Pioneer Knight

Chapter 633:

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Hughes's "Tiansha Spirit" imprinted light, the rune changed, and the energy of the Tiansha slowly penetrated into the body of Hughes and was absorbed by the "Tiansha Spirit". Hughes didn't care about Tiansha, and now the first thing to do is to find the "frontier eye". Hughes headed towards the world of Tiansha.

The yinfeng rage raises the mist, and the surrounding scene becomes very blurred. Hughes can only fumble forward. Since the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation" is considered to be a strong formation, it naturally has his superiority. Yes, Hughes must be very careful. Hughes didn't go far, he heard a "squeak" sound, and then Hughes saw the mighty silkworm ants. Hughes was very surprised, but he didn't expect him to come towards him, dangerous. Is coming.

The silkworm ants quickly surrounded Hughes in the center, rubbing their pliers and fangs, and wanted to bite Hughes, but the silkworm ants and Hughes saw differently in front of them, and their colors were dark. It is very similar to the Qi of Qisha, like it has been invaded by Tiansha for a long time and changes its color. The eyes of silkworm ants are all white pupils, and there is no black mark, which makes Hughes feel very strange. The breath of the Emperor Silkworm Emperor's body seems to be useless at all, and it is impossible to affect the silkworm ants half.

This made Hughes's face change greatly, but I didn't expect to deal with the soul of the silkworm ants most proud of the silkworm ants, but there was no use at all. Hughes thought of summoning the silkworm emperor. Application, that is, no matter how far away, Hughes can call the puppet to his side through the blood contract, it is called "psychic".

"Psychic, the Emperor of the Silkworm Emperor summoned." Hughes made a very unique mark, chanting a spell in his mouth, and then yelled loudly. Then there appeared a very strange altar of sacrifice in the sky. The mysterious sacrificial scriptures laid around the entire altar of sacrifice. Then the figure of the Emperor Emperor appeared on the altar of the sacrifice, and the Emperor Emperor was summoned out.

Although Hughes practiced psychic maneuvers many times, he was the first to see such a scene. Hughes did not expect such a shock. The scene was very grand and mysterious, which made Hughes The puppet of blood sacrifice is more important.

"This is ~~~~~." Emperor Tiancang felt a flicker in front of him, and then the space he was in completely changed. He didn't figure out exactly what the situation was. When he saw this very strange situation, he revealed it. Very confused look.

"Asshole, you actually summoned me to this place, and I got the forgiveness of the dark god. I was about to melt the silkworm altar in my body. I didn't expect you to dare to disturb me." The emperor of the silkworm soon saw the figure of Hughes. Then, he broke the mouth and scolded that the Emperor of the Silkworm was quite angry.

"Shut up, annoying people." Emperor Silkworm was scolding Hughes, but he heard the silkworm ants squeaking there, making Emperor Silkworm's not very good mood even worse. Humph yelled at the silkworm ants.

The silkworm ants did not completely stop like this, but the silkworm ants who were very close to the Emperor Silkworm Emperor felt the strong imperial breath of the Emperor Silkworm Emperor and became very quiet, but the other silkworm ants did not obey the Emperor Silkworm at all Yelled at the order.

"Huh, give me these silkworm ants to solve them." Hughes's mood is very unhappy. Since the Emperor of the Silkworm did not have the consciousness of being a puppet, Hughes had a reason to correct the Emperor of the Silkworm and ordered to the Emperor of the Silkworm. Road.

"Yes." Emperor Emperor replied in his mind. When Emperor Emperor Emperor responded, he felt very weird. Why would he answer? Emperor Emperor embarrassed when he thought that this must be Hughes, he said: "You in the end What did you do to me and why should I obey your orders."

"Not yet." Hughes did not answer the emperor's words, but continued to give orders.

The celestial emperor's consciousness wanted to resist, but this was a contract of soul blood sacrifice, and the soul was controlled, not to mention the celestial emperor's own consciousness, only to obey Hughes' orders very well, but the emperor's resistance It is beyond Hughes's expectations. It seems that he needs a good training, and his "puppet technique" is still in the elementary level. He needs to practice well before he can better control.

"Shut up." The Emperor's expression became very stupid, like a puppet, without any feeling of self, and then emitted sound waves to those silkworm ants. After hearing the sound waves of the Emperor, the silkworm ants Continue to enter the body of the Emperor of the Silkworm Emperor. The body of the Emperor of the Silkworm seems to have a mysterious and vast space. Even if so many silkworm ants can be received, the Hughes is very shocked, which makes it again Hughes remembered the little beast Ke Ke, and he was the same when he absorbed the Moroccan spar. Does the beast have a mysterious space? Hugh doubted in his heart.

The silkworm emperor absorbed the silkworm ants into his body. Hughes thought that if the silkworm was in a sober state, there must be a big problem. His arrogance did not know what to do, but Hughes now does not. There is a better way, and Hughes' control of the Emperor is not yet complete, which is indeed a headache.

Soon the Emperor Emperor wakes up, watching Hughes has a kind of awe and fear, but also with a hateful eyes, Hughes has no control, and directly shuts the silkworm shut and put it into the chakra Space, and subconsciously continue to send the command "I am your master." to the Emperor of the Silkworm, this is a subtle function, and once the Emperor of the Silkworm has resistance, Hughes will punish him to tune the Emperor of the Silkworm.

After the crisis of silkworm ants has passed, Hughes continues to move forward. Hughes knows that this is the first wave. The dangerous things are still behind, and Hughes cannot be treated with caution. In this way, after a short time in Hughes, he encountered a second wave of shock, where there is Shabing, and Shaqi merged into an adult form and became a Shabing. They are very powerful and powerful, and they feel far away. , That momentum went straight to the mind of Hughes, each Sha Bing had the practice of the Sky Soul Realm, Hughes's face became very dignified, I didn't expect the world of Tian Sha to have such a existence.

Sha Bing, Tian Sha condensed into a soldier, holding a sha axe, the powerful momentum forced the mind of Hughes, let Hughes feel the majestic and vast power of Tiansha, watching the Xiong surrounded by Hughes Si's face became unprecedentedly dignified, and the momentum of Shabing's body was comparable to the strength of Heaven's Soul Realm. Compared with the current Shabing, the wave of silkworms and ants just now was just a little bit of trouble.

There is a very faint glimmer of light on the forehead of the Shabing, Hughes found that it was actually a rune, the rune of the Rune family, the core of the Shabing is the rune, and the Qi is all condensed by the rune. The formation of a very unique life body, sha body.

Just as Xius was facing the sign on the forehead of the Shabing, Shabing did not give Hughes time to consider. Shabing held the Shax axe and slashed towards Xius with a force. Contains a very powerful Qi Qi, so that Hughes is moving, this powerful momentum makes Hughes breathing is very uncomfortable, as if he can't breathe out, the Qibing in front of him is definitely not a fist and embroidered leg, but it is indeed Has a very strong strength.

Hughes's mind turned quickly, how to face the crisis in front of him, how did the seal exist? What kind of use does this have? This is the primary problem Hughes faces. Although Hughes’ "Undead Body" made a breakthrough in the "Nine You Yin Spring" and reached the level of the third "Undead Sacred Mark", the only one who can deal with the Earth Soul Realm, the Heaven Soul Realm is away from the present. Hughes still has a distance.

Shabing has the spirit of Heavenly Soul Realm, but also has the strength of Heavenly Soul Realm, which makes Hughes into a very dangerous situation, and the soldiers are not only one or two very rare, but groups of Sha Bing, Hughes couldn't look to the side at a glance, just like the legion, the troop. This is not something Hughes can deal with at all, unless there is another way out, just like the battle with the demons in the Demon Flame Hell.

Hughes jumped up, avoiding the axe of the soldiers, and in his hand there was a very delicate black wooden box, which sent out a lingering sword gas, scaring Lian Lian, a jet that could not be resisted by the sword. And out, that's exactly what Hughes won for the fifth place in the "Most Strong List", "Star Breaking Peak".

"Star Crushed Peak" is a spiritual weapon, a spiritual product, the only spiritual weapon without a sword spirit, but it is the strongest existence. It contains three layers of seals. What Hughes did not expect was that Hughes was just a solution. The seal on the first layer of the seal has such a powerful power. The soldiers who cut towards Hughes were directly smashed by a powerful sword like the "Star Crushing Peak", and turned into Sha Qi again, that rune It is broken.

Hughes had a feeling of uncontrollability while holding the "Star Broken Peak". The sword intention was constantly flooding Hughes' body and overwhelming Hughes' will. The will is very firm, Hughes's strength is even more breakthrough, very reluctant to be able to wield "Star Breaking Peak".

"Xing Shao Feng"'s powerful sword intention was unsealed, and the raging burst of fire, the area around "Xing Shao Feng" turned into the world of swords, the sword's intention was blurred into shadow, and the sword shadow echoed around Hughes, entering The sword soldiers of the world of swords are all shattered by the powerful sword intention, which is very domineering.

Hughes dare not imagine everything he sees in front of him. The "Star Crushed Peak" is too powerful. The suggestion of stealth is surely correct. Now he really cannot control the "Star Crushed Peak". It was only a moment's time, and Hughes felt his spiritual power, which consumed a lot of mental power, and he felt a sense of collapse. Although the result of "Star Breaking Peak" was unexpectedly good, it brought The effect is huge.

The soldiers do not have their own ideas. It is their mission to eliminate the invading enemies. Although the "Star Breaking Peak" strangled a large number of soldiers, they were brave to move forward without any fear at all. . The Shabing itself is formed by the fusion of the Seal with the Qi. Even if the Shabing is killed, it becomes the Qi. As long as the Seal is not destroyed, as many as the desired can be.

Hughes thought that it would not be a way to go on like this. Fu Yin was the most critical. Hughes collected the runes scattered in the world of swords and was destroyed by the "Star Broken Peak". He wanted to get clues from it. When he touched the runes, he did not get sucked into Dantian. Hughes thought It may be related to the destruction of the seal.

The symbol of "Fusion" is written on the seal, which is called "Fusion of Condensation", but this name is indeed very appropriate, and the function of this seal is clearly explained. The "melting character" is the ability to melt energy to form an energy body, just like a puppet, but there is a difference. The strength of the melting energy body is related to the energy melted by the "melting character". Energy The more, the more powerful the power is.

The soldiers who can consolidate into the strength of the heaven soul realm, the strength of the "condensation talisman" is naturally not to be underestimated. Even if it does not reach the spirit character, it is presumed that there is a high level of metamorphosis. Now as long as you can arrive at the main character To destroy it, Hughes believes that these soldiers will not attack and destroy themselves, but the "melting master" is there, but Hughes is very difficult to touch.

"Sky eyes, broken." Hughes's sky eyes burst into a dim light and searched around for "The Master of Condensation". Hughes noticed that there was an anomaly ahead, and the soldiers were all melted from there. Hughes thought that there might be the location of the "Master of Melting", and he quickly headed towards that place.

Everywhere the "Star Breaking Peak" turned into a mess, no soldiers could stop Hughes' footsteps, and all the fallen on the ground were destroyed "melting symbols". The power of the Fuyin is related to his own nature. The biggest limit of the "melting master symbol" is the evil soldiers of the sky soul realm. No matter how strong the "melting master symbol" is, it cannot be produced at all. Si came to the front of the "condensation master".

The soldiers around the "Condensation Master Symbol" have become more crazy, like being ordered by the principal symbol, don't let him destroy the "Condensation Lord Symbol", otherwise, they will no longer exist, all the soldiers will Coming towards Hughes.

Hughes coldly watched the brave soldiers coming from behind, dropped the "Star Broken Peak" in his hand momentarily, exhibited the law of space and came to the front of the "Master of Condensation", which is what Hughes wanted When he got it, Hughes reached out and grabbed the "Tube of Condensation". What Hughes thought was indeed correct, Hughes felt pain in his hand. "Tab of Condensation" was sucking his own blood, and then He started towards Huss's body and entered the mud pill palace of Huss, and merged into Fuzhuan, Fuzhuan became more perfect, and above all he gave birth to an inexplicable glory.

"The Melting Master Symbol" was merged into the Fuzhuan of Niwanu Palace by Xiusi, Shabing lost its role of Rune Seal and suddenly dissipated into energy, the air of Heavenly Sha, the crisis brought by Shabing was thus resolved However, this is indeed very dangerous. The "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation" is indeed very powerful, that is, this silkworm ant and the soldiers are not ordinary people can deal with. If Hughes had a silkworm emperor, it was very strange. Fu Zhuan, Hughes does not know how many times he died.

Just wondering if there is any greater danger in the future, Hughes said in his heart. Hughes continued to move forward, and he had already reached this point. Hughes had no reason to give up, that is, he did not know what the other people were. If they could not survive such a crisis, everything he did Is meaningless.

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