Pioneer Knight

Chapter 839:

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"Tiger King, it's not good. Someone broke into the Devil's Cave." A very panicked figure crawled across the other side of the cave house and said, "And the man's strength is very powerful. The traps set are simply Why can't he, he is about to walk to the core of the magic cave."

"What? Who is it, but at this critical moment, you first give this "Tiger Roll" to Elder Hujian and let him start refining the "Ten Veins Tiger Road" I will go to the Modongting."

Hughes encountered countless pitfalls before he entered the magic cave. Although the design was very good, it was a very small pediatrics for Hughes. There was no difficulty, and it was easy to solve. But through this matter, Hughes realized that this is not as simple as people think. This is clearly artificial, and it does not want people to enter it, but it is more problematic.

The deeper it becomes, the more obvious the trace of this disguise becomes, and Hughes can already be sure that this was intentionally done by someone.

Soon Hughes came to the core of Modongting, looked at the white tiger stone carvings guarding around, and the surging springs, Hughes knew that this was the real "shelter ruins", and the outside was just confusing That's it.

Youquan is cold and cold, with a few meters of ice around it, you can see that it is like bringing the coldness of the Nine Nethers to reality. This is not an ordinary Youquan, but a ghost in the top ten dark extremes, Hughes thought of the introduction to the "Fuyao Ruins", it was really possible to involve the Ten Temples.

Hughes summoned the "Ten Temple", surrounded by all around, and jumped directly into the quiet spring.

Like feeling the power of the "Ten Temples", the Nether Cold Spring did not dare to contaminate Hughes for half a point, and even opened a passage to let Hughes in. The taboo contained in it was a direct collapse, and countless shrill ghosts called wandering The phantom is like the confinement Hughes, which confines ghosts and gods, without half a block, it is exceptionally smooth.

The "Fufuyanxu" was launched by calling the great hell. This is under the jurisdiction of the Biancheng King. They are full of taboos and fears for the Biancheng King, but they are now the Ten Temples, and their power is conceivable. It is known that if the people who arranged this formation know how Hughes broke the "Fuyao Ru", it is estimated that they must be alive.

Hughes quickly entered the interior through the quiet spring, and in front of him was a cemetery.

Numerous tombs are lined up there, it looks very neat, but there is a kind of sad emotion invisible, lingering in a sad atmosphere, Hughes does not know whether this is a psychological effect, always feels very awkward.

The tombstones of the mausoleum are all the names of the tigers, and the general experience of their lives, and their contributions. There is a period of a hundred people, a period of demon, and some of the older ones who don't know the date. Huslin Lin looked at it all, and finally stopped at the last position of the mausoleum, which is a true tiger.

Hughes’s eyes were placed on the first place, which was during the human race, "Tiger Jiyue, born in the last year of the Gregorian calendar in 642, has a true tiger, and awakened in the last 662 years, and died in the last 662 years. Overcome the evil, never over."

Although there are only a few sentences in his life and no more detailed explanations, Hughes recognizes that there is a great possibility that it is God Jiyue, although the surname is changed, and his calculation method is the last Hughes. I don’t know, but the age of Shen Jiyue is very clear. Is there anything more coincident than the right number? Hughes did not believe it, and he did not want to believe it.

"Is this the Xitian Mausoleum." Hughes thought so. After Shen Jiyue used his natal curse, his body also disappeared. Was he buried here? Was he dying or was he performing a ritual.

Hughes has a great urge to dig up the grave to see it, but is afraid of ruining the ritual. This entangled psychology makes Hughes full of contradictions.

In the end, Hughes still contained his impulse. He wanted to check the entire Xitian Mausoleum before making a decision. He always felt that it was full of weirdness.

Hughes wants to fly to the sky to see if the outline of the Xitian Cemetery is different, but Hughes is surprised to find that he can’t fly, and the spiritual power in the body is very abundant, which is really true. What is strange is that this place is "banned".

The great emperor was able to open up the heavenly realm, and why they should do this. One of the key reasons is that the heavenly realm he created was created according to his origin, and it is the manifestation of his way. His imprisonment is different in every heavenly realm. When the emperor created it, he set the law of his own forbidden land. For example, some celestial realms have no water, which is "forbidden water", while some are unable to release flames, which is "forbidden to fire".

I just didn’t expect the Xitian Mausoleum to fly, but it was the place of “no air”. In Hughes’s impression, the white tiger’s west wind should be the element of the wind. Their air combat should be very strong, and yes, let others not fly. , Is indeed very beneficial to them.

Outside the Modongting, the giant worm has already arrived, but now he has become a humanoid. The Tiger King looks at the ruined "Fufuyanxu", and his face immediately changes greatly. Said: "Go and invite the elders in the clan, the people who come are strong, and they will instantly break the "Fufu Yanxu". Now they may have gone to the Xitian Mausoleum, where they must not be destroyed."

The entire Tiger family is now in action, they are in a hurry, and they are all working, but Husse, who is a party, looks very idle, looking everywhere at the words on the tombstone. Of course, this is limited to his behavior. The inner anxiety is some.

After the King Tiger told the people next to him, he did not dare to have any stay. He took out a bracelet and a diamond diamond, and threw it towards the "Fufuya Market". The eyes of the four white tiger sculptures around Youquan became bright. , Combined with the diamond drill to form a channel, pointing directly to the point of Youquan.

Leaping forward, the Tiger King jumped into the passage and entered the Xitian Cemetery.

The Xitian Mausoleum at the moment is very quiet, and all the tombs are well preserved, and they have not been destroyed. This is the King Tiger, but it is stunned. It seems that this is not as bad as imagined. Perhaps it is just that their nerves are a little big, he I thought about how someone might enter this place.

But suddenly, the smile that Tiger King hadn't laughed froze on his face, because he saw a person, there was nothing wrong, right in front of him, the person looked at the tombstone very carefully, as if looking for something .

The tiger king immediately stepped forward, with full body on guard, holding a weapon in his hand, and said sharply and solemnly: "Who are you, and dare to come to this place to wilderness, really ate the bear heart leopard gall, and quickly turned around for me."

Huss looked very carefully at the information written on the tombstone. The ages above can be divided into four stages, namely, Archaic, Ancient, Ancient, and Last. After Huss’s rough calculations, he found the demon period in the conventional sense In the period of the Hundreds, even the period of the Hm is regarded as the last generation.

But without these, there are no other discoveries. Susie suddenly has a very absurd feeling, thinking of a question, how long has this world existed?

But at this time, there was a voice coming from behind, and the voice was very stunned.

Hughes turned around and looked at the powerful man with a burly body, holding a sledgehammer in his hand, very alert, and looked at himself fiercely.

"Said, for what purpose did you come to our Huya Mountain, and even broke into our forbidden ‘Xitian Mausoleum’, did you want to destroy our memorial service and want to destroy the cemetery here.”

"This is really the Xitian Mausoleum." Hughes was a little excited. Although he had speculation before, it was confirmed from this person's mouth that Hughes' heart was put down, which really confirmed the old saying "Take broken iron shoes" There is nowhere to look, so it takes no effort to get here." It is too coincidental, so that Hughes has a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Sure enough, there is a purpose, you thief." The Tiger King naturally saw Hughes' happiness, thinking that he had found his purpose and wanted to destroy it. He picked up the sledgehammer and threw it towards Hughes.

The state of the Tiger King is not weak, it is the cultivation practice of the fifth heavenly realm, but it is not enough to see in the eyes of Hughes. In order to avoid touching the tombstone of the **** Jiyue, Hughes wants to fight quickly Quick decision, in no way meant to keep your hand.

"Ten Sacred Prisons"

Ten doors appeared directly in the four sides of the Tiger King, imprisoning him, and before his sledgehammer had fallen to the ground, he had already lost, and the dust of the four sides had not been disturbed.

"What the **** is this, where do you want me to be, what is your skill, if we have the skill, we'll just dry it with a knife."

Hughes didn't care about how the King Tiger made a big noise, but asked him very plainly: "These tombs are for dry use. See if you look like you don't want me to destroy this place."

"My mouth is very strict, you don't want to know anything from me, I won't say anything, hum." The Tiger King retorted with a bone.

"Really? You are very sturdy. I hope you can maintain this attitude later." Hughes said with a smile, his hands on the tombstone, said: "My strength is still very good. Yes, I won’t force you if you don’t answer, but my hand, then ~~~."

Hughes's hand was a little bit harder, and he heard the sound of cracking like a rock breaking. This sound heard the King Tiger very real, as if dripping in his heart.

"Don't squeeze anymore, I will say it all." The Tiger King roared loudly, but he was looking forward to the arrival of the clan and hurry to control the madman.

"When Hu Zu Dao disappeared, he used his last life to set the curse of life, saying that as long as the Tiger people awaken their blood, they can get the opportunity of life and get Nirvana. We must believe that there will be miracles in heaven and earth."

"When the Tigers were born, their souls were incomplete, and part of them were kept in the heaven and earth, that is the curse of the Tiger Ancestor, and the awakening of the bloodline is that the remaining souls are activated and their bodies will return. Going to the Xitian Mausoleum to accept some kind of ancient sacrifice, it takes years of trials, it also needs an opportunity, and maybe Nirvana can return."

"How long will it take?" Hughes asked.

"Who knows that it may be one day, maybe one year, or even forever, among the Tigers' classics, only ten people returned from Nirvana, and each time they returned, their strength increased greatly, the weakest. It is the existence of the emperor, more of them are the emperors."

"Now our Tigers are preparing to summon the True Tiger Emperor to come, which is someone in this Xitian Mausoleum. It is uncertain who is who. It can only be said that everyone has a chance. They are accompanied by the will of the tiger ancestor. Coming."

Hughes, who heard this, is still calm for a long time. This remark is really against the sky, like hearing the most incredible things between heaven and earth, it is really exaggerated, Hughes thought so.

Is this a draw? Who is drawn is who is this, is it too much a joke, really a joke. Is the resurrection of God Jiyue one of the countless tombs?

"If that destroys the other tombs, does that mean they can't get Nirvana," Hughes said quietly.

"What do you want to do, I advise you not to do this, if this is the case, the whole ritual ceremony will be destroyed, and then no one will be able to nirvana." Tiger King shouted quickly, he was very worried about repairing Sri Lanka is crazy.

"Treading" is a rapid stepping sound from far and near, dozens of big men, there is a slightly short old man in front of them, leaning on a cane, but his strength is unfathomable, far Far away gave Hughes a lot of oppression, which is more powerful than the puppets in front of the ninth gate of the "Nine Gate Purgatory" in Jinshan Mustard. This is definitely a holy realm, and it is not an ordinary holy beginning. The strong may be the existence of a satisfactory level.

Hughes’ hands clasped with his fingers, his index finger stretched out, his mind was instantly stable, like the pressure of Taishan Mountain, even in the face of the violent storm-like momentum, Hughes was unmoved, calm like the sea, and could not lift a little ripple.

"Single Cobalt Seal"

This is the "advent" in the nine-character mantra that Hughes learned in the nine-step ladder. He is physically and mentally stable, he is immovable, he remains unmoved, and he has a strong physique.

"This is ~~~~~~." The old man was startled.

Turning to the imprisoned Tiger King, the old man's stunned expression was difficult to cover up with the palace, and appeared directly on his face, his heart was more surging, and his eyes looked straight at Hughes, wanting to study him thorough.

The old man didn't speak, and Hughes was even harder to speak, and Hughes had a great deal of enthusiasm for the old man. Such a strong man, Hughes should be treated with caution, and he should be taken lightly.

"Elder Hujian, this man is here to destroy. If you want to destroy this place, kill him quickly." When King Tiger saw the arrival of Elder Hujian, the crying face immediately became delighted. Shouted arrogantly.

Hu Jian didn't follow the tiger king's clamor, but said to Hughes: "Unexpectedly, you actually learned to stay in the "Nine Word Mantra" from the nine-step ladder. There is really a great opportunity, so we It's a cause and effect, I don't know what you want to do when you come here."

"Elder Hu Jian laughed, I knew that this was your site. At first, I just felt that there was a taboo outside, and it was still a special "swinging ruin." I just heard about this formation, but I didn't see it. After that, if I want to see, I come to this place, and then come to this place. I am very sorry for the trouble caused by my interruption." Hughes said in a deep voice.

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