Pioneer Knight

Chapter 163:

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After the relationship between the two men half a month ago, Hughes immediately asked Laziborg every time he had a question, and Laziborg would know everything, and he would answer every endlessly, no longer as cold as before. Yes, Ignored, and kept urging Hughes to meditate and practice. This also allowed Hughes to learn a lot of cultivation knowledge and some anecdotes on the mainland for half a month.

"If I guess right, this energy should be'life micro-energy'."

"What is "Life Micro Energy"?"

"It is not a thing, but an energy, a cyan liquid energy. Any creature that has been moisturized by'life micro-energy', whether dead or alive, whether it is a plant or an animal, will immediately glow Vigorous vitality has great power."

"It's amazing! Can the dead be resurrected?"

"Yes. However, there is also a disadvantage to "Life Energy", that is, it is too moisturized at once, and it will immediately explode and die!"

"Battered to death! Isn't that terrible?"

"Yes. It's like drinking alone, drinking just right. He will be a hundred times more energetic and refreshed. If he drinks too much at once, he will be drunk. It is like this, "life micro energy" is like this, it must be gradually changed from Moisturize as little as possible. The dragon's eye ring clearly understands this truth, it just releases a plume of light cyan smoke to resist the coldness of the outside world and moisturize your body. This will keep you from dying and dying. Rejuvenate!"

"Who made the Dragon Eye Ring, why is it so magical?"

"I don't know. At first, I just got the dragon's eye ring, and was chased by the enemy, so that before it was too late to study, I was smashed by the body and the soul escaped. Therefore, the magic of it comes from I don’t know who made it and what materials. Perhaps, maybe Elder Carrick will know a little?"

"Elder Carrick? By the way, I don't know what happened to Miss Monasqin. I have missed her for half a month. And my dad and Uncle Rees, Grandpa Shenmo, when will we go back? "Sius's face was full of desolation from his hometown, and Lazibague's call inadvertently aroused his deep homesickness.

"It is not possible now, your ability is still too weak. If there is no old man from Benz Jersey to lead the three people away today, you may have been caught by those three old things, even if you are hiding in the eyes of the dragon, They will also take this ring as their own and wait for you to come out! When you are hungry and thirsty, they will come out naturally. When they come out, they will be directly killed by them! Therefore, the current priority is the old guy in Benz Jersey. Under the refuge, increase your strength as soon as possible. Only when the strength is strong enough, you can go back, otherwise, if you go back, you will bring disaster to your father and uncle Rees!"


"Because after the battle half a month ago, many people already know that you have a kind of "human treasure", who is not jealous of "human treasure"? Moreover, this "human treasure" can also increase the speed of cultivation, It can also emit'life micro-energy' to nourish the body, who doesn't want to have it? Your strength is so weak, there will definitely be many people to grab it, isn't that a disaster?"

"Yes, Grandpa Lazibague, I will not bring disaster to my father. I will try my best to improve my strength as soon as possible!" When he heard Laziborg, Hughes' heart jumped, sweating coldly. Crash, involuntarily generated a strong desire for powerful forces.

"Good boy, family love is a natural thing for people. But you must know that in this world with a strict hierarchy, you are a generation of slaves who want to let others recognize you, respect you, and fear you, you must have strong strength. !As your father said, human dignity is not given by others, but earned by yourself!"

"Yes, Grandpa Lazibague, I know what to do." Hughes was born in a slave home for generations. For six years, he lived at the lowest level. He was abused and humiliated. Perseverance. After listening to Lazibague's words, when he stopped talking, he again carefully tasted the changes in his body.

The communication between the two of them is the communication between the souls. It is very slow to speak, but in fact it is just a time that cannot be breathed.

After the battle ahead was frozen, it also fell into a temporary calm. Instead, there was a roaring noise from behind, and Hughes was so upset that he could not help turning his head to take a look. What he did not expect was that he This time around, it caused even greater discussion.

"Are they talking about me?" Hughes looked at the crowd behind him with a little surprise.

"Here, you alone can resist Benz Jersey's "three-footed frozen" magic skill. You said you wouldn't be the focus, who else? It is estimated that more people will trouble you in the future!" Lacy Boog frowned.

"I'm not afraid, they dare to provoke me, I'm like killing that asshole, and chopping off their heads with a knife!" Huss said coquettishly.

"Okay! It is this kind of courage, otherwise you can't hold back..." Laziborg's words were not finished, and a sharp roar came in front of him: "Benz Jersey, you forced me!"

Hughes hurriedly turned his head to look around, and Laziborg also looked out from the eyes of the dragon.

I saw thirty miles away in front of me, in a huge block of ice, Bamen's body lifted a black gas, a black knife suspended above his head, a trace of yellow electric awn, glowing cold, hard Jian's ice immediately melted. Bass saw that his elder brother had already sacrificed the black sword, and it was useless to persuade him to do so. He had to rise up, and he sacrificed his black sword, and went back and forth with his elder brother. His black knife is a silver electric flash, and the energy of the electric flash is more terrible than that of his elder brother. The instant he melted away the solid ice of 100 meters around him.

"It is said that the Frostman family has two holy weapons, are these two black knives?" Seeing the two brothers of Bamon suddenly suspending two black knives that were trembling, and they had been fighting against the cold Brooke. I was shocked, "I also heard that if you want to control this holy weapon, you must learn the "death" combat technique that is a hundred times more powerful than the "super grade" combat technique. Did both of them have learned the "death" combat technique? , That’s too scary!"

"Haha... Well, the old Black Sword really deserves his reputation, and he has even learned the'death' combat skills! It's no wonder that you want to have greater power!" Benz Jersey was also trembling and alert. The words were also covered with magic skills. Except for the three people in front of you, the others could not hear at all. Even Hughes, who was closest to them, could not hear anything.

He was so careful, he didn't want to cause too much sensation!

After all, for five thousand years, people on the mainland have only known that there are five types of combat skills: primary, intermediate, advanced, top-level, and super-level. I have never heard of the existence of "death" combat skills above the "super-level".

The "death" combat skill is comparable to the super combat skill that exists in the Holy Land. Only those super families in the entire continent know that this kind of combat skill exists, but there are very few families that really have this kind of combat skill, even some imperial royal families. nothing.

The spread of such combat skills will definitely cause a sensation in the world, attract countless greedy people, and may even cause the coveting of other empires to start wars.

These are things that Benz Jersey does not want to see. He needs peace, not war. This time to challenge three eighth-level peak magicians for this purpose. Therefore, he would be so cautious.

"Grandpa Lazibague, what kind of weapon is that, it's terrible!" Hughes just glanced at the two black knives, and suddenly felt dizzy, and his heart was pounding. Fortunately, there was no protection from the dragon's eye. Fainted, but he dared not stare at the two black knives again.

"That's the legendary weapon of the Holy Land. There are only a few pieces in the entire continent. I didn't expect that the Frostman family had two!" Lazibague was also shocked.

"What is a weapon in the sanctuary?" Hughes' face was puzzled.

"Holy weapon is currently the best weapon in the mainland. It is not only sharp but also shining. As long as it is hit by its light, no matter how great you are, you will be injured immediately. Only those who are in the Holy Land can resist! In addition, if you want to control the weapons of the Sanctuary, you must supplement the "death" combat skills, otherwise you will be shot by the light on the weapons!" Lazibague said.

"What awesome combat skill is "Death"?" Hughes was even more surprised.

"I'll tell you later, let's see how the old fellow Benz Jersey will deal with it!" Laziborg ignored Hughes, his illusive eyes staring tightly at the front. Hugh said "Oh" without asking again.

About twenty miles away behind him, the millions of people could not see the black knives hanging on the heads of the two brothers of Bamen because of the mountain's cover. They could only see two black lights rushing to the sky.

"What kind of magic is that, not black?"

"I’ve never heard of magical techniques that emit black light, wood-based blue light, fire-based red light, soil-based yellow light, gold-based golden light, water-based white light, wind-based silver light, and thunder-based electric light. You see none of the seven lines Black light, is there a new line of magic?"

"That might not be a magic skill, but a combat skill, it might be the light radiating from the weapon!"

"How is it possible! Even the top weapon cannot emit such a strong light. Unless it is the legendary holy weapon!"

"Holy weapon!!!" Everyone exclaimed.

The man smiled triumphantly and continued: "It is said that when the sanctuary still existed on the mainland five thousand years ago, this kind of holy land weapon was very common, but with the changes of the five thousand years, many holy land weapons were gone. There are only six or seven pieces that can be mentioned. I also heard that the first commercial firm Morinxuan had auctioned a holy weapon five hundred years ago. Do you know how much that weapon was sold?"

"How many?"

"Two billion coins!"

"Two billion gold coins? Are you kidding? No matter how good the holy weapon is, it's just a weapon. How could it be so expensive?"

"I don't know about this. But the rumors are indeed like this. I don't believe you can go to see the auction records of Mo Linxuan in previous years!


At this moment, a loud deafening noise suddenly rang ahead, and a surging force rushed to the place where everyone stood like a wave.

I saw wherever the ripples went, all the rocks, trees, vines and livestock were instantly turned to ashes!


The people standing at the front immediately shouted back. But seeing millions of people like the waves of the sea quickly retreated to the city.


Despite all the desperation to retreat into the city, hundreds of thousands of people instantly turned into dust in the wind and dissipated invisible. Even the forty-meter thick wall was washed away by the terrible energy from sixty miles away, killing countless city residents.

Fortunately, the city walls were all made of solid Qinggang Rock. Although they were washed away, the terrible energy was also exhausted. Otherwise, I don’t know how many people are going to suffer!

"What a terrifying power! This is definitely the power of the Holy Land!"

"My mother! Fortunately, I ran fast, or it would turn to ashes, which is terrible!"

"Holy Land! This is definitely the Holy Land!"......

Those who had escaped from death looked at the collapsed walls in horror, and the dilapidated, lifeless hills outside the city were talking with fear.

However, on a hill that had been flattened thirty miles outside the city, a small figure suddenly appeared.

The figure looked left and right, desolate, and could not help but take a breath, his bright and clear eyes shrank suddenly, and said: "What a terrible power!"

This tiny figure is Hughes. He hid in the eyes of the dragon before the terror came. Then the eyes of the dragon were buried in the thick dust.

It turned out that shortly after the two brothers of Bameng sacrificed the black sword, Benzerius also immediately exhibited his pseudo-sanctuary attack magic skill-Frozen Thousand Miles, tearing a white gap in the sky shrouded in black light. A vast expanse of coldness engulfed in the air, and all the things it touched were immediately frozen and shattered into small and strong ice crystals, which attacked Bamon and Bath.

"Split Soul Sword Skill-Ghost crying wolf howling!"

At this moment, Bamon and Bath also gave a loud roar in unison.

Suddenly, the originally dark sky was even darker, and there was a wailing whimpering ghost cry between heaven and earth. The black knives floating on their heads also instantly turned into a sharp streamer towards the white gap, and in a stroke, everything was annihilated.

Brook’s look not far away changed greatly, and he did not dare to hesitate to throw out all the magic crystal storage stones on his body, whether it was attacking magic or defensive magic, as long as it could resist the two scary Just power!

"Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom..."

Brook immediately threw out ten amber and jade beads, as well as more than 20 Linghan stones, of which eighteen were defensive magic skills, and there were eight layers of forbidden defensive magic skills, layered solidly beside him.

However, when the two dark streamers collided with the white gaps, an indescribable force of terror shocked at an incredible speed.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Brooke watched the 18 layers of defense magic skills around him, layer by layer broken by that power, especially the 8 layers of taboo defense magic technologies closest to him, that could resist the full power of the 9th level peak magician One-hit defense magic! Can still be broken layer by layer!

Brook immediately immediately exhibited the wood-based taboo defense magic skill-Aoki King Armor. Layers of Aoki King Armor are superimposed on them, but they are still shattered layer by layer!

In the process of his body, he was bombarded into the mountains behind him. As the flying dust flew far away, he fell to the ground in awkwardness, and spouted a dozen mouths of blood before lying down. On the ground, life and death are unknown.

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