Pioneer Knight

Chapter 955:

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"It's the only way, but I'm really..."

"Ah! Now this thing is stopped, but this mutual match is about to start, you are the first group, you still go back to the field first! Don't let me down?" Hughes is a stunned big man, look Zhu Diling said

Since Emperor Ling had any mood at this moment, he still considered what was better than fighting, but listening to Hughes said that he was slow to move.

Hughes didn't dare. This matter was temporarily stopped, but he still had challenges.

"I'm going to start here, so you should go." Hughes said immediately, and turned away. For this matter, Hughes thought much more than Di Ling. He knew that Di Ling was very difficult to prove. Her identity, but not in a hurry, he knew in his heart that because of his personal reasons, he was not good to expose this matter.

Di Ling was still thinking about this pimple, but Hughes had already left.

"Ling Er, do you know that stink boy?"

Soon after Hughes left, he saw that Ouyang Shishi walked into Emperor Bell, and looked at Hughes's abominable back and asked.

Ouyang's poems are not good for Hughes, this is also the most patient time she has ever been angry with someone since her life.

From late autumn last year to late spring of this year, half a year ago, I wanted to wait for this boy to say sorry to himself, but didn't want this boy to be so stingy. He hasn't come to the present, and he hasn't seen him in the future. The figure of this kid is just where he often goes to Agarwood in Huangpu, but he knows where this ugly woman, Meixi, often goes to Xiusi.

Over the past six months, she has been patient and tight. She has never been to Hughes. However, in this way, her mind has calmed down a lot. During this time, she has also achieved a breakthrough.

"Ah! Oh, yeah." While Di Ling was still thinking about what way to prove his identity, he was so suddenly walked from behind by Ouyang Shishi, staring ugly at the far away. Asked Hughes, it was amazed.

"How did you and that stupid guy know each other?"

"This is what I met on the street in late autumn last year." Di Ling couldn't think of anything to pervert this Ouyang poem, and he immediately felt anxious.

Upon listening to Ouyang's poems, he looked at Emperor Ling suspiciously for a long time. Fortunately, Emperor Ling Xiu was not shallow, but his complexion was also under Ouyang's poems.

"That's it?" Ouyang Shishi asked

"How else?" Di Ling asked back.

Ouyang's poem book is a slow half-beat, and in this case, I actually believed a bit.

"Huh, stinky boy, dare to roar this girl, this time watching this girl doesn't teach you well, let you be the girl's boy." Ouyang Shi Shi bite her teeth, still waiting for Hughes in his own vision The tiny back, said brokenly, with a very cute expression.

Emperor Ling's expression at the moment saw Ouyang's poems. He couldn't help but stunned. He immediately looked at Hughes' back and turned again, looking at the expression of Ouyang's poems.

"Ah~~" Di Ling seemed to have discovered the New World, but he looked at the Ouyang poetry poems of Hughes with a very funny expression while watching him.

"Poetry poetry, did you look at my watch... er, Hughes?" Di Ling began to laugh at the moment, but until this Ouyang poetry's temperament, like a man, he never looked at a man, But he did not expect that his cousin had conquered Ouyang's poems, and his curiosity suddenly came to him.

Emperor Ling didn't know what happened when Xiusi and Ouyang poems were fighting, so she didn't understand the reasons, and then she returned to the college. This Ouyang poem never mentioned it with herself, but just listened to it eventually. Secretly swearing at some stinky boy. However, at that time, he was not interested in this matter. After all, there were not many people who were scolded by Ouyang Shishi in his heart.

"Poetry poetry, should Hughes be the stinky kid you used to talk about?" Di Ling asked quizzically, secretly praising Hughes for his kindness. She often misses things like this from time to time, without losing words like her cousin.

"Why do I often talk about him?" Ouyang's poems immediately turned red and smirked.

"Not yet? Blushing into a monkey ass." Di Ling joked in front of Ouyang Shishi but he and I were just like the buddies of men.

"You, are you a monkey butt? Well, even talking to the stink boy, would you like the stink boy? Lingling, tell you, this stink boy is abhorrent, you have to be careful Take precautions against this kid." Ouyang Shishi now responded anxiously, eagerly changing her mind, and was busy thinking of transferring the topic to Di Ling.

Although as far as the current situation is concerned, Di Ling has the upper hand, but the two are actually half a catty, no one can win, no one can lose.

Di Ling listened to Ouyang Shishi's question, her face was slightly red, and she felt shy in her heart, but she didn't quite understand what happened to her. I never thought about it in my heart, but how could there be such a reaction, and Hughes is his cousin.

"But I am not his cousin."

Di Ling violently resisted his own thoughts, but Xiaozui said involuntarily, and now noticed that he quickly covered the small mouth and put his eyes on the side. He had never been so proud in front of Diling. Ouyang poetry.

But I saw Ouyang's poems looking at me with a bad smile, and the corners of his mouth were also stunned.

Now turning around is heading towards the first group of games.

The reason why Ouyang Shishi is so easy is to let go of Emperor Bell, and the next few steps are to chase God Bell.

"Haha, let's be honest! Let's see if you blush like that, and you want to lie to me?" Ouyang Shishi asked a bit smartly.

Where did Di Ling dare to care about Ouyang's poems, just covered her ruddy face, and walked down her head, but her eyes were whirling and lively.


"Boy, my first challenge is to you." Zhao Yu looked at Hughes proudly, and it seemed that Hughes was lying in front of himself at this moment for mercy.

"Have you thought about it?" Hughes didn't care much. Zhao Yu's cultivation was very clear for himself. Although it has improved in the past six months, it is not worth paying attention to.

"Well, how crazy you are today, you can't move you at the college, but this time it was an opportunity." Zhao Yu said with hate.

"Oh, Zhao Yu, I'm not the same as not being able to deal with me when I'm not in college. I advise you to think about it carefully, lest you have no chance to play after you compare with me. Then I want to beat someone to find someone. "" Hughes said with a sneer on his face, very ironic between words.

At this moment, I saw that Zhao Yu's face was again inertial, and his face turned to pig liver. It seems that in this life, this kid has formed an indissoluble bond with pig liver...

"The first scene, from Hughes to Zhao Yu."

Unexpectedly, Hughes was secretly thinking about it, but he didn't want to. At this moment, a man in the gown old man actually came to the center of the field and yelled at the crowd to see that the man was dressed, but it should be the trainer of the Douyuan.

Sixty people are divided into six groups, but the number of people in these six groups is very different. Although there are many students in Dongling Douyuan, but those who really have the strength to participate in this kind of student competition are not Many, others are naturally treated as audiences.

Since Huss defeated Ouyang's poems last year, he has accumulated a lot of popularity. In this way, the fifth group is onlookers compared to the other five groups, but it is a lot more. Moreover, the fifth group still has There is a Huangpu agarwood. Although this agarwood is not a person of the Douyuan, but its reputation is extremely large in the Douyuan, the beautiful beauty of the academy of literature. Those who use male animals as a cluster will naturally not let go. The beauty was buried in the college without being noticed.

In addition, the Academy of Literature, Huangpu Chenxiang, participated in this for the first time. It was not only the students of the Douyuan Academy who were surprised, but also the Academy of Literature was surprisingly interested. What are they doing, but this time they finally have their own players, and they are also great beauties of the Academy of Literature.

There are many onlookers in the fifth group where Hughes is, but there are also many people in the third group where Xiahoutian and Xiahouzhen are, and there are many Ouyang poetry. Of course, looking at the group of Ouyang poetry, think There are quite a few people who want to see Ouyang's poems taught again. Although Ouyang Shishi is also a great beauty, many people still do not regard Ouyang Shishi as a woman.

When Hughes heard it, he felt slightly interesting. This was Zhao Yu's anxiety. Unexpectedly, the teacher in this courtyard academy was more anxious than Zhao Yu.

Everyone heard and opened the scene again, and they were immediately excited. Since they saw Hughes last year, they have never seen it again. At this moment, they are rubbing their palms and keeping their eyes on. In the middle of the court, many students also shouted, and the majority of them supported Hughes.

Zhao Yu and Xia Houzhen were average. They used their family background to bully college students many times. Although the rules of the academy did not make excessive actions, however, even so, the whole Douyuan often insulted the people who cursed Zhao Yu in the heart, and Zhao Yu has been so gradually in recent years. Zhao Liang, the infamous father, felt hateful even in his heart.

"Shuss, abolish this kid's **** son." I don't know who hid among the micro-students who were standing shoulder to shoulder, but there was no trace of it.

It's just that when the words came out, Zhao Yu's face suddenly changed greatly. But when he stared at it, it was a pity that I was suddenly in a sentence and went unexpectedly. In this way, where do I know who is saying it, and At the moment, the students who saw the onlookers echoed with each other, and their faces were suddenly ugly.

Hughes laughed when he heard it, thinking that this person was light, but the college has a clear stipulation that in the competition, unless one party challenges regardless of the consequences, and the other party agrees, otherwise it will be met by the college. Heavy penalty.

"The contest is not only allowed, it can only be ordered until the end, not to seriously hurt others or you will be severely punished, no matter how old you are." The trainer at that moment changed his face and reminded him.

He had only heard about this person from Hughes, but he had seen it on every floor, but it was rumored that this kid was very powerful, even the indestructible golden armor shield of Ouyang poetry was actually broken for him. I don’t think it’s so weird. It’s just the rules of the academy. He is still the person in charge to reiterate it, so as to avoid any big things from happening. In the past, although there were academy rules in the competition, there are still some academies with advanced skills, but However, the mind is not able to meet the requirements of cultivation, but when it is fighting, it often forgets the importance of starting.


The lecturer's voice just fell, and the audience was booed. The vast majority of them were students who have watched many competitions. The past things are clear and tight. Those who are often fighting hard are all It is difficult to close, and then both sides are injured, and the college is unable to deal with it. If it is not of equal strength, how can it be fierce?

The trainer listened to the boos on the sidelines, understood in his heart, but didn't change his face, his heart didn't jump, and looked coldly at Zhao Yu and Hughes who had stood in the center of the field, just waiting for their own voice. Just start.

"Teacher, I want to fight against the consequences." Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhao Yu shouted loudly, but this shout was directed at the onlookers and Hughes on the sidelines, not facing that. Trainer.

When everyone heard it, the expression on his face changed slightly. Zhao Yu had such a courage that they did not expect, and immediately looked at Hughes and the teacher when the eyes were divergent.

It was slightly unexpected for the trainers to hear it. It was the first time that they chose to compete regardless of the consequences in the competition, but since Zhao Yu mentioned it, he turned his attention to Hughes.

"Xius, are you willing to accept Zhao Yu's challenge?"

When everyone heard it, their eyes were eager, waiting for Hughes's response.

I saw that Hughes was relaxed and looked at Zhao Yu very carelessly, and smiled.

"Zhao Yu, are you sure you want to recklessly challenge?"

Everyone was so relaxed when they saw Hughes' face, but they asked Zhao Yu, and they all turned their eyes away.

"Naturally." Zhao Yu said with a deep voice. He consulted Hughes with a few tricks, but it was just that. Zhao Yu was a blind arrogant person. For this, Xiahou, who was often mixed with him, was extremely shrewd. Xia Houzhen knew to avoid the sharp edge, but Zhao Yu was a fool. Taking advantage of his breath, he was reluctant to think about anything, regardless of the consequences.

Everyone saw Zhao Yu's affirmative answer, but they speculated, thinking about the kid's ability, they knew a little bit, they wanted to challenge Hughes, they lost, but they were affirmative, but at the moment Zhao Yu's expression was They have to wonder if this kid has made a great breakthrough recently, or is there any trick he can't do?

"Shus, promise this kid, and **** this kid, shit." At this moment, I didn't know which student who was extremely uncomfortable with Zhao Yu shouted among the students, but then there was no more voice. .

"Promise, agree, agree."

As soon as the man shouted, all the students shouted loudly.

The fifth group here screamed so loudly, the lively atmosphere was suddenly much stronger than the other five groups, but there were many students who watched the lively run past, like a stunned head, without a head. He also shouted.

As soon as Hughes heard such words, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that he wouldn't be able to control what he did, but since the kid Zhao Yu was determined to do this, he didn't have to be polite.

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