’s also five minutes? Really..." Hughes listened to the harsh regulations, and his heart was beating violently. This is simply devil training!

"Someone cares so much about your growth and makes such a detailed plan for you. You should be happy!" Laziborg was also shocked by the meticulous and cumbersome plan. However, he felt very much when he felt the complaint of Hughes. Consolation is disobeyed.

"I am so happy!"

Hughes has to admit that Benz Jersey's plan is very thoughtful. As long as he trains according to the plan, he is very confident that he can become a ninth-level peak warrior and a ninth-level peak magician within ten years.

Morans read it for more than an hour before reading the whole plan. After reading it, her breathing was a little breathless, and the little breast that hadn't developed was up and down a little bit quickly, taking a few deep breaths before recovering.

It wasn’t until Moran’s voice disappeared for a while that Benz Jersey came back and smiled and blurted out, “Your voice is so nice!” After I finished speaking, I realized that this was a little light and should not be an elder. What the little girl said, you can't help but talk about it, but he is also a character who has lived for hundreds of years. He just turned his eyes and said to Hughes: "I will supervise the completion of all your plans. If you let I found that there is one item that has not been completed, then you are waiting to be punished!"

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