Pioneer Knight

Chapter 626:

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"Ah." Hughes did not expect Feng Zun to be able to say such a thing. It is indeed a person in the dark temple. Sure enough, it was worthy of the word "darkness". Hughes' heart was awesome. A few words, plus the thunder, Yun Kang's very special situation, and then he is likely to be unlucky.

"Xusi, I'm very solemnly asking you whether you want to join the Dark Temple." There is nothing wrong with Hughes' thoughts, what Feng Zun said, how about an old fritter like Thunder, Yunkang It may not be understood, even if it is not for the dark temple, for their life, they have to do this. After three hours, their combat power will be zero, and it is a dangerous place to die the ancient city, if there is no one If you protect them, they will die soon. This is an indisputable fact. Now all they need is a bodyguard, and they all know the strength of Hughes, and now there is no better choice at all.

Hughes didn't expect that things would evolve into what they are now. It was indeed what Hughes didn't expect. If you want to fight, it's impossible. If there is only one thunder, Hughes may be able to escape, but Now there is one more Yun Kang, and now it is at their peak, taking "Crazy Demon Burning Pills", Hughes cannot run away.

Even if Hughes has an "undead body" and has two immortal sacred marks, can he be strong in the field of Fengzun? Obviously it is impossible at all. The laser beam can collapse the entire field. His body collides with the laser beam. He undoubtedly hits the stone with pebbles. There is such a presence in the chakra space. There is no transparency at all. difference.

"Have you thought about it," Lei said to Hughes quietly.

"I~~~" Just when Hughes wanted to go back, there was suddenly a very angry voice coming out. It was actually that Er Ye Yang arrived at this very critical moment. Yang Ye, Yang Ye, snorted coldly. Said: "Sius is the son-in-law of our Yang family. You actually want to dig his horns. If it goes to our Yang family's face, where will we rest? If you beat a dog, you still have to look at the owner. What's so great, keep hiding, hum."

"Who are you? Dare to say bad things about our dark temple." Feng Zun's eyes became colder. Although he is now returning to the light, he has no strength, but his momentum is not lost to others.

"They are descendants of Tianyan Qinglong, people of the Tianyuan Dynasty." Lei Pi explained to Fengzun.

"Tianyan Qinglong, even if it is the descendants of Tianyan Qinglong, why did our dark temple ever fear them, even if my strength is weak now, the dark temple is not what you can evaluate." Feng Zun said very angry.

"What time do you think it is now that the four halls of your dark temple are destroyed, and now you can only hide in the dark, even your dark temple is destroyed by the temple of light, which is ridiculous, and it is actually such a big deal. Yang Yang said coldly.

"What." Feng Zun was shocked and snarled angrily: "Is he really talking about it?"

Feng Zun couldn't believe that the dark temple of today had evolved into such a shape, and he was anxiously attacking. With a loud spit, he spit out a lot of blood, and his already fragile body became weaker, even with the strength to stand up. Not at all, fell to the ground.

"You, Yang Minhao, it's not your turn to talk about things in my dark temple. You just care about your Yang family. What about the descendants of Tianyan Qinglong, our dark temple is not afraid of you at all." Seeing Feng Zun look like this, Lei Pi's face became very cold, and said coldly.

"The four halls of the dark temple are indeed destroyed, the dark temple is destroyed, but what about that, the four heavenly kings of the light temple are also killed in battle, and the vitality is badly hurt, even if it is the current light temple, what fear do we have Instead, it was your Yang family, who was eaten to death by the Shangqiu dynasty. I will see how you will deal with the next four dynasty gambling battles." Yunyong continued with Lei Pi's words.

"You don't need to worry about it. You should care about yourself first. The effect of'Crazy Demon Burning Pills' is only three hours. I see how you survive in such a dangerously dangerous ancient city." Yang Minhao was cold Said.

"Let's go." Yang Min ordered to the people around him, and then said angrily to Hughes: "Are you going with us, or are you in this place, hum, I don't know how the owner thought, actually Promise that family matter, I have long looked at you very disagreeable, you shameless, our Yang family also have a face, actually being bullied by extermination."

"I can do anything about it. To tell you the truth, your Yang family is indeed stingy. As my quasi-son-in-law of your Yang family, you all give me a life-saving weapon. Don’t be very good. Spiritual weapons are enough. Even if it is There is no weapon, immortality, and cheats are okay, but you are all scratchy. If I have a very powerful weapon, how can I encounter such a thing? Speaking of it, you Yang family throw their own face." Hughes knew that this was Yang Minhao's deliberate selection of himself. Perhaps it was to report that he had embarrassed him. Even if he showed humility, it would be useless and would only make him look down on him more.

"Otherwise, you give me some weapons, elixir, cheats, and other things. I promise that such things will never happen again. In this way, the Yang family’s face will be preserved, a spirit. The face of the device and the Yang family, I believe that Ye Er will definitely make the most correct choice." Xius said to Yang Min.

Yang Min's face was slightly cramped, his face became very ugly, and his body was a little trembling. It seems that he was extremely restraining his emotions and not making himself angry. If such a lesson is learned, the Yang family will lose more. The face of Yang Yangqiang endured the urge to choose Hughes, and he was very depressed, thinking of his majestic Yang Ye, who would not give him a thin face, but Hughes just broke this routine, like Like his nemesis, seeing that he wouldn't let himself worry, Yang Cao surprisingly remained silent, heading straight towards the cave that extinguished the abyss of heaven and earth.

Lei Ping and Yun Kou also heard the words from Huss, and they all had great consternations. They didn’t expect that Huss dare to say that to Yang Minhao. Yang Minhao had heard of them, they were old antiques, and they were bitter. It is mean, like a black-faced king, it is very famous in the entire Yang family and even the entire Tianyuan dynasty, but I have not heard of anyone who can make him deflate. Now think about the attitude of Hughes to them. Be very polite.

After Yang Cao walked into the cave, Feng Zun was very languishing to face Lei, Yunyong said: "Your current strength is greatly discounted, and you can't enter the silkworm palace at all. I know there is a place with "Jing Yuan Dan" Is a former refining medicine storehouse of the celestial worms. Jingyuan Dan can supplement the burned Jingyuan in your body. It only needs to adjust the interest rate. I did not expect that the Dark Temple actually declined to such a point. I do have a great responsibility. If I could get the "Dark Forgiveness" and open the "Ancient Temple" at that time, then the strength of our dark temple would increase sharply, and there is no need to worry about the Temple of Light at all."

In the cave, there are now only four people behind Yang Min. Under the slight induction of Hughes, they all have the strength of the heavenly soul realm. The background of the Tianyuan Yang family is indeed not to be underestimated. Ruin the ancient city actually dispatched so many powerful people in the sky soul realm, Hughes clearly remembered that Yang Min’s men were not worth such a few people, but Hughes did not ask much, think about what they are now Place, the ancient city of silence is really a dangerous thing.

"Second Lord, where are we going to go?" Hughes explored along the endless deep cave with mental energy, but it was very deep like a bottomless cave, Hughes asked with a frown.

"Huh, I only think that you are the Yang family's name for the sake of your life. If you let others know that Yang Yang's death will not save me, wouldn't it damage my reputation, but now we have nothing to do, What are you doing?" Yang Min did not want to see Hughes. He wandered in front of himself. Yang Minhao felt very upset and said coldly to Hughes.

"I didn't expect you to be so ruthless like this. After I went out, I must hyped up what you did in the ancient city. You rely on the old and sell the old, and you still bully the younger generation. Lao Zun, peeking at the 80-year-old lady taking a bath, seeing the sow, her eyes are bright, you ~~~~~~." Hughes kept counting Yang Yanghao, and he could think of things that were very dirty. It is said that Yang Min's body was splashing dirty water unscrupulously.

"You." Yang Minhao has been suppressing the anger in his heart, but when he heard what Huss said, he couldn't help but waved his hand to Huss.

Hughes had already been prepared. When Yang Min’s hand waved down, Hughes had jumped to another position quickly. He exaggeratedly shouted: "Yellow Yang hit someone, and actually attacked the younger generation. It's really shameless."

"You little beast, dare to slander me like this, Yang Wo, Yang Shi, you give me this kid, I will teach him a good lesson today, let him know how to write the word "respect", actually like this "It's cruel and lawless." Yang Min said cruelly.

Yang Minhao finally couldn't bear Hughes's words very anxiously and anger, and reason could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He wanted to teach Hughes a lesson. Otherwise, Yang Minhao was very difficult to swallow this tone, he never had I met someone like Hughes who made him very angry.

The four people who followed Yang's side heard Yang's order, surrounded Hughes in the middle, and wanted to seize Hughes, and then let Yang Min's treatment dictate the final ruling.

"Yang Yanghao, you dare to do such a thing that people and gods resent, bullying the younger generation, you still have to be shameless, it really counts down as you live, and you will never die." Hughes did not expect Yang Minhao to really pull down his face to do such a thing. It is simply impossible to make Hughes serve soft. If he really wears softness, then he will really fall into Yang Min's arms. What he wants is such an effect.

"It's really lively here." Just when Yang Wo and Yang Shi were about to start their hands, there was suddenly a sound of laughter. Hughes turned around and saw his personal shape, wearing a flat head. A long hat with a very beautiful picture on it. It is a colorful tiger, which looks full of domineering and tiger-stricken forest, but the man is holding a paper fan in his hand and looks very gentle and elegant. The image of a scholar is very similar to that of literary, Confucianism, and Mo Yan. Hughes has a lot of doubts, but he did not see this person when he died the outer layer of the ancient city, which means that he was later, but Later, if you entered, the power of the sky thorn of "Yu Tianzhen thorn" was greatly enhanced. This person actually did not have a posture of being half injured, which shows that he is indeed very extraordinary.

"'Sven scum' business crack, I didn't expect it to be you, you are not good to be your easy lord in the Shangqiu dynasty, actually ran here, you really think your own life is long enough." Yang Minhao saw it The appearance of the person is very angry.

"This ruined ancient city is not the site of your Tianyuan dynasty. Whoever dares to take care of my affairs when I want to come, and even if it is the Tianyuan dynasty, I haven’t wanted to go. You were my defeated one. Over the years, I am still in this state, and I feel very ashamed for you." Shang Li said with a pity.

"Huh, if it weren't for the last time you got the quota to enter the Tianyan Qinglong Mausoleum, giving you the opportunity to enter the Qinglong Mausoleum, you are not much better, just the strength of Yuan Fang Realm, what is so good for you. "Yang Yang said unreasonably on his mouth, but he was very cautiously looking at Shang crack, once Yuan Fang realm, that is also the strong of the realm of the realm, although it seems that there is only a gap of this level, but in fact it is There are many differences, that is the qualitative gap.

"I don't have the idea of ​​trying to compete with you. How dare you defeat your courage? If you are not convinced, there will be four new dynasty gambling battles in three years. At that time, I hope you will not be as miserable as you lost before. It is estimated that you won’t be able to cry at that time.” Shang crack said with a mad smile.

"This doesn't need you to worry, you should take care of yourself first." Yang Minhao said coldly.

After such a churning of Shang crack, Yang Min did not have any interest in treating Hughes. His attention was completely attracted by Shang crack. Hughes was surprisingly not hitting Yang Min, watching Shang crack disappear. At the end of the cave, Hughes heard his name and their conversation, only knowing that Shang crack was the person of Shangqiu dynasty, that is, the descendant of Tianlan Shenghu, but for other Hughes, it was fundamental It’s not clear, so I was very curious and asked Yang Yangcai: "Who is that Shang crack?"

"Shangchai is the seventh brother of the current emperor of the Shangqiu dynasty. Once he was in the Yuanfang Realm, in the last four dynasty gambling battles, the Shangqiu dynasty won the final victory. It was because of this that Shang crack entered the Qinglong. The cultivation of the mausoleum and the breakthrough to the realm, if it is according to his own strength, it is simply impossible. He is called a'splenic scum' because that is because he looks very elegant and disguised as a refined person, But in fact, he didn’t have much ink at all, and he couldn’t do that for the literati, but he pretended to be coquettish and humiliating, so he was given such a nickname.” Yang Minhao Unexpectedly, there was no cold eyes, but explained to Hughes.

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