"Alice, you are shy again." Looking at Alice Uso who was blushing in his arms,"I can eat by myself. Holding me like this makes me feel like a child." Alice struggled for a while.

"No, I will hold you and feed you, who told me to like you, if you resist I will..." He fed Alice food with his mouth, Alice's face instantly turned red,"Sure enough, my Alice is the cutest." He kissed her again

"Idiot, it's all your fault. It takes an hour to eat a meal." Alice blushed and looked at Usopp,"What's the big deal? We have plenty of time together." Usopp said with a smile

""Look, my friends are down there, the silly guy in the straw hat is my captain." Usopp was holding Alice and pointing at Luffy below, and Ace turned his head to look over here. Usopp forgot that this guy could see the Haki, and it was useless to think about it. Usopp also waved at Ace, and soon, just like in the original book, Ace knew that the news about Blackbeard was fake, gave the life paper to Luffy, and disappeared, and appeared in front of Usopp"Who is Usopp?"

"This is my wife, Alice, who ate the Kilo fruit and can fly freely in the sky." Usopp said while hugging Alice.

"Oh, so, I'm leaving now. See you later." Ace turned around and left."Usopp, who is he? He's so strange." Alice asked

"He is Luffy's brother, but he is a great pirate."

"I see. By the way, Usopp, are you going to meet them?" Alice looked at Usopp."Well, you can come too. I'll introduce them to them."

"No, I don't want to disturb them. I'll just follow you in the sky, but you have to come up more often to accompany me." Alice said as she flew upwards. Looking at Alice flying above, she was so gentle. But flying like this all the time is not a good idea. According to the original book, we will reach the rainy land tomorrow, and the rebellion will start and end the day after tomorrow. Let Weiwei give me some light materials to make a small house. Forget it, I'll go down first.

""Everyone, I'm back." Usopp shouted,"You're so slow, Usopp, you just missed a manly duel." Luffy said

"Is that so? That's a shame. Look, there's a town ahead. Let's speed up," Usopp shouted with everyone. When they arrived at the town, an old man was digging. Luffy and the others walked over curiously,"Hey, uncle, what are you doing?".....

After talking to the uncle, Usopp looked at everyone walking away and came to Alice."Sorry to have kept you waiting, dear."","Idiot, I didn't wait for you. Is it okay for you not to accompany them?" Alice looked at Usopp who was coming over.

"It's ok, they are used to my sudden disappearance, it's nothing, by the way, the next stop is the rainy land, you stay in the city first, I will come to find you in a day" Usopp said while hugging Alice

"Are you going to bully other girls again?" Alice suddenly said. Usopp was sweating and wanted to find an excuse to speak, but was blocked by Alice's hand."I know, you don't have to make excuses. Although I don't know why you do this, I can accept it. As long as I can be with you, it's fine. So don't worry about me, just do what you want." Listening to Alice, she is indeed a considerate and gentle girl, just like Robin."Thank you, it's the happiest thing to meet you." Holding Alice

"You're welcome.

I'm very happy now.

" Alice smiled and hugged Usopp.

"Well, come, I'll make you a happy meal.

You wait here.

" After that, Usopp left the room for a few months and came to the river to kill a five-meter-long fish.

He brought water back to the house.

It only took ten minutes.

He picked up a knife to separate the fish, took out the fish meat and put it into the pot to cook fish soup, and then picked up the big pot to prepare the seasoning.

Usopp tried a small bite and felt as if something was missing.

He tasted it again.

Hmm, the taste has changed.

Suddenly he remembered that his body fluids have a strong fragrance.

Although it is perverted, this is for Luffy and the others to eat.

They seem to be perverts who like to eat my saliva.

Forget it, add some ingredients.

After thinking it over, He opened his mouth and poured the seasoning into it.

Soon a big pot of fragrant seasoning was ready.

Usopp spread the seasoning all over the fish and roasted it over the fire.

"The fish soup will take ten minutes to be ready.

I'll give the fish to those idiots first.

Wait a minute, dear.

I'll be back.

" Usopp took a lot of fish and walked out.

He walked to the front of the cave and said,"Hey, uncle, it's time to eat.

Luffy is here too.

" The fish was divided into ten pieces and four pieces were thrown to Luffy.

He took one piece to the uncle.

"Okay, the rest is for them.

Don't be too tired, uncle.

The civil strife will be over soon.


He walked into the room and saw Sanji preparing to cook.

"Come on, everyone, it's time to eat.

Sanji, I've prepared this meal.

You can make the next one.

" Looking at the fragrant and tender fish on the table,"Woo, it's delicious.

Usopp, what is this?""This is fish meat," Usopp said with a smile,"Ah, idiot, why didn't you tell me earlier that I don't eat meat.

" Chopper ate with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I was just kidding you, this is made of flour, eat it with peace of mind," he said, touching Chopper's head,"Really?" Looking at the super cute Chopper,"Really, really, eat slowly, don't be in a hurry""But this is really delicious.

" Chopper ate it with big mouthfuls and said

"Usopp, don't you want to eat?" Zoro looked at Usopp who still had a piece of fish and didn't eat it,"Hehe, I've eaten, okay I'll go out for a while, eat slowly everyone" Usopp said and disappeared

"How strange! Hey, Sanji, what are you doing? Give me some!" Zoro looked at Usopp who was leaving and then turned back to see Sanji wolfing down another piece of fish."Vivi, don't you think Usopp has been a little strange these two days?" Nami said to Vivi beside her while eating fish."Yes, he left before, but not so often. Do you think he is hiding something from us?" Vivi said, dragging her chin

"Hey, you two, stop being suspicious. Usopp should be training now. You know he's a training maniac, don't worry." Zoro said for Usopp."Yeah, although I really want to see Usopp shooting cutely at the sky, I definitely can't cause trouble for people who are training." Sanji added.

"Hey, uncle, is it delicious?" Usopp jumped down the cave and looked at the uncle who was eating the fish."Yeah, it's delicious, thank you," the uncle said with a smile.

"Right, uncle, now that you are full and have enough energy, let's have a digging competition." Luffy stood up after eating and said,"I'll go first, come on!""

"What a good girl, hey Luffy, do you know why she wears a mask?"The uncle looked at Usopp who was leaving and said to Luffy who was digging a hole,"It's because of her appearance, uncle, you are so stupid." Luffy who was digging the hole replied

"So, Luffy, you have to be nice to her, there are not many girls as good as her, and appearance is not the most important, the heart is the most important!" The uncle began to teach Luffy, and Luffy listened and said,"What a weird uncle, hahahaha"

"Honey, I'm back. Please sit down and I'll do it." As soon as he got back to the house and saw Alice preparing to serve the fish soup, Usopp hugged Alice and said,"I will. If you hold me like this, I can't serve the soup.""

"Come, sit down. I'm telling you, you're a girl, you can't do these heavy things. I'll do it. It would be bad if you get burned." Usopp picked up Alice and put her on the seat, then walked to the table with the fish soup and said,

""Idiot! I was living like this before I met you!" Alice retorted,"But now you have met me, right? Be good and listen to me, open your mouth." Usopp opened the fish soup and tasted a little. He thought it tasted good, so he scooped up a piece of delicious fish meat with a spoon and put it in front of Alice's mouth and said

"I can eat by myself!

" Alice said with a red face,"Be good, ah" Usopp looked at the cute Alice and said softly.

Alice still couldn't resist Usopp and had to open her mouth obediently.

She was full soon and looked at the time.

"Stupid Usopp, you always eat like this""This is proof of my love for you, have a good rest, I'm going to practice.

" Looking at Alice sleeping on the bed, Usopp walked out of the house.

"This knife is really a big project.

I don't know if Zoro will want it after it's made.

I guess he won't want it, but if I make a sword, I won't be able to use it after eating the devil fruit, so let's just make a sword, so that the Chinese sword can become the strongest artifact of this era.

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