Pirate Chronicles


Jacob gently took my hands off his face but held onto them. He gave me a worried gaze, "How many glasses did you drink?"

I narrowed my eyes and tried to remember. "I lost count on the fourth glass. But, if it makes you happy, I got two bottles. One of them is already empty and the other half-empty. How many glasses do you think that is?" I asked.

Jacob sighed, "Too much."

I giggled. "Really?! Aren't you proud of me, then? I think I'm building tolerance," I said and looked at my hands that he was holding.

"If you were building tolerance, you shouldn't have ended up in my room," he replied.

I pouted, "So you're not proud of me? But, the reason I came here is because I wanted to talk to you."

"Talk to me?" Jacob looked at me amused.

I nodded, "I was calling your name by the door. Oh wait… I was whispering so the others won't wake up. It's going to be scandalous if they see me in your room."

"Scandalous, huh?"

I nodded again. "Didn't you hear me calling? I was even knocking repeatedly."

"How are you feeling?" he asked me instead.

"Brave…" I replied almost immediately. "And… happy… really happy." I said then giggled. "See?"

Jacob chuckled, "I can see that."

I smiled, "You're not angry anymore. You laughed!"

Jacob's forehead creased, "Was that the reason you drank?"

After I said that, Jacob's voice became even more worried, "Are you feeling sick? I should call Gondro right away," he said and let my hands go. He began to step forward but I tugged his shirt to stop him.

"No! I'm not sick. I was… I was…" I frowned.

Jacob turned back to me and stared.

"I was… I was hurting here," I said and pounded on my chest.

"That's why we need Gondro to check on you," Jacob insisted.

I put my hands on my hips, "I said I was not sick!" I raised my voice but put my pointer finger on my lips right away. "Shh… they might hear you," I scolded myself.

I heard Jacob chuckle again. I looked up to him and narrowed my eyes, "Did you just laugh at me? Why are you being rude? I came here in peace! I wanted to talk to you! I want our fights to end!" I said and pushed him.

However, the force caused me to be off-balanced instead so I was tumbling backwards. I flapped my arms to regain balance and hopefully composure, but it was no use. I'm falling! I'm falling!

Jacob caught my wrist and pulled me, grabbing the back of my waist to help me restore balance. My other hand ended on his shoulder. I looked up to him and noticed the intensity of his gaze.

"You wanted us to stop fighting?" he asked me in a very soft voice.

I nodded slowly. His face in the dim light was really very hypnotic. I stared back at those dark eyes… those mesmerizing black eyes that always get me lost.

"Then, tell me. Why are you hurting?" he asked.

Those words triggered me to remember all the emotions I was feeling earlier. I clenched my free fist and pounded on his chest.

"Because of you!" I answered directly.

"That much I gather," he responded softly.

"And them…" I blurted out.

"Them?" Jacob asked curiously.

I nodded my head. "Them!" I unclenched my hand and began counting with my fingers . "Zivi, Namibel, Arella, Monika, and Carla! Them!"

Jacob chuckled and repeated what I said, "Them. What about them?"

I scoffed. "I'm jealous, silly! Can't you tell?! Especially with Monika and Carla!"

Jacob's eyes widened by my sudden admittance. When he recovered from his shock, he quickly told me, "I think we should talk about this after you're sober."

"No!" I replied instantaneously. "My mood might be sour again and we'll end up fighting. I don't like that."

"I promise, I'll be patient," he said.

I shook my head, "I have something to say to you tonight and I want you to listen. This could not wait."

"But you're drunk," he answered.


"You'll probably forget everything when you sobered up," he explained.

"No, I won't," I insisted.

"You're a stubborn drunk, do you know that?" he argued.

"Would you just listen to me? I am trying to tell you something important!" I persisted.

"I could see that. But, I think it's best if we talk about this when you are in your right mind," he said.

"I am in my right mind!" I argued.

Jacob looked at me unbelievingly. I nodded repeatedly as a response.

"If I'm not in my right mind, I wouldn't know what to say right now," I said and pointed at my temple in an attempt to convince him.

He was unconvinced. He was about to say something but I did not give him a chance. "Have you fallen for Monika?" I asked.

"No! Why would you ask that?" he said almost immediately.

I looked at him suspiciously, "Neville told me that you practice self control when you fall in love. Weren't you practicing tremendous self control with her? She did not end up on your bed like Zivi did."

Jacob chuckled in response which irritated me a bit.

"Stop laughing at me. If I'm wrong then why did you agree with her stupid plans to deceive me?"

"I only did that because you told me to help Carla with every means possible. As I have already explained, it's the only way to save Carla without suffering problematic consequences."

I rolled my eyes, "Carla, Carla, Carla!" I punched him on the chest one time. "You looked at her ever so gently. Why is that, huh? Maybe she's the one that you have fallen for!" I accused him.

Jacob gave me a faint smile. That scared me at the same time hurt me. He cannot fall for her! I'll do everything in my power so he forgets about her!

"Is it true?! Have you fallen for Carla?! Why? Because she's a damsel in distress? Because her father forced her to marry the sultan? Because she ran away?" My questions were coming out unstoppable.

Jacob was about to reply but I did not let him talk. I jabbed my finger on his muscular chest, " Well… Jacob, let me tell you, SO. HAVE. I! My father also arranged my betrothal to someone and before they could finalize the arrangement, I ran away." I stared him down before I continued, "Now, do you find me attractive?"

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