Pirate Chronicles
Two weeks after the Beckforth-Francuan War, the changes in the Beckforth government were slowly being felt. To most of the people and citizens of Beckforth, the change was for the better. They celebrated and rejoiced for finally, corruption would end! Every citizen was invited and gathered at the courtyard of the main palace. The new king, King Adrien of the House of Absalom was to give a speech with regards to the changes that will happen in the government.
"The sun has finally shone upon us citizens of Beckforth. In my rule, there would be no corruption… No more violating of human rights. This rule will be transparent. Corrupt officials, you have been warned! All thieves will have their hands cut off! I will chase down these corrupt officials and your family and you will be punished. I will let you feel how it feels like to lose your possession and your privileges!" King Adrien announced.
The masses cheered while some of the Lords in the House of Lords looked at each other in fear for their lives, planning in their heads how to escape with their families and properties.
After that speech, King Adrien put the government cleaning in process. He gathered all the lords, members or not of the House of Lords, the generals, and ALL those who were essential to the government. Then, the king called out the houses that would be punished.
"Your Highness, what do we do with the remnant of the House of Daragiel?" the new prime minister, Ramos, asked.
"There's still a remnant? I thought Prince Eric perished in the war. The former king is dead and Lady Yazmine is in Liberia," King Adrien replied.
"The former Princess Angela, your highness. The youngest daughter," Ramos responded.
"She survives?" King Adrien asked.
"Reports claim that she has been residing in the royal palace in Igari even before the war," Ramos explained.
"I see. What was her role in the corruption?" the king asked again.
"Nothing," one of the generals who knew the princess' innocence replied. "She's innocent against these charges."
"But, she is a remnant of the House of Daragiel! What will the people say if she remains unpunished?" One of the lords who obviously has a grudge against the Daragiel family thundered.
"Princess Angela did not participate in any corruption! She did not even know such corruption exists. She's ignorant to all of these---" the general argued.
"Ignorance excuses no one!" the nobleman cut off the general. "She should have done something! How could she be blind to the cries of the people? It's just impossible not to be aware!"
"SILENCE!" the King ordered. "Justice will be served! She will not go unpunished! She may not have participated in the corruption but her silence and ignorance did not help alleviate it either. Angela of the House of Daragiel will be stripped off of her title."
"She should be given slave status or her citizenship in Beckforth revoked!" one of the lords suggested.
"We could send her to Ithaca to become a slave," one of the scribes uttered.
"We could set an example and have her executed in the town's square," another lord mentioned.
Almost all the noblemen and military had opinions on what to do with Princess Angela, but the Prime Minister Ramos had something else in mind. He had been requesting the princess' hand in marriage but the princess had ignored him countless times. Whatever the punishment will be, he would take her forcibly and Angela will be his captive until her dying breath. No one will know because he will make sure to provide a burnt corpse as her replacement.
Meanwhile, General Eli, the one who defended the princess, was the latter's friend for a long time. He secretly excused himself. He has to get to Princess Angela and warn her of impending danger.
"Quick! Princess Angela! You have to move quickly," General Eli said as he dragged the princess into the secret passageway of the palace in Igari.
"What is going on?" the clueless princess replied. "Where is my brother?"
"His Highness is dead," General Eli replied as he continued to lead the former princess away.
Angela shrugged off his hold of her and stopped, "What do you mean?"
General Eli took her elbow once again, "Princess, Prince Eric perished in the war against Francua."
"War? We were at war? Since when? I do not understand!" the princess responded. Tears were beginning to well up her eyes.
"Princess, trust me. I am trying to save you. The new government wants to set you as an example. They want you punished," General Eli said.
"Why? What did I do? I did not do anything wrong," she exclaimed.
"That is why, I am making sure you are away from Beckforth before nightfall… before anyone notices that you are escaping. I already talked to your maids. Someone will pretend to be you but you have to be quick."
"Where are we going?" Angela asked.
"We are heading for the Southern Bay. I will hide you in one of the remote areas there. No one knows what you look like there since you were kept away. Better to live in poverty than to be punished for crimes you did not commit," Eli answered.
"And you?" Angela asked again.
Eli stopped and looked at her, "I will help you. You have been my friend since the beginning and you have helped my family from the very start. I will return the favor. I will stay with you and guard you with my life."
Angela nodded, "Thank you."
Eli gave her a gentle smile then dragged her again until they reached the end of the secret passageway. There were rails that Eli kicked off. He looked to the left and the right. Then, went back to fix the princess' hood. He made sure that they were dressed as commoners before they left Igari's palace.
After procuring a covered wagon, they began their journey to the Southern Bay. It had been two nights that they had ridden in silence. At first, Angela did not have any strength to ask what was going on. She was too stunned. She was afraid to know the truth.
However, she has to! Angela took a deep breath to calm herself. She had to know what was going on. She looked at Eli. She could not help but worry about her friend.
"Eli, they will brand you as a traitor and your family might be executed," Angela said.
Eli smiled and turned to her, "I already sent a message to them to leave the house and go somewhere safe. Your safety is more important this time."
"Tell me what happened?" she asked.
Eli took a deep breath, "Lady Editha escaped back to Francua. Rumor has it that she was unfaithful to Prince Eric and that angered the prince, he had to wage war against Francua to get her back. Your family is accused of corruption and violating human rights. I do not know the whole truth about these matters, since I barely got back from my deployment in Liberia. When I came back, the throne was already transferred to the House of Absalom. I'm sorry if I am not of help. But, I know you're innocent."
"Thank--" Angela's answer was cut off by a shot fired. Eli took the hit straight in the heart. Angela screamed. The horses reared up and the wagon toppled over! She heard horses' hooves approaching so she quickly crawled away from the wagon to escape. But, it was all too late! When she exited the wagon, two guards were already waiting for her. They took hold of her arms and pulled her to stand up.
"Let me go," she said and struggled. She noticed the pain on her left arm and saw blood trickling from her shoulders. "Let me go," she repeated. "I did not do anything wrong!" She pleaded but the guards did not listen to her.
Sandlot was on his way to the Francuan embassy in Beckforth to oversee its reopening. He headed there straight from Canupeer after Jacob and Editha's wedding. He was nearing the embassy when he saw a wagon toppled over after hearing a gunshot. Two armed men went to it and pulled a woman from the rubble.
The woman pleaded to be let go but the men did not listen to her. Now, Sandlot was not one to interfere with other people's business because he finds that too burdensome. However, the sight of the helpless lady bleeding and pleading tugged his gentlemanly heart so before he could think about it, he rode his horse and intervened.
"The lady said to let her go," he told the men as he dismounted.
"This is none of your business. This woman is a criminal," one of the men said.
The woman looked at Sandlot. Sandlot's heart was pierced. Her tear-filled blue eyes were proof of her innocence. She shook her head, "I did not do anything wrong," she said weakly.
"Silence!" One of the men was about to hit her. She closed her eyes expecting the pain of the strike but it did not happen.
Angela opened her eyes in time to see the two men on the ground unconscious. She looked up. Sandlot smiled at her and held out his hand. "My name is Sandlot, milady."
She received it. "Angela. My name is Angela."
"I'll take you where you're headed, Miss Angela," he said.
She smiled, "Thank you, I'm off to the Southern Bay."
Sandlot smiled as well for he never saw such innocence and beauty merged into one.
Jeu sneezed as the wind picked up. He looked at the landform to his right. According to his map, it was the Southern Bay of Beckforth. He smiled.
"The sun has finally shone upon us citizens of Beckforth. In my rule, there would be no corruption… No more violating of human rights. This rule will be transparent. Corrupt officials, you have been warned! All thieves will have their hands cut off! I will chase down these corrupt officials and your family and you will be punished. I will let you feel how it feels like to lose your possession and your privileges!" King Adrien announced.
The masses cheered while some of the Lords in the House of Lords looked at each other in fear for their lives, planning in their heads how to escape with their families and properties.
After that speech, King Adrien put the government cleaning in process. He gathered all the lords, members or not of the House of Lords, the generals, and ALL those who were essential to the government. Then, the king called out the houses that would be punished.
"Your Highness, what do we do with the remnant of the House of Daragiel?" the new prime minister, Ramos, asked.
"There's still a remnant? I thought Prince Eric perished in the war. The former king is dead and Lady Yazmine is in Liberia," King Adrien replied.
"The former Princess Angela, your highness. The youngest daughter," Ramos responded.
"She survives?" King Adrien asked.
"Reports claim that she has been residing in the royal palace in Igari even before the war," Ramos explained.
"I see. What was her role in the corruption?" the king asked again.
"Nothing," one of the generals who knew the princess' innocence replied. "She's innocent against these charges."
"But, she is a remnant of the House of Daragiel! What will the people say if she remains unpunished?" One of the lords who obviously has a grudge against the Daragiel family thundered.
"Princess Angela did not participate in any corruption! She did not even know such corruption exists. She's ignorant to all of these---" the general argued.
"Ignorance excuses no one!" the nobleman cut off the general. "She should have done something! How could she be blind to the cries of the people? It's just impossible not to be aware!"
"SILENCE!" the King ordered. "Justice will be served! She will not go unpunished! She may not have participated in the corruption but her silence and ignorance did not help alleviate it either. Angela of the House of Daragiel will be stripped off of her title."
"She should be given slave status or her citizenship in Beckforth revoked!" one of the lords suggested.
"We could send her to Ithaca to become a slave," one of the scribes uttered.
"We could set an example and have her executed in the town's square," another lord mentioned.
Almost all the noblemen and military had opinions on what to do with Princess Angela, but the Prime Minister Ramos had something else in mind. He had been requesting the princess' hand in marriage but the princess had ignored him countless times. Whatever the punishment will be, he would take her forcibly and Angela will be his captive until her dying breath. No one will know because he will make sure to provide a burnt corpse as her replacement.
Meanwhile, General Eli, the one who defended the princess, was the latter's friend for a long time. He secretly excused himself. He has to get to Princess Angela and warn her of impending danger.
"Quick! Princess Angela! You have to move quickly," General Eli said as he dragged the princess into the secret passageway of the palace in Igari.
"What is going on?" the clueless princess replied. "Where is my brother?"
"His Highness is dead," General Eli replied as he continued to lead the former princess away.
Angela shrugged off his hold of her and stopped, "What do you mean?"
General Eli took her elbow once again, "Princess, Prince Eric perished in the war against Francua."
"War? We were at war? Since when? I do not understand!" the princess responded. Tears were beginning to well up her eyes.
"Princess, trust me. I am trying to save you. The new government wants to set you as an example. They want you punished," General Eli said.
"Why? What did I do? I did not do anything wrong," she exclaimed.
"That is why, I am making sure you are away from Beckforth before nightfall… before anyone notices that you are escaping. I already talked to your maids. Someone will pretend to be you but you have to be quick."
"Where are we going?" Angela asked.
"We are heading for the Southern Bay. I will hide you in one of the remote areas there. No one knows what you look like there since you were kept away. Better to live in poverty than to be punished for crimes you did not commit," Eli answered.
"And you?" Angela asked again.
Eli stopped and looked at her, "I will help you. You have been my friend since the beginning and you have helped my family from the very start. I will return the favor. I will stay with you and guard you with my life."
Angela nodded, "Thank you."
Eli gave her a gentle smile then dragged her again until they reached the end of the secret passageway. There were rails that Eli kicked off. He looked to the left and the right. Then, went back to fix the princess' hood. He made sure that they were dressed as commoners before they left Igari's palace.
After procuring a covered wagon, they began their journey to the Southern Bay. It had been two nights that they had ridden in silence. At first, Angela did not have any strength to ask what was going on. She was too stunned. She was afraid to know the truth.
However, she has to! Angela took a deep breath to calm herself. She had to know what was going on. She looked at Eli. She could not help but worry about her friend.
"Eli, they will brand you as a traitor and your family might be executed," Angela said.
Eli smiled and turned to her, "I already sent a message to them to leave the house and go somewhere safe. Your safety is more important this time."
"Tell me what happened?" she asked.
Eli took a deep breath, "Lady Editha escaped back to Francua. Rumor has it that she was unfaithful to Prince Eric and that angered the prince, he had to wage war against Francua to get her back. Your family is accused of corruption and violating human rights. I do not know the whole truth about these matters, since I barely got back from my deployment in Liberia. When I came back, the throne was already transferred to the House of Absalom. I'm sorry if I am not of help. But, I know you're innocent."
"Thank--" Angela's answer was cut off by a shot fired. Eli took the hit straight in the heart. Angela screamed. The horses reared up and the wagon toppled over! She heard horses' hooves approaching so she quickly crawled away from the wagon to escape. But, it was all too late! When she exited the wagon, two guards were already waiting for her. They took hold of her arms and pulled her to stand up.
"Let me go," she said and struggled. She noticed the pain on her left arm and saw blood trickling from her shoulders. "Let me go," she repeated. "I did not do anything wrong!" She pleaded but the guards did not listen to her.
Sandlot was on his way to the Francuan embassy in Beckforth to oversee its reopening. He headed there straight from Canupeer after Jacob and Editha's wedding. He was nearing the embassy when he saw a wagon toppled over after hearing a gunshot. Two armed men went to it and pulled a woman from the rubble.
The woman pleaded to be let go but the men did not listen to her. Now, Sandlot was not one to interfere with other people's business because he finds that too burdensome. However, the sight of the helpless lady bleeding and pleading tugged his gentlemanly heart so before he could think about it, he rode his horse and intervened.
"The lady said to let her go," he told the men as he dismounted.
"This is none of your business. This woman is a criminal," one of the men said.
The woman looked at Sandlot. Sandlot's heart was pierced. Her tear-filled blue eyes were proof of her innocence. She shook her head, "I did not do anything wrong," she said weakly.
"Silence!" One of the men was about to hit her. She closed her eyes expecting the pain of the strike but it did not happen.
Angela opened her eyes in time to see the two men on the ground unconscious. She looked up. Sandlot smiled at her and held out his hand. "My name is Sandlot, milady."
She received it. "Angela. My name is Angela."
"I'll take you where you're headed, Miss Angela," he said.
She smiled, "Thank you, I'm off to the Southern Bay."
Sandlot smiled as well for he never saw such innocence and beauty merged into one.
Jeu sneezed as the wind picked up. He looked at the landform to his right. According to his map, it was the Southern Bay of Beckforth. He smiled.
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