Pioneer Knight

Chapter 996:

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At the moment, Hughes, who entered the consciousness space, was very calm. After these moments of disorder, the five elements returned to peace again, and the optical flow of the five elements was again circulating in his body. Wear in and out.

However, as far as Hughes is concerned, there is a clear difference between the five elements of entering the consciousness space and its communication and absorption. In the past, at this time, it was obvious that the colored light flow into and out of its own consciousness, its own power It was gradually increasing for Miao Zong, but this time it was not. Although the color light flow was still normal, but he did not feel the slightest strangeness in himself. This was extremely doubtful in the mind of Hughes.

Since joining the WTO in this way, the practice of Yin-Yang's simple meaning has not been as diligent as usual. It is only the breakthrough of the Yin-Yang Zhenyuan practice last year, and this breakthrough is the appearance of that wood spirit, but? For such a long time, the Qi of Wood has not been the same, but the two qi of self-cultivation have made great progress.

"How could this be!"

Hughes whispered immediately, but the sudden appearance made Hughes feel a little more fortunate.

I have never encountered such a situation, since I have been practicing Yin and Yang Jianyi for so long. Although I don’t understand the meaning of the Yin-Yang simple meaning, but I still have some understanding of it, but the Yin-Yang Ling Qi Xius between heaven and earth is still easy to understand. However, such a proficient process today is different. shape.

"Phantom World, Phantom World!"

At this time, Hughes thought again, thinking of the existence of Ouyang's fantasy space.

Everything within the Illusory Realm is controlled by those who practice this space-changing cultivator, and all these are exactly the five elements that include this Illusory Realm.

"Is this so?"

Hughes thought, but the conscious body suddenly shouted, but when he saw that the body was also frowned, all the reactions of the conscious body were actually reflected on his body.

"The air of the Five Elements is the most primitive form of this fantasy world, and the elements of the five elements are also composed of the air of the five elements. The naturally generated objects are here the master of the fantasy world of Ouyangxie. Within the control of this, it just happens to be able to explain why you can feel the little spiritual power carried by the colored light flow, but there is no force that helps your martial arts. This is certainly controlled by Ouyang evil subconsciously, which It is impossible for the spirit of heaven, earth and earth, which is born by the elements of the Five Elements, to worship by itself!"

Hughes' consciousness said to himself at this moment, but following Hughes's self-talk, he saw that his expression was ugly.

Because, if this Ouyang Xie can control the five elements of the fantasy world, then it means that Hughes wants to use the five elements as a bridge to realize that the existence of the five elements is not possible. What he has done It's just useless work.

but? Now that he cannot find the flaws within Ouyangxie's illusionary realm by this method, then he certainly has no chance of defeating Ouyangxie, but instead is destroyed within this illusionary realm.

"How could this happen, how could these five elements be controlled by Ouyang Xie!"

Hughes’s heart was full of unbelief. Within Hughes’ understanding, although this phantom space was cultivated by Ouyang Xie independently, the structure of its space was completely the same as that of the natural space, but what Wan Xius didn’t think about was The fact that the five-element elements were so easily within this space was controlled by Ouyang Xie. At this moment, it seems that it has already failed.

Before Hughes could not think of other methods, he was only able to resist Ouyangxie in this fantasy space, otherwise there was no other way.

Hughes was frustrated, but thinking about it, this method would not work, but he could make Ziyue out, but it was also a big rock in his heart, as for the rest, it was to be considered in the future.

Hughes thought that this consciousness was about to leave this consciousness space, but Hughes was suddenly shocked, but the colored light flow he saw was tying Hughes’ consciousness to this moment. Above midair, there can be no movement at all.

Once this conscious body cannot return to the ontology from within this consciousness space, then there is only a soul on the body but it cannot control the slightest move, just like the dead body.

At this time, Hughes was anxious, thinking that this colorful light flow was also controlled by Ouyang Xie, and he wanted to trap himself in this consciousness space, from man to an empty soul body. The living dead can't be achieved, however, thinking about it, Ouyangxie, the sword saint, can't be used by himself even if he can control the five elements slightly, but he can increase his own strength. People are bound, but it is also not possible. This is extremely rare for Jian Sheng Xiu to be able to practice the fantasy world. However, it is difficult to make more hands and feet on the five elements in space. The point is definitely not only able to be cultivated in more than ten years. Furthermore, the elements of these five elements are not only able to be absorbed and manipulated by cultivation, but also require a certain perception, which is the perception of the elements of the five elements in space.

When Xiusi first obtained this Yin-Yang Jianyi, it was already a matter of the past. However, under the accident, he was able to rely on the Yin-Yang practice between the mind and the heaven and the earth. Reiki communication can absorb it and use it for its own use. Although this is Huss’s luck in a certain sense, it also illustrates that Huss’s perception of the five elements in this space is It is of extraordinary spirituality, and the extreme stability that can be realized by Longyang’s illusion of the Illusory Realm as described by the fact that these five elements of the Qi influence the Illusory Realm illustrates this point.

Although Hughes was thinking this way, he was still extremely worried. After all, since Ouyang Xie could control the five elements in this phantom space and could not be absorbed by herself, then there was a possibility, Ouyang Xie Being able to perceive these five elements more deeply, even twisting them into power in the space, thereby binding your consciousness in the space of consciousness, but unable to return to the body.

However, just as Hughes thought, he didn't want to, the colorful light flow that bound his conscious body was suddenly released, and turned into a little colored light spot, constantly in his consciousness space. , Suspension moving around the consciousness of Hughes, and Hughes' consciousness is also surrounded by the floating colored light spot at this moment.

Seeing this, Hughes was amazed but surprised.

The feeling at this moment is completely different from the initial anxiety and worry, and now Hughes can also understand the unusual reason for the spiritual power of this world.

It is not easy for Ouyangxie's sword holy cultivation to be able to cultivate the illusion of realm to this point. However, if he wants to further coerce the five elements in the space with this kind of cultivation, it is controlled. It is absolutely impossible. Only when Ouyangxie's cultivation is further improved can he make progress.

The heaven and earth spiritual power carried in the previous five-element elements cannot be absorbed by themselves, but it should not be that Ouyang Xie can control the actions of the five-element elements, but it should be the reason for this illusory realm.

Although the fantasy world is gradually formed by the spirit of the five elements, however, this artificial space is still artificial, after all, nature cannot be completely compared with the natural space. The rotation of the sun, moon, stars and four seasons are all in cultivation. Forged by his own strength, it is not naturally generated, which is fundamentally different from the steady-state space formed by nature, and the space created by this artificial cultivation has fatal weaknesses, and this As Hughes initially thought, stability, its stability is cast in a short time, naturally cannot be compared with this natural space that has been shaped for hundreds of millions of years.

In this way, the five elements within the Ouyang evil fantasy space are not from nature, but from the Ouyang evil body. Each person's body will contain the five elements, and Ouyang evil nature will not have The slightest accident, then, the formation of Ouyangxie’s illusionary realm was not made by using the natural five-element air for more than ten years, but the more primitive state of the five-element contained in its own five-element elements The spirit is cast, that is to say, the five elements in this illusory space are inside the Ouyang evil body, but how can the five elements in the Ouyang evil body be absorbed by others at will.

but? Although these five elements cannot be absorbed by others at random, the more primitive state of the five elements is different. He is an irregular and extremely difficult to be thought to be controlled by power. Therefore, the five elements are still In a state of dissociation, once Hughes can feel the spirit of the five elements, it is not difficult to find the flaws of Ouyangxie's fantasy space, and to find its stable gap is Ouyangxie's death period.

However, just when Hughes wanted to take back the consciousness body, after the interpretation of the colored light stream, the opportunity came unexpectedly. The colored light stream carried the five elements. Let the five-element elements originally containing the energy of the five elements be released under the slight energy impact of the elements, but this moment of release is enough for the present Hughes, and even luxury.

Hughes' consciousness was surrounded by the colored light spots at that moment, but the five-element air that could be perceptively permeated was continuously poured into the consciousness.

Hughes's heart was greatly shaken, which was the beginning of the chaos of the consciousness, which formed the largest form of acceptance with the five elements of the surrounding air.

At this time, Ziyue didn’t know the status of Hughes, one by one, but Ouyangxie was no longer a tentative attack, but was using her full strength. At this moment, Ziyue was already struggling. There is already a feeling of extremeness, the beads of perspiration between the pretty eyebrows are full of sweat, and his face is slightly pale.

The Illusory Realm is artificially cultivated. However, it does not have the slightest state and situation. It can be described as an invisible space. At this moment, everyone can not see the situation of a few people, that is, the energy breath is also not aware of the slightest, then changing the space is already All the energy breaths are enclosed in the illusion universe.

Ouyang Chun sees that Ouyang Xie uses this illusory space, and his heart is also a big shock. Ouyang Chun does not know when Ouyang Xie has reached such a field. Although named Father and Son, there are extremely strict family rules between each other, and among them, private matters, no one can find out.

Ouyang Chun knew the role of this illusory realm, but after so long, with Ouyangxie's cultivation as the illusion of the illusory realm, he still could not see the result. What happened in it, he was very worried at the moment. . Although Xiusiu is far less than Ouyangxie, this child is originally a psychic spirit, carrying the legendary power that is powerful enough to devour everything. The heterogeneity is always there, even if Ouyangxie is absolutely fixed as a check and balance. Next, it is difficult to see what is wrong.

The spirits of Huangpu Yuanlie and Xia Houxuan also have their own hearts in mind. Ouyangxie’s magical world is definitely not good news for them. After all, Ouyangxie can cultivate the magical world and be able to Calling it out to meet the enemy, it can be seen that Ouyang Xie has a certain degree of self-confidence above the fantasy space, but looking back at his two big families, who can cultivate the autonomous space field of fantasy space and can use it to meet the enemy. There can be a few people, but the masters of the two big families present are none of them can reach such a level, as long as there are a few of the elders.

Huangpu Agarwood is full of worries. However, Ouyang Shishi's face is even more unbearable. In Ouyang Shishi's heart, the things to worry about are naturally several times more than Huangpu Agarwood.

Emperor Bell was also anxious, but when he saw Emperor Yang around him, his face was quiet, and he repeatedly asked to ask, but had to secretly press down and wait for changes.

"Ah! Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

But whoever thinks, at the moment when everyone is expressing their emotions, there is a panic shouting out of thin air, and everyone's eyes are clear, but the heart is shocked with the sound of panic, and blindly is toward The source of the voice pointed out that looking at the past, however, within the field of vision, there was still no movement.

Everyone heard such a horrified voice, but they were extremely familiar. The face of the Ouyang family changed greatly, and the Huangpu family was just the opposite of the Xiahou family, with a slightly happy face.

Isn't the sound of terror originated from the mouth of Ouyang Xie, since Ouyang Xie will make such a sound of terror, it is conceivable that what he suffered must have been beyond his expectations.


Just as everyone was guessing, it was unexpected that Ouyang Xie heard a voice again at this moment, but it was not the voice of panic and restlessness at this moment, but the sound of screaming.

"Ouyangxie, I said, you will die today. Although the phantom world you cultivated is extremely difficult for you to practice as a saint, like this, you still neglected my ability!"

As soon as the scream of Ouyang Xie fell, it was again the dull voice of Hughes, but listening to Hughes's voice, everyone's heart was amazed, and some inexplicable fear.

Under the surprise of everyone's heart, it was seen that a certain space above the sky turned out to be extremely twisted and formed a state of rotation.


At that moment, the inexplicable distortion suddenly made such a clear sound, and the distortion disappeared, but the three figures appeared immediately after, and the figure that appeared first was like a broken kite. At this point straight down towards the ground below.


Ouyang purely listened to Ouyang Xie's cry, and felt some bad things in his heart. At this moment, he saw the figure falling down, but he recognized that the person was Ouyang Xie. Ouyang Xie shouted, and there was no slightest stop, so he walked towards the figure that let him fall.

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