Pioneer Knight

Chapter 179:

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"Do you want to give it a go?" Hughes still struggled.

If it was before, once he encountered difficulties in cultivation, he would immediately throw the problem to Laziborg or Elder Mood and let them decide for himself. But now, he can't rely on anyone but himself, but he is hesitant.

This is also the discipline that a person must accept to grow up. Only after hesitating, struggling, thinking, and making choices in difficulties again and again, can he truly become stronger and truly break through the kind of psychological dependence in his heart. .

The dependence psychology of Hughes is actually very heavy. From his childhood, he relied on his father, and later on Laziborg and Elder Mood. Even Morans, who was about his age, was the object of his dependence.

Nowadays, relying on himself all at once, he seems very unaccustomed to it, just like a spoiled child suddenly wandering to another country, so helpless and anxious.

However, even if he is helpless and restless, he must face it.

Thinking of Grandpa Laziborg, who was still alive and dead, remembering the lonely back of the old Mood, and thinking of the mysterious man who had never shown himself but had protected himself countless times, Hughes turned his heart across and shouted, "Fight!"

Morans kept watching Hughes' every move by the door. Seeing the change in the expression of joy or worry or hesitation on his face, Moran's heart also followed or joy or worry or hesitation.

She knew the hardship of cultivation and the dangers, but she didn't step forward. Because she deeply understands that cultivation can only develop a strong heart by relying on herself, and she can never become a real strongman with the help of outside forces, so she chooses to watch quietly and pray silently.

Suddenly, seeing Hughes's deep-browed brows spread out, his face showing a firm color, Morans rejoiced inwardly. She knew that her master had overcome her inner fears and finally made the right choice.

Sure enough, a beam of white light flashed, Morans found that one of the seven magic crystals of the three series of gold, wood, and earth suddenly appeared in the hands of Hughes. As for the three seven-level magic crystals, Moran remembers it was found in Asel's storage kit. In addition to the gold ** beast chain stolen from Ramazan, the most valuable thing in his storage kit is the seventh-level magic crystal, which is actually one for each line, for a total of seven. There are also some soul eaters and gold coins.


The three seventh-level magic crystals exploded at the same time, and the surging power instantly dispersed. Hughes immediately urged the power of the soul to quickly draw all the power into the mind, and then stayed outside the soul inside the magic crystal, After all the forces are concentrated, make a final impact on the barrier.

Of course, these three magic crystals have been condensed, and the amount of brutal violence outside has long since disappeared. Today, it is just a pure condensed element. Otherwise, Hughes would not dare to explode easily. To know that the amount of brutal violence on the surface of the third-level magic crystal is enough to blow him to pieces, not to mention the seventh-level magic crystal?

However, even if the amount of brutal violence has disappeared, the elemental power contained in the three seventh-level magic crystals is also very huge. Hughes initially had some deviations in the estimation of the energy intensity of the three magic crystals, so that his magic crystal could not contain all the energy at all, and began to show signs of tearing.

On the other hand, the reason is that his soul is a mutant body, and the magic crystal is produced outside the soul.

If it occurs in the soul, there is no such dangerous situation. Because the flexibility of the soul is great, but the magic crystal's scalability is equivalent to zero.

Therefore, when all the huge energy is accumulated in the magic crystal, the magic crystal will be broken, so that an explosion may occur.

"What should I do?" Hughes was suddenly ignorant, not knowing what to do next. His mind was full of horrible scenes where the magic crystal fragments almost broke.

Morans, who had been standing by the door, had no idea of ​​the danger Hughes faced at the moment. If she knew it, she would immediately call the old Mr. Mood and let him help Hughes through the storm. However, she saw Hughes's brow furrowed again, and her face was even more frightened and painful.

"Is the master in danger?" Moran's heart snapped into his throat. "Are you going to call Grandpa Murder?" Moran's body had already begun to turn outward, only to find that Hughes's face changed. If it was even more painful, she immediately ran to call Old Mand.

Just when she was about to turn around and run away, she suddenly found that Hughes' face was firmer again, more firm than before, and she seemed to have the death wish of "the hero is gone forever".

"No, I still have to call Grandpa Murder!" Morans was terrified when he saw Hughes' expression, and he turned and ran out.

"Don't worry, he will be all right!" The voice of the old Mr. Moud suddenly came in very faintly. Morans realized that Grandpa Mood had been paying attention to her master's cultivation. She couldn't help but settle down and stood by the door again to continue watching.

Sure enough, in less than two breaths, the elemental energy around Hughes was sucked in by him, and at the same time, a beam of three-colored light radiated from the top of his head and rushed to the palace roof to illuminate the entire bedroom. It's gorgeous.

The colorful light also rushed out of the windows and gates, illuminating the entire Xuanlong space with brilliant colors. Those rare birds and beasts flying freely outside the Xuanlong Palace stopped at this moment, and all turned to look at the Xuanlong Palace. I don’t know what happened, but there was a trace of panic in my mind, it seemed that the beam of light could They were instantly destroyed.

Even Harry who was practicing in the green bamboo forest behind the Xuanlong Temple was awakened by this light.

Looking at the tri-color light in front of him, Harry stroked his hair-growing head, and whispered: "I haven't seen it in ten years, the little fart boy had grown so much that even I felt trembling!"

Mila, who was not far away from him, had an ever-changing look. Her heart was always loyal to Master Upson, but her soul was controlled by Hughes, and she had no choice but to give Hughes a false snake. , Pretending to surrender. However, when she saw this light, her thoughts changed slightly.

To be honest, her love for Master Upson was also because Master Upson was the strongest person she had ever seen, and she was admired only because of admiration.

But also, with the strength of one person, Master Upson gathered three nine-level peak magicians, seven or eight nine-level peak warriors in just 20 years, and his own identities are many and varied. It's all admirable. It is no wonder that Mila Doric, who has always been strong, will have admiration.

However, at this moment, she had to weigh in her heart whether Master Upson and Hughes were stronger or weaker. Especially when she remembered the mysterious old man wearing a black robe, her heart suddenly set off a huge wave. There is a strange thought in my heart inexplicably: in the future, Hughes and Master Upson will be the first two people in the entire continent to become a sanctuary in 5,000 years, and they will also be two people who changed the destiny of the mainland. Perhaps they There will also be a duel between life and death.

Adi Yala, who was on the other side of Harry, just looked up at the ray of light in shock, then looked at Harry, and then continued to practice. He didn't know what he was thinking, maybe he didn't think about anything.

boom! Bang! Rumble!

There was a burst of impact in Hughes's mind. Each impact will emit a dazzling three-color light. At the same time, Hughes also felt throbbing in this collision, especially when he saw that the tear on the magic crystal was getting bigger and bigger, and the brutal force began to pour out, he couldn't help but panic.

But now that the matter is over, he has no turning back, he can only break through the barrier!

"The brutal power is also power, why not use it for me?" Just when Hughes was tense, a strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Yes! The brutal power is just difficult to tame, not unusable!" Hughes burst into anxious thought of this.

Without any hesitation, he immediately used the power of the soul to fuse the amount of brutal violence poured out by his own magic crystal with the elemental strength of the three seventh-level magic crystals, and then rushed towards the barrier.

He thought that the amount of brutal violence would be very difficult to tame, but he did not expect that he was only slightly guided by the power of the soul, and the amount of residual violence immediately rushed over as he intended. Actually, there is nothing strange about it when you think about it. This is like when the water is flooded, if you blindly block it, it will cause huge damage, but if you give the torrent a circulation, it will be more tame and the damage will be very weak.

At this time, Hughes inadvertently gave the amount of residual violence a place to vent, so he would be so easy to tame.


A loud noise exploded in the mind of Huss, and the invisible transparent barrier that had suffered millions of shocks from Huss finally burst.

As soon as the barrier was broken, the body of Hughes's soul expanded tenfold in an instant, and all the cracks on his magic crystal were healed at once, and at this moment, he instantly became larger. At the same time, a ray of soul that has been suppressed in the magic crystal is like a phoenix rebirth, crying, flying out of the magic crystal, soaring in the mind of Hughes, and absorbing the surrounding elemental power and the amount of brutal violence instantly. .

As the barrier collapsed, Hughes's body also undergoes subtle changes. He had already reached the advanced level of pig iron. After being infiltrated by a large number of element particles, his body jumped two levels in a row, reaching the intermediate level of bronze, which was comparable to Harry's body. If it is compared with Warcraft, it is estimated that it can hardly resist the attack of the nine-level Warcraft.

Feeling the powerful power from his body, Hughes couldn't help but rejoice in his heart, and the expression on his face was like a dream after the rain, especially brilliant!

Morans, who was watching from the door, was equally happy and excited, even happier than Hughes.

The old Maud, who has always used his soul to lock Hughes, also breathed a sigh of relief, looked up inside the palace group and whispered: "According to the time of the outside world, the old slave has waited for this day for ten thousand years. Master, you The day when it came out was not far away! Ha ha..." said, even a few tears shed.

"It is said that after the soul is born, the soul can come out of the body. I don't know if it is true or false, I will try it!" Hughes' excitement did not calm down for a long time. When he saw that the soul had swallowed all the energy, he Can't help but think of the record about the soul coming out through the body.

Now, according to the introduction in the book, slowly control the soul to emerge from the sky cover.

He first released the power of his soul and searched the surroundings. He found that there was no one but Morans in the whole bedroom. As for the power of Soul's soul, he could not yet sense it.

Then, he released the newly formed soul. Who knows, the soul spirit flew around as soon as it got out of the heavenly spirit cover, absorbing energy everywhere, and it seemed that it would never be full. Regarding the soul's actions, Hughes just shook his head with a wry smile, without much interference.

Next is the most important move, that is, the soul out!


Although Hughes had controlled his speed very slowly, when his soul was completely out of the celestial cover, he was still slammed by the external airflow, and there was also a cry of a wolf crying ghostly in his ear, soul The body is somewhat uncertain.

"Huh? How could this be?" Hughes panicked for a moment, never expecting the outside world to be so horrible.

It's no wonder that the human soul is the purest and purest thing, and it is generally deep in the mind, and now suddenly being in a noisy and dirty outside world, it will of course be unsuitable and even washed out. Are possible.

Hughes set his mind and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately recalled the souls who were still absorbing energy around the soul body just after they were formed. With the arrival of the soul, Hughes's soul body gradually adapted to the external environment.

After stabilizing his body, Hughes set his mind firmly, and turned to look around.

He is looking at the outside world with his body of soul at this time, so what he sees and feels is much more sensitive and clear than usual. He saw Morans by the pretty door, and a hint of shyness on her face, and a hazy expression deep inside.

He also saw many seal powers flowing around him. These powers were invisible and colorless, but made people's souls feel a shudder, especially when they were close to them, the body of souls would have an illusion that they could not move.

Hughes knows that the power of these seals comes from the three thousand palaces in the palace group, but he does not know what nature these seals belong to and how to crack them. However, he did not delve into it, knowing that with his current power, even if he knew the nature of the power of those seals, he could not break it!

Rather than being depressed in your heart, you might as well not understand it. When you become a sanctuary in the future, you may be able to solve it.

"Master, you have finally become a seventh-level magician, congratulations!" Morans congratulated with a smile upon seeing the spirits flying around.

"Haha... finally succeeded!" Hughes laughed, and flew to Morans.

"Huh? This feels weird." Susie suddenly realized that the closer to Moran's side, the clearer he could feel a sweet feeling lingering from Moran's body. And this sorrow even made his soul produce a happy and sweet feeling, and his mind was even more agitated.

"Morans, what exactly are you practicing? Warrior? Magician? Magic swordsman?" Hughes couldn't help asking. He still didn't expect this to be the only love between men and women.

"Grandpa Murder wouldn't let me tell anyone, but since you asked me, I'll tell you." Moran frowned, his small white hand extended to Hughes' ear and said a call. , And then pursed her lips and stood aside.

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