Pioneer Knight

Chapter 199:

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"As far as I know, the little slave Husna not only possessed the Xuanlong Ring, but also the killer card of the first seal master of the Golden Phoenix Continent, Master Kane-the Soul Card. He was able to expand quickly because he possessed This seemingly invincible baby." said an old man in a golden robe in the hall.

"Huh, the Seal of Souls, this time I came to the Golden Phoenix Continent for this seal of Souls. At that time, Kane’s shameless villain did not hesitate to do a hundred years in my Moon Temple in order to get this Seal of Souls. The cleaners deceived me... Well, he was lucky, he died ten thousand years ago, otherwise I must let life die." Hu Lisha hummed. Every time she looked at the historical books of the Moon Temple, she couldn't help being angry at this little man.

"However, that soul card is quite powerful, almost..."

The old man wanted to say, but he saw Hu Lisha waved her hand: "Your Majesty, please remember your promise, know. Giggles..." Hu Lisha smiled softly and disappeared.

When everyone saw that she was still full of anger, she suddenly recovered her beautiful smile again, and they all felt incredible. Then she saw that she suddenly disappeared in the same place, and everyone was shocked. Even the always calm and calm Simon Emperor could not help changing slightly, but his heart was dark: "Sius, fight me, you are dead! "


The emperors of the Liku Empire are located in Ulan City. Over the past two months of continuous expansion, the current Ulan City is ten times as large as the original, and it is still under construction.

At the beginning, the Limon Mountains, twenty miles southeast of Ulank City, were also encircled in the city. All the original buildings of the Black Devil Forest were requisitioned as temporary imperial palaces until the new imperial palace built in Jinjiang Town was repaired. It will be returned to the Black Devils.

At this moment, in a room in the Black Devils, Hughes was sitting cross-legged. He has to prepare for the impact of eighth level.

However, instead of starting immediately, he closed his eyes and breathed, letting the two months of experience flow slowly.

In the past two months, he has been constantly fighting with the strong men above the eighth level, constantly tempering his magic skills and combat skills. After hundreds of battles, he has a clear understanding of his own strength.

He found that although the level of combat power and magic power is the most critical factor in determining victory or defeat, it is not the only one. Among them are the proficiency in various magic skills and combat skills, the use of the surrounding environment, and the grasp of the psychological changes of the enemy. ,and many more.

At the same time, during these two months of frantic battles, the special combat skill he had obtained from Sopho, Gale Boxing, has been practiced to the point of perfect purity, and he also fuse the golden sword into it unexpectedly, making Gale Boxing, which was originally a super-combat skill, has been upgraded to the ranks of death combat skills, and its power is amazing.


Hughes breathed out slowly, feeling that his whole body was relaxed before he gradually entered a state of meditation.

With the help of the Golden Spirit and the residual demon, Hughes absorbed the elements of the world and earth five or six times faster, and with the help of the Xuan Dragon Ring, he has now reached a terrifying point of absorbing the elements of the world, almost one. In an instant, the heaven and earth elements of a hundred miles are absorbed.


The fierce element particles flowed like a torrent into a bottomless hole, making a huge noise.

Not only the people in the Black Devil's Forest, but also the people in the entire Ulanke City, saw a strange picture, one by one dumbfounded. I saw a huge cloud of seven colors changing over the Limon Mountain. The cloud was constantly expanding and contracting, and the beeps rang. Under this huge cloud, there is a thick cloud of gold, yellow, and cyan mixed with each other. The cloud belt continuously rotates to form a vortex up and down, flying quickly into the Limon Mountains.

In Wulanke City, people who were still meditating and practicing, no matter whether they were warriors or magicians, suddenly discovered that the elements of heaven and earth were no longer there, no matter how hard they tried, they could not receive a trace of the elements of heaven and earth. They could not help waking up and walked out of the room to know the original sky. All the heaven and earth elements in are sucked out.

"Who is practicing, the momentum is so scary!"

"Don't you know? Did you see the three-color cloud belt? That's the magic talent of our esteemed His Majesty Liku, the three-color talent!"

"Your Majesty is so powerful that he can **** a radius of a hundred miles into a vacuum. Is he going to break through the Holy Land?"

"It is said that the actual magic power of His Majesty is only level 7, but he can sweep everyone below the Holy Land. I also heard that His Majesty’s body is stronger than that of World of Warcraft. Do you know how old Majesty is this year? Not full!"

"No, I'm not full at seventeen! I'm quite talented in magic, and I've only become a seventh-level magician when I'm almost eighty. He actually... Hey, compared to His Majesty, I'm dead."


Everyone in Ulan City talked about it.

Dozens of people, such as Harry and Adi, stood on the flat ground in front of the Marshal Mansion and looked at the seven-colored clouds on Mount Limon. They were shocked and delighted. They already knew the dangers that the Golden Phoenix Continent would face, they also knew the reasons why the Young Master did not seek any rewards to enhance the strength of the people, and they knew that as long as the Young Master’s strength broke through the Holy Land, they would have the opportunity to look for the purification pool of the Golden Phoenix Continent. Greatly enhance the strength of the Golden Phoenix Continent.

"Brother, look at this posture, your majesty is expected to break through to the ninth level!" Nielsen whispered behind Adi.

"The higher the strength of your majesty, the greater our chance of becoming a sanctuary. Isn't it bad?" Adi said, staring at the clouds in the sky.

"So, we should unify the entire continent as soon as possible, so that the young master can practice with peace of mind." Harry is now the commander-in-chief of the army, and he controls the millions of troops in the entire Liku Empire.

"Go, go back and deploy the next attack plan." After glancing at the natural cloud again, Harry turned back to the lobby.

Today, their power is already the most powerful on the mainland. At present, it is only the Moran Empire that can contend with them, and the Xifeng Empire has been beaten down by them, and within ten days, they will attack the imperial capital of the Xifeng Empire.



Susie’s mind suddenly came out softly, and both Jin Ling and the demon were ecstatic, and finally broke through.

However, when they just wanted to stop absorbing the elements of heaven and earth, the main soul of Hughes sent out a command to continue absorbing them. This makes both souls stunned. As a general rule, anyone who has just broken through will need to rest for a while before continuing to practice, otherwise the soul will be tired, or even injured and weak.

Hughes, wouldn’t he not know?

The two souls thought so, but they did not stop absorbing the elements of heaven and earth, and the speed was faintly increasing. This is because the eighth level has just broken through, and the soul has just doubled in size, in a relatively empty period, so it needs a lot of elements to fill.

"The speed can be slowed down a little bit." Hughes couldn't help giving a command. He already felt the signs of fatigue in his soul, but it was not serious. If he could absorb it slowly, he should be able to adjust it. Therefore, he did not order to stop. It is just a command to slow down.

Jin Ling knew very well that cultivation cannot be rushed for success, so he slowed down the speed very obediently. However, the remnant demon executes a consistent style. The more dangerous it is, the more excited it is. Therefore, when it hears the orders of Hughes, it not only slows down, but also faster.

The reason is: "We have to face the difficulties, only by breaking through the limits can we go further!" Said Hughes and Jin Ling were speechless for a while.

Fortunately, the speed of the residual demon is much slower than that of Jin Ling, so as long as Jin Ling slows down, its speed will not affect Hughes much.

As a result, people throughout the city of Ulanq saw one of the strangest phenomena in their lives. The huge cloud suspended above Limon Mountain stayed for a full month. During this month, except for their respected His Majesty who is practicing, others can only stand and watch stupidly. Not only can they not practice, they can’t even release magic skills.

Over the past month, the huge cloud has changed its throughput, the beep is roaring, and it emits seven colors of light regardless of day and night, which has already become accustomed to tens of millions of people around.

However, on this day, suddenly the huge cloud was sucked all at once, and even the sun in the sky seemed to be sucked in, and it suddenly turned into night.

Only a moment later, the dark sky regained its light, and the huge cloud re-suspended in Mount Limon. But the next moment turned into night.

After so many dozens of times, the sky really returned to normal.

Everyone was so surprised when they saw such a vision, and they all cast their eyes on the five bodies that their young emperor admired!

At this moment, the Limon Mountains suddenly screamed: "I broke through the ninth level!"

The people who knew the Hustle were all petrified when they heard this roar, and they rose two levels in a month. This speed...

Everyone was speechless.

"Your Majesty, this is the battle plan that I have discussed. Please look over." Harry Kuf held a pale blue folder in his hands and held it high above his head, respectfully.

The teenager sitting in the upper position took the fold, read the whole content at a glance, nodded with a smile, and said, "You have worked hard. Everything will act according to your plan. However, I want to remind you if you encounter other The mainland or the powerful outsiders must inform me immediately. This is the ten communication rings I just asked Grandpa Murder to refine, you can distribute to the ten marshals. The method of use is very simple, as long as the combat power or soul power Just enter it." Then, the teenager took out ten white jade rings from the Xuanlong Ring and gave them to Harry.

"Your Majesty." Harry took the ring and bowed out.

The teenager also walked out of the meeting hall. Suddenly he saw him leap forward, reached his hand in the air and gently pressed on the eaves, and his body fell lightly on the roof of the meeting hall.

After the magic broke through to the ninth level, the teenager's combat power also reached the ninth level a few days later. Therefore, the light-duty kung fu that I have learned before is also handy at the moment, just like walking in the clouds and flowing water, without any sense of stagnation.

On the roof, a girl was already sitting, her skirt fluttering, her dark hair swaying in the wind, like a fairy fairy.

The young man's footsteps moved slightly, his figure fluttered, and he reached the girl's side. He didn't speak, so he stood quietly and looked around. He saw a depression in the entire Mount Limon, leaving only bare trunks whining in the cold autumn wind.

"Autumn wind...cold...depressed?" The teenager involuntarily practiced the "autumn wind storm" in the gale punch. Although due to the surge in combat power, Gale Boxing, which was originally a super-combat skill, has risen to death combat skill. However, to understand Gale Boxing, the teenager still has a long way to go. After all, this set of boxing techniques implies changes in the four seasons.

Alternating day and night, reincarnation of the four seasons, this is a natural phenomenon that contains the law of time.

Of course, the young man is far from the point of understanding the law. At this time, he is just feeling his emotions. I saw him punching faster and faster, gradually becoming a blur of fist shadows, the **** wind and the cold autumn wind gradually merged, producing a magical feeling that seemed real and illusory.

The girl sitting on the side was also attracted by this wonderful and cold fist, slowly stood up, hugged her arms around her chest, and smiled at the teenager who focused on practicing fist.

"Master, did you know that the way you focus on boxing is really fascinating!" The girl's eyes shone, and she stood quietly.

The teenager didn't notice the girl's thoughts, he was still immersed in the comprehension of boxing.

"Call, call, call..."

This exercise is three days and three nights. In addition to "Autumn Wind", he also practiced "Autumn Wind Sweeping Leaves" and "Autumn Frost Ruthless". After three days of hardening, the boxing intention of the three-stroke punching, killing, ruthlessness, and ruthlessness suddenly became very clear, and they were more rounded and powerful.

"Boss, I really like how you practice autumn wind fist! Real man!" Knowing that Hughes had ended his epiphany, the demon immediately shouted excitedly. These three days of insight have great benefits for condensing the power of the body and soul.

"It's a strong wind fist, what an autumn wind fist? If you don't know it, don't talk nonsense, it's really embarrassing!" The most uncomfortable thing about Jin Ling is the excited face of the remnant demon.

"I know it is Gale Boxing, but the boss practiced these three days of Gale Boxing in the three days! Do you understand?" After the last speeding breakthrough, the strength of the residual demon has also been enhanced, and now it has been hidden. Can resist with Jin Ling wanted.

"Yeah, dare to talk back, believe me or not to destroy you!" Jin Ling raised his right hand as if to start.

"Okay, who is afraid of who?" The demon was originally a result of the brutal violence, and his temper was most hot.

"Be quiet. I can't figure it out, you are all my magic crystals and souls produced by the soul, why is it not like me at all?" Hughes was speechless every time he heard them squabble. Obviously created by myself, both in appearance and strength are not much different from myself, why is the personality so different?

In fact, he only endowed two soul bodies and thoughts, and their respective characters were determined by the power that shaped their bodies. Jin Ling is made of pure gold elements, with a pure, sharp, and simple character, while residual devil is created with a residual amount of violence, with an active, hot, and active character.

"A strong man is here," Jin Ling said suddenly. To speak of the essence of strength, Hughes thinks that he is not as good as Jin Ling. Therefore, Jin Ling's sensitivity is the strongest of the three.

Sure enough, the void of 100 meters in front of Hughes suddenly fluctuated, and a slim, glamorous woman appeared.

"Huh? Invisibility? What level of power is this woman?" Hughes's strength has not yet broken into the sanctuary, and his gold mirror technique cannot measure the strength of the powerful after the sanctuary.

"She, like me, is a three-layered powerhouse of spiritual consciousness." Old Man Mo suddenly emerged from the Xuanlong ring, and said solemnly.

"Yo, isn't this Mr. Medeljic? Are you still alive?" Hu Lishapi smiled, but secretly said in his heart: It happened! The purpose of her coming here is to kill Hughes directly, and then take back the soul-soul card belonging to their Moon Temple. She never expected to encounter Medelich, which disappeared thousands of years ago.

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