Soon the night came, and Usopp looked at Sala, who was on the sail, and approached her with a shaved moon,"Miss Sala, can we talk?"

"Sit down, can you tell me about Vivi?" Sarah looked at Usopp who suddenly appeared in front of her and was not surprised to sit down and talk to Usopp.

"Thank you, Vivi is a good girl. She has been traveling around to find out about the country's drought and internal affairs. If she hadn't met us, she would have died with Yin Kalem. By the way, do you know Vivi?" Usopp asked

"Well, I saw her once when I was a child, but Vivi is really strong, I wronged her." Sarah said guiltily, and looking at the guilty Sarah, Usopp hugged Sarah directly,"Don't feel guilty or sad, everything is necessary experience, because only with experience can people become strong, right?"

"Thank you, I'm fine now." Sala broke free from Usopp's embrace and smiled. Usopp looked at the smiling Sala. According to the original book, she was a girl with a miserable life."Why don't you come with us, Sala?""

"No need, my dear captain, it was the captain who saved me when I was about to die." Sarah still said with a smile

"What does it matter? When the civil strife is over, I will give you and everyone on the ship a piece of land so that you can have food and shelter, so don't worry." Usopp said, holding Sala's hand

"Why are you so nice to me? I'm just an ordinary person! Sarah doesn't understand why Usopp is so nice to her.

"Because, I want to do it with you." Usopp hugged Sala directly and kissed her forcefully without giving her a chance to speak. Sala was frightened by Usopp's sudden action, but found that she couldn't get away from Usopp no matter how hard she struggled. Suddenly, a super delicious taste came from her mouth, so sweet and delicious.

Usopp looked at Sala who closed her eyes, and took off Sala's clothes one by one. Until looking at her whole body wrapped in bandages, Sala cried and said,"No, my body is ugly, I don't deserve you." Seeing Sala's whole body wrapped in bandages,"It's okay, don't look at me like this, I'm actually a doctor, I will heal you." As he said, he untied Sala's bandages and saw that her skin was full of burns and wrinkled skin.

Sala cried and said,"No, don't look at it." Usopp kissed Sala forcefully again,"No, you are a beautiful and strong girl. It is the happiest thing to be able to do it with you. It will be a little painful later, but you will feel comfortable after enduring it." As he said that, he picked up his weapon and went straight to Huanglong.

"Ding Gained Talents: Leg Strength +1 Beauty +1"

Double talents, really good,"Is Sala comfortable?" Looking at Sala in his arms,"How could you do this! I really can't afford to compensate you." Sala felt so inferior.

"How could that be? Look at how beautiful you are. Don't worry, it's just a burn. I will heal you. There's still time. Let's do it again." Usopp asked again, looking at the beautiful Sala.

Soon it was dawn. Usopp helped Sala tie the bandage and put on her clothes. He kissed Sala and said,"Put them on now and stay here. When the civil strife is over, I will heal you and then I will get you some food. Then you don't have to look for food everywhere.""

"Thank you, thank you," Sarah said with a red face and lowered her head. Although she didn't see Usopp's face, she found that she fell in love with this domineering and gentle man.

"What are you thanking me for? You should get along well with Vivi after the civil strife. Okay, I should go down and wake up my friends." After getting off the boat and looking at Sara with bandages all over his body, Usopp felt something different for the first time, but he couldn't say it. He felt very uncomfortable.

""Let's go, Usopp," Zoro shouted to Usopp behind him. Usopp:"Got it."

On the way to the town, he met Ace:"Hey, everyone, I brought food and water.

" Then, just like in the original book, everyone went to test whether the gangsters in the town really wanted to protect the masses.

But Usopp did not go but sat aside looking at his hands:"What's wrong with me? Every time I think of Sala, I feel uncomfortable.

What's going on? Am I really in love with her? No!

So that's the case.

Guilt?"Usopp laughed.

"Haha, I actually feel guilty.

It's incredible.

I didn't feel anything when I forced so many girls before, but why do I feel something when it comes to Sala? But Sala is really pitiful.

She is naturally beautiful and is definitely a beauty.

She could live happily with someone she likes, but because she firmly believed the king's words, she stayed at the entrance of the village waiting, which led to severe dehydration and burns all over her body.

This is why there must be hateful things about pitiful people.

But it is because of this belief and this kind of friendship that I feel guilty after forcing her.

What a good girl.


"I was lucky to meet Sala.

It made me feel more towards girls.

This plundering talent is good in every way except that it makes me slowly dislike girls.

However, I can't become less like a man.

Although my body is no longer a man's, I must not change the fact that I like girls.

Otherwise, I will lose my last ability as a man.

"Usopp has a strong control and medical talent.

After having sex with Sala, he started to investigate his body directly because of the uncomfortable feeling.

He found that his only male cell was strong.

The male occupancy rate began to deploy this part, and other female cells began to stay away from that area.

Usopp stood up and said to Vivi,"Vivi, you go first. I'll go get some water for this land. The whole country looks very uncomfortable when it's dry." Then he flew out.

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