Pioneer Knight

Chapter 837:

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"Purple Halo Space" and "Nine Layered Heaven"

There are two beautiful spaces behind Hughes, blessing Hughes, this is a huge force, majestic and magnificent, and the momentum is overwhelming, but Hughes feels that it is still not enough. This puppet.

The "Nian Di" broke out the potential of Hughes, "Zero" agitated the momentum, "Ten Kinds of Holy Prison" was maintained around Hughes.

The image of Hughes is like a **** at the moment, full of mystery and taboo, this power is spread to Jinshan mustard outside the "Nine Gates Purgatory", the vision is natural, the black-pressed heavenly calamity rolls over, three disasters and nine disasters, chaotic disaster All were faintly moving, thunder and lightning, vigorous movements, violent winds, and the people of the Jin tribe were panicking, as if they encountered the end.

Jin Rui, Jin Yao and others all hurriedly walked out, frowning, and they didn’t know what happened.

"That seems to be in the direction of Jinyu Moss? That's not Hughes' saying that he will go to the "Nine Gate Purgatory" for a trial today, is this caused by him." Jin Rui lowered his head and said.

"Shus." Jin Guan heard it, his expression stunned, and then left in the direction of Jin Yutai, filled with worry.

Jin Yao did not stop, but followed closely, wanting to be able to understand exactly what happened and why it caused such a change.

But the puppet did not have half of the timidity to face such a momentum of Huss. Instead, he shot abruptly towards Huss, the move was very ordinary, just a punch, but Huss saw countless worlds around his fist, The void burst, and countless chaos flowed in, but the fist didn't mean to stop. It came through the world and hit Hughes directly.

Surrounded by this fist, the ground collapsed, the earth and the earth shook, and Hughes’s move was defeated. His fist fell on Hughes, and Hughes felt a tremor, and his body twitched, as if he could not move. It was a punch that touched the soul. All of Hughes' "undefeated body" had cracks, and the blood vessels had to be split.

Hughes's body was even choppy, as if the broken ship in the ocean was crumbling when faced with a storm. Hughes couldn't bear it, he didn't lift it in one breath, and a spit of blood spewed out.

This puppet is so powerful, completely beyond Hughes's cognition, is this the Holy Realm strongman, it seems that he was previously arrogant, and actually thought he could fight the Holy Realm.

The Jin clan who arrived came to see the fist like a god, and their hearts were full of shock, but no one could match Jin Yao's level of shock. His psychology at the moment was also overturned.

"This is the puppet of the ninth gate. It's so powerful. Fortunately, I didn't challenge it. Otherwise, that punch would kill me." But then Jin Yao was puzzled. "Why is this puppet's power There are some differences in the records, which are much more powerful. This is by no means the strength that ordinary holy land should have. Is it true that Hughes took the chance in the previous eight levels."

"Nine Gate Purgatory" tests the strength of people's fighting, and those who pass the level can get rewards and gain the opportunity to perceive in each door, but if they are ingenious, the remaining levels will increase in difficulty and accumulate in sequence.

Originally, the ninth gate was only the ultimate of the Nine Heavens, but the first seven levels of Hughes used the "zero type". It was not his own shot. Only the eighth level was his own hands, so the difficulty of the first seven levels increased to Finally, the power of the puppet is of course the strongest.

The Holy Realm has only two realms, namely the Holy Realm and the Holy Realm.

The Holy Start Realm is divided into three layers. The ordinary Holy Start Realm is a person who has broken through the nine days to achieve the Holy Realm; the second layer is to understand a certain Holy Realm of Heaven and Earth, such as the Yin or Yin in the Yin and Yang. Yang, the life or death of life and death, the positive or negative of the positive and negative, such a holy beginning is a great success.

Among the nine original attributes, time, space, light, and darkness are called magical attributes, because they are the most essential attributes, and one of them can be directly understood as the second layer of the Holy Beginning. The fusion of the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo Earth is chaos, but it is slightly weaker than the four attributes.

The last layer is to comprehend the two-layer meaning of the attribute, to reach completion, and the beginning of the Holy State is complete.

Normal, Dacheng, and Consummation are the three levels of the Holy Beginning.

And if one breaks through the two instruments of heaven and earth, understands the most essential roots of heaven and earth, and merges them with each other, only in this way can one become a holy land.

In fact, each attribute is made up of many laws, and God is fused. Let’s say metal, it has bluntness and sharpness. This is actually the essence of metal. Both must be thoroughly understood, and the mutual fusion can also become holy. The ceremonial environment, but such a powerful ceremonial environment is to weaken those who fully comprehend all aspects of the divine metal.

This puppet is the latter, and it is not an ordinary holy beginning, but a great existence.

Hughes endured the pain, and looked at the puppet still waves, but this made Hughes a little annoyed, Hughes did not believe it.

The power of "sorrow" and "terror" Hughes is not covering up either. The phantom of the ten palaces appears faintly. Hughes still believes that he can't kill him. Hughes feels the real "death" in that fist. "Tao" makes Huss more clear and thorough, and Huss even shows the "death".

This is already the full strength of Hughes, without any reservation, Hughes' eyes are like rainbows, and the sky's eyes are bursting, exploring the puppet's defects.

Hughes held the ten temples, ten types of holy prison in his hands, and used his fist like a puppet to show it. Needless to say, this is really of great use. Hughes immediately felt very A big difference, picking stars toward the hand, pulling the void.

Hughes’s mind also became very clear, all the pulses were so deep, Hughes’s fist shook, and finally he hit his own fist.

"Hongtian Shenquan."

In Hughes’s heart, there is now a chaos of chaos, regardless of each other, the strength of the whole body is integrated into the fist, and the feeling of triggering the soul is played. This is the way, the heart is empty, and there is nothing, the world is outside the object, the heart of the Tao Naturally.

Two fists confronted each other, a strong collision covered the world, but the dust raised covered people’s eyes, no one could see the specific situation, people just felt that the body’s vibrations could not be controlled, and the blood became very uneasy, flowing The speed is like a rushing river, and the beat of the heart is like the ringing of a drum bell. Finally, people can't bear it, and they spit out blood, and their expression suddenly collapsed, like a serious illness.

When the dust hit the ground, Hughes's figure could be seen clearly, but both sides were standing, there was no movement, and people were breathing, wanting to know who wins and who loses, this is a battle, a terrifying battle, now The scene is still flooding their hearts.

Hughes recalled the feeling of punching just now, but his heart was blank but he had a good idea. At that moment, Hughes felt that the energy in his body seemed to be separated from each other and twisted together, just like the feeling when using Longyuan sword fusion, As if the heavens and the earth opened at the beginning, everything started.


This set of boxing techniques integrated into the artistic conception of Hughes is called "Chaos God Boxing" by Hughes. Although there is only one move at present, Hughes believes that he must be in Zhenhuangyu.

Hughes's eyes opened, and the puppet collapsed, his limbs scattered everywhere, messy, and the outcome was self-evident, Hughes won the final victory. Hughes didn't pay attention to others, but came to the ninth gate and stared at the ninth word "dao".

The surging momentum surged in the heart of Hughes. The "Tao" was very mysterious and swayed unreal. It was a very dreamy feeling, like the kind of opium that wants to fly into the sky, and the heart of Hughes is branded. This picture.

Maybe it was a moment, maybe it was eternity, Hughes could not tell, but he had walked out of that mood.

In his mind, there is an extra exercise called "Golden Emperor Chi Huanggong".

This is the strongest exercise of the Jin people. It was created by the Jin Emperor and has a profound sense of metallicity.

Hughes broke through the ninth door, and the door was naturally opened. Hughes had a lot of curiosity in his heart. I don’t know what happened behind it. Perhaps it was a terrifying treasure. Hughes's conjecture is not wrong, it is more precious than Nibaodu. They are crystal clear beads, and they are plane bead fragments.

Hughes's heart was full of leaps and bounds.

The people of the Jin tribe saw the god-assisted Hus, and their feelings of worship could not be restrained. People’s respect for the strong was always the craziest. The eyes that looked at Huss became fiery, as if to Hughes swallowed it and melted him with fiery enthusiasm.

Just when people want to cheer and jump, the whole golden mountain mustard is shaking, especially the golden fissure is the most intense, and the ground is rumbling with mud tumbling, as if there is something to come out.

Thunder landed, thundering and booming, a door emerged from the ground, towering like a mountain, towering in the sky and earth, actually had the tenth door, which is not recorded in the classics, the ninth door is already so powerful, now ~~~~ ~.

But what is surprising is that there is no puppet to block, the door has been opened, leading to another world, this is the door to go out, leading to Xintiandi.

It was a coincidence that I came to Jinshan Mustard, but I did not expect it to be a huge harvest. It is also time to go out. It is not yet known what happened to the Tomb of the Demon Emperor, and Tianheng.

"This should be the door to the outside world. How did you plan?" Hughes asked Jin Rui: "If you go out, see if I can help. After all, you are still very good to me."

"We have decided to go out and look at it, thinking about coping with the world disaster, and there are still a lot of things missing from our family, which need to be recovered to enrich our strength. This is what we saw yesterday after reading through the classics. Maybe we can succeed. It is more able to reproduce the glory of our family." Jin Rui said with a deep voice.

But Hughes didn’t quite understand what he said. Perhaps he was hiding some secrets and he didn’t want to say more. Hughes wouldn’t ask any more. Since their minds had plans, it would be easier to handle. .

Hughes said to them, "Since this is the case, then I will go first, I hope we can still have the opportunity to meet."

Having said that, Hughes came to Jin Guan's side. Although he felt he was very reluctant, Hughes still had many other things to do, and there was nothing to let him stay somewhere.

Hughes crossed the tenth gate and walked out towards the new world.

"The tenth gate of the Nine Gate Purgatory has been opened, and the prophecy left by the ancestors must be fulfilled. Now we are ready to wake up those sleeping ancestors." Jin Rui said in a deep voice: "Just start from Jinyu Zhensheng." "

"Yes." The Jin people's expression became very serious, but their emotions showed endless excitement. This is the information they only learned yesterday. They learned how powerful the ancestors are. Now they want to regain their glory. They still had some doubts. Yes, but when they saw the confrontation between such a powerful puppet and Hughes, they firmly believed.

After Hughes crossed the gate, what appeared was mountains, surrounded by a vast white mist, but it was not as thick as the Yaoyi Mountain and could not be seen through. This was just a common morning mist.

Unexpectedly, there was still a time difference between Xintiandi and Jinshan Mustard, and Hughes unexpectedly thought. But the strange thing about this world is that Hughes is a little surprised. The energy of heaven and earth becomes more muddy. If the energy is more than several times in the past, this is a very strange thing. Hughes thought that this might be related to the mountains here. Well, there is no more thinking.

The repeated battles made Hughes a little hungry. Jinshan mustard life is really not used to it. Although the flame can be used, it is very weak. There is no such oily smell of fire grilling. Si is to enjoy it.

It was at this time that an inconspicuous python swam towards Huss, and if he wanted to devour Huss, Huss chose his food. The taste of the python was still very good, and Huss's saliva had fallen.

After a full meal, Hughes felt very satisfied. After a short rest, Hughes chose the nearest town, first to inquire the news, I believe that after this time, the tomb of the demon emperor has come to an end.

This is a city called "Liucheng". There is no teleportation array. It is a third-rate city. Hughes chose the most noisy restaurant to listen to the news.

Sure enough, he didn't let Huss down, and when he arrived, he heard people yelling at the news. After hearing what the man said, Huss's pupils enlarged, and the rhythm of breathing became faster. The only thought in his mind was impossible. This actually happened, the message was too shocking, and the emperor was involved.

The content of their discussion was so shocking that they caused a strong storm in Hughes's mind and fell into a frantic position, because the topic they were talking about was "Great Emperor", which involved this kind of person standing on the peak of the world, and it is not yet One, but three, three emperors.

Demon Emperor Jun, East Emperor Taiyi, Tianji Emperor.

The three great emperors swept across, crossed the heavens and earth, changed the heavens and earth, established the heavens, sat in the barren universe, and ignited the boiling of the whole new heaven and earth. All the super powers retreated, and even more directly subdued them.

The pattern of the whole Xintiandi has changed a lot. Now there is no dispute. The strongest forces are only the Demon Emperor Heaven Realm, the East Emperor Heaven Realm, and the Tianji Heaven Realm.

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