Pioneer Knight

Chapter 694:

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Those of Tiandibaojian even re-emerged sprouts, some of them were fully ripened, the seeds fell on the ground and germinated again, a piece of flourishing, the growth cycle became shorter.

Hughes is very staggering, but he did not expect the effect of the "Ming Lingchi" to be so good. If Hughes had known for a long time, Hughes would never waste so much time doing other things. The Lingchi is definitely completed the first time.

"Dongming Barren Mountain Yun" is worthy of the Zhenfeng Peak of Qixingmen Dongming Peak, the cave articles let Hughes realize the "swallowing the mystery", the famous article is the Ming Lingchi, the desolate article is the ruined ruins, and the Wuzhen is the desolate through.

The Desolation Sutra can be wild for thousands of miles, turning all living things into desolation, and extracting the energy for its own use. It is a kind of forbidden technique that improves combat effectiveness in a short time. It is of great use at a dangerous time, but it is a pity The thing is that since Hughes has learned it, there is no chance to use it. Of course, this is inseparable from Hughes's caution.

The most pitiful thing is that I didn't get the cultivation methods of the Qianqian and Yunpian. Presumably that would not disappoint me. It seems that if I have time in the future, I need to find it very carefully.

Hughes condensed the "Ming Ling Pool", the energy in the Dark Vein Hall was suddenly much less, Hughes could clearly feel the change of heaven and earth, and all the surrounding heaven and earth treasures that Hughes had not yet had time to move around Began to wilt.

Hughes didn't think about anything anymore, but quickly collected those rare world treasures, which could not be wasted.

But before waiting for Hughes to collect it completely, he felt that the Dark Vein Palace actually vibrated. The vibration slowly became very strong, and there was a tendency to strike the entire Dark Vein Palace.

Hughes quickly looked at the root of the vibration with his eyes, and Hughes was shocked that the direction of the vibration was actually where the monument was, and the vibration was caused by the monument.

Together with the multiple space of the Dark Vessel Hall, the entire Dark Vessel Hall is in this sudden change.

Hughes can feel the changes in it very clearly. The fluctuations transmitted by the monument are like storms. Even the strength of Hughes' territory is difficult to resist.

There was definitely a big thing happening. Hughes immediately determined in the heart that a very important thing had happened in the Temple of Dark Vein. The monument had some kind of change.

Hughes didn't care about the dark glow grass, Xin Suigui and other world treasures. Hughes had collected enough, and the most important thing in front of him was to understand what the monument was all about. Previously, Hughes thought that the monument was very simple. It must have been established in the center of the Dark Vessel Palace to influence the laws around it. This must be a very important existence.

Hughes put away the "Purple Halo Enchantment", and the Mingling Pond was condensed. Most of the world's treasures have been grown in the Purple Halo Enchantment. The purpose of Hughes has been achieved, and he quickly flew towards the place where the monument is located. .

Other people scattered in the various spaces of the Dark Vein Palace felt this change. The vibration of the monument is very obvious, so that they can clearly feel the source of it, although they are not like Hughes. Heavenly Eye, can see the situation there very clearly, but vibration is like a guide for them, and they all went to the source of the monumental vibration without any hesitation.

Hughes has released the seeds of the law of space, and the power of space runs in his body. Hughes’ speed can be said to reach a kind of extreme. It takes only a few minutes to rush to the place where the monument is located.

On the monument, the peak of the Dark Vein Palace is erected, and the foundation of the Dark Vein Palace is underneath. It is so straight that it is built there, letting people see the spirit, momentum, and courage like seeing a giant. Was grand and shocked.

However, there are two vigorous and powerful characters on the monument, which are called "town" and "seal".

The "town" communication rule, each stroke is sculptured on the rule, condensed into a prison, shackled and blocked.

"Feng" has been on the horizon for nine days, and it has the same veins, blocking the world and imprisoning the Quartet.

The words "town" and "seal" completely seal the monument. The laws, heavens, and sources are all imprisoned. This is a place of taboo and no one is allowed to come into contact with them.

The power of the "town" and "seal" is so strong that Hughes can't get close at all, and the surroundings seem to distort the laws of space. Although the monument seems to be in front of him, Hughes feels that it is away It's very far, far away, but how far Hughes has no way to touch, maybe just a palm, but it is also likely to have hundreds of millions of miles, which is the mystery of the law of space.

Broken, Chi In, Tian Tao, Beast Neighbor, Chi Li, Zhou Yin, Salivation, Liu Yan's figure all came shortly after the arrival of Hughes, they all looked at this scene in shock, this It was too shocking, but I didn't expect the dark vein palace to have such a magnificent existence.

Broken first did not endure, the monument has vibrations, and there are seals, all of which seem very solemn, many people think that this is the place where the hidden treasures of the dark court are, otherwise, it is not necessary to be very careful. .

Right in front of you is the place where the treasure is located, and it was still owned by the once-powerful Dark Garden Pavilion. This reason is enough for all of them to be crazy. People’s eyes are already red, so they are very kind to that. Leaving the monument.

But like the situation that Hughes encountered, they couldn’t get close at all, the monument was too powerful, and the laws there were all suppressed, they couldn’t run the power of the laws at all, and people found that The distance is actually so far away.

"There is a space barrier." People all know what it means.

"I don't believe this evil." The first time I didn't rush into the monument, there was a lot of unwillingness to break it.

"Broken three pinches, broken empty, broken line, broken broken"

The broken realm is open, trying to replace the law of space with the realm of the self, and wants to use the realm to break down the "township". Breaking is to use one's strongest scholastic ability, "breaking three pinches."

"Broken three pinches" is the elementary skill of Lingpin. The three pinches are broken empty, broken line, broken broken. Void is space, line is practice, and fractal is jumping. Breaking space is the simplest, which is to break the barriers of space. Breaking the void is roughly what it means; practice is the real existence of things. Another way of saying is that everything in the world is nothingness and not real. We are in a virtual space. The simplest evidence is that everything in the world can be treated easily. When it is broken, it is all false, but it is true relative to nothingness, and that is practice, and the legendary state of "realism" is to transform the virtual and the real, to achieve the truth, and to break the broken line is the truth; Ye Yue This also needs to talk about the three ancestors of the true ancestor. The three ancestors of the true ancestor are zombies, demon corpses, zombies, and the body of the true ancestor is the most powerful existence in the world, especially the devil corpses in the three ancestors of the true ancestor. Chu Qiao, and the most powerful of the demon corpses is called "Lian", which is the same level as the "Jazz" of zombies and the "General" of zombies.

Whether it's true deeds, fictions, etc., this can illustrate the power of "broken three pinches".

After the "Crushing Three Pinches" was displayed, the momentum instantly increased several times, and the imprisonment of the space could not stop such a strong break.

Countless "Zhenfeng" seemed to feel danger, and turned into countless runes, leap out and wanted to stop the broken, but that "Zhenfeng" made people feel a bit bleak, and the vibration of the monument became more and more strong.

People are paying attention to this, and as the party’s brokenness feels that kind of aberration, but now it is not when he is considered. Brokenness is because the arrow has to be sent on the string. Otherwise, it is likely to be subject to the rune’s suppression and The anti-bite of one's own aura was not good by that time. Breaking could not allow such a thing to happen, so it slammed toward the monument.

Countless "Zhenfeng Runes" are overwhelmed, and the broken three pinches are very powerful. The "Zhenfeng Runes" have no way to stop them. Although the broken temper is very impatient, he is definitely a genius. Before reaching the age of thirty, he has reached the strength of Rin Realm. Coupled with such powerful spiritual martial arts, he is definitely capable of fighting over the ranks.

boom! boom! boom!

The devastating blow attacked the monument and caused a very powerful vibration, and the vibration was connected with the very strong vibration of the monument itself, resonating, and it really had an uncontrollable meaning. The overlapping spaces seem to become even more distorted, and even people can hear the sound of "Kaka" space fragmentation, which is frightening.

But Hughes has a very bad feeling in his heart, as if there are bad things to happen, and the shattered and powerful fragment is obviously not interesting to this, but is showing for himself. The strength is so proud, looking forward to the fragmentation of the monument and the appearance of a large number of treasures.

But it’s clear that broken is destined to be disappointed, the monument is not broken, just a little crack, but that little crack is to attract everyone’s attention, because people feel that a very strong momentum is emitted from the crack Out of it, but that kind of thing makes all people's faces change greatly, and people have four unfathomable words in their minds.

At that time, the crack of the monument was exuding a very dark gas, and the exuded gas instantly contaminated the nearest fragmentation. The fragmentation did not expect such a scene at all. It was surrounded by the darkness.

In the broken heart, people all know that there is a sense of inexplicable fear, especially the extent to which the power of this unknown shows people to be in awe. When you break, you want to get rid of the dark gas, but it is too long. At night, I saw that the dark gas had penetrated into the broken body, and there was no chance for the broken screaming. I saw that the broken body turned into water, flowing on the ground, and even the broken soul had nothing. The opportunity to escape is completely eroded by the dark gas.

It’s terrible, it’s really terrible, people are shy, they don’t want to face such a terrible scene, but it’s not worth the gains, but the gas doesn’t mean that, but to Hughes all of them. Disperse away.

People are waiting in line, wanting to exert their strongest power to block the dark gas, but at that time, the "Zhenfeng" is a big light anomaly, and the laws of the world are following the "Zhenfeng Rune". The change, the golden flashes surrounded the dark gas, and the cracks of the monument attacked by the broken were constantly repaired, and then people breathed a little longer.

"Ah!" Just when people thought about what it was, a terrifying scene happened, but the dark gas surrounded by golden light made a very miserable cry, like a person. Being severely tortured and unable to withstand such a very powerful force, he kept yelling.

"Secluded, do you think you can seal me with this broken monument? It won't take long for me to break this'town seal monument', and then I will kill all the people of your dark vein family, I am not Will give you up," the wailing voice exclaimed angrily.

But Hughes was startled, "Isn't that Hidden That's the ninth lord of the Dark Vein? It was he who started the Dark Vein only here and stopped entangled with the Heaven Vein."

Hidden, the ninth lord of the dark veins, his strength is unquestionable, and it is very powerful. At the beginning, he reversed the shackles of the void and broke the limitations of the Supreme Law. The imperial continent also created the "Dark Court Pavilion" and was the first pavilion owner of the "Dark Court Pavilion".

Fame is the representative of strength. With such a prestigious reputation, it is known that darkness is not an ordinary person, and the fact is that the strength of darkness has exceeded nine days, reaching the state of sanctification and sanctification.

Such a big reputation is enough to make all people stunned and shocked, but the things that exist in the "Zhen Feng Bei" are equally numb, and the person who can directly call the secret is his strength. Not weak and hidden, but able to respond that he is not afraid of hidden, but having such self-confidence means that he has the corresponding ability. The broken end just now is the best proof.

Miserable, roaring, unwilling, the dark gas raged into the sky, but the **** golden light was a share of earthworms, and it was simply impossible to get rid of it. The "Zhenfeng Monument" increased its strength to constantly repair the broken crack.

"Huangquan Road, the reincarnation passage."

Chi In, Tian Tao and others all put their hearts to their throats. Although they didn’t understand the meaning of the roaring words, they didn’t know the ancient language and they didn’t study it at all. They all felt the anger contained clearly. And the most awesome is the strangeness of the dark gas, the power contained in them, they feel like they are in the boundless, and the stormy storms set off the huge waves of the small boat, they may fall at any time, that The force made them unable to bear any idea of ​​resistance at all, the gap between the two was too strong, and the gap could not be filled.

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