Pirate Chronicles


We have been rowing for about a couple of minutes already and still we have not seen any landforms. The fog would not let up as well. It was just then that I felt the cold and I shivered.

"Wabi, come here and take the oars," Jacob ordered.

Wabi obeyed and switched places with Jacob. Jacob sat beside me. He was about to put his arms around me because I was cold but stopped midway. All of the crew's prying eyes were on us.

Urdel cleared his throat. "I'm cold too, Captain," he teased.

Jacob put his arms down and scooted closer to me instead. He gave Urdel a warning look.

"You want me to put my arms around you, brother?" Thom suggested but his eyes were on us.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him. He giggled. Urdel pretended to shiver, "Sure, brother. But, I think Captain's arms were warmer," he said and waggled his eyebrows at me.

Zaki joined in his brothers' teasing, "Were they, Miss Darling? Captain's arms? Were they warm?"

That did it. All of them hooted and cheered. I hid my face in my palms in embarrassment.

"How did you end up in Jacob's room, Darling?" Neville asked. I looked at him and he smirked. He has always been sooooo outspoken.

Then, it was Puma's turn. "What happened INSIDE the Captain's room is what I am wondering about?"

Everyone cheered again. I put my hand on the side of my face in a dire attempt to hide my chagrin and at the same time massage my temple. I could feel my headache coming back.

"Captain, did you finally sort everything out with Miss Darling?" I widened my eyes at Thaddaeus. I could not believe that he too would join the teasing.

Paco cleared his throat, "Did you kiss and make up?" he asked.

I gawked at Paco. His candor surprised me! Paco beamed at me in response.

"Leave her alone," Jacob finally said in my defense.

Paco smirked at him. "I wasn't asking Darling. I was asking you. About time for you to settle down, you know," he replied.

Gondro chuckled and shook his head, "You walked right into that one, Captain."

Jacob shook his head. "Last time I checked, I'm still the Captain. Why treat me with such disrespect?" He tried to be clever and use his position to put an end to the teasing. But instead, it lit the fire more.

"That's why we are inquiring with UTMOST respect, Captain," Fifer replied which received a two thumbs up from Tibet.

"Come on, boy. Answer our questions," Paco said again this time using his fatherly tone. "Did you kiss and make up?"

I cleared my throat and decided to sass. "Those inquiries were an invasion of privacy. Don't you think so? I mean why would we tell you that we kissed? What is it to you?" I thought I was being clever. But boy, was I wrong!

"So, they did kiss!" Laurel exclaimed. Everyone hooted once more.

"I did NOT say that!" I argued and turned to Jacob for support but he smiled at me helplessly.

"You did say it," Jacob replied softly.

I was quiet for a while and tried to recall what just came out of my mouth a few seconds ago. I groaned. I DID say 'WE KISSED'. The crew clapped their hands and cheered.

"Quiet down! Settle down!" Lowen spoke. He was clearly up to something so everyone listened in an instant. "This means that Captain Jacob is spoken for. No more inviting him to taverns with lovely wenches." The crew cheered again.

Jacob shook his head again. He crossed his arms and proclaimed, "No one is allowed to pat, touch, hug, joke around, play with, look at, or even smile at Darling without my permission."

Everyone quieted down almost immediately. I looked at him and arched my brow. "You've got to be kidding me," I said. Jacob winked at me. He was obviously teasing.

"Permission to talk to her, sir?" Sandlot saluted which everyone followed in an instant.

Paco laughed, "What say you, Captain? Permission granted?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please, as if I'll obey that nonsensical order of his. It's ridiculous!"

"Oooooohhhh… Captain is ridiculous!" Tibet responded.

"I mean it though. Watch your grimy hands," Jacob insisted.

Neville beamed, "Ah! Young love! Must be nice!"

"But Captain, you haven't answered any of our questions just yet?" Puma persisted.

"I will NOT answer any of those intrusive questions. I do NOT kiss and tell," Jacob replied.

"Confirmed! They kissed! They kissed!" Laurel said while clapping his hands.

"I'm about this close to shooting you all," Jacob said and showed how close he meant with his fingers. It was about an inch.

Paco laughed out loud. I chuckled. I had never seen him this blissful, "Humor us, boy. Who gave in?"

Jacob looked at me defeated. He sighed, "They won't stop. It's up to you what information you want to give out. I'll support you even in silence."

I sighed, "I will only divulge one tiny bit of information and after this I expect everyone to not talk about this anymore or I'll help Jacob shoot you all," I threatened loosely.

Just like obedient little children, they simultaneously quieted down and prepared to listen to what I had to say. I shook my head again in disbelief.

"RUM. I got drunk. There," I said.

The crew's cheers pierced through the melancholy of a foggy day and for a moment we had forgotten the dilemma of us losing Labyrinth. So, I made it my responsibility to rain down on their parade.

I scoffed, "Just so you all know. We are still in the middle of nowhere rowing our boats. AND I hope you did not forget that we are against pirate ghosts who stole our ship. How are we going to solve this problem, hmm? Anyone?"

"How far are we to the next island, Elgo?" Jacob asked him.

I scrunch my forehead. Elgo, who was also one of the loudest in the bunch, was quiet the whole time. He looked at Jacob worriedly. "Do we really have to dock on this island?"

We all looked at him, "Why? Is something wrong?" Lowen asked seriously.

Elgo sighed, "One more mile to the east and we dock at the Ghost Island. I heard it's cursed. Those pirates, I believe they came from there."

Jacob asked, "How far is the next one?"

Elgo sighed again, "I'm afraid not for 30 more leagues."

"We don't really have any other choice, do we?" I asked.

Everyone shook their heads. What a day?!

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