Pioneer Knight

Chapter 902:

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Feng Qing looked at Long Yang's expression, but also felt strange, but think about it, maybe it was because of what happened to Hughes' rebellion just now, and what happened would cause Long Yang's expression, thinking a little, Immediately, it turned to Hughes again.

"Xiaoxiu, now you are still weak, or go back to the room and rest! Xiaoyue, you help your brother to go back to the room." Feng Qing said softly to the two children. Although it is not his own child, it is more like his own child. All his energy in the past few years has been invested in the two. Of course, the only flaw is that he has a little purpose for Hughes. . Although it is not malicious, it is also a bit of guilt for Hughes in Feng Qing's heart.

Ziyue naturally agrees with Feng Qing’s statement very much, thinking that he hasn’t entered Xiaoxiu’s room for a few days, and there is still such an opportunity today, but then he is thinking about Hughes’ situation today. Liu Liu's brow, slightly thin, could not help but wrinkle a little, and thought a little, then the small head nodded as the reaction after a series of conditions.

Returning to the room, Ziyue took the initiative to give up her original idea. After all, although she is a little girl who likes to play with Hughes, she also knows what is more important, just like Hughes's physical condition is now She needs rest and shouldn’t disturb. She won’t make trouble. The previous trouble is naturally a child’s natural occupancy of many factors. Think about it. In fact, the little girl Ziyue still understands the world.

Hughes also agrees. Ziyue, a little girl, has a bold and lively appearance on her face, but in fact she is extremely delicate.

Seeing Ziyue was very clever, like an adult, and repeated Feng Qing's words, and then came to the door and smiled and waved her hand, then closed the door, and Hughes couldn't help laughing. , A natural smile.

And this natural smile seems to be the most relaxing one in the past five years.

Lying on his back on the bed, the room was very refined but elegant and chic. On the table not far from the bed, the rich sandalwood rose slightly from the incense burner to the entire room, but this was not of concern to Hughes.

"Hoo~~~" took a deep breath and spit out again.

The process of Longyang's reversal of his veins just now has indeed changed too much, and he has not considered the problem of his own meridians, but it is fortunate that there is no danger. Although I suffered a lot in the process, I finally got a good result. I was a little bit excited when I thought that I could practice gambling in the future.

Hughes thought, and it was the inner meridian of his own, and the situation of Dantian, which has now basically stabilized, but the repair of Yin and Yang Qi is still ongoing, thinking that he spent five years practicing The yin and yang are simple, and they have reached the strength of the previous life for a few months, and this Qi is still very different from the previous Qi. It is unavoidable, but I hope it is not a bad situation.

But when Hughes looked at Dan Tian, ​​he was surprised.

I saw that Dantian, who was forcibly reversed by Longyang with qi, now returned to the normal direction of rotation, and the speed was extremely fast. The yin and yang true qi in the stock alternately lingered in Dantian, like a meridian, Forming the circulation law of true qi in the body.

but? For this sudden situation, Huston was a little ignorant.

"This... what's going on?" Hughes asked fiercely.

but? Just when Hughes was thinking, a slight thought flashed, thinking about what would happen to Dantian when Dantian reversed again. The phenomenon of Dantian shocked Hughes again.

"Actually, there is a grudge." Detective Dantian reversed the changes that happened again. Actually, when Dantian reversed, he actually vaguely produced grudge, but it wasn't yin and yang, and the grudge was still colorful. Like this, Hughes exclaimed.

Inwardly looking at the two different breaths produced by Tanada's forward and reverse, Hughes is now both surprised and incredible.

However, the grudges left by Longyang in Xiusi were nothing more than a trace of grudges that Dan Tian did not completely consume. Of course, Dan Tian will gradually absorb them as he continues to operate.

Judging from these two breaths, Hughes found that he had experienced the true qi cultivated from the Yin-Yang Jianyi that he knew, and the remaining grudge against Longyang. Although they are now in their own Dantian, however, in contrast, the Yin and Yang true qi they practiced are a bit softer, but the qi is very strong, this is two shares of the Yin and Yang true qi. The inner true qi is similar, and Hughes saw that Longyang and Fengqing used the grudge, so they also knew another difference between the grudge, yin and yang, but the grudge was also formed in Dantian , But every time a cultivator wants to attack or defend, the grudge needs to be instantaneously excited from the Dantian meridian to the outside body, that is, the external true qi, but the yin and yang true qi is not needed, just need to be It works in the body, but Yin-Yang True Qi is not able to produce an attacking area like Longyang and Fengqing, and they can only fight in close combat.

Realizing that these two breaths were safe in Dantian, who can now be reversed, he was relieved.

When I withdrew my inner vision, I was slightly recovered, and the spirit was the same. I was thinking about what kind of exercise Longyang passed to me. When I recalled the time five years ago, I couldn’t help but be Longing for unlimited.

Time is rushing, like a white horse passing by, and everything is already moving from star to finger, but the original old house is still so mysterious and solemn. There is no slight change, the only thing that changes is the ancient People in the house, and hearts.

Twelve years, just spent like this, Hughes is very clear how he came over these twelve years. Cultivation, the only thing every day is cultivation, hard-working cultivation.

However, what made Hughes feel lucky was that the face-lifting dragon dance did not disappoint himself. What is more valuable is that he was able to practice the two grudges of dragon dance and phoenix dance together. Dantian is now full of grudge, according to In terms of the strength of fighting spirit that Long Yang said at the time, Xius should now be the master of the sword. When Xius parents and Yuan Tongfei practiced for decades, they were only masters of the sword. For such a cultivation Speed, Hughes is still more comfortable, Longyang and Fengqing are also a bit surprised, but compared to Hughes, Ziyue is even more perverted, and is now a great sword master. Although it is not in its peak state, it is extremely easy to deal with in the face of Hughes. Hughes is helpless and speechless, and he has to sigh in his heart. Perhaps his talent is like this.

However, Ziyue can only practice Feng Jue, and Hughes is both a dragon and a phoenix. Of course, for this, Hughes naturally did not tell Longyang and Fengqing that the mind of Feng Jue was from Ziyue. It is true that Longyang and Fengqing were not aware of it.

Fighting energy can speed up this way, but the practice of Yin and Yang Jianyi seems to be not so optimistic. After so many decades, he is just the first volume of Yin and Yang Jianyi "Tian Kui Qian Yang, Di Hui Xuan Yin, At the beginning of the form flow, the human body is hung, and the source of the child is divided.

Now Hughes can only feel the mutual yin and yang of Qi and Yang in his Dantian, and the Qi in the meridian is stronger, but one thing is more and more strange that Hughes is aware of, Yin and Yang in the meridian The True Qi Stone is more and more deviated from the previous turntable of the practice of the previous life. The viscous nature is more obvious, but there is no viscous True Qi. The strength is also a little stronger in comparison. Hughes does not know I should be happy or worried about this matter, but this matter cannot be discussed with Longyang Fengqing.

My own yin and yang dynasty Dantian is now fully able to adapt to the forward and reverse, these fights are only controlled under the mind, but it seems convenient, and the qi and yin and yang true qi gradually with the skill of both The aggregation of the strength is enhanced, and the obvious rigidity and flexibility are becoming more and more prominent. The rigidity of the qi is getting stronger and stronger, but the yin and yang qi are relatively more feminine, and the two inner qi of yin and yang qi, yin and The same is true for Yang Qi, which is more rigid, and Yin Qi is more flexible.

Fortunately, these two kinds of breaths are within Dantian. After so many years of no conflict, Dantian still enters the stadium. The breath in the meridians also alternates with meridians as Dantian reverses. Although the speed as meridian is instantaneous, it will cause a certain impact on the meridian at first, but the twelve-year meridian is alternately tempered by two breaths, and the meridian in the body has already adapted to this kind of Dantian positive reversal breath. The state of alternating operation.

"Brother Xiaoxiu, I am much taller now than you." Ziyue, who is already a slim girl, said to Xiusi with a little pride.

Looking at this face, Hughes was inexplicably painful in his heart. He didn't expect that he would be able to see this face again in this world, the face that once fixed the smile in front of his eyes.

Hughes grabbed a hand in his heart and tried to wake himself up.

"She's not her," Hughes said strongly in his heart, knowing that it would take a while to stabilize.

In twelve years, since Ziyue's has gradually grown up, Hughes sees that she is more and more trying to avoid, but Hughes is very clear in his heart that the current evasion is no longer the reason for more than ten years ago. However, in the same old house, you can’t see your head when you look up. Moreover, the more Zizi sees Hughes, the more he hides from himself, the more he wants to stick to himself. Now Ziyue’s strength is higher than himself, so as long as he is in Within the certain sensing range of Yue, there is no chance to escape.

I sorted out my expression and smiled bitterly, some reluctantly, said

"Yes, haven't I never exceeded your cultivation behavior? This is nothing new. You should go back to your mother as soon as possible."

"I just want to say, who told you to avoid me every day?" Hearing Hugh's tone again, he couldn't help but say dissatisfiedly

Hughes was extremely helpless, his shoulders shrugged and said

"Why am I hiding from you? I just see that you are doing more than I am now. I have to step up to catch up, so that you don't have to be proud every time you see me."

"Hee hee~~~" Zi Yue smiled sweetly. In fact, although she knew that Hughes was only justifying, Zi Yue still felt relieved.

Seeing this face that was not inferior to Feng Qing, Hughes didn't dare to think of anything. He didn't dare to dare to look away. He looked at the things on the side aimlessly.

Just like you, like Hughes, Ziyue is unclear. So, don’t you look bad? But when I asked my mother-in-law before, my mother-in-law said that she looked good! Why did Brother Xiu not like it?

"Look at me." Zi Yue thought of this, and immediately it changed from sunny to cloudy, and said to Hughes vigorously.

"Why?" As soon as Hughes heard it, it seemed that Ziyue's voice was kind of magical. How did he resist in his own heart? He turned his head.

"Why don't you look at me? Am I not good-looking?" This sentence asked extremely **, but just finished, Zi Yue was aware of the problem, after all, she is no longer the little girl who knows nothing By the way, I already know what is the etiquette of men and women.

In an instant, that beautiful face was dyed red.

The faint fragrance, coupled with the charming and involuntary pity, Hughes was confused.

"She is not her, she is not her." Suddenly a loud voice yelled in my heart.

"You're not her, you're not her...?" Hughes slammed his head with his hands. Suddenly, his head was about to open up, and it hurt badly.

If you say that you are interested in fighting spirit, and the reason why you are so active in practicing fighting spirit is because of the hatred of ten years ago, then, once you have reported this hatred in the future, then what will you do, after all Everything here is unfamiliar, even if it has been living for more than ten years, it is only confined to this ancient house.

"Brother Xiaoxiu, brother Xiaoxiu, what's wrong with you?" Looking at such a painful look, he was anxious. Where else would he want to play with a little temper in front of him.

"I... I'm okay, I'm okay, you, you go away." Hughes said with incoherent gestures at Ziyue, who was holding himself up.

"Brother Xiaoxiu, what's wrong with you? If Xiaoyue did something wrong, you can call me scolding me." Seeing Xiusi actually behaved like this to himself, he felt aggrieved.

Although Hughes has been hiding from himself for so many years, he has never spoken to himself like this, but at this moment, Hughes's tone changed completely. Although it was just a casual sentence, I still felt very uncomfortable.

"I'm telling you to go! Let's go~~" Hughes doesn't know why he would say this to Zi Yue at this moment, but the voice in his heart is still shouting, and every call will always awaken the memory in the brain. It will clearly show the scenes of the moments after I came to this world. Although there have been involuntary recalls before, it has never been so dramatic.

"What's the matter with you?" Zi Yue was so anxious that she didn't let go of Hughes at all, and her tears flowed down at the moment.

Zi Yue, who was originally a great swordsman, should not have been so flustered, but now that the opponent is his own brother Xiu Xiu, he has completely forgotten his abilities and thus does not know how to be good.

"What's the matter?" Just when Zi Yue was sad and looked at Hughes at the moment, at a loss, Feng Qing had already heard the news.

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