Pioneer Knight

Chapter 651:

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"The number of killing Kewei Keyu is enough, the empty layer is opened, we can go to the second layer of mud storage layer." Quanhe Quanhe did not panic, but showed a very happy expression, said excitedly.

The words of Quanhe Quanhe just fell, and the mud around them had “flowed” to other places. Cracks appeared next to the mudstone. The cracks spread quickly under violent vibration. Hughes was not ready yet. Mudstone It fell sharply, and Hughes’ body was stagnant, almost falling, but fortunately, Hughes’s reaction nerve speed was very fast, and he adjusted his state instantly, standing steadily on the mudstone. As the mudstone reaches the second mud layer, the mud layer is where Enze Qian is. This is the purpose of Hughes’s trip. There is a lot of heat in Hughes’s heart. The effect of Enzeqian is to see Arriving, self-enchantment, is a very precious treasure.

The mudstone landed quickly, and it didn’t take a long time. The mudstone calmed down calmly. Looking at the surrounding environment, Hughes thought: "This is the second layer of mud in the marshland."

The swamp of the mud layer is darker than that of the empty layer. There is no yellowish mud in the empty layer of the swamp, but it is completely dark, and it also exudes very strong miasma, dense here. The degree is higher than that of the empty layer. The purple light "Enzequan" on Quanhe Quanhe is more strongly squeezed, as if it is attached to Quanhe Quanhe, the enchantment space has doubled, and that share The pressure was even passed on to Quanhe Quanhe. His face became very ugly, even breathing gasping.

Hughes didn't control Quanhehe Quanhe, because when Hughes fell to the mud layer, the trouble had come to the door, and the arms of the bound wood came toward Hughes and they were dying. Attacking, Hughes quickly used his mental power to attack his soul towards Kao Keyu, but he was shocked to find that Kao Keyu, who had been attacked by his own spirit, did not fall apart, and turned into a mud again. He did not suffer any harm first.

Seeing that the dying Ke Yu's arm is about to fall on his body, Hughes wants to avoid it, but Quanhe Quanhe must be suffering. Hughes and Quanhe Quanhe have no deep feelings. The foundation, but Hughes did not mean to give up in this way. Quanhe Quanhe’s performance during this time was quite remarkable, and he did not have any unconscionable thoughts about Hughes. In this way, others respect me, I respect others, he never wants to provoke things, but he is not afraid of anything.

Hughes gritted his teeth, and his mental power was doubled, so that very strong mental power had an effect. The original arrogant dying Ke Yu showed a very uncomfortable expression, and the strong arm slowly fell Fall and become muddy. Hughes felt dangerous, but it was a long sigh of relief, and his mental strength had been overdrawn. Hughes' face was instantly pale and he gasped out continuously.

Nimaru Palace is the spiritual source of human beings. It holds the spiritual power of human beings. Spiritual power is a kind of energy, but he is a very special energy. It has an inexplicable relationship with the soul. In general, the stronger the soul , The stronger the spirit, that is, the appearance of the spirit and spirit of man, but the spirit and soul of Hughes are very different. The soul of Hughes is the soul of God of Heaven, and its strength is naturally needless to say, but Although the spirit of Hughes is stronger than that of the same rank, it is much worse than the soul. At this moment, the spiritual power in the mud pill palace of Hughes is somewhat depleted. This is a very bad situation. If you don't have mental power, you can't use consciousness and fall into deep consciousness, which is commonly known as "fainting."

"This is the second generation of Kao Keyu, whose soul has been strengthened at least three times, and how powerful the soul of Kao Keyu on the third floor should be." Hughes was full of shock.

"You have nothing to do." Seeing that Hughes's spirit was a little sluggish, and the body could not really support it, Quanhe Quanhe asked very concerned, and here Quanhe Quanhe could not play a little use at all, he Understand that if it were not Hughes’ protection, he would probably be hit by the dying Ke Yu. Even if he didn’t die, the disability was necessary. Quanhe Quanhe was grateful to Hughes.

"It's just that the mental consumption is too great, and the spirit is a little tired." Hughes said, closing his eyes and resting his mind. Indeed, when the sky was empty, Hughes repeatedly used his mental power to eliminate thirty-five antagonized Ke Yu, so that Hughes' spirit The power is almost exhausted, and when he enters the mud layer, he encounters this more powerful second-generation scorpion Ke Yu. Of course, the spirit of Hughes can't stand it.

"We have to move forward quickly, the recovery ability of the second-generation Kewei Keyu is more powerful, he needs only one-half of the time of the first-generation Kewei Keyu, let's go quickly, or else The dying Ke Yudu was just in vain." Quanhe Quanhe said anxiously.

Hughes felt that the deep black mud has begun to roll into a pile, constantly "climbing" upward, and the miasma in the mud was quickly condensed, forming a very special soul, that is, the dying Ke Yu derivative At the core, Hughes knows that it is the soul fragments of "Qiao". Hughes is only a moment of adjusting the rate of interest, and Keyu Keyu is about to recover. The second generation of Gaoya Keyu is really extraordinary, Without any hesitation, Hughes said to Quanquan Quanhe around him, "Go."

Hughes didn't go far, he heard the roaring sound of Keyu Keyu after his recovery. Hughes was very strange in his heart. Does it mean that the re-condensed Kewei Keyu still has remnant memories, it seems that it is indeed There is such a possibility that Hughes now has reason to believe that Caowei Ni Ke has a great connection with the extraterrestrial creature "Qiao", or that Cao Wei Ke Yu was formed by the spirit of "Qiao", just let Xiu Si feels very surprised that the dying Ke Yu's soul is very fragile, but the body is very strong, but the "Cai" soul is extremely strong, and the body is very fragile. It is really impossible to figure out what is going on.

The weak soul of Ke Yu Ke Yu is probably because there are too few fragments of the soul of the "蠌" condensed, but the body repairs are very unclear, perhaps in such a very special situation, after ten thousand years of evolution But now it's like this, this explanation makes sense. But no matter what, the primary task now is to get "Enze".

The eroded Ke Yu in the mud layer is only the second generation, but Hughes has a feeling of powerlessness. The soul strength of the eroded Ke Yu is at the peak of the heavenly soul realm, which is two levels higher than Hughes. Even though Hughes’s spirit is stronger than everyone’s, but after many exhibitions, Hughes’s spirit has dried up.

The recovery of the second generation of Ke Yu Ke Yu is more powerful, that is only half of the time spent by the empty layer of Yu Yu Ke Yu, the spirit consumed by Hughes has no chance to restore the interest rate, if it continues in this way If Hughes was not chopped to death by Ke Wei Ke Yu, he would die because of exhaustion of mental energy.

Hughes now understands the horror of the "swampland", and it is not without reason to be called the forbidden land of the Rift Valley. Hughes thought in his heart that he was not horrified except for the miasma. It cannot be underestimated.

"Do you have any records in the classics you read about where there is "Enze" in the mud layer?" Hughes said to the Quanhe Quanhe around him, the language was low.

"This is not the case. Most of the information in the classics is the information on the ground floor of the third floor, but it is written in the classics that there is a very unique space on the second floor. That is the northwest of the second floor. It is a place 'Lake', the lake in the swamp is a very strange thing. The ancestors of our family have explored that lake, but they did not find any strange places, and there is no more attention. The predecessors who recorded the classics are curious to record. Above, I don't know if it is the place you need to have'Enzeyuan'." Quanhe Quanhe said.

"Lake?" Hughes was surprised to say that having a lake in a swamp is indeed a very strange thing. That is indeed a very strange thing. There is no other special place in the mud layer, only such a lake, but In the end, how this lake is created is impossible in such a swamp. Is it caused by Enze's enchantment space ability? Hughes thought in his heart that this is indeed very likely. , But Hughes turned to think that the ancestors of the Quanhe Lima family should be a very strong presence, able to come here and leave the classics all over the body, no matter how much Hughes can touch now, that way How could the people who did not know the world's treasures such as "En Ze-teng" really be justified, but now there is no other better way for Hughes, with too little understanding of the swampy land, Hughes is silent To Quanhe Quanhe said: "Let's go, let's take a look at this lake first."

"Huh." Quanhe Quanhe responded very cheerfully.

Although the scorpion Keyu in the mud layer is more powerful, it is built on more mud and denser lichen, which causes the scorpion Keyu to be lower in number than the empty layer. Ke Yu, now Hughes only uses spiritual power in battle. At other times, Quanhe Quanhe is helping Hughes to move forward. In this way, spiritual power can be saved, and Quanhe Quanhe can contribute. This is enough for him to be very excited, to be useful or useless, even if it is hard, people are more willing to be the former, it has a sense of vanity and is rich in spirit. .

Along the way, I only encountered one Ke Wei Ke Yu, and there was no other Shi Wei Ke Yu. The Yu Yun Ke Yu of the mud layer is indeed very rare, which makes Hughes very happy, although there is no The powerful dying Ke Yuzuo, the spiritual power of Hughes is even weaker, those other monsters living in the swamp begin to move around, and the monsters such as the muddy beast and the Zelan beast look at Hughes and Quanhe Quanhe. It has a very hot look, it is a kind of "enthusiasm" for food, but these demon beasts have great shortcomings compared with the dying Ke Yu in terms of momentum and strength. There are Qidan Realm and Badan The cultivation of the realm, Quanhe Quanhe’s scimitar is in hand, showing his due strength. These days the anger accumulated by the protection of Hughes has all exploded. That is a kind of anger towards himself, only use With the scimitar in his hand to vent, not only does Quanhe Quanhe not have any discomfort, but the momentum is getting stronger and stronger, so that Quanhe Quanhe has a tendency to break through. In this case, it does not take long. Quanhe Quanhe can achieve the cultivation of Jingjing. Although Hughes didn’t say anything, he was shocked by Quanhe Quanhe’s talents in his heart. It was indeed extraordinary. As long as he didn’t die, Quanhe Quan He's future achievements must be unlimited.

Taking advantage of this very short time, Hughes slowly adjusted his interest rate to restore his mental strength. Although he could not fully recover, he was able to make him no longer depressed. This is already very good. It must be known that the spiritual recovery is The most troublesome thing is more difficult to mediate than internal injuries. Hughes and Quanhe Quanhe cooperated quite well. It was during this time that they were walking around and fighting each other. They could have a certain understanding of each other. This is really true.

The time of the day passes like this, and the night is even more insecure. Some of the creatures in the marshland that like the night are revealed, and they are more dangerous, and the mudstone can't stop the monsters. Hughes knew that there was no way to go down like this. Fighting with them was undoubtedly the next step. How to do it? Hughes fell into deep thought, and Quanhe Quanhe was very anxious, although he Can deal with those monsters, but if there are too many, it is also a headache.

Hughes suddenly patted his head, thinking in his heart that he was really stupid. If he had successfully condensed the "Runes of Gallas", then it could be transformed into the breath of Gallas, which is absolutely fatal to those monsters. The only thing that can condense the miasma is the scorpion Keyu. Obviously the scorpion Keyu is the highest level in the biological chain in this swamp. Then other creatures dare not attack themselves.

Hughes didn’t hesitate, he had a "little rune", it just needed to consume Hughes's vitality, and he didn't need strong mental power. This is completely different from pure spiritual attack, and he had a devouring spirit. For Sze, the vitality at that point is even more nothing. Soon after, Hughes created a range of miasma breath. Hughes really thought that there was nothing wrong, and felt that it was very strong. After the breath of malaria, those creepy creatures slowly hid in the swamp, and it became very quiet again. Hughes, while taking advantage of such a rare and calm moment, hurriedly cultivated his spiritual power, which was very dangerous in this way. Where it is, its own strength is the greatest guarantee, and we must be vigilant at all times.

The night of the marshland seemed very calm, without disturbing noises, even the tweets of the creatures were extravagant things, and Hughes' heart became very quiet. After eating some dry food, he began to adjust his breath. Absorbing energy makes up for mental strength. Quanhe Quanhe is immersed in the feeling of fighting in the daytime. It seems that he has gained a lot. If there is no accident, Quanhe Quanhe is likely to break through the original state and advance to the fine state.

The powerhouses of Life Soul Realm have broken their destiny, reversed the Seven Souls, and shaped the Life Soul. The Interstellar Destiny is the cradle of their Life Soul. Under the nourishment of the spring, the mental strength slowly recovered.

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