Pioneer Knight

Chapter 193:

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There is a magnificent renovated building in the center of Ulank City. This is the original Marshal Mansion and the current Liku mansion. In front of the mansion is a 100-meter-wide flat ground, and in front of the flat ground is a step that extends downwards. The steps are one or two hundred levels, which are several meters higher than ordinary houses.

Therefore, standing on the flat ground in front of the mansion, you can overlook the entire city of Ulank.

"Young Master, do you really plan to go to the Necropolis today?" Harry glanced at the army training in the morning and bowed to the teenagers around him.

At the moment, dozens of people stood on the flat ground, all watching the teenager.

Seeing the disappointment in the eyes of everyone, the young man was very hot and smiled slightly: "After ten days of cultivation, it is time to find the ruins of the sanctuary. One day I don't know everything about the sanctuary, I am not at ease all day. Especially After listening to Mila’s report about the powerful and mysterious man, I even had a hunch. The reason why our Golden Phoenix Continent does not have a sanctuary for five thousand years is probably the ghosts of the mysterious man island. It’s not them, you must first solve the mystery of the Sanctuary. Therefore, the sooner you know it, the better.” As a result, Hughes stretched out his hand to the air, and the leader of the vampire bat hovering in mid-air immediately flew down.

Ten days ago, after the cherished eating, the Bat Kings who hadn’t sucked blood for 10,000 years had all broken through.

Today, although only 83 heads are left, the strength is more powerful than the previous one hundred heads. The leader of the Bat King has even reached the ninth level, the strength is comparable to the ninth level peak magician of humanity, and the physical strength has reached the primary level of pig iron, almost the same as the sanctuary.

The increase in strength has also increased the bat king's wisdom and flying speed a lot. Now it can already understand Hughes' commands very clearly and can communicate with Hughes in the language of the soul. The flying speed is even faster, and one hundred thousand miles can be flown in one day.

Seeing the vampire bat stopped on the flat ground, Hughes laughed: "This time, we went straight to the mysterious cave, Morson, Mira, and you Ellie went with us. Ulan City Harry and Adi are solely responsible. If they encounter a strong enemy, they will notify me with a ring of summons." As soon as he finished, he threw two white jade rings to Harry and Adi respectively.

After seeing them all nodding, Hughes looked back at the people standing behind him, and then took Morans to sit on the back of the Batman's head. The Batman immediately whistled and flew away toward the west. It was followed by three other vampire bat kings who also broke through to level nine.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Harry habitually touched his bald head and said softly, "Young Master, rest assured, when you come back, Ulan City will definitely change."

"Master, do you remember when I was in the Xuanlong Palace, I asked you questions?" In the face of the autumn wind, sitting on the broad back of the bat king's head, Morans leaned against Hughes' arms and asked quietly. .

"What's the problem?" Feeling Moran's soft and warm back, and smelling her hair scent and girl's unique body fragrance at the nose, Hughes couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold Moran's young man waist.

This action caused Moran's body to tremble slightly, uttering a tempting moan. The sound was so low that it was immediately covered by the whispering wind brought by the rapid flight of Batman, and Hughes didn't hear it clearly, but he clearly felt Moran's body heat suddenly increase a lot.

"At that time, I asked you, what is the origin of the Undead Mountain Range, and why is it called the name of the Undead Mountain Range." Moran took a deep breath quietly and calmed down his heart before saying aloud.

"Why?" Hughes was savoring the warmth of the girl's body at this moment, and he didn't want to think about anything else at all.

"Guess what," Moran said coquettishly, and then suddenly turned around, but he saw Hughes' obsessed enjoyment. He couldn't help but sweeten his heart and gave Hughes a kiss.

Although the speed is fast, as if the dragonfly is dripping water, Hughes is more demented, and his heart is also passionate. If he suddenly realized that there were three people behind him, he would definitely kiss Morans with a bit of pain, but at this moment he was stunned and dared not to take any further action. He regretted that he should not bring the three of them, or directly How good it is to throw them into the Xuanlong Ring.

"There are many mountains in the whole continent, among which there are hundreds of mountains in our human territories, and the most famous are only three mountains. Because of the existence of Warcraft in these three mountains, people often enter it to fight or capture World of Warcraft. Years of uninterrupted hunting have caused the extinction of advanced Warcraft in the other two mountains. In recent thousands of years, only this Undead Mountain has more than seven levels of Warcraft, so people rename it to death. Ling Shan, to show its danger." Moran's creamy, creamy white face appeared a blush, adding infinite charm.

"It turned out to be so." Hughes suddenly said loudly, suddenly. He actually wanted to use this to suppress his inner passions, but he did not expect his loud cry to puzzle the three people not far behind. They all knew that the power of Soul's soul could cover a range of 1,500 miles, thinking that he had discovered some amazing secrets, and all asked aloud, "Master, did you find anything?"

"Ah... um... we are about to enter the territory of the Flosman family, you can check it out by the way." Hughes said with a red face, Shen Sheng said. Then ordered the leader of Batman to speed up.

Mila, Allie, and Morson were behind him, did not see the passionate movements he and Morans had just made, and they did not find Hughes blushing at the moment, but they heard the panic in Hughes’s tone. Some can't understand the mind of this teenager.

All three shook their heads, and with a bitter smile quickly urged the Bat King to follow him. Five days ago, in order to reward those masters who surrendered to his level 8 or above, Hughes gave each of them a vampire Batman contract. So, at this moment, they can order the bat king under him.

The original black gold empire has eight provinces and 16 states. The eight provinces were divided by the Frostman family, the Ritchie family, and the former black gold empire, and the sixteen states in addition to these three families, some small forces such as Hughes and so on jointly occupied.

The Flosman family is located in the southwest, not only owns the three southwestern provinces, but also owns the four states adjacent to the three southwestern provinces. The site is quite vast and stretches for millions of miles. The Undead Mountains are northwest of their sphere of influence. There is a newly built city about ten thousand miles away from the outskirts of the Necropolis, which is the home of the Flosman family's old nest, Flosman City.

Now, the Frostman family has become a royal family, and the original Duke of Lane has also become Lord Lane. The Ramazan, who whipped Morans and designed to frame Huss, also became the prince, and was elected as the crown prince.

Ahler and his friend Eisenger originally wanted to recommend Kadev to the upper position, but he had no choice but to resort to Ryan’s sly cunning. Finally, he could only declare that he would no longer participate in the family’s struggle for power and profit. Sanctuary barrier. Kaidfu was unhappy and became a marshal, and was the marshal of the Eastern Expedition, exactly the opposite of Hughes.

At the moment, he was telling the Great Emperor Lane in the palace.

"...Are you sure that the young man is Hughes Liku?" The eyes of Emperor Lane's harpy stared coldly at Calder standing in the hall.

Kadev scolded in his heart: "The old fox really hates, and has not believed me for a few months." But he said respectfully in his mouth: "It's true, this is what I learned from a prisoner's mouth, and he has black The magic forest is included in his own power."

"What level is he at and what strength is he?" Emperor Lane asked.

"The seventh-level magician and the seventh-level warrior, with a hundred vampire bat kings, and the black devil forest, the strength is not weak." said Kedev.

"Huh, it's only level 7, it's not a concern. Vampire Bat King, I have a way to deal with it. As for the Black Devil Forest, it's a little tricky. However, I recently heard that there are relics left by Sacred Sword Master in the Necropolis If you can find some means or treasure to deal with the magic sword master in it, then..." Lane said softly, "Just when you come back, I want you to lead your eight Iron Guards under Uncle Ahel to die together How about a trip to the Lingshan Mountains?"

"Old fox, if you want to take my power, just say it, come here, mean villain!" Kedev slandered in his heart, and he agreed in his mouth, and then turned away immediately without saluting. .

After leaving the meeting hall, Kedev walked directly to the back of the palace group, and soon came to a small courtyard built with bamboo.

There is a white-bearded old man who is practicing cross-legged, and his face is always a light expression. Beside him is a middle-aged man who is also practicing with his eyes closed.

"Kedev is back." The old man with white beards was Akhele. After ten months of cultivation, the serious injuries he had suffered in the Iron Springs Valley had been completely improved, and his strength was greater than before. Progress, although still unable to break through the sanctuary.

"Uncle, the old fox asked me to lead your eight iron guards to the Necro Mountain Range in search of the ruins of the sanctuary." Kedfer said angrily.

"Boy, you need to know that anger affects cultivation, and now that you have reached the peak of level 8, it is the key time to break through level 9, so you can’t be angry about these little things. You just think it’s an experience, maybe you will Blessed by misfortune? Isn't that beautiful?" Ahler reassured. Then Yang Tian screamed, and a group of strong men wearing fine iron armor appeared beside him.

"You follow Kedev to the Necro Range, remember to protect Kedev's safety." Kedev said.

"Yes!" The eight men nodded at the same time. Now, they all have reached the seventh-level magician and the ninth-level warrior. The reason why they are promoted so fast is because they have taken a lot of panacea and practiced all day long.

"The four of you also go together." Eisenger said to the other four magic sword masters who practiced cross-legged in the small courtyard.

"Yes!" These four people have also reached the level of the magic swordsman of the seventh level, and their eyes can make people faint instantly.

Kedev bowed to the two elders and set off with twelve people to the Undead Mountains.

On the third day after Kedev's departure, the early autumn sun shone on the newly established Frostmann City, and a dazzling new light appeared. In this light, even the wife and children who were deeply worried about the soldiers ahead showed a rare smile. The soldiers who patrol on the city walls are also full of energy, enjoying a rare and comfortable time.

Emperor Ryan just finished the morning dull morning meeting, walked out of the hall of deliberations, and came to the front platform, hand-carved a railing carved into a lion's head, and took a breath of the cool air of early autumn to calm down the inner depression. He looked up at the all-new Frostman City, smelling the smell of paint and stone powder mixed in the air, and laughing couldn't bear it, and a pride of "the only one on earth" spread across his body.

"This is the power of power, overlooking all living beings, and the only taste!" Ryan stood on the platform overlooking the city and shouted suddenly. This made the group of civil and military officials and slaves behind him scared to speak. They all knew the temperament of this Great Ryan, moody!

Just as Ryan sighed with emotion and wanted to vent his morning depression, he suddenly saw a warning wolf smoke on the hill a hundred miles away from the city, and then heard a cry from the distance: " Enemies..."

The word "love" has not yet been exported, and the soldiers and civilians of the entire Frostman city saw four giant vampire bats roaring overhead.

"Ah, it's level 9 Warcraft! And it's the most brutal and vicious vampire bat king!!"

"There are still people sitting on it, a total of five people, who are they?"

"A person who can own a 9th-level Warcraft is either a child of the super family or a 9th-level magician!"

"Nine-level magician!!"


All the people who saw him were exclaimed, and they were trembling in fear, fearing that Warcraft would launch an attack.

Emperor Lane also took a breath, and asked Shen Sheng: "Who knows the details of these people?"

The civil and military officials behind him all looked at Xi Tian's darker shadow and shook his head.

Suddenly, a light wind blew through, and there was a middle-aged man in a black robe beside them. It was Elder Eisengel. He nodded slightly to Emperor Lane, and said, "According to my instantaneous investigation, sitting on the back of the vampire bat king is an old man, the elder Molson who was invited by the Xifeng Empire to spend a lot of money, It is said that he had given way to a mysterious teenager twelve days ago. And on the back of the vampire bat king at the forefront was a teenager and a young girl. According to my feelings, the teenager's breath was very familiar, like ten months ago The little slave I met in Tiequan Valley-Hughes Liku."

"Sius?" Hearing Eisenger's words, a military officer wearing fine iron armor suddenly screamed, "Isn't he the mysterious boy who captured Ulank City twelve days ago?" "

"It's him!" Emperor Lane's heart was shocked, and the eyes of Yin Zhu also shot a vicious glance, making all the civil and military officials around him stunned.

Looking at the hundred officers who bowed their heads, Emperor Lane suddenly remembered a great plan. Today's discussion at the DPRK is how to deal with the sudden emergence of the young man, but once he did not know the strength of the young man, and secondly did not understand the young man's life experience, so I have not been able to find a good solution.

but now……

"General Dixie listened, I ordered you to immediately lead your next million army to capture Ulank City, and you must take it for me within ten days! Otherwise, you will raise your head to meet!" A middle-aged general shouted.

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