Pioneer Knight

Chapter 991:

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Unexpectedly, the sound of Ouyang's evil words just fell, and he heard the messenger of the **** again and said with a smile, he was arrogant, and did not put Deng's three big family strengths in his eyes.

"Who are you!"

When Huss first listened, his heart was awkward, but he was totally fruitless to cultivate this person for himself, so the potential threat of this person is extremely powerful, and he listens to this man’s rant. Just like Ouyang Xie just now, when even Shen Sheng asked.

He doesn't care what the three big families are. However, if he wants to put his attention on himself, then regardless of your strength, Hughes believes that he will fight you back at all costs.

"Hey, hey! I am the messenger of the gods. For thousands of years, the Tangling Continent has been under the control of the gods, but I am the messenger on the continent where the gods are!"

The population spoke loudly to the gods, and they were extremely proud and proud in their words.

"Messenger of the Gods!" Hughes could not help but asked back.

"It is precisely that you handed over the power of all phases today and obediently. I will give you the merits in front of the gods, so that you can get whatever power you want, so I will save it!"

"Please, hahahahaha, gods are illusory things, and I never believe in gods and ghosts, but it is not impossible for you to get the power of all things in my body!"

Hughes said that it stopped suddenly.

"Oh, you figured this out is great!"

As soon as the man heard the words of Hughes, he said immediately.

"Think, huh, I think you misunderstood, the thing I don’t like most is to give in to your hand. Since you want to get the power of all the gods for your masters of the gods, it depends on whether you have the ability to grab it. Too much for me!"

Hughes said even with a sneer.

"Then you are looking for death!"

Unexpectedly, when the angel of God heard it, he said cruelly.

"I died once seventeen years ago, but my destiny made me survive and came to this world, and I came to this world and died once more, but it was my destiny that opened me up again. Just a joke, I survived again, and I died just now, but I was alive again, so after so many deaths, I came to a conclusion and wanted to kill me He must die under my hands first, otherwise you will have no chance!"

Hughes thought about the survival of his two lives, but said that, but under the words, he did not make any contribution to the so-called messenger of God.

When the messenger of God heard it, he was puzzled, but even if he didn't understand why Hughes said he died three times and lived three times, how could he not hear what Hughes said.

"But today I happen to have this strength to let you die first!"

"Really? I'm extremely looking forward to your strength. However, I don't have time to work with you for the time being. I will collect debts from the Ouyang family to start working with you again!"

Although Hughes knows that this person is extremely bad for himself, he has never let go of the Ouyang family.

"The Ouyang family, you still have the energy to do it with me. I want to know to what extent the spirit body that can carry the power of all phases can be strong. I will cut out the Ouyang family, so that you will not be in time. It was a hit when I started working with me!"

When the people of the Ouyang family heard this person's words, their faces were even pale, and their hearts were panic.

As soon as the angel of the **** said this, the person in the Ouyang family was half cold. This person was so immeasurable. If he really took action against the Ouyang family, what should the Ouyang family do. Although it is not far to believe that the Ouyang family is vulnerable in front of this person, however, since this person has released such remarks, is his strength not a play.

"You are not facing the Ouyang family today, but our three Dengdi families!"

Seeing this, Xia Houxuan immediately stood up and said.

Xia Houxuan did not kindly help the Ouyang family, but instead, the three big families of Deng Di were always intrigued, and the disputes between interests continued, and they were extremely at odds. However, at this moment, this matter is the relationship between life and death. Today, if the other two but Seeing that the Ouyang family was destroyed by the messenger of this god, then the other two of them were not far from the end, and he never doubted the strength of this person.

Naturally, such a decision does not require much consideration. After all, we are the moment of common interest of the three companies, and no one can leave anyone behind.

Huangpu Yuanlie's heart was also very clear. Even if he also showed his attitude, the relationship between the three big families was from the beginning of the confrontation. It was because of the presence of this god's messenger that we moved towards our reconciliation. At the stage of union, such a situation makes other people feel very surprised.

Hughes looked down on the situation below, and saw the three big families fighting against the so-called messenger of the mighty god, and his heart sneered. However, since this person said he wanted to deal with the Ouyang family, he was also relaxed.

"You can do whatever you want with the Ouyang family, however, Ouyang Xie you can never intervene. This thing is the blood feud of my family, and must not let others step in!"

Although Hughes didn't care about the messenger of the gods against the Ouyang family, but for Ouyang evil he must kill himself, even if Shen Sheng said.

"Brother Hughes!"

Zi Yue listened to Hughes's remarks in Hughes's arms at the moment, but he couldn't understand it. Hughes still wanted to fight the Ouyang evil, so wouldn't it be dangerous, then how could she not be worried.

When Hughes heard it, he only looked at Ziyue, but did not respond. However, such a look in Hughes' mind was stagnant in Ziyue's heart.

The meaning contained in the eyes of Hughes just now is that there is no room for discussion on this matter. Ouyangxie’s life must be taken by him, if he wants to take it by himself, if others want to rob with himself Ouyang Xie, then you have to pass Hughes first.

Ziyue knew the character of Hughes very well. Even if he wanted to understand everything, he had to keep silent, knowing that even if he continued to say anything at this moment, it would only be in vain, and even cause Hughes’ dissatisfaction. I don't have any benefit to myself, but think about it now, as you are with Hughes, of course, the blood feud of the Hughes family is her son's pleasure, so she must have helped with Hughes today.

The messenger of God listened to what Huss said, but could not help but stunned. However, since Huss said this, he didn't think much about it but he was tacit. The little Ouyang evil is for him, killing or not killing It's just in his own mind. Since Hughes wants to do this, why should he stop it? Besides, his purpose is very simple. To destroy the three big families and take the power of Hughes in Hughes is, It’s just that among them, he really wanted to know something. Although he benefited from the overflow of the cultivation methods of the gods, however, since the gods left, it has been more than a thousand years, and his cultivation in this world Because it has reached the peak of strength, there is no breakthrough, and now how can he give up with such an opportunity.

Ouyangxie was terrified, and joining the messenger of God wanted to kill himself. Even if he wanted to resist, it had no effect at all. Then his own result was to wait for death, but what he did not expect was that the kid Hughes must be It is good news for Ouyang Xie to take down his own life. Although he didn't want to collide with Hughes directly at this moment, in contrast, the process in it might be a lot more profound.

"And I!"

Di Ling was in distress from Hughes, and now Hughes once again rushed out of Ouyang Xie’s power of the Nine Nether, but did not have time to talk with Hughes in the first half of the day. Said beside the dragon and phoenix giant monster that came out.

Hughes froze, looking at Emperor Bell under the grudge, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Naturally, you are also a person who cultivates my family, and the hatred of natural cultivation is always your shot!"

Hughes said that it was a joy in Di Ling's heart, at least it means that Hughes completely acknowledged his cousin at this moment, and was able to avenge the death of the monks who died in Ouyangxie and his family masters. The motivation she has been practicing for so many years, how could she miss this opportunity today.

"Brother Hughes, I will help you too!"

Ziyue said again at this time, if Di Ling wants to fight against Ouyang Xie with Hughes, then Hughes is very unlikely to let himself help him, so that he can only watch the anxiety but how about it. That's good, so Ziyue said this actively.


As soon as Ziyue's voice fell, Hughes refused.


Ziyue was sour that she twisted her mouth and asked.

The appearance of grievances is also a little more lovely. Hughes's heart is soft, and he smiles slightly on the handsome face.

"You are my wife now, how can I let you take risks, moreover, this Ouyang Xiexiu is different. If it wasn't for the role of the two jade brands just now, I'm afraid I have already lost my life, so I definitely Won't let you take risks!"

Zi Yue listened to Hughes for a few moments, but then came excitedly.

"Brother Hughes, did you say that I am your wife? Is it really like this?"

Zi Yue asked in disbelief at this moment.

Although he had a relationship with Huss just now, he was still uneasy about his identity before Huss. Zi Yue was still uneasy. After all, under such circumstances, how could Huss happen if he did not save himself? Things, Zi Yue's heart could not understand it anymore, Hughes's embarrassment was so embarrassing, and Hughes' embarrassment became a pimple on Zi Yue's mind, however, at this moment, Hughes' words were suddenly embracing Zi Yue's mind The pimple disappeared.

"Oh, don't you always want to sit with my wife? Why, dissatisfied, even if dissatisfied, let me change someone else!"

Seeing Zi Yue's expression, Hughes could not help but said a little jokingly, at this moment, Hughes didn't care that he would fight Ouyang again.

"No, you dare, or I will tell my dad to go!"

Under the ecstasy of Ziyue's heart, he was anxious to hear the words of Hughes, and the little girl who was lively and jumping around Hughes was revived.

Hughes listened to Ziyue's words, but his heart was warm. It seems that it has been a long time since Ziyue has spoken to himself like this. I thought it was impossible, but recently it was...

"Zi Yue, will you be like this in the future!"

Susie suddenly felt ashamed at this moment, and looked at Zi Yue softly.

Ever since Feng Qing and Long Yang proposed the marriage between the two, Zi Yue has changed to another person, and has no such lively temperament in the past. Instead, she is sad and sighed. Those who should not concentrate on the child The elements of grief and grief actually appear all after that, but the reason for all of these comes from yourself.

Ziyue was very happy at the moment, but she didn’t understand what Hughes said at the moment, but Hughes said that she naturally agreed unconditionally, and now she is also Hughes’s breath. Husband, who listened to Hughes at all.


Zi Yue said with a bright face.

Di Ling didn't hear these words from Hughes and Ziyue outside, but just waited quietly for Hughes' actions. However, Diling knew that the woman named Ziyue must be in this phantom monster at the moment. among them.

"Your three big families will be together, and I will save one by one!"

The messenger of God looked at everyone at this moment.

One of the three big families listened with a heart. Although the three major families have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, the dozens of people in front of this person do not have the slightest ease, but instead appear more oppressive.

"Hahaha, Liuying, how can you forget me about such a lively thing?"

but? At this moment when the two sides were about to start, it was the distant sky. At this moment, there was a burst of laughter again. The voice was rough and extremely imposing. Compared with the eerie voice of this messenger of God, it was formed. A strong contrast.

When the messenger of God heard the sound at this moment, his face could not help but changed greatly, and immediately the whole body of black grudges furiously fluttered, as if the grudges would lose their body control and attack like crazy.

But as soon as the laughter of haha ​​fell, a black streamer appeared again in everyone's eyes, but in a blink of an eye, the black streamer showed a figure in the sky.


Seeing this person appear, the people in the three families couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's a black grudge, is this another messenger of God that doesn't work? Then, once the two have joined forces, how will the three big families deal with it?

"Dark Spirit, don't you forget that the appointment was not completed!"

When the messenger of God saw the man coming and coming, he could not help but said eeriely.

"Liuying, this is not the time, the gods and demons have left this world for thousands of years, and the purpose of the gods and demons has also been achieved. Do you think that the covenant of that year can still take effect, Liuying and Liuying, After so many thousand years, you still haven't made any progress.

The man known as the Dark Spirit said this, but listening to him calling Liuying twice, everyone knew that the so-called messenger of God was the name of this Liuying.

"So for more than a thousand years, you intend to betray your devil!"

Liu Ying sneered now.

"Betray the Demon Lord!" Dark Spirit heard, and asked in a playful way: "The existence of the two Lords of Gods and Demons is clear to you and me. Furthermore, I don't mean to betray the Lord of Demons. After more than a thousand years, the covenant has ceased to exist. The Dongling Continent has already followed the wishes of the gods and demons. Then the covenant of that year should be contacted. Today I step into Dongxia

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