Pirate Chronicles
One month of sword fight training passed by quickly. Now, I can honestly say that I can defend myself using the sword decently. I won't be able to win a fight against master swordsmen but I can definitely give them a run for their money and then I could run for my life.
In the past month, I also practiced my swimming skills and breathing control. Although, I must admit that I am terrible at both. Neville and Paco continued to encourage me and they were convinced that I am improving even if it is just a little at a time.
In Francua, my governess taught me how to swim in the lake nearby our estate. But, swimming in deeper waters, particularly in the ocean, proved to be more difficult. The waves were bigger and the currents stronger. Furthermore, the idea that I could not touch the seabed with my feet whilst my head's above the waters terrifies me. And the thought of something beyond bigger than me might be swimming beside me or after me was just nerve-racking.
"Maybe we could dock nearby the nearest island so Miss Darling can practice swimming better," Tibet suggested.
"True.. true… I can see her frightened expressions every time we practice in deep waters. She cannot focus. I think because she thinks a shark would come from nowhere and gobble her up," Fifer agreed.
I saw Thaddaeus shook his head and sighed afterwards before excusing himself from breakfast to work on Labyrinth. He still has not warmed up to me yet. Obviously, he finds the other pirates tolerating me and helping me impractical. After all, it was very clear from the last time we spoke that he does not want me here. I tried to ignore it but it does bother me. Maybe, I do not want to be disliked?
I took a deep breath and saw that Jacob was staring at me. He smiled and nodded. I chuckled. He always does this when he knows I am being bothered by something. I could not comprehend him and heaven knows I tried several times to analyze him. He teases me senseless and we banter nonstop over silly little things. But, when it comes to things that matter, he would always be there to support me or even save me.
I smiled at him in response. I believe we were having a moment. But then, Neville cleared his throat. "What say you Captain? It can be a mini-outing. I can even show all of you my roasting skills. We can enjoy roasted meat and seafood," he said and beamed after imagining the food he was planning to cook.
"Sure, let's go ahead and do that," Jacob responded without taking his eyes off of me. "Anything to help Darling," he continued then winked at me.
My cheeks went warm while the other pirates hooted and teased after hearing Jacob. Jacob just smirked at my embarrassment. I had to look away.
It was Tuesday morning when we anchored near what we thought was an uninhabited island. We used four small pinnaces to row to the beach. Once the pirates' feet touched the sand, immediately their shenanigans began. They were like children playing like there was no tomorrow.
Jacob chuckled and held out his hand to assist me off the boat. I accepted it. The boat suddenly jerked with my movement and I was off- balanced and my face landed on Jacob's chest. His hand quickly wrapped around my waist in an embrace to support my fall. I may not see my own face but I knew that I blushed profusely. I quickly straightened out, took my hand off his hold, and turned away.
"I'm sorry," I said in extreme awkwardness. I still cannot get over how a part of my body made contact with his muscular chest and my brain was still intoxicated by his scent. My mind went blank yet again and I just stood there dumbfounded! What is going on with me?
"Miss Darling!!" Tibet called out in a very loud voice. "We are going to have breathing control contests. Do you want to join us?"
I smiled and yelled back, "Yes!" Tibet just saved me! I quickly looked at Jacob and then ran towards Tibet and Fifer's direction. In no time, the other musicians and gunners joined our game as well.
Our group went into the sea and stopped when the waters were chest deep. The rule was simple: we had to submerge in the water and hold our breath the longest time we can. At first, everyone was following along but as we repeated the game over and over, the pirates began to cheat. Some of them pretended to submerge but would only do it when almost all of us were up. When they got tired of the game, they had a swimming race instead. I joined one race but lost obviously.
I went back to the beach and sat on the sand while I continued to laugh as I watched the pirates topple each other in the sea. A coat dropped on my head.
"Put it on. A lady shouldn't be wandering about in wet clothes," Jacob said and sat down beside me.
I chuckled but obeyed then I looked at him and retorted, "I am no lady, sire. I'm a pirate."
Jacob arched his brow, "Really now?" Then, he looked back to the sea, "You will always be a lady to me, Miss Pirate," he said and handed me meat on a stick. "Here, Neville told me to let you try this."
I took a bite. "Hmmmm…. this is good."
Jacob observed as I ate and then with his thumb he wiped the sauce that stained the corner of my mouth. I stilled. He put his thumb in his mouth and sucked, "Hmmm… you're right. It does taste good," he said and winked.
Immediately, my cheeks felt hot. I stood up and said, "I'm going to see if Neville needs my help." Then, I quickly ran away. Jacob laughed in response.
It was almost dark when we rowed back to Labyrinth. The pirates were loud with their jokes and laughter. But the mood suddenly turned bleak when we reached the ship and from there we saw a gun pointed at Thaddaeus' head.
Then, Thaddaeus was pushed off the ship and into the water and we saw men pointing their guns at us. Jacob quickly moved in front of me and shielded me from the men's eyes. We couldn't do anything. The only weapons we took with us were swords. Thaddaeus immersed from the sea and swam to one of the pinnaces.
The leader of the gang spoke, "We're taking over your ship. Not a good idea to just leave it in the hands of one person, eh mate? Have fun on the island," he said and they anchored up.
I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched Labyrinth sail away from us. We were quiet for a bit.
"I knew this was a bad idea," Thaddaeus broke the silence with his remark then looked at me as if I was the one to be blamed.
Seeing that, Jacob waved his hand in dismissal. "It's all good. We'll get Labyrinth back. This is not the first time this happened," he said nonchalantly like it was not a big deal. "Let's row back to the island, men!" he ordered. The pirates followed right away.
Tibet took out his harmonica and began to play a familiar tune. Puma sang the popular song and changed some of the lyrics in an attempt to liven up the mood."My Labyrinth went over the ocean. My Labyrinth went over the sea. My Labyrinth went over the ocean. Oh bring back Labyrinth to me!"
Jacob smiled. The other musicians sang out loud… some out of tune, "BRING BACK… WE'LL GET IT BACK.. SO BRING BACK LABYRINTH TO ME TO ME… BRING BACK… WE'LL GET IT BACK.. SO BRING BACK LABYRINTH TO ME!"
"Oh by the way… have you heard of the story The Stolen Ship?" Laurel asked.
Everyone of us groaned. "Don't ruin the mood Laurel," Lowen said.
"But the story is really good--" he insisted.
"Let me guess, it's one of your original tales," I said then giggled.
Laurel pointed at me, "Miss Darling gets it!"
Jacob laughed, "Don't encourage him, Darling," he said.
"But--" Laurel tried to persist but was cut off.
"NOOOOOOO!!!!" everyone yelled.
Everyone's mood livened up by the time we got to the shore. After securing the boats, we hiked to a higher ground to find a campsite just in case of high tide. Then, they began to plan on what to do to get back Labyrinth from the gang of thieves. Elgo drew the map on the ground as he remembered it and Jacob marked the spot where he believed the thieves would be on the next day based on the currents and wind direction.
When the short meeting was over, the pirates dispersed to gather materials to build tents and make a campfire. They moved so quickly and before I knew it we were done. I was tightening the ropes to my tent as Zaki showed me when I heard Jacob spoke.
"Darling, do not make any sudden movements," Jacob told me in a stern quiet voice.
I froze. Then, I heard a whoosh. It happened too fast. I looked at the direction of the sound and saw Jacob's dagger impaled a slithering snake to my right. I quickly stood up on my feet and ran towards Jacob. Jacob met me and grabbed the back of my head and put me in his embrace.
"I can't let you out of sight, can I?" he said as his hold of me tightened.
Of all the animals I am afraid of, snakes are on the top of the list. I have never seen a live snake before in my life before now so I was scared to death by the sight of a snake almost biting me. "W..w..was it poisonous?" I asked, my hands holding tightly onto his shirt.
"It's alright. It's dead," he did not answer my question so it must be.
"A..are th..there m..more?" I cannot shake the fear from my voice no matter how hard I tried.
I sighed. My brain calmed down and then I slowly came into a realization that I was in a compromising position. I am currently locked in Jacob's embrace! We were so close that I could feel his heartbeat. My heart began to pound so I pushed him away. I put my hand over my heart and said, "I'm so sorry. I'm just really terrified with snakes."
Jacob smiled at me. He did not tease me this time, "Are your clothes dry enough? It will be cold early in the morning," he said out of concern for my welfare. He took off his shirt and handed it to me. "Put this on."
My eyes widened at the sight of his well-toned upper body.. I pulled the coat that he gave me hours ago tighter towards me. "I… I… I'll be fine," I stammered.
Jacob raised his brow and stepped forward. I knew he noticed my sudden awkwardness, "Are you alright?" His eyes began to twinkle with mischief.
I quickly turned my back on him, "Yes. Could you please put your shirt back on?" I said.
He chuckled and put his shirt on my hand instead. "You'll need this shirt later. Good night, Darling," he whispered in my ear.
The touch of his breath on my ear sent shivers through my spine and goose bumps began to appear on my arms. I held my breath in fear that it would turn into a moan. I felt uncomfortable but surprisingly pleasant at the same time. Jacob noticed my discomfort. He chuckled again and then walked away.
I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I looked at his shirt on my hand. It is still warm. Without thinking, I smelled it. My mind wandered back to his chiseled chest and abdomen and then I felt hot. I shook my head as fast as I could. What in the world is happening to me?
One month of sword fight training passed by quickly. Now, I can honestly say that I can defend myself using the sword decently. I won't be able to win a fight against master swordsmen but I can definitely give them a run for their money and then I could run for my life.
In the past month, I also practiced my swimming skills and breathing control. Although, I must admit that I am terrible at both. Neville and Paco continued to encourage me and they were convinced that I am improving even if it is just a little at a time.
In Francua, my governess taught me how to swim in the lake nearby our estate. But, swimming in deeper waters, particularly in the ocean, proved to be more difficult. The waves were bigger and the currents stronger. Furthermore, the idea that I could not touch the seabed with my feet whilst my head's above the waters terrifies me. And the thought of something beyond bigger than me might be swimming beside me or after me was just nerve-racking.
"Maybe we could dock nearby the nearest island so Miss Darling can practice swimming better," Tibet suggested.
"True.. true… I can see her frightened expressions every time we practice in deep waters. She cannot focus. I think because she thinks a shark would come from nowhere and gobble her up," Fifer agreed.
I saw Thaddaeus shook his head and sighed afterwards before excusing himself from breakfast to work on Labyrinth. He still has not warmed up to me yet. Obviously, he finds the other pirates tolerating me and helping me impractical. After all, it was very clear from the last time we spoke that he does not want me here. I tried to ignore it but it does bother me. Maybe, I do not want to be disliked?
I took a deep breath and saw that Jacob was staring at me. He smiled and nodded. I chuckled. He always does this when he knows I am being bothered by something. I could not comprehend him and heaven knows I tried several times to analyze him. He teases me senseless and we banter nonstop over silly little things. But, when it comes to things that matter, he would always be there to support me or even save me.
I smiled at him in response. I believe we were having a moment. But then, Neville cleared his throat. "What say you Captain? It can be a mini-outing. I can even show all of you my roasting skills. We can enjoy roasted meat and seafood," he said and beamed after imagining the food he was planning to cook.
"Sure, let's go ahead and do that," Jacob responded without taking his eyes off of me. "Anything to help Darling," he continued then winked at me.
My cheeks went warm while the other pirates hooted and teased after hearing Jacob. Jacob just smirked at my embarrassment. I had to look away.
It was Tuesday morning when we anchored near what we thought was an uninhabited island. We used four small pinnaces to row to the beach. Once the pirates' feet touched the sand, immediately their shenanigans began. They were like children playing like there was no tomorrow.
Jacob chuckled and held out his hand to assist me off the boat. I accepted it. The boat suddenly jerked with my movement and I was off- balanced and my face landed on Jacob's chest. His hand quickly wrapped around my waist in an embrace to support my fall. I may not see my own face but I knew that I blushed profusely. I quickly straightened out, took my hand off his hold, and turned away.
"I'm sorry," I said in extreme awkwardness. I still cannot get over how a part of my body made contact with his muscular chest and my brain was still intoxicated by his scent. My mind went blank yet again and I just stood there dumbfounded! What is going on with me?
"Miss Darling!!" Tibet called out in a very loud voice. "We are going to have breathing control contests. Do you want to join us?"
I smiled and yelled back, "Yes!" Tibet just saved me! I quickly looked at Jacob and then ran towards Tibet and Fifer's direction. In no time, the other musicians and gunners joined our game as well.
Our group went into the sea and stopped when the waters were chest deep. The rule was simple: we had to submerge in the water and hold our breath the longest time we can. At first, everyone was following along but as we repeated the game over and over, the pirates began to cheat. Some of them pretended to submerge but would only do it when almost all of us were up. When they got tired of the game, they had a swimming race instead. I joined one race but lost obviously.
I went back to the beach and sat on the sand while I continued to laugh as I watched the pirates topple each other in the sea. A coat dropped on my head.
"Put it on. A lady shouldn't be wandering about in wet clothes," Jacob said and sat down beside me.
I chuckled but obeyed then I looked at him and retorted, "I am no lady, sire. I'm a pirate."
Jacob arched his brow, "Really now?" Then, he looked back to the sea, "You will always be a lady to me, Miss Pirate," he said and handed me meat on a stick. "Here, Neville told me to let you try this."
I took a bite. "Hmmmm…. this is good."
Jacob observed as I ate and then with his thumb he wiped the sauce that stained the corner of my mouth. I stilled. He put his thumb in his mouth and sucked, "Hmmm… you're right. It does taste good," he said and winked.
Immediately, my cheeks felt hot. I stood up and said, "I'm going to see if Neville needs my help." Then, I quickly ran away. Jacob laughed in response.
It was almost dark when we rowed back to Labyrinth. The pirates were loud with their jokes and laughter. But the mood suddenly turned bleak when we reached the ship and from there we saw a gun pointed at Thaddaeus' head.
Then, Thaddaeus was pushed off the ship and into the water and we saw men pointing their guns at us. Jacob quickly moved in front of me and shielded me from the men's eyes. We couldn't do anything. The only weapons we took with us were swords. Thaddaeus immersed from the sea and swam to one of the pinnaces.
The leader of the gang spoke, "We're taking over your ship. Not a good idea to just leave it in the hands of one person, eh mate? Have fun on the island," he said and they anchored up.
I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched Labyrinth sail away from us. We were quiet for a bit.
"I knew this was a bad idea," Thaddaeus broke the silence with his remark then looked at me as if I was the one to be blamed.
Seeing that, Jacob waved his hand in dismissal. "It's all good. We'll get Labyrinth back. This is not the first time this happened," he said nonchalantly like it was not a big deal. "Let's row back to the island, men!" he ordered. The pirates followed right away.
Tibet took out his harmonica and began to play a familiar tune. Puma sang the popular song and changed some of the lyrics in an attempt to liven up the mood."My Labyrinth went over the ocean. My Labyrinth went over the sea. My Labyrinth went over the ocean. Oh bring back Labyrinth to me!"
Jacob smiled. The other musicians sang out loud… some out of tune, "BRING BACK… WE'LL GET IT BACK.. SO BRING BACK LABYRINTH TO ME TO ME… BRING BACK… WE'LL GET IT BACK.. SO BRING BACK LABYRINTH TO ME!"
"Oh by the way… have you heard of the story The Stolen Ship?" Laurel asked.
Everyone of us groaned. "Don't ruin the mood Laurel," Lowen said.
"But the story is really good--" he insisted.
"Let me guess, it's one of your original tales," I said then giggled.
Laurel pointed at me, "Miss Darling gets it!"
Jacob laughed, "Don't encourage him, Darling," he said.
"But--" Laurel tried to persist but was cut off.
"NOOOOOOO!!!!" everyone yelled.
Everyone's mood livened up by the time we got to the shore. After securing the boats, we hiked to a higher ground to find a campsite just in case of high tide. Then, they began to plan on what to do to get back Labyrinth from the gang of thieves. Elgo drew the map on the ground as he remembered it and Jacob marked the spot where he believed the thieves would be on the next day based on the currents and wind direction.
When the short meeting was over, the pirates dispersed to gather materials to build tents and make a campfire. They moved so quickly and before I knew it we were done. I was tightening the ropes to my tent as Zaki showed me when I heard Jacob spoke.
"Darling, do not make any sudden movements," Jacob told me in a stern quiet voice.
I froze. Then, I heard a whoosh. It happened too fast. I looked at the direction of the sound and saw Jacob's dagger impaled a slithering snake to my right. I quickly stood up on my feet and ran towards Jacob. Jacob met me and grabbed the back of my head and put me in his embrace.
"I can't let you out of sight, can I?" he said as his hold of me tightened.
Of all the animals I am afraid of, snakes are on the top of the list. I have never seen a live snake before in my life before now so I was scared to death by the sight of a snake almost biting me. "W..w..was it poisonous?" I asked, my hands holding tightly onto his shirt.
"It's alright. It's dead," he did not answer my question so it must be.
"A..are th..there m..more?" I cannot shake the fear from my voice no matter how hard I tried.
I sighed. My brain calmed down and then I slowly came into a realization that I was in a compromising position. I am currently locked in Jacob's embrace! We were so close that I could feel his heartbeat. My heart began to pound so I pushed him away. I put my hand over my heart and said, "I'm so sorry. I'm just really terrified with snakes."
Jacob smiled at me. He did not tease me this time, "Are your clothes dry enough? It will be cold early in the morning," he said out of concern for my welfare. He took off his shirt and handed it to me. "Put this on."
My eyes widened at the sight of his well-toned upper body.. I pulled the coat that he gave me hours ago tighter towards me. "I… I… I'll be fine," I stammered.
Jacob raised his brow and stepped forward. I knew he noticed my sudden awkwardness, "Are you alright?" His eyes began to twinkle with mischief.
I quickly turned my back on him, "Yes. Could you please put your shirt back on?" I said.
He chuckled and put his shirt on my hand instead. "You'll need this shirt later. Good night, Darling," he whispered in my ear.
The touch of his breath on my ear sent shivers through my spine and goose bumps began to appear on my arms. I held my breath in fear that it would turn into a moan. I felt uncomfortable but surprisingly pleasant at the same time. Jacob noticed my discomfort. He chuckled again and then walked away.
I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I looked at his shirt on my hand. It is still warm. Without thinking, I smelled it. My mind wandered back to his chiseled chest and abdomen and then I felt hot. I shook my head as fast as I could. What in the world is happening to me?
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