Pioneer Knight

Chapter 979:

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At this moment, Xia Houtian bursts into the sky, and the attack column that was just blasted down is the power of the lightning attribute composed of five elements.

At this time, the sky crack was also like the power of Hughes and the dragon and phoenix, and they continued to bombard the Hughes below, but Xiahoutian was able to receive and send hair when he was inspired. When Hughes flashed to the sky above Xiahoutian, At the time, Xia Houtian was able to stop the thunder and lightning power in a very skilled and sensitive manner, which shows Xia Houtian's realm of this violent cultivation.

At this moment, Hughes has flashed more than 30 waves of lightning attacks, but now the electric column is becoming denser and there is not much space to flash, and, with Xiahoutian’s offensive interference, his own dragon and phoenix appear Xiang's attack has also been affected.

Hughes did not expect that Xia Houtian would be able to mobilize such a powerful fighting technique under the position of Zhou Dun, but, at the moment, although the two are equal to each other, no one takes advantage, no one loses, But Hughes knew clearly that Xia Houtian's fighting energy must be greater than himself under the consumption of these two fighting techniques. In this way, as long as he was not struck by the power of the thunder and lightning, facing the injured body, he was in After a while, Xiahoutian will return to the starting line.

Xia Houtian naturally understood the result of the two fighting techniques, but he hoped that Hughes’s dragon and phoenix Chengxiang could give up the attack under this fierce attack, but after such a period of time, he was very obvious The trough of Hughes’s tragedy, Hughes continued to maintain this dragon and phoenix's offensive, while evading his own offensive. At this moment, Xiahoutian's heart was agitated.

Now the two fight for who can stick to the last moment, who is the winner.

But Xia Houtian didn't know about Hughes' physical condition at the moment, but he was more anxious than Hughes, and his heart was immediately horizontal. If the situation continues like this, then Xia Houtian must be the loser.

"The Ultimate Thunderbolt"

But at this moment Xia Houtian was screaming.

At this time, everyone clearly heard Xiahoutian's violent voice. Presumably, at this moment, Xiahoutian's violent voice, during the period, must have used the power of arrogance, but the voice just finished, and the bright sunny day was Suddenly dimmed, I saw that the sky above the enchantment was different from the other sky. It was dark and deep, like a huge cave, but the faint sound of thunder and lightning, the light of fire continued to hit everyone. Audiovisual.

Hughes's face changed at this moment. He didn't think that Xiahoutian had such a trick at this time, but the deep black hole above the enchantment saw a strong sense of uneasiness.

At this time, the teacher who maintained the enchantment was also pale. At first, the continuous thunder and lightning bombardment attacked the inside Hughes through the enchantment, but what surprised the teacher was that the power of the lightning was in the knot. There is not much strength above the realm, but now seeing the dark sky cave, and the uneasiness in my heart is turbulent again, who can think of whether this next attack will bear on his own realm , But thinking about the students who were watching at the moment, he was only able to stubbornly resist with anger.

At this moment, everyone was holding their breath and staring at the deep sky changes at the moment. There were continuous thunder and lightning flares from the edge of the cave, and at the same time, they continued to follow the sound of thunder and thunder. , Terrifying.


Under the concentrated attention of everyone, I didn't want the deep sky cave to be under a strong white light at this moment, that is, the entire sky above the enchantment was enveloped by that white light.

"This, can this still be avoided?"

Seeing this white light at the moment, it quickly emerged from the mouth of the deep heavenly cave, but it was straight away thinking about the boundary below, and everyone immediately understood it and finally murmured.

Hughes was extremely ugly at this moment.

Xia Houtian's move seems to be out of the way. At the moment, there are six other people in the enchantment. When he attacks like this, he must no longer care about the safety of others. At this moment, he is suddenly worried about Di Ling. Waiting for others, it is just that there is no time to think about it. After all, the white light is the ultimate thunderbolt, and it is already ready to attack itself at this moment.

"You have left this boundary as soon as possible." Hughes was also sweating at the moment, and immediately shouted at the moment when the six people around him used their grudges.

Ouyang's poems are always paying attention to the situation of Hughes at this moment. Naturally, they are heard one by one, but under such anxious cries, Ouyang's poems are slightly sweet. However, at this time, he will not listen to it. Leaving the words of Hughes.

Huangpu Agarwood and Di Ling were also fighting with Duan Mushuo at the moment. At this moment, Xia Houtian’s move was no longer just threatening Hughes, but everyone in the enchantment at the moment. I'm thinking about fighting, and for now, even if Huangpu Agarwood and Dili have a slight upper hand, it will still be difficult to separate the victory and defeat in the first half.

"Hurry out of the enchantment." Hughes shouted, and then shouted again, his expression extremely anxious.

Duan Mushuo saw the behavior of Xia Houtian at the moment by Kuang Shidao, and his look also changed a lot. It was just that Xia Houtian's fierce crack had already gained momentum at this moment, and he had begun to attack at this moment. Looking at Xia Houtian inside Zhou Dun with a look of hatred, under the violent fighting around him, he moved towards the boundary around him.

The off-site faculty members were also ugly and tight at the moment. With the end of the storm, the sense of power threat was also getting stronger, but at this moment Duan Mushuo’s actions, the faculty members I also understood the behavior of the two of them, and the enchantment was slightly changed. They released the two of them, but there are still a few people who have not made a move.

"Poetry poetry, let's go out now! The elder brother's tactics are different. It is difficult to resist the two of us." Xia Houzhen is also anxious, but Xia Houtian's series of fighting techniques at this time is to let Xia Houzhen understood that there was still a considerable gap between him and his elder brother. He wanted to exchange the elder brother back to him one by one for a long time.

However, Ouyang's poems are also within this boundary, but his anxiety has not moved half a point. Presumably, this Xia Houzhen is really determined for Ouyang's poems.

"If you want to go out, you can go out. Why do you control me?" Ouyang Shishi heard Xia Houzhen's words, his brows were actually wrinkled, and he said coldly. Although Xia Houzhen had good intentions, it was so harsh in Ouyang's poems, and seemed to doubt her Ouyang's poems in general, and Ouyang's poems were the people who did not like to listen to such words.

Xia Houzhen ate a suffocation, but the other party was Ouyang poetry, but he had to swallow it.

Huangpu Agarwood and Di Ling glanced at each other anxiously, but they did not listen to the words of Hughes and left. How could they throw Hughes alone in this enchantment? Possibly, Huangpu Agarwood is even more impossible.

Seeing these people still hesitating, Hughes was even more anxious, but now he couldn't pull himself out, this dragon and phoenix had to maintain the offensive against Xiahoutian, and he had to prepare to take over The downfall offensive.

"Shus, we are all fighting against this wave of attack together. Although Xia Houtian's move is powerful, he is only one person after all, but we have four people."

Emperor Bell was the first to say that at the moment, Huangpu Agarwood listened to Emperor Bell's words and immediately echoed and nodded.

"It's useless. If this attack is to use our own grudge to urge the fighting technique to attack the four of us, it will certainly be hard to resist. However, this storm will definitely not work. The reason is that there is no time to talk to you at the moment. Out of this boundary, I have a way to deal with it, hurry up." As soon as Hughes heard Di Ling's words, his heart was suffering, but there was a little warmth in his heart at the moment, but he said that he had another way It is also fake to deal with it, this is just to deceive these people out of the enchantment.

"Why?" Ouyang Shishi ignored Xia Houzhen and listened to the words of Hughes, but asked, she was not worried that the power above was attacking, but Hughes's safety at this moment was actually putting herself The security is also placed after Hughes.

Hughes heard Ouyang poetry and poems, but his heart was full of enthusiasm. However, he was about to scold Ouyang poetry and poems. If it weren’t for the woman who suddenly inserted a foot, how could he get such a field, but the expression at this moment But it changed again, his face ugly.

"It's too late." Hughes grieved.

With such a lot of spending, even if these people leave the knot definition now, it is too late. Immediately under their heart, they are under the luck of the dragon and the phoenix, and they are still repairing their meridians. launch.

but? At this time, the Yin and Yang Zhenyuan could just be urged, but did not want to, that Yin and Yang Zhenyuan actually penetrated into the chest, that is, the various Zhenyuans that were still in the major meridians were also used by them Pulling away, not only this, but also shocked Hughes' heart, after the real yuan, it was the strength of the qi in Zhou's body. The dragon's qi and the phoenix's qi were also swallowed away by the chest. .

Hughes was relying on that phantom giant phoenix in the air at this moment, but at that time, the body qi was swallowed by the chest, and there was a little bit of arrogance to maintain this phantom giant phoenix. Disappeared, the whole body fell straight down.


At first sight, when they were loud and upset, they didn't understand that Xiahoutian hadn't attacked at this moment. How could Hughes' anger disappear and fall from the sky?


At first sight, the three women exclaimed, flashing and trying to catch Hughes forward.

At this time, Xia Houtian felt relieved all over his body, and his heart was overjoyed. Immediately, the fierce anger was the moment that urged the ultimate thunder of the original attack to be powerful. The momentum was really terrifying, and the white light flashed. The winning person is afraid to open his eyes.

"Brother Hughes."

At this moment, the three women were about to step forward to bring Hughes to follow, but they didn’t want to hear the voice of a beautiful woman out of thin air, but when they came immediately, they saw a giant flame reappear above the sky. It was from that giant phoenix that the woman's beautiful voice came out.

Everyone's face changed a lot, so it's unclear. So, how could a giant phoenix appear again, and listening to that voice was extremely sweet, and it seemed to be heading towards Huss.

Everyone thought about this for a moment, but they didn't want the flaming phoenix to be under the sky. In a blink of an eye, it was faster than the power of thunder and lightning in the cave.

Seeing this giant phoenix collided with this enchantment, the trainer immediately dared to continue to maintain this enchantment, but when the grievances were over, the enchantment was removed, and his face was pale now.

When everyone saw the enchantment closed, their face suddenly changed again, and the power of thunder and lightning could not be underestimated. Now that the prohibition of enchantment is lost, it will not affect everyone. For a while, the students watching around are panicked. .

The three girls who rushed to Hughes also heard the clear voice at the moment, and their hearts were very surprised, but the flash of fire that they saw, they were the first to catch Hughes with the three of them. What followed was a flash of white light all around, and everything was caught in an energy attack.

The few people in the enchantment who had not yet escaped at this moment were covered by the power of the ultimate lightning.

But at that moment the enchantment was already removed by the trainer, and the dive-down power was already powerful, but at this moment, the limitation of the enchantment was reduced, and naturally it was unhindered. Here.

At this time, where could everyone still be able to control the death and death of the few people who were shrouded in the power of the ultimate thunder and lightning, but at this moment the power of the thunder and lightning was already coming towards themselves, and the entire performance field was already in chaos.

Everyone rushed this arrogant one after another to escape from the attack area of ​​the thunderbolt.

but? Xia Houtian, when the power of thunder and lightning struck down, it was almost at the same time, that Di Yang chased the unknown character who fled into the Tangling Academy after the technique of light escape to the martial arts field, and then returned. There are Zong Lan and the night moon behind, and dozens of followers.

Di Yang was aware of the horror of the power of thunder and lightning, and his face changed dramatically. He did not expect that the fighting skills between the students could be as strong as they are, but he was more worried about the mystery. The characters, who have been chasing themselves all the way, actually tried their best to turn out to be unable to keep up with the shirk, which can be seen. Although its energy fluctuations are suddenly strong and weak, but this person's cultivation is certainly not shallow, but think about it, the old guys who have a large family and royal family out of Dengdi seem to have no knowledge of how to do so. This character is the only one, but by virtue of his understanding of a large family and the royal family, this person's energy is certainly not one within this sphere of influence, and it should not be a person of Deng Di. At the same time, Di Yang also Perceived a bit of evil breath.

At this time, Emperor Yang and others came late to Ziyue. Originally, Ziyue was unable to catch up with the eunuch, but then she noticed that the dragon and phoenix were fighting, but she did not estimate the prohibition of her fighting. The evolutionary giant phoenix is ​​coming, and it is no longer able to take care of the person who can **** the jade card. This is just a few people ahead.

At this moment, Di Yang was thinking secretly, but it was unexpected that the energy fluctuations were actually under the purple light within the Yanwuchang, and a human figure enveloped in purple grudges appeared, and this moment is not over yet, but see He blasted a stream of purple light from above that person's body towards the place that had been completely enveloped by the power of thunder and lightning, and disappeared within that power of the thunder and lightning within a moment.

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