The next day, Usopp woke up and found that Nami, who was looking at the nautical chart, suddenly looked at him,"What's wrong with Nami? You keep staring at me?"

"Usopp? What's wrong with you?"Nami looked at Usopp in front of her. His skin became whiter, his nose became shorter, his eyes became bigger, and his hair became more beautiful. She walked over and pinched Usopp's face.

"It's so smooth and tender. What skin care products did you use to change so much overnight?"Nami stared at Usopp, and Nami's voice attracted everyone else on the ship.

"Ah, beautiful lady, can you tell me your name?" Sanji knelt down in front of Usopp.

"Hey, isn't this Usopp? You've become so strange." Luffy flew over and looked at Usopp.

"Usopp, you are not originally a woman, are you?" Zoro dragged his chin and stared at Usopp.

"No, I'm a man, okay! I don't know what happened, I woke up like this." Usopp actually knew that this was the sequelae of crazy plundering talents

"Good morning, everyone. What happened?" Seeing the crew gathered together, Vivi also walked over."Ah, you... you are..." Vivi was shocked when she saw Usopp.

"Usopp, tell me, did you use any skin care products? Vivi and I, as women, don’t have as good skin as you." Nami continued to ask.

"Oh my god, this is Usopp, I'm kneeling down to a man, I can't even look like a woman anymore" Sanji knelt on the ground and cried.

"Hey, what's wrong with Sanji?" Luffy asked without thinking.

"It's okay, it will be fine in a while, Usopp, why do you smell good? Could it be that you are really a woman?" Zoro complained again, and it would have been better if he hadn't said it. As soon as he said it, everyone came over to smell Usopp.

"Really? Usopp, you said you didn't care about any skin care products, but how could there be such a fragrance?"Nami asked again

"I don't know either. It's body odor. Look, you smell good too," Usopp said, glancing at his hand and walking to Nami and smelling her.

"That is my femininity as a woman! You are different, you are a man!"Nami said with a blushing face

"Don't worry about these details. By the way, is Sanji ready for breakfast?"Usopp patted Nami's shoulder.

"I want meat, my big meat!" Luffy shouted when he heard about breakfast.

"Ah, I'll take a nap first." Zoro yawned and lay down.

At this moment, Vivi was thinking in her heart, Usopp couldn't be a woman, but he had sex with me last night.

Usopp also saw Vivi in a daze and walked over."Vivi, what's wrong, relax, everything is normal."

""Yeah," Vivi said.

Soon everyone finished breakfast, and after a while they saw a huge island,"Oh! Is this really a small garden? It's so big," Luffy said in surprise.

Soon Luffy went on an adventure like in the original, and Vivi was more interested in the captain of the ship and went on the adventure with him. Zoro and Sanji went to collect food, and at this moment only Nami and Usopp were left in the boat, but Nami did not walk up to Usopp like in the original, but grabbed Usopp and said,"Usopp, there is no one on the boat now, so stop pretending. Tell me, did you eat Vivi last night?"

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. Who told you to walk around in front of me in dishevel every day? You know I'm a normal man in puberty." Usopp said to Nami

"Oh, I'm so sorry, but you can't do anything to Weiwei. Although I don't know what's wrong with you recently, and you seem different from before, women's intuition is very accurate. I know that every time we face danger recently, you use some ability to protect us. Since you can't help it, then confess to me, maybe I will accept you." Nami blushed at the end

"Really? Nami, are you willing? But I've already done it with Vivi, and I'll be sorry for you, no." Usopp shook his head and said

"Usopp, look into my eyes, we are pirates! Pirates who pursue freedom and are not bound by rules. If you really like me, confess to me, but you have to be prepared. If you can't make me happy, I will be angry and the consequences will be serious!" Nami grabbed Usopp's shoulders and looked into his eyes.

Damn, Nami has at least 3 talents, but it seems very unfair to Nami to do this. No, I will be with Nami in the future anyway, so I should be very sorry to Sanji. Looking at the beautiful Nami in front of him, he hugged Nami regardless of it."Nami, I like you, I really like you."

At this moment, there was a vibration sound, and a giant came over, and Nami was shaking with fear. Usopp said to Nami gently,"It's okay, Nami, no matter what happens, as long as I'm alive, I won't let you suffer."

"Giant, you are disturbing us by moving too much!"Usopp looked directly at the giant.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I couldn't help but come over when I saw the ship. I didn't expect to disturb you and your wife. By the way, do you have any wine?" The giant looked at Usopp and smiled.

Usopp directly moved the wine in the ship with his domineering color."I can only give you this much, but this is the first time I see a giant. Nami, look, this is a giant, which can only be seen in the Grand Voyage."

Nami looked at the giant, and then looked at Usopp who was holding her with a confident look on his face."Yes, but I haven't agreed with you yet, and you're so clumsy!" As he said that, he punched Usopp on the head.

"Ah, it hurts, Nami, just promise me, I will definitely make you happy!" Usopp touched his head and confessed to Nami again.

"Yes, although it is rare for girls to confess to other girls, I can see from her eyes that she is definitely serious. Little girl, just agree to her." The giant spoke again.

""Hmm," Nami said in a low voice

""Great, Nami, I love you the most." Then he kissed Nami.

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