Pioneer Knight

Chapter 154:

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Hughes no longer speaks, and immediately meditations practice.

After this practice, he was surprised to find that the element sucked into his mind was automatically divided into two. One continues to nourish the soul and neutralize the light gray matter outside the soul; another more fierce tide flows through the blood vessels and nerves to the limbs, the internal organs!

Moreover, every inch of the place washed by the element particles will be instantly brought out a trace of dark black matter. He clearly felt that the dark black matter drained out of his pores. As the elements continued to wash away, the dark black matter also increased continuously. At the same time, he also felt that the place where the dark black matter flows out is tougher and more energetic than before, and the tiny cells are showing a crystal clear. Light.

With the outflow of dark black matter, the warmth of the three giants, the power of the fascinating beads, and the energy of the fourth-level magic crystal immediately rushed into the cell along the place where the element particles flowed, and in an instant, the cell glowed Strong power and vitality!

Sensing the change in the body, Hughes' inner rejoicing surged!

What made him more happy was the change in the body of the soul. Some elemental patterns had already been generated around his soul body. At the moment, under the powerful medicine of the Mystic Pearl, the elemental patterns gradually became tough and condensed.

With the help of Lazibuge, a little golden light spot appeared. He knew that once these light spots merged into a group, they were magic crystals, the purest element crystals!

Elemental patterns began to appear at the third level for others, but he was produced at the second level, and now there are magic crystal spots that only appear at the fourth level.

Such rapid progress really made him want to jump. However, he tried his best to control his excitement and continue to meditate!

Lazibague attached to the soul of Hughes, naturally he could clearly sense his inner change, learned that he could suppress his inner joy so quickly, and nodded secretly: "You have such a state of mind at a young age. , This child will become a master in the future!"


The dormitory of the Imperial Warrior Academy is divided into "Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, and Special". The "superior" dormitory is dedicated to those warriors with magic talents.

Although there are not many such warriors, there are five other people in the "superior" dormitory besides Hughes.

One of them lived on the first floor like Hughes, the other three lived on the second floor, and the other lived on the third floor.

According to the regulations of the college, the first floor is occupied by soldiers from the first to the third level, the second floor is from the fourth to the sixth level, and the third floor is from the seventh to the eighth level.

Those five fighters happened to be a level three, a level four, two levels five, and a level seven.

Their magical talents are more than 70%, of which the 7th-level fighter has reached an affinity of 89%, but they dare not practice all night like Hughes, they can only get up in the morning Practice for three or four hours, and then go to practice combat skills, usually at night to sleep, to restore the exhausted physical strength!

This morning, as usual, they got up at four in the morning, after washing, they were ready to absorb the elements of heaven and earth and temper their souls.

Unexpectedly, when they sat cross-legged by the bed and finally entered the state of meditation, they found that the heaven and earth elements in their minds were extremely thin, at least ten times thinner than before!

The 7th-level warrior was okay, and he could continue to practice, but the other four were awake from meditation in surprise. They couldn't figure out why this happened.

After a short rest, they entered the state of meditation again, and the elemental particles could not sense the richness that could be practiced. This was the case several times. The four of them walked out of the room to check the weather, but found no problems.

Although the dormitory on the innermost floor of the first floor seemed to emit three different colors of light, but the light was too weak, they just passed by without notice.

It wasn't until nearly six o'clock that they felt the elemental intensity as usual.

If they go to check the dormitory inside the first floor now, they will find that the faint tricolor light is gone!

In fact, the three-color light is not faint. On the contrary, it is very dazzling, just because it is blocked by the curtain made of light-absorbing material, so it looks very faint on the outside.

In the early morning of early autumn, there was already a hint of coolness. The cold morning breeze blows through the window into the empty and simple room and wakes up the eight-year-old girl sleeping on a large bed.

The little girl stretched out slightly, opened her somewhat puffy eyes, and glanced into the room. Apart from a simple bed and a book shelf, there was only a large empty futon on the floor.

"Master, I practiced another night last night? He's really hardworking!" The little girl hadn't completely set her shape, but already showed the beauty of the embryo's small face full of admiration and pride, and turned to look into the small bathroom on the right.

In the grey morning light, a huge wooden barrel appeared in the bathroom, and a tiny head was slightly explored in the wooden barrel. Looking at the little head, the little girl's face couldn't help but show a sweet and happy smile.

It is the master of this head who changed her destiny, freed her from the fate of slaves, let her experience the freedom of freedom, the warm taste of being cared for, and the dignity and pride of being human !

The little girl put on a white dress, which the little head bought for her. It was very warm and intimate on her body, and the white dress made her original beautiful face more beautiful, making her feel I am more beautiful.

Picking up an elegant student uniform, the little girl quietly put away her thoughts and walked gently into the small bathroom to see the dry shape in the huge wooden barrel. She could not help but sigh, "The owner is too thin Well, I need to make up for him in the future!"

Just want to call, but was surprised to find that the water in the barrel, black paint, also exhaled a slight odor!

Suddenly shocked, she couldn't help but yell, "Master, what are you doing? Are you poisoned?" The expression was rather anxious.

A six-year-old skinny little boy was sitting in a huge wooden barrel. The three-colored clouds around the boy had long disappeared. However, he did not wake up and was still immersed in meditation. He was looking at his body, Soul change.

Suddenly he heard an exclaim in his ear, and the little boy woke up from meditation, but he saw Morans staring at him with a surprised and anxious expression on his face. He wondered slightly and asked, "What's wrong?" Poisoned?"

When the little boy opened his eyes and sobered up, and he didn’t speak much, the little girl’s scared face returned to normal, and the thin, thin hand was still patting on the chest. He took a deep breath before saying, “Master. , Look at the water!"

Looking down, the little boy saw that under the grey morning light, the original clear potion actually floated a layer of black and shiny black matter. The little boy's face changed instantly.

"What is this?"

He reached out and picked up a little, and when he looked closer, he suddenly realized that these substances were the dark black substances washed out by the element particles last night, and the impurities in his body cells!

Thinking of this section, he couldn't help laughing: "Don't be afraid, Morans, this is the dirt on me!"

"Dirt? Master, is your body so...dirty?" Moran asked in disbelief as he looked at the dark, odorous substance.

"These are not the dirt outside my body, but the inside of my body! I don't know why there is so much dirt flowing out, and I will tell you later!" The little boy smiled slightly, directly naked. Came out of the barrel.

Morans watched the little boy walk out of the barrel, and did not show any shame. When she was a slave in the Flosman family, she had served many young masters in the shower. At her age, she is still in a hazy and unclear stage for the distinction between men and women. So, as soon as the little boy walked out of the barrel, she immediately put the student's uniform on to help the little boy.

Just as she helped the little boy dress, a morning breeze blew and brought up the tightly wrapped curtains, and a bright light shone in, which happened to shine on the little boy's body, and suddenly the little boy's whole body exuded The light of white as jade, the crystal clear feeling is like a peerless gem!

"Wow, the master's skin is so beautiful!" Morans couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw such a vision. She even reached out and pinched the little boy's skin slightly, which was actually tender, smooth, and full of elasticity, compared with the skin of the ladies she had served. This really envied her. Girls always have a natural yearning for beauty!

Hearing Morans' compliment, the little boy froze slightly, looked down, and was startled by the crystal light radiating from his body.

"Thurs, don’t worry, this is an inevitable phenomenon after elemental particles have washed away the impurities in your body. This is only a small part of the scrubbing. If you clean up all the impurities, you can even produce a A illusion that makes people feel transparent!" Lazibague said with a smile. Such a change makes the old-fashioned Lazibuge envious. Although he was a gold ninth-level pinnacle magician, his previous body could not be compared with Hughes.

Hughes's current body is like a piece of beautiful jade containing impurities washed out by the potion and radiating crystal light.

"It's such a tender skin, isn't it easy to scratch?" Hearing Laziborg's words, the little boy felt a little worried after a while.

"Can you try?" Lazibague said jokingly.

"Okay, I'll go to the training ground!" After the little boy got dressed under Moran's service, he only said, "I'm going to train!" Then went straight to the ninth level training ground.

"Master, you still..." Morans chased him out, trying to say, "You haven't washed it yet?"

Looking at the empty dormitory compound, Moran whispered softly: "Master, you are too hardworking. But your body is so thin, how can you withstand such hard training? It should be a supplement to you. By the way, I can go to the college library to find out if there are any books like recipes!"

Thinking of this, Moran immediately took the Hughes student card, brought it to the door, and went straight to the college library.


There are not many buildings in the Imperial Warrior Academy, only the dormitory building, teaching building and comprehensive building. Among them, the comprehensive building is between the teaching building and the dormitory building, and is also the tallest building of the college, with nine floors.

One of the first and second floors is the cafeteria.

The third and fourth floors are shopping malls, all of which are magic pills, magic crystals, materials, combat skills, armor, weapons, etc. that are beneficial to cultivation, but daily necessities and luxury goods are not a bit of a star.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh floors are the offices and conference rooms of the college instructors, deputy directors and deputies, and the chairman of the board.

The eighth and ninth floors are the college library.

Among them, the eighth floor contains a variety of books, such as various "advanced" combat skills, magic skills, exercises, body methods, magic books and so on. As long as you hold the student card of the academy, you can watch it anywhere, even borrow it to study!

But the ninth floor is different. The trainee instructors of the college want to enter and watch, must be unanimously approved by the college board of directors, to be eligible, otherwise "the person who stepped in without permission will die!"

This is because the nine-story collection of books is very precious "top" and "special" combat skills, exercises, body methods, as well as "taboo magic" and "death magic" and other books, such books are very few, and also a college 'S secret! Of course, be careful.


Morlans entered the library on the eighth floor of the complex with the Hughes student card.

The bookshelves inside were full of books, and Morans was dazzled.

"Huh? Morans, why did you come to the library? Did Hussi not come?" Just as Morans was struggling to find a recipe in the sea of ​​books and mountains, there was a thick voice in her ear, she was busy Turning his head and looking around, he saw a young soldier with yellow hair smiling at himself, his eyes full of joy.

As soon as he saw the distinctive yellow hair, Morans remembered that this young warrior was the Buffalo Gout who invited her to dinner with his master last time, so he smiled shallowly: "The master went to practice , I’m free, so I’ll take a look at this library."

"Thurs is really hardworking, so desperate just when he came to the college!" Buffel sighed and said to Morans, who smiled lightly, "You are helping Hughes to find books. There are too many books here, It’s hard to choose if you’ve just come. I’ve been in the college for four years. I haven’t read all the books in it, and I have read at least half of them. If you want to find a book, tell me, I’ll help you Find!"

Moran looked at Buffel, who had always been enthusiasm, and the smile on his face stretched a little, smiling: "I want to find some recipes to help the master to fill his body!"

Buffel stared at the eight-year-old girl in front of her with surprise, and saw that although she was only eight years old, she was also very thin, but the beautiful face had already had a hint of temptation, especially her A shallow smile, coupled with a crunchy voice, made Buffel vaguely agree with Hughes's move to buy her back with a hundred gold coins, thinking to herself: "If I were, there might be that kind of impulse. "

Morans saw Buffel staring at him in a daze, and Qingdai's brows could not help but frowned, screaming angrily: "Master Buffel!"

The eleven-two-year-old Buffel made a noble family, and was soaked in some dirty aristocratic atmosphere from an early age. He was relatively familiar with men and women. He heard Moran's slightly angry voice, and a small face suddenly appeared like a thief. Don’t go too far to touch Moran’s eyes and say, “Although there are few such books, but there are one or two, I’ll get them for you!” He said that he fled.

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