With the powerful Conqueror Haki and the Observation Haki and Armament Haki, Usopp's speed was even faster. It took him five hours to come here, but only four hours to go back. The dark night was illuminated by the dazzling golden light. Usopp stopped only when he reached a hundred kilometers from Alabasta, and quietly advanced towards Alabasta with the Razor Moon.

"Report to the Marshal, the golden light from yesterday morning appeared again, from the Sabaody Archipelago to Ganmoli Island.

"Marshal Sengoku knocked on the table,"Pass the order, let Admiral Kizaru come back from the New World to investigate this golden light!

" He quickly came to Vivi's room and hugged the three people who were communicating,"Do you miss me?""Idiot!

Where have you been these two days? You're lucky to come back!

" Nami said angrily, and Vivi also pouted,"That's right!

I heard from my father that you took the compass to the New World!

I was scared!

" Alice said with a smile,"You're back"

"Well, I'm back, so don't be angry.

" Usopp hugged the three people and said,"Humph, no, you have to make it up to us tonight, and Alice, you can't spoil this guy, otherwise he will find some girls and it will be troublesome.

Let's squeeze him dry tonight!

Let him know how powerful girls are!

" Nami said to Usopp fiercely, and soon the night passed.

The three people forcefully asked Usopp dozens of times before they were satisfied.

Looking at the satisfied three people,"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I still need to study Haki in the New World for a while, Nami, you guys sail first, I will come back to find you then, Vivi will take care of the country, by the way, I'll write down the number of Den Den Mushi here, and I'll give you information when I get there.

If you have any questions, just tell me directly, Alice, you go to the New World with me!

"Usopp made some arrangements.

Although Nami and Vivi were dissatisfied, they still agreed.

Only Alice would unconditionally believe in Usopp no matter what he did.

Maybe this is why Usopp loves Alice the most.

After making the decision, Usopp hugged Alice directly and said,"Then we'll go first. Bye." After that, he shaved the moon and disappeared. Vivi and Nami envied Alice, but they each had their own tasks and could not follow Usopp.

Because he was holding Alice on the way back, the speed was too fast and he was afraid that Alice could not bear it, so Usopp flew directly to the sea of clouds.

The air resistance in the sea of clouds is relatively small, so Alice can withstand the faster speed.

However, even so, it took a full ten and a half hours to reach the Nine Snake Island.

On the way, Usopp and Alice introduced many things about the Nine Snake Island, and they also saw many strange monsters on the sea of clouds.

It was already afternoon when they arrived at the Nine Snake Island.

"Hancock, I'm back.

Let me introduce you to my love Alice.

You must get along well in the future.

"Usopp said to Hancock, and Hancock already knew that Usopp had told him that he was married and had a wife named Alice, but seeing that Alice, whose appearance was average on Nine Snake Island, how could Usopp like her, he couldn't understand it and didn't think about it anymore.

"Hello, nice to meet you.

I'm also Usopp's wife.

My name is Hancock.

You are older in seniority, so I'll call you sister.

" Alice was a little fascinated by the beautiful Hancock, but thinking that Usopp was right beside her, she put away the fascination.

"Nice to meet you, just call me Alice, you're so beautiful and a good match for Usopp"

""Stupid, what are you talking about? You are beautiful too." Usopp looked at the self-abased Alice and hugged her tightly, while Hancock on the side looked at Usopp and said,"I am the man I like. He loves his wife so much. I will be his wife in the future." Usopp looked at the old woman and it seemed that she said she would wait for her in the back mountain today."You two chat first. I'm going to the back mountain to practice." After saying that, he shaved and disappeared.

"Big sister, how did you and Usopp know each other?" Hancock said to Alice,"Ah, you don't have to call me big sister, just call me Alice. Actually, Usopp and I are....."Alice began to tell Hancock about herself and Usopp.

When they arrived at the back of the mountain, they saw an old woman sitting on the ground."Senior, I'm sorry, I'm late." Usopp remembered that he had told Hancock to tell the old woman not to wait for him.

""It's okay. Although Hancock told me that you might not come today, I'll just wait here. It's good that you're here. I heard from Hancock that your observation Haki has reached level 4, so I'll teach you the techniques of domineering today." The old woman pointed to the empty space in front of her and motioned Usopp to sit down and listen. Usopp also sat down and listened carefully.

""Look, this is the case with only a single Armed Haki.

Next, let me tell you about Observation Haki.

Observation Haki is the absolute control of the mind and the body.

As mentioned earlier, ordinary people can only use 60% of their strength without Observation Haki, but if they are proficient in Observation Haki, as long as they reach the fifth level of Observation Haki, they can use 100% of the body's strength, like this.

" As she spoke, she stretched out her right hand again.

Bai Ze's aging hand suddenly glowed with new life and was full of muscle lines.

"But, this is not what we want, right? What if the two forces are mixed together? You see, it will become like this.

"The old woman said, the armed color of her left hand suddenly flashed, and then she punched a stone not far away,"bang", and the stone was shattered.

"This is a skill to control the domineering aura in the body.

What you need to do today is to mix the two forces.

Okay, today's class is here, I will come again tomorrow morning.

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