Pioneer Knight

Chapter 654:

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In addition to this, Fan Shu hated Hughes, but if Hughes had such a very embarrassing thing, Fan Shu didn't think that this was something that could have been avoided, just because of his temperament Such a thing is very narrow, of course, fan sparse will never introspect.

Fan Shu is the cultivation of Heavenly Soul Realm, the speed is naturally very fast, and soon came to Tianxuan Peak, but Fan Shu is not proud, but very polite to the guard, only the fan family's talents know that guard Not ordinary people, but the elders of the fan family. Their strength is very powerful. It is very similar to the guarding mountain and the guarding palace of the Seven Star Palace.

Tianxuan Peak's forbidden area, the back area of ​​Tianxuan Hall, this is a very quiet environment, Mu Xiufenglin, Dongtian Laihu, flowers and floating leaves, no one thought that Tianxuan Peak is so special. There is nothing wrong with this place, this is the home base of the fan family.

Fan Shu walked to one of the most majestic palaces and said respectfully to the door of the hall: "Homeowner, Fan Shu has something to see."

"Come in." A very deep voice came from the palace, the voice was very plain, but with endless majesty, this is a kind of power that only the superiors have, and it shakes people's minds. Fan Shu's soul is more intense than that given by the killing door master. Fan Shu's soul has a huge tremor. Every time he sees the owner, Fan Shu holds the greatest awe.

"Yes." Fan Shu said very respectfully.


When Fan Shu entered the palace, no one knew what they were saying, but when Fan Shu came out, he held a dark token in his hand, which was made by Xuan Hei Iron, and it said "Must kill". When Fan Shu walked out, the two old men who guarded Tian Xuanfeng saw the token in Fan Shu's hands and showed a shocked expression, which was very surprising for them like the wind and rain old men. They cried in surprise: "Slaying order."


Swampy ground.

The vitality of Hughes reached its peak, and the energy of "robbery" was too powerful, which allowed Hughes's Soul Spring to condense successfully, and it was also flooded into Hughes's body, more than double the expansion of Hughes’ Dantian, and Hughes’s soul power has all recovered, and the mental power consumed by the battle with Shiwei Keyu has all been replenished, and there are breakthroughs. Hughes’s strength has changed dramatically.

Hughes holds the "Star Broken Peak" in his hand, as long as he breaks the shackles of the Earth Soul Line Shuttle, it is regarded as the completion of the last step to reach the realm of the Earth Soul Realm. The Soul of the Earth Soul is a prison cage controlled by the Heaven and Earth of the Two Souls of the Heaven and Earth. Only when it is completely broken can we truly travel around the world. It's just that the Earth Soul Thread Shuttle is stronger and denser than the Destiny Thread Shuttle. The cage of Heaven's Path represents the will of Heaven and Earth, and it is not blasphemed by others at all.

However, the "robbery" merged in the chakra space of Hughes is itself a manifestation of heavenly principle, with the will of the heavenly path not weaker than the earth soul thread shuttle, and the most important thing is that the "robbery" manifests the sky penalty Tribulation, that is more powerful than the normal Heavenly Dao, and the "robbery" touches the vitality of Huss’s body, plus the chakra space is very intimately connected with Huss’ Soul, and Huss itself can be regarded as the Heavens. Although it is only false, it is enough for the unconscious Earth Soul Thread Shuttle. All Hughes can easily cut off the Earth Soul Thread Shuttle, which is much better than when he was promoted to Life Soul Realm.

"Ten Fang Tianyu"

Hughes penetrated all the strength of his body above the "Star Breaking Peak", and used his body strength to wield the strongest sword of Hughes. That was the earth-shattering sword, and it was the swordsmanship of Thunder. Cut towards the last Earth Soul Line. The sky and the earth are all bright, it is a very strange light, the sword light is lingering, the whole sky and earth has become very quiet, the picture is like being imprisoned, people's movements have become very slow, and There is a dead star above the endless void of the Earth Soul Line Shuttle, that is, the earth soul star of Hughes, the earth soul of Hughes is hidden in it, and then the huge earth soul star appears." "Kaka" sound, cracks are revealed.


The dark and dark Earth Soul Star has cracks, and the heavenly cage is broken, but the cracks do not mean to stop like this. What appeared just now is only appetizers. The eve of the storm is always very quiet, and the storm is just about to come. advent.

For a moment of silence, the subtle crack erupted his most powerful force, which was the destructive power of destruction, the outer heavenly cage of the entire outer layer of the Soul Star was instantly disintegrated, showing the domineering and the soul of the Soul Star. The power carried through the entire starry sky, and the kind of palpable force was felt all around the swamp ground. It was majestic and grand, representing the prestige of heaven and earth, and carrying through the entire Rift Valley.

All monster beasts in the Rift Valley feel the majesty of the soul, which is the pressure of the soul directly to the heart. The lower-level monster beasts directly on the ground, looking very frightened and trembling. The slightly higher monsters all show a terrified expression, and the meaning they represent is clear. It is that someone is breaking the shackles of heaven and earth, breaking through the cage of heaven and earth, and releasing the powerful soul shown by the soul of heaven and earth. This is not What shocked them was that they were shocked by the spirit of the world, who was so powerful, and could affect them as a very advanced monster.

The strength of a person's heaven and earth's two souls is related to the person itself. The stronger the broken heavenly cage, the stronger the strength of the heaven and earth's two souls and stars, the more powerful the soul will be. Tough. What the Heavenly Path Cage imprisoned are all the souls of heaven and earth between heaven and earth, but they are located in different interstellar worlds. Life Soul lives alone and evolves into Seven Souls. The reversal of Seven Souls is the formation of Life Soul, but this is only the shape of Life Soul, or the spirit of Life Soul, and the power of Life Soul is in the interstellar interstellar Flowing in the long river of destiny, everyone has their own destiny interstellar. Once the destiny interstellar is broken, it will break through the shackles of destiny, but it is limited by the heaven and earth, that is the heaven and earth two souls.

The two souls of heaven and earth are in the soul star, the soul of the earth is in the soul star, the soul of the heaven is in the soul of the sky, and the interstellar river is far away, which is the mysterious heaven. The two souls of heaven and earth are different from the soul of life, that is, all the two souls of heaven and earth are mixed together and merged into the strongest place in the world, the true dragon.

The real dragon is born in the world, and is the soul of all the souls of the entire emperor continent. The real dragon is majestic in the world, and the soul is the heaven and the earth. The real dragon is born with the heaven and the earth. It is like the guardian of the heaven and the earth, or it is the creator. All the creatures in heaven and earth were born and evolved by him. But whether the true dragon exists, like Diyang, Huangyin, and sky, is a mythical legend that no one knows at all.

Earth Soul Star's heavenly prison cage is broken, Earth Soul Star shows the most authentic side, it is a transparent interstellar, faint and glorious, Heavenly Dao divine power, and then Hughes feels that his Earth Soul Spring has some kind of The movement of the earth is under the influence of some kind of traction. Hughes knows that it is where the Earth Soul is. The Earth Soul Spring and the Earth Soul Star look at each other, which is the expectation of many years. After all, the Earth Soul Spring is the final destination of the Earth Soul Star. , Ming Ming's traction force affects both, Earth Soul Star sprints toward Hughes, as long as Earth Soul Star enters Earth Soul Spring, then all things are completed successfully.

The core area of ​​the Rift Valley, there are these three very special areas. Although the three areas are in the Rift Valley, they are faintly inconsistent, and the laws cannot be connected at all. It is more like an independent area. The area, like the existence of the enchantment, is indeed not wrong. There is the area where the enchantment and the three demon clan in the Rift Valley are located.

The most mysterious forbidden area in the easternmost enchantment has a very old palace, which reads "Priest Palace", which is the most sacred place that every demon tribe has. Enter the place. At the center of the palace is an altar. The characters carved on the altar are very ancient. That is a very unique character. It is the character of the demon clan. There is a very ancient power on the text. It's weird.

There is an old man under the altar. The old man is wearing a robe embroidered with a tiger. That is a Tenglan tiger. The old man meditates some kind of spell in his mouth, like praying, and breaking the Soul Star in Hughes. At that time, the old man felt the very powerful power of the Earth Soul, and his shocked face showed surprise. He was surprised and said: "Earth Soul Star, Earth Soul Broken has such power, is it another generation? The genius." After a little induction, the old man was very shocked: "The swamp malland, the power of the earth soul is actually in the swamp malaria, how is this possible, is it Quanhe robbery?" said the old man with a wave, An area appeared in front of him, the old man stepped into it, and the figure disappeared instantly. In the field, the old man waved his hand and it was definitely the field. I didn’t expect the old man to be the strong man in the realm of the realm. This is very incredible. The three monsters in the Rift Valley are really not simple. They all have the strong man in the realm of the realm. Sit still.

The same thing happened in the other two areas, except that the robes on them were embroidered with green scale snakes and magic flame horses.

In an hour of unremitting struggle, the Earth Soul Star finally landed in front of Hughes, and Hughes showed a very excited emotion, and was eager to exert the power of the Earth Soul Spring to fuse the power of the Earth Soul Star. When I touched the Earth Soul Spring, it was very strange and turned into a gas. It was a blue color, very close to the sky, and I felt that it was a very affectionate feeling. Shaking for it. Hughes absorbed the blue earth soul fiercely and felt the changes brought by the earth soul.

Blue clouds appear in the ground soul spring of Hughes. Needless to say, it is the ground soul of Hughes. The ground spirit appears in the ground soul spring of Hughes and then merges into the ground spring of Hughes. Absorbing the power of Earth Soul Spring, the most possessed by Hughes’ Earth Soul Spring is the power of the "Trial Cooling" Thunder Tribulation. This is where the soul fears the most, but in the "robbing cold" by Sius's vein After the fusion of the wheel space, Hughes did not fear this power at all, but constantly absorbed the power of thunder and lightning, forming an unprecedented thunder and lightning soul. The earth soul of Hughes has endless power of thunder and lightning, and it is still the purest. The power of Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation, that is the power of heaven and reason, but Hughes did not think that it was because of the "robbery" of lightning, Hughes had the most powerful earth soul-Heavenly Punishing God Soul.

After all the Soul Stars were absorbed by Hughes, the Earth Soul was successfully shaped, and Hughes officially advanced to the Earth Soul Realm.

Earth Soul Punishment, Thunder Tribulation, and Earth Soul Spring are full of thunder and lightning power. That is the Heaven Tribulation Thunder Penalty possessed by "Jiaoliang". The ground soul of Hughes shows a completely different situation, not like Life Soul. Inheriting the weird runes of the Seven Souls, the Earth Soul was regenerated into a piece of thunder domain. All of the earth souls of Hughes were cast by lightning, and every bit of Earth Soul Spring has the power of lightning.

Although it is not very clear whether such a situation is good or bad, as far as the current strength is concerned, Hughes is very satisfied. When there is no better judgment standard than strength, the distinction between right and evil is very clear, but the strength is The ultimate companionship is the most real.

With the power of the Earth Soul Thunderbolt, Thousand's Leo Aoyi has made great progress, and the mysterious Thousand of "Leiguang Zhouyi" has a deeper understanding. The realm, the horizon can only be limited to the soul realm, the mystery of the realm, Hughes simply can not understand, but this is only a matter of time.

The main reason why Hughes can break into the earth soul realm is that the chakra space absorbs the dark cloud of the purple halo. The purple halo is formed by the "robbery" and the fusion of "Enze", which has the cutting rule and becomes its own. The ability of space enchantment, after the purple halo is absorbed by the chakra space, the outer purple halo has not been broken, and the reality inside the purple halo enchantment has not been neutralized by nothingness, which makes Huus’s chakra space evolve Become a real internal and external nothingness.

Truth and nihility are staged in Hughes’ chakra space. The mystery needs to be further excavated by Hughes, but for now, Hughes’ chakra space is able to hide some living creatures, no longer like before. Except that Husse, who is the master, can only be a lifeless object, this is enough for Huss to snicker.

When the practice is completed, Hughes opens his eyes, his heart is filled with joy, and the increase in strength gives Hughes greater confidence, whether it is doing what he wants to do, or protecting the person he wants to protect, Hughes has stronger strength. It took more than half a month to break through Life and Soul Realm. Hughes is definitely the fastest one to advance. Such speed is that Hughes is very shocked, but only under this opportunity can he achieve such a correct training. It can’t be done in a few years. Of course, the changes brought about by the breakthrough, the consolidation of the realm is what Hughes continues to do.

Seeing Hughes get up, Quanhe Quanhe's expression was sobered, and he looked at Hughes's eyes even more differently. When Hughes previously killed the dying Ke Yu, Quanhe Quanhe had seen Hughes' power. In the eyes, there is a feeling of admiration for Hughes, and in addition to deep admiration in Quanhe Quanhe’s eyes, there is also a strong enthusiasm, that is a complete surrender to the strong, even if Hughes let Quanhe Quanhe do anything now Things, Quanhe Quanhe will not have any hesitation.

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