Pirate Chronicles
One day! Just this one whole day! No harm in that, right? It was just after all one day. Better a day than thousands more as part of his crew. I kept on convincing myself. The truth is, I did not expect Jacob to lose. I wagered my day because I believed… truly… honestly… confidently believed in Jacob' skills. I underestimated Jeu. I promised I won't make that same mistake ever again!
So, here I was, walking side by side with Jeu. I still could not forget the look on Jacob's face as Jeu escorted me off Labyrinth. I sighed. I know he would not let this go. When I come back, he will definitely say something.
Jeu chuckled after hearing me sighed. "I promise, Angel, I will make this as painless as possible."
I rolled my eyes, "Please stop calling me that."
"Would you rather that I call you Darling?"
I was quiet for a moment, "On second thought, Angel is fine," I blurted out that elicited his melodic laughter once more.
The tone of his laughter was very contagious and his expressions very genuine. I could not help but let out a small laugh.
"Let me show you my ship," he said.
I shook my head. "I will NOT board your ship," I clarified.
He looked at me and smiled. "That would not be a problem. I just wanted to show it to you," he said and led the way. "Humor me."
I followed his lead and we stopped before a ship with red, white, and blue sails. I scrunch my forehead. It was the first time I saw a ship with such colorful sails.
"Isn't she a beaut? She's Pioneer DES," he said ever so proudly.
I tried not to laugh but a chuckle escaped my lips. "Her name sounded like a Naval Ship more than a pirate's," I commented.
He nodded and grinned, "Exactly. That was what we were going for... to be discreet."
I turned to him disbelievingly. "Discreet? How could it be with such vibrant sails?"
Jeu nodded again. "Isn't it confusing? Now, just imagine how confused the enemy could get. Part of a strategy," he said and laughed.
I shook my head while smiling. What he said did not make any sense at all. "So, what are your plans?"
Jeu smiled, "Ah! I believe it is better to be spontaneous today. Shall we go back downtown and see what Shenz has to offer?"
"Very well, lead the way," I replied.
He grinned at me, "Lead the way? No. Let's walk side by side."
And thus, we walked. Jeu was a natural conversationalist. He knows how to keep our conversation going. He was humorous and honest. That's why from time to time, I noticed myself laughing at his antics. His facial expressions were very animated and the more he spoke to me, the more I became attentive and responsive.
We first looked at stalls on the streets of Shenz. Both of us were amazed with the products from different countries that had cultural values and meanings. We did not purchase anything though because most of them were very pricey for our taste. After that, we went to the target practice grounds. He was very impressed that I could hit the mark at ten meters perfectly. Then, it was lunch. Since we were very close to the port, we went to an eating house that was overlooking the sea.
"Isn't this place romantic?" he asked me and winked.
I groaned. "Oh please…"
He chuckled at my response. "You know, most women would appreciate the ambience."
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint. But, I am NOT most women."
"Who said I'm disappointed?" he said and called for the servitor. "What do you want to eat?"
SEAFOOD! Lots and lots of seafood! We had on our table an array of choices, from crabs, to prawns, to lobsters, to grilled fish and squid, to mussels… name it, we almost had it all.
Jeu grinned at me playfully. "I hope you're famished because we are not leaving this place until we finish this."
I chuckled and squinted my eyes, "Challenge accepted!"
And so we ate! We were halfway through the food but we could feel our stomachs almost to its limit. I had never done such outlandish behavior as this before. In Francua, even eating meals should be done with poise and elegance. At Labyrinth, I eat until I reach my fill but I still observe the basics of meal etiquette like finishing my food and asking for seconds politely. With Jeu, it's a different story. We were such gluttons! And I am enjoying every minute of it!
"Are you giving up yet?" Jeu asked.
I took a deep breath after devouring two more large prawns. "What happens if I do?"
Jeu looked at me and squinted, "We cannot waste food, Angel. Think of the people starving. How about we play a game? We can ask each other as many questions as we can depending on how much food we could finish."
I smiled and began eating again. After ten more prawns and five mussels, I stopped. "I am done, I could not eat any longer," I said.
Jeu laughed and munched on another lobster. "Alright, ask away?"
"Are you really a pirate?" I began.
He swallowed first before he answered, "You saw my ship. Yes, I am."
"Are you a savage pirate? Meaning, no mercy… pillage, plunder, loot?" I asked and looked at him seriously.
He gave me an honest smile, "We loot. We need money to survive after all. If we are attacked, we retaliate."
"So what's your story? Why did you become a pirate?"
"Atonement," he said and smiled.
"What do you mean?"
Jeu smiled at me, "I killed many people in the past. It was an order. After I was released from my commitment, I decided to be a pirate."
"Why piracy then?"
He sighed first then gave me a sad smile. "Trouble follows pirates wherever they go. I made myself believe that as long as I am in constant near death experiences, I would constantly feel the fear and horror of those I killed before they died."
I paused in silence because of his response. Then, I asked, "Were you an assassin before?"
Jeu nodded and continued, "You see, they say that I should just die because of what I did. But, I cannot just die. Dying is the easy way out. The blood on my hands would not be appeased if I die without a tremendous amount of suffering."
I scoffed, "If you ask me, your way of atonement is pathetic. Why don't you just help other people instead as repayment of what you had done?"
Jeu smiled at me, "I tried doing that. I was a wanderer for quite a while. But, every time I tried to help others, they suffered more."
"How so?"
"When I defended the weak, they died," he began and clenched his jaw. "Friends.. families of those that were hurt because I defended the weak would retaliate. In the end, it was a never-ending cycle of hatred and violence."
"But violence is connected with piracy."
"Does your crew know?"
Jeu nodded. "We all are trying to atone for something we did in the past. That's why we mastered all strategies of escape. We all agreed that we cannot die just yet. It will take more time before our sufferings have equated our sins."
I sighed. "Your crew is very melancholic. I believe you need redemption."
Jeu smiled again, "I was hopeful that YOU would be our redemption."
I shook my head without hesitation. "No, I couldn't be. I belong to Labyrinth. They're my family. They're my redemption."
Jeu looked at me with confusion. "You needed saving?"
I smiled. "I needed a purpose. And I found mine at Labyrinth."
Jeu gazed at me, "I cannot convince you otherwise?"
I shook my head again. "You'll find your redemption eventually. But, I am certain it will never be me."
Jeu sighed and he continued eating. Before we knew it, the food was gone. He asked me a couple of questions and I answered as carefully as I could, never divulging about my past and the reason why I ran away from home.
"So Darling is not your real name?"
I chuckled, "Who would name their child Darling?"
He laughed with me, "What is it then?"
I shook my head, "Nice try. If my crew mates who I considered my family do not know my real name, would you really think I would give it to you?"
Jeu shrugged his shoulders. "Why the secrecy?"
"It's a thing in my past that I would rather not go back to. I made a decision, I would not go back to the way I used to live."
Jeu looked at the sea, "We should get going. I will see to it that I enjoy every minute of my remaining time with you."
I chuckled, "Before we go, how did you know about Northeastern?"
He smiled, "From what I hear, Jacob is now the most wanted pirate. Beckforth wants his head. You should warn him about it, before it's too late."
"How did you know him?" I asked.
"By reputation… the navy captain who became a pirate… the one who resorted to piracy to give back to the helpless. He's a hero to the masses but an enemy to the nobles. You're in good hands."
I smiled, "True. That's why I will never leave Labyrinth."
Jeu smiled at me knowingly, "Makes me wonder, is it just because of the crew or someone more special?"
I blushed after Jeu said that and my mind pictured Jacob right away. Jeu laughed at my reaction.
"I should be really dropping you off back to Labyrinth," Jeu insisted. We were currently watching the sunset, standing on the wooden pier right beside his ship, Pioneer DES.
I shook my head. "No need. You said, your crew would be sailing off right away. Besides, I can take care of myself," I replied.
He tipped his hat at me and boarded Pioneer DES, "It was nice meeting you, Angel. It was a breath of fresh air and a great distraction from my 'melancholy'," he said and chuckled.
I nodded. I watched as his crew anchored up. The red, white, and blue sails picked up the wind and off they went, away from Repahook's territory. I smiled. Jeu was a great man. He should find his redemption soon.
"Good luck," I whispered in the air.
When the horizon swallowed them up, I began heading to Labyrinth. As I approached closer to the ship, I noticed Thaddaeus walking towards me.
"Where are you off to?" I could not help but ask.
He scratched his head, "I… I was about to get you, Miss Darling. I was worried that you were tempted to join Captain Jeu's crew."
I gave him a wide smile. "And leave the best ship engineer I've ever met? No way! Besides, I did not like the color of their sails. Red, white, and blue?"
Thaddaeus chuckled. "Let's go back Miss Darling," he said.
I nodded, "Let's go home."
So, here I was, walking side by side with Jeu. I still could not forget the look on Jacob's face as Jeu escorted me off Labyrinth. I sighed. I know he would not let this go. When I come back, he will definitely say something.
Jeu chuckled after hearing me sighed. "I promise, Angel, I will make this as painless as possible."
I rolled my eyes, "Please stop calling me that."
"Would you rather that I call you Darling?"
I was quiet for a moment, "On second thought, Angel is fine," I blurted out that elicited his melodic laughter once more.
The tone of his laughter was very contagious and his expressions very genuine. I could not help but let out a small laugh.
"Let me show you my ship," he said.
I shook my head. "I will NOT board your ship," I clarified.
He looked at me and smiled. "That would not be a problem. I just wanted to show it to you," he said and led the way. "Humor me."
I followed his lead and we stopped before a ship with red, white, and blue sails. I scrunch my forehead. It was the first time I saw a ship with such colorful sails.
"Isn't she a beaut? She's Pioneer DES," he said ever so proudly.
I tried not to laugh but a chuckle escaped my lips. "Her name sounded like a Naval Ship more than a pirate's," I commented.
He nodded and grinned, "Exactly. That was what we were going for... to be discreet."
I turned to him disbelievingly. "Discreet? How could it be with such vibrant sails?"
Jeu nodded again. "Isn't it confusing? Now, just imagine how confused the enemy could get. Part of a strategy," he said and laughed.
I shook my head while smiling. What he said did not make any sense at all. "So, what are your plans?"
Jeu smiled, "Ah! I believe it is better to be spontaneous today. Shall we go back downtown and see what Shenz has to offer?"
"Very well, lead the way," I replied.
He grinned at me, "Lead the way? No. Let's walk side by side."
And thus, we walked. Jeu was a natural conversationalist. He knows how to keep our conversation going. He was humorous and honest. That's why from time to time, I noticed myself laughing at his antics. His facial expressions were very animated and the more he spoke to me, the more I became attentive and responsive.
We first looked at stalls on the streets of Shenz. Both of us were amazed with the products from different countries that had cultural values and meanings. We did not purchase anything though because most of them were very pricey for our taste. After that, we went to the target practice grounds. He was very impressed that I could hit the mark at ten meters perfectly. Then, it was lunch. Since we were very close to the port, we went to an eating house that was overlooking the sea.
"Isn't this place romantic?" he asked me and winked.
I groaned. "Oh please…"
He chuckled at my response. "You know, most women would appreciate the ambience."
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint. But, I am NOT most women."
"Who said I'm disappointed?" he said and called for the servitor. "What do you want to eat?"
SEAFOOD! Lots and lots of seafood! We had on our table an array of choices, from crabs, to prawns, to lobsters, to grilled fish and squid, to mussels… name it, we almost had it all.
Jeu grinned at me playfully. "I hope you're famished because we are not leaving this place until we finish this."
I chuckled and squinted my eyes, "Challenge accepted!"
And so we ate! We were halfway through the food but we could feel our stomachs almost to its limit. I had never done such outlandish behavior as this before. In Francua, even eating meals should be done with poise and elegance. At Labyrinth, I eat until I reach my fill but I still observe the basics of meal etiquette like finishing my food and asking for seconds politely. With Jeu, it's a different story. We were such gluttons! And I am enjoying every minute of it!
"Are you giving up yet?" Jeu asked.
I took a deep breath after devouring two more large prawns. "What happens if I do?"
Jeu looked at me and squinted, "We cannot waste food, Angel. Think of the people starving. How about we play a game? We can ask each other as many questions as we can depending on how much food we could finish."
I smiled and began eating again. After ten more prawns and five mussels, I stopped. "I am done, I could not eat any longer," I said.
Jeu laughed and munched on another lobster. "Alright, ask away?"
"Are you really a pirate?" I began.
He swallowed first before he answered, "You saw my ship. Yes, I am."
"Are you a savage pirate? Meaning, no mercy… pillage, plunder, loot?" I asked and looked at him seriously.
He gave me an honest smile, "We loot. We need money to survive after all. If we are attacked, we retaliate."
"So what's your story? Why did you become a pirate?"
"Atonement," he said and smiled.
"What do you mean?"
Jeu smiled at me, "I killed many people in the past. It was an order. After I was released from my commitment, I decided to be a pirate."
"Why piracy then?"
He sighed first then gave me a sad smile. "Trouble follows pirates wherever they go. I made myself believe that as long as I am in constant near death experiences, I would constantly feel the fear and horror of those I killed before they died."
I paused in silence because of his response. Then, I asked, "Were you an assassin before?"
Jeu nodded and continued, "You see, they say that I should just die because of what I did. But, I cannot just die. Dying is the easy way out. The blood on my hands would not be appeased if I die without a tremendous amount of suffering."
I scoffed, "If you ask me, your way of atonement is pathetic. Why don't you just help other people instead as repayment of what you had done?"
Jeu smiled at me, "I tried doing that. I was a wanderer for quite a while. But, every time I tried to help others, they suffered more."
"How so?"
"When I defended the weak, they died," he began and clenched his jaw. "Friends.. families of those that were hurt because I defended the weak would retaliate. In the end, it was a never-ending cycle of hatred and violence."
"But violence is connected with piracy."
"Does your crew know?"
Jeu nodded. "We all are trying to atone for something we did in the past. That's why we mastered all strategies of escape. We all agreed that we cannot die just yet. It will take more time before our sufferings have equated our sins."
I sighed. "Your crew is very melancholic. I believe you need redemption."
Jeu smiled again, "I was hopeful that YOU would be our redemption."
I shook my head without hesitation. "No, I couldn't be. I belong to Labyrinth. They're my family. They're my redemption."
Jeu looked at me with confusion. "You needed saving?"
I smiled. "I needed a purpose. And I found mine at Labyrinth."
Jeu gazed at me, "I cannot convince you otherwise?"
I shook my head again. "You'll find your redemption eventually. But, I am certain it will never be me."
Jeu sighed and he continued eating. Before we knew it, the food was gone. He asked me a couple of questions and I answered as carefully as I could, never divulging about my past and the reason why I ran away from home.
"So Darling is not your real name?"
I chuckled, "Who would name their child Darling?"
He laughed with me, "What is it then?"
I shook my head, "Nice try. If my crew mates who I considered my family do not know my real name, would you really think I would give it to you?"
Jeu shrugged his shoulders. "Why the secrecy?"
"It's a thing in my past that I would rather not go back to. I made a decision, I would not go back to the way I used to live."
Jeu looked at the sea, "We should get going. I will see to it that I enjoy every minute of my remaining time with you."
I chuckled, "Before we go, how did you know about Northeastern?"
He smiled, "From what I hear, Jacob is now the most wanted pirate. Beckforth wants his head. You should warn him about it, before it's too late."
"How did you know him?" I asked.
"By reputation… the navy captain who became a pirate… the one who resorted to piracy to give back to the helpless. He's a hero to the masses but an enemy to the nobles. You're in good hands."
I smiled, "True. That's why I will never leave Labyrinth."
Jeu smiled at me knowingly, "Makes me wonder, is it just because of the crew or someone more special?"
I blushed after Jeu said that and my mind pictured Jacob right away. Jeu laughed at my reaction.
"I should be really dropping you off back to Labyrinth," Jeu insisted. We were currently watching the sunset, standing on the wooden pier right beside his ship, Pioneer DES.
I shook my head. "No need. You said, your crew would be sailing off right away. Besides, I can take care of myself," I replied.
He tipped his hat at me and boarded Pioneer DES, "It was nice meeting you, Angel. It was a breath of fresh air and a great distraction from my 'melancholy'," he said and chuckled.
I nodded. I watched as his crew anchored up. The red, white, and blue sails picked up the wind and off they went, away from Repahook's territory. I smiled. Jeu was a great man. He should find his redemption soon.
"Good luck," I whispered in the air.
When the horizon swallowed them up, I began heading to Labyrinth. As I approached closer to the ship, I noticed Thaddaeus walking towards me.
"Where are you off to?" I could not help but ask.
He scratched his head, "I… I was about to get you, Miss Darling. I was worried that you were tempted to join Captain Jeu's crew."
I gave him a wide smile. "And leave the best ship engineer I've ever met? No way! Besides, I did not like the color of their sails. Red, white, and blue?"
Thaddaeus chuckled. "Let's go back Miss Darling," he said.
I nodded, "Let's go home."
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