Pioneer Knight

Chapter 983:

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"Master Huangpu, are you a member of the Huangpu family?" Zi Yue suddenly asked Huangpu Yuxiang to be with the newly emerged Huangpu family.

Huangpu Yuxiang was stunned and thought a little, he was coming with his father at this time, and he also knew about this operation soon, his father would let himself participate in this action with Huss as the introduction, Huangpu Yu Xiang didn't understand the reason for this. It stands to reason that he still has quite a long time before he takes over as father, and he has not yet qualified to participate in such actions.


Huangpu Yuxiang said that his heart was relaxed. After all, what his father Huangpu Yuanlie said was obviously in the meaning of Warranty. Of course, his image in front of Ziyue was certainly a good one.

"Is your family going to help Brother Xiusi?" Zi Yue didn't care about Huangpu Yuxiang's identity at this moment, but he asked anxiously, now he wanted to step forward to help Xiusi, but Xiusi explained The words Ziyue remembered in her heart, but she had to listen to Hughes' words.

"This, naturally."

Huangpu Yuxiang listened to this, and hesitated a moment, then said.

Regarding the Huangpu family, although Huangpu Yuxiang's father's words just wanted to help Hughes, the "bao" has another meaning. The Huangpu family is only temporary and does not want Hughes to have an accident. As for In the future, it will not be within the scope of the Huangpu family to consider. Huangpu Yuxiang said this with a little guilty conscience.

Huangpu Agarwood naturally emerged from Huangpu Yuxiang, but he was paying attention to his elder brother. He was very puzzled. How did Ziyue know him, and listening to the elder brother's words, there seemed to be something wrong, think about it As usual, the eldest brother does not speak such words to any woman, and just that sentence, I thought that the emergence of the Huangpu family was to help Hughes. Although I don’t understand why, but it’s better than the Ouyang family’s trip, but the hesitation of Huangpu Yuxiang’s response to Ziyue’s words is to make Huangpu Chenxiang feel a little upset. Brother seems to know some insider But, why didn't you respond to Ziyue happily, certainly there are some other actions for Hughes, but what about the Huangpu family's move towards Hughes? Huangpu Agarwood thought about it but felt a little bad.

"Brother, what is the father going to do?"

Huangpu Agarwood wanted nothing more than to ask.

This way of questioning makes it natural that the people around you will naturally think in the direction of benefits, that is, how the Huangpu family intends to help Hughes, however, Huangpu Yuxiang, who knows some insider, understands this sister when he hears it. I was already suspicious of my own words and immediately smiled bitterly.

"I don't know my father's specific plan. Let's take a look at it, but there is no harm for Hughes."

Huangpu Yuxiang said this, he naturally cared about the feelings of this son and his sister. Although he did not know his sister's feelings about Hughes, he always knew a little, and according to Huangpu Agarwood Since she understands feelings for Hughes, she naturally struggles to hold on. Even the appearance of Helian Qiyun last year has no determination to change Agarwood, but what makes Huangpu Yuxiang extremely puzzled is On the one hand, Chen Xiang did not want to give up on Hughes, but why did she not strongly oppose the marriage between the two families?

Helian Qiyun had been back for so long, but there was no news. He didn't know, what was Helian Qiyun and Huangpu Chenxiang talking about? Perhaps, all of this will have to wait for two and a half years after the marriage of the two will have some answers.

Listening to Huangpu Yuxiang's words, Huangpu Agarwood felt even more uneasy, but Huangpu Yuxiang replied, but she was no longer good to continue to ask, after all, Ziyue and others were present.

The three big families are already the people of the two big families, but the rest of the Xiahou family still did not show up. Xia Houtian was also surprised at this time. He did not expect that Hughes would provoke Dengdi’s two big families. Such a clear confrontation, and whether his own family will also blend in, so what is the identity of Hughes?

Although Xia Houtian is like Huangpu Yuxiang, he is the future successor of his family, but now the two are still young, and they are not aware of some conspiracy matters of the family, nor do they have the right to know. They can only wait until the present age. When the head of the family really wants to experience the successor, only then will the person be allowed to participate in some important things in the family.

Although Ouyangxie didn't care about the Huangpu clan's blending in at the moment, the only thing that didn't feel good was the man who exposed his identity underground. Yeyue, the imperial guard of the imperial city guard, was cultivated, but Compared with himself, he is still very tender, but what surprised him is why he was known by this kid. Even Di Yang and Zong Lan could not be aware of it, then Yeyue knew , Which does not mean that the imperial city forces also want to blend in? And do the old guys in the Imperial City already know all this?

Although Ouyang Shishi was paying attention to this Hughes at this moment, she was struggling with her heart at this time. She did not understand why the family wanted Grand Hugh to be in danger of Hughes. Moreover, the blow just now was obviously wanted. Hughes' life isn't it?

Ouyang Shishi's face was ugly, but he didn't know how to face Hughes and Di Ling, etc. At this time, even the courage to look at Zi Yue was gone, but fortunately, Zi Yue didn't know that he was a member of the Ouyang family at this time. .

Although Di Ling frowned and looked at Ouyang's poems, but after seeing the latter's expression, he had a slight conjecture in his heart, and then turned his attention to Hughes, who was still being pursued.

"Ouyang Xie, can you still remember the cultivation of the family seventeen years ago?"

Who thought that when everyone thought about each other, they heard that Hughes was shouting at Ouyang Xie, who was angry at the sword saint.

At this sound, the understander's face changed drastically, but the unknown person was blindfolded and looked at each other.

After all, most of the younger generation of Dongling students were present, and they didn't know anything about the Xiujia more than a decade ago. They didn't even know that there was such a Xiujia family in Dengdi.

Ouyang Xie listened to Hughes’ cry of shouting at the moment, but his heart was shocked, and he was shocked. Hughes actually knew his identity, and he still knew that he had a thousand things with the incident more than ten years ago. Wisp relationship.

However, after all, Ouyang Xie would not be bluffed because of such a shouting by Hughes, but he ignored it and pretended not to care.

"Ouyang Xie, after more than ten years, the descendants of the Xiu family have found you here. Do you still want to refuse it? At that time, you wanted to **** the sons of all kinds, but they did not hesitate to save the family of the Xiu family for hundreds of lives. Give Tu Zhu a try, but I didn't expect it! Ten years later, those who repaired the family came back to find you for revenge."

Seeing Ouyang Xie in the night below, she pretended not to care about the words of Hughes, but even if it was a loud voice, she shouted, and the sound of the shouts continued to be terrified.

Ten years ago, did you really have a repairer? Moreover, this Xiujia was actually slaughtered by the Ouyang family, which is now one of Deng Didan's big families, and the culprit was the person who just wanted to attack Hughes. Everyone's mind was thinking, that is, to connect some things that happened nearby, and then everyone returned their attention to Hughes.

Hughes was surprised by the words of Yeyue at this time. Although I have seen this night moon outside the imperial city, from the point of view of his heart, it must be a cruel person, but he has never been in contact with this night moon. Why today, if the night moon helps himself to speak.

With a little doubt in his heart, he was once again betting his eyes on Ouyang Xie. At this time, several people had stopped and the identities of several people were already clearly understood. There is no point in chasing like this.

"Ouyang Xie, didn't you dare to commit a heinous evil? Why didn't you admit it today?" Xiusdang even said Shen Sheng, but seeing the light of anger in Xius's eyes, he knew, Xiu Si can’t wait to break Ouyang Xie's corpse into pieces at this moment. However, how can Ouyang Xie’s cultivation be within his own reach? However, Hughes does not care about what happened more than ten years ago. The mention will come out.

Ouyangxie was hesitating for a moment at this moment, and this matter was really something beyond his expectations. The reason why I will personally lead this action against Hughes as the introduction today is that most of it is due to the attraction of the universal force within Hughes, but from the current situation, I think It is not possible to take Hughes out of the heat and extract the power of all kinds of things. Then, since this is the case, Ouyang’s evil heart is a horizontal one. Today, two large families have been dispatched. Only the Xiahou family has never been. The trend, simply makes the situation today as chaotic as possible, and will be more hopeful for the martial arts Tangling World returning to the heart of a big family.

"Huh, boy, can't you blame me for being cruel more than ten years ago, if your parents call you out, then your cultivators are still living in the city of Dengdi now, but your parents are not. Know the good or bad."

Ouyang Xie didn't realize the anger of Hughes at this time, but he saw it very plainly, but it seemed extremely plain between the words. He didn't take the hundreds of lives of the Xiujia in his mind at all.

Ouyang Xie's words came out, and everyone should even be in an uproar. Ouyang Xie didn't just recognize the only thing he did in the past. This kind of massacre of a family was all the indignation of people and gods on the Dongling Road. However, Ouyang Evil has nothing to do with the exposure of this matter. Is Ouyang Xie sincerely wanting the Ouyang family to be destroyed once it fails?

Huangpu Yuanlie was standing still in the air at this time, followed by the elders of the Huangpu family, but listening to Ouyang Xie's words, Huangpu Yuanlie frowned deeply, although Ouyang Xie's move seemed to others to be The Ouyang family was in a desperate situation. However, his Huangpu Yuanlie knew that after this incident, I was afraid that no one would care about what the Ouyang family did, and the entire Dongling mainland was afraid that it would be completely messed up on this day. set. It's just that Huangpu Yuanlie had already guessed that his Ouyang family had done the work of repairing the family. However, Ouyang Xie admitted so bluntly that he was beyond his expectation, but now he is thinking. Awake, Ouyang Xie so unscrupulously told what happened to the Ouyang family, will there be any other unsuccessful moves? Looking at Ouyang Xie's actions today, the purpose is to be in Hughes. Is he still unsuccessful in the power of Hughes in Hughes?

The power of all phases is indeed tempting. However, after more than ten years of precipitation, how could the power of all phases in Hughes be as unstable as a baby born at the beginning of the year and easily extracted by others? More than ten years have passed, and several of Huss’s performances are ordinary. This shows that the power of all phases has been deeply ingrained in his body, and even started to be developed and used by Huss. Then Ouyang Xie’s move is undoubtedly a self-defeating. The power of all phases is the chaos of all powers, the chaotic state of the five elements of air that constitutes various substances and energies in space. Once Hughes has begun to master the power of the five elements of this chaotic state, then Ouyang Xie ends. It is to be expected.

When Ouyang Shishi listened to Ouyang Xie, she admitted that she had been in the same year, but her heart was suddenly struck by a hammer. She was reluctant to admit that more than ten years ago, her family actually existed with the Hughes family. Such a **** hatred, so how should we be with Hughes in the future? How to face Hughes? What is the relationship between himself and Hughes? friend? But now you and Hughes are not really friends, enemies? But he is extremely unwilling to meet each other in this identity.

At the moment, Huangpu Agarwood and Di Ling frowned deeply, glanced over their eyes slightly, and looked at the Ouyang poems beside them, but when they saw that Ouyang poems were pale and weak, they both sighed.

"Since that is the case, then I am ten years from now. You should understand my purpose when you come back."

Hearing Ouyangxie's words, Hughes was resentful. However, at the moment, Hughes was holding his anger, and gritted his teeth.

"You?" Ouyang Xie said disdainfully: "Do you think you can move me with your current strength? Today, since I admit unscrupulously that I, Ouyang Xie, slaughtered you and cultivated the family, then I explained that I Ouyang Xie is not afraid of the threat of anyone or any force to my Ouyang family."

Ouyang Xie's words are extremely arrogant, but listening to everyone's ears makes everyone start to think about it. The Ouyang family is also a big family in Dengdi and even the entire Eastern Xia Empire. However, for the entire Dongling mainland, the big family More often than not, is it true that the Ouyang family can't face the suppression of any large family? I'm afraid that the other two big families of Deng Di will also make the Ouyang family suffer a lot.

Huangpu Yuanlie and the people of the Huangpu family behind him were very heavy-hearted at this time. Why did Ouyangxie be so arrogant, and just now that Ouyangxie's remarks were already clearly open to pick the whole Dengdi and even the East The status of the family on the Ling Continent certainly has Ouyangxie’s considerable self-confidence, then the competition between the family is the strength and strength of the two sides. Does this mean that the Ouyang family has already had the power to produce, And is it too powerful to be estimated?

Hughes was also shocked. Although it is not clear about the competition between the family and the family, however, Ouyang Xie's words are clearly openly challenging the status of a large family in Dongling. In this way, there are only two endings for the Ouyang family, or they will quickly go to extinction. Or, the Ouyang family does have unknown terror strength, so it flew into the sky, arrogantly on top of a large family in the mainland of Tanglin, but the possibility of the latter is not great? After all, if this big family on the Dongling Continent unites against the Ouyang family, then even if your Ouyang family has three heads and six arms, it must be a disaster, but is this what Ouyang evil did?

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