Pioneer Knight

Chapter 285:

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But the evil knight beat down the water dog, and will carry out the principle of killing you while you are sick. The sword of sorrow keeps piercing out, and Hughes feels a gloomy air coming from above him. Roll away, avoid this thorn, and roll again... A black energy radiated from the weapon of the evil knight, released towards Huss, Huss stood up with a carp, and looked up and saw a black energy towards Facing himself, Hughes raised his hands with two cannons to counteract this energy.

The evil knight has a surprised expression on his face, because he feels that the power of Hughes has a sense of natural disaster, but he is affiliated with the guard army, but his shot is not slow. The sword is stabbed again, Hughes glared, one is just a legend. Heroes of the same level can actually push themselves like this. Huss screamed, the armband opened, and the power of uncleanness poured into the body again. The black sphere of light flowed over the blade of the scattered night, and the blade of the scattered night was severely connected to the short sword soldier of sorrow.

Hughes hate shots, plus the power of the unclean armbands, a knife directly blasted the evil knight on the horse, and Hughes spit out blood. After all, Hughes resisted the power of the man and the rush of the horse alone. The strong, strong anti-seismic force left Hughes slightly injured. Hughes was extremely depressed at this time. Since he had powers, he has been run around by enemies stronger than himself, but he has not been so embarrassed. This evil knight has started!

The evil knight was more astonished in his heart. The human power in front of him was so powerful. He tried his best to be defeated by his seemingly understatement. This is not a bit worse. The evil knight cannot help himself. The idea is ridiculous, he underestimated the young man. Hughes is no matter what the evil knight is thinking, the only idea is to kill the evil knight in front of him, mentioning the blade of the night, and rushing towards the evil knight, passing the bone of the evil knight Cut the bone horse in half with a knife...

The evil knight exuded black mist and began to chant: "Great lord! May your divine power envelope this battlefield, let the dead soldier pick up his weapon again and fight again!" A black energy enveloped The body near the evil knight, Hughes watched the black mist not far from him, stopped the charge, and chose to wait and see its changes.

The black mist gradually dissipated, and the corpses enveloped by the black mist stood up again. No matter the heavy knight of human being, the knight of the burning knight group or the wolf knight were resurrected, the total number of resurrection was about 40. The sorrow in the hands of the evil knight penetrated into the body of a resurrected human knight. I saw that the knight was aging quickly, and finally died again, and the paler face of the evil knight improved slightly, and it seemed to be shocked by Hughes. The injury was recovered a bit.

The evil knight's sword of sorrow pointed at Hughes, and about 40 knights immediately attacked Hughes, but the evil knight quickly fled towards himself, because he knew that the 40 resurrected knights could not resist Hughes. . Seeing that the resurrected knight launched a charge towards him, Hughes couldn't help but feel furious. He raised his hands and hit three guns. All the eight headed knights fell to the ground and died under the horseshoe.

The light of the scattered night's blade flashed in Hughes's hand, and he stepped forward. The blade of the scattered night turned upside down, leaping, and a knife split open the throat of a knight. The blood flowed like a fountain. Hughes flew with his foot, escaped the attacks of two knights, and successfully killed a knight...

When the evil knight returned to the camp, he could not help but give a breath, and finally the ghost door closed and walked around and came back, immediately launched a charge command, and the burning knight under his command launched the attack again, and at this time Hughes had resurrected the rest The knights of the dead were killed, and then they heard the deafening horseshoe again. Hughes looked at the dust rising in the distance and scolded again: "It's shameless!"

After the scolding, Hughes immediately spread his feet and ran back, and at this time the enemy mage also took the stubborn horse back to Hughes. Hughes turned and mounted, and immediately ran to the camp of the guard army with the enemy mage. go with. Hughes and the enemy mage Magna suddenly found that the sky was dark for a moment, and then they heard the endless bowstring sound again. A sweet voice came to Hughes' ear again: "45 degrees back shot..."

The enemy mage Magina secretly said: "It seems that the king of the hills and the watchmen are coming!" The overwhelming arrows shot at the Burning Knights, and the Burning Knights were suddenly in chaos. They did not expect that there were still behind the guards. The archer ambushed, and the Burning Knights retreated immediately. The enemy wizard Magina had just fallen and said to the king of the hill, "Sir, let's charge again! While the morale of the Burning Legion is low, let's kill them with a carbine?"

The King of the Hill pushed his beard and chuckled with a smile: "The charge is not necessary. The soldiers have been fighting for an afternoon. They are already exhausted. Although the morale of the Burning Legion is low, their soldiers are not tired, and We also don’t know if they ambush."

The anti-mage Magna also nodded in agreement and said, "Adult makes sense!"

The king of the hill Shuanglang smiled and walked towards the main barracks stationed. The enemy mage Magina also led Captain Hughes Czech and others to his barracks. After a period of calculation, a soldier With a sad face, he walked in and said, "Adult, our brother lost more than 4,000, and more than 500 were injured. There are only more than 1,000 wolf knights and only 1,000 remaining in the fighting force!" The enemy mage waved After waving his hand to let the soldiers go out, the enemy mage Magina looked at the shocked Hughes and sighed, "This is the cruelty of the war!" I don't know if I told Hughes or myself!

After dinner, Hughes and the captain of the Czech Republic accompanied the enemy mage to the main account of the King of the Hill. The inside was solemn. The enemy mage strode into the military account, and after a salute to the King of the Hill, they stood Behind the enemy mage, Hughes looked at the heroes in this tent. This time, a total of four heroes came, an elven female hero, a great magician, and the light guard.

The female hero said: "General Magina, how did you lose with the Burning Legion for the first time?"

The enemy mage Magina had been prepared for a long time, and showed the data of the deaths of the guards to the heroes. Magna said: "Master Guard, this time the casualties are so large because the enemy has secret weapons!" One The heroes immediately asked curiously what the secret weapon was, and Magna asked Hughes to tell everyone about the mysterious black rope, and everyone sighed.

The watchman belongs to the warden's family. He is agile. He is covered by a cloak and has many hidden weapons. He is a very good warrior. The mysterious watchman mainly serves elf garrison institutions. Unlike other elven warriors, watchmen often perform tasks such as jailers, assassins, and bounty hunters. When a criminal escapes, the watchman will use his peculiar ability to arrest him. The watchman has an ability called "blink", use this skill and its high mobility to defeat the enemy.

This time the watchman was sent to the guard army by the elven queen, and waited for the dispatch of the Paladin Mark. Then he followed the king of the hill and led his elven archer to the battlefield as a vanguard. Commanded by the watchman.

At the same time, the big-eyed magician said: "Strengthen the defense tonight and watch out for the night attack of the Burning Legion!" The king of the hill began to arrange for the night attack...

In regard to the Burning Legion, the evil knight returned to the camp, and he watched with horror as Hughes slaughtered the remaining resurrected knights, and he did not feel distressed when those resurrected knights died, as long as the power of the soul recovered, Can be resurrected again, the more powerful the unit, the more soul power is needed.

Not long after the evil knight returned to the camp, a scout told him that the abyss demon led the army to camp in five miles, and asked him to report the situation. The evil knight did not dare to neglect, immediately mounted the newly-changed bone horse and ran towards five miles away...

The evil knight walked straight into the camp of the Abyssal Demon King, and could not help feeling a little nervous, because it was said that the Demon King was very irritable, and it seemed that the Abyssal Demon King came back from another parallel space, and it seemed that he was in a bad mood. Under Ruida, do you say that the abyss demon king can feel better?

The evil knight walked into the tent with great anguish, and found that there were already several heroes in it, including the Geomancer who had just returned on the battlefield, and there were five heroes, namely Forgotten Mage Pugna, Night Stalker, and Four. The Crypt Assassin, one of the great assassins, and the Doom Guardian Thousand Gates, are waiting for the evil knight to report the situation. The evil knight looked at the abyss demon tall above him, bowed respectfully and quietly, and then quietly waited for the abyss demon to ask questions.

The abyssal devil looked down at the evil knight. His costume was similar to that of his friend, death knight Abadon. He hadn't seen it for thousands of years. When he saw the evil knight release the Buddha and saw Abaddon, he immediately felt a sense of goodwill. In the parallel space of the earth, the Abyss Demon King has been down for eight lifetimes, not to mention the other. The loss in the hands of Hughes and Xi Xiangyu is enough to make the Abyss Demon King depressed for a while, and then he ran a God of War. Lu Bu severely kicked himself, and finally came to this world after a lot of hard work.

After the abyssal demon came into this world, he met the night demon again and asked how the night devil came. The Night Stalker said that the man with the sword, and Xiang Yu told himself, so the Night Stalker came to this world. Abyss Demon King called a depressed! Why should I be beaten on my own? When I came to this world, I became Eredar's deputy. This is the most difficult for the Abyss Demon King to accept. He is a devil, and he is a deputy of others...

The evil knight looked at the abyss demon above him, his face changed constantly, and his heart inevitably became even more disturbed. Why didn't he move for a long time? Just when the evil knight was going to endure, the abyss devil said: "You are fighting the guard legion, what's the situation?"

The evil knight respectfully told the abyss demon king the battle situation, and specially emphasized Huss. When the abyss demon king gritted his teeth when he heard the name, the night demon king also revealed a little hatred in his eyes. List. The Abyss Demon King and all the heroes have listened carefully to the situation, waved the evil knight back, and then said to the Night Devil King and others, "What do you think?"

The Doom Guardian Qianmen took a step forward and said, "Adult, I suggest night raids! They have been fighting for a day, at this time they are already tired bodies, and our army is an undead burning legion, and we are not tired!"

The Abyss Demon nodded and said to others, "What do you think?"

The Night Stalker glanced at the Doom Guard, and said to the Abyss Demon King: "Abyss, they will certainly be prepared, it is estimated that the effect will not be very good!"

The head of the abyss demon showed a thoughtful look, and the atmosphere was very dull at this time. The assassin of the crypt did not care. It seemed that the war had nothing to do with him. But it is also that the Crypt Assassin was originally not a subordinate of the Abyss Demon King. In fact, it is equal to the level. Moreover, the Crypt Assassin is not good at the frontal war. It is impossible for him to return to this world without the invitation of the Abyss Demon King.

There is no better way to forget Mage Pugna, staring closely at the Abyss Demon King to see his decision. The evil knight stood up and said respectfully to the abyss demon king: "Master, I think a sneak attack is necessary!"

The Abyssal Demon showed an unexpected expression, "Oh? Come and listen," the Night Demon said to the evil knight. The evil knight sorted out his thoughts and said to the abyss demon: "Looking back to the Lord, first sneak attack can explore the reality of the guard legion."

The Abyss Demon nodded his head in a deep gesture, and indicated that the evil knight continued to say, the evil knight continued to say: "The second plays a harassing role, so that they can not rest well! And our army needs to rest in addition to the burning knights. , Other arms do not need to rest."

The Crypt Assassin immediately said: "Abyss, I think night raids are possible! I'm here to lead the team, what do you think?"

The abyss demon shook his head, and the forgotten mage Pugna also came out and said: "Adult, the evil knight is right, the night attack is completely feasible." The abyss demon king calmly said to the heroes: "The night attack must be Go, and keep sneaking, one or seven times a night..."

The forgotten mage looked puzzled and said, "Isn't this the case?"

A confident smile on the face of the abyss demon said: "It is to fight the grass and startle the snake, that is, they are restless, but the task of sneak attack cannot be given to the crypt assassin!"

The Crypt Assassin said with dissatisfaction: "Can't I complete such a task?"

The Abyss Devil chuckled and replied, "Slightly don't be impatient, good steel will be used on the blade, don't expose it so early!" The Crypt Assassin thought about it, and didn't insist, turned and walked out of the camp, leaving a sentence Words: "Something to find me in Spider Canyon!"

The abyss demon said with a teasing expression: "Look for a lover! Well, dark night, you lead the team tonight, you are the main, the evil knights do the response, go to the camp! Remember not to fight, just harassment! "The Night Stalker nodded and walked out of the barracks. The evil knight followed the Night Stalker out, preparing for the night attack...

When all the heroes withdrew from the big account, the abyss demon could not help but muttered to himself: "Unfortunately the sting did not come..."

A round of bright moon hangs high above the sky, the night demon king looks up at the round of haoyue in the sky, looking at his hands, exuding a burst of black energy, and learned from the evil knight that the successor of Naimor Coming to this world, and joining the guard legion, the night demon king showed a hint of hatred, and he must kill him before he could find a chance to release his hatred.

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