Pirate Chronicles
"Henrietta!" Neville let go of their embrace after hearing Don Salvadore's voice. "Henrietta, where are you?" it was the Don again.
"I'm in my study, father," she replied. Neville quickly stepped away from her.
The Don opened the door of her study and stated right away, "I've found you a match. You will marry General Mirez of Fildas. The wedding will happen in two weeks as he wanted to go back to Fildas right away. Isn't that great?"
Henrietta scrunched her forehead, "But Father, who will manage our household's finances?"
"Oh don't you worry about that dear. Neville is still here anyways," he said. "I am so happy for you. I cannot wait to see you get married," he added and smiled.
Neville clenched his fists. He knows that even though they love each other, it was useless. The Don already promised her to a general. He quietly excused himself and left. His heart began to shatter in pieces. He did not see the yearning look on Henrietta's face when he walked out the door of her study.
As the days neared to the wedding date, Neville resorted to avoiding Henrietta at all cost. The wedding preparations were killing him softly. Imagining the woman that he loves in the arms of another man was torture enough. He could not do anything, though. If he would, what then? What kind of life will he offer Henrietta? He did not have any property or wealth. General Mirez was the better man suited for her, he kept convincing himself.
On the other hand, Henrietta tried her hardest to get Neville's attention. But, every time she had an opportunity of alone time with her, Neville would look at her sadly and walk away. She desired to talk to him but he avoided her all the time.
Two days before the wedding, Henrietta made it possible for them to be alone. She convinced her father that it would be the last time she would manage the finances so she wanted the transfer of responsibility to Neville to be smooth as possible. They went downtown to look at some household documents. On the way back home, it was just the two of them, Neville driving the carriage and inside, Henrietta.
"Neville, stop," Henrietta commanded as they reached a place overlooking the ocean.
"I beg your pardon, Miss?" Neville slowed down.
Henrietta replied a little louder, "I said, STOP! I want to see the ocean before I go to Fildas."
Neville obeyed. Henrietta immediately went down the carriage and walked towards the cliff overlooking the sea. Neville closed his eyes. He did not have a choice but to follow her. Aside from it being his responsibility, he did not want her to get hurt. The waves crashing by the cliffs were not the most gentle. What if she slipped and fell?
Neville walked behind her and kept his distance. Henrietta stopped. Neville saw her clenched her fists and then turned around. Her eyes brimming with tears. Neville held his breath. Those tears!!! They were always his weakness. He stepped forward and with shaking hands wiped her tears away.
"Why?" she asked. "I thought after we talked, everything would be alright between us? But, would you not fight for me?"
Neville smiled at her sadly, "And then what? I do not have anything to offer you. I am but a butler," he said.
Henrietta chuckled, "I believe you're underestimating me a bit. I am not like any other noblewomen out there. I know how to manage a household regardless of who I marry-- noble or middle class. I do not need all those luxuries, I just wanted to be with the one that I love."
"Henrietta, I--"
She smiled as a response and bridged the gap between their faces. Neville pulled her tighter and held her face. After the kiss, she held his hands. "Would you really let me marry General Mirez in two days?"
Neville closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened them, he asked, "Would you be willing to marry me instead?"
Henrietta beamed and nodded, "Yes."
"Your father will be furious about this," Neville told her the truth.
"Are you afraid of him?" she asked.
Neville shook his head and then kissed her hand. "I am afraid that I won't be able to give you the future you deserve," he replied.
Henrietta embraced him and rested her head on his chest, "Whatever future it is, as long as I am with you, I'd be happy. We'll face it together. In thick or thin, I will always be faithful to you," she answered.
Neville locked her in his embrace and kissed her hair, "Your father will not approve," he said another truth.
Henrietta sighed and released herself from his embrace. She gazed into his eyes, "Let's run away together. Tomorrow, meet me here and we'll leave Igari," she said seriously.
Neville held her face in his hands, "Are you sure about this? Will you not regret it?"
Henrietta nodded, "I am sure and I would never regret loving you," she answered.
"Alright, tomorrow then. In this place."
They shared another kiss before they decided to go home.
That night, Neville made sure that preparations for their departure in the morning were up and running. He bought a buggy from a friend that they could use to leave Igari. On his way back to the manor, he was intercepted by two men. One of them hit the back of his head and knocked him out.
When he finally came to, he realized he was in a dungeon. His hands tied up the ceiling. Don Santiago was in front of him.
"How dare you?" he said and hit Neville with his walking stick. "Henrietta does not deserve the likes of you! You are just a butler!"
Neville looked at his master. He never saw him this furious. How did he find out about them?
Don Santiago, seeing his confusion replied, "Do you think I would not notice? Do you think I'm a fool?" He held his face and delivered a punch to his gut. "Answer me boy! Is this how you repay me after I employed you?"
Neville met his gaze, "I…I love…. your daughter," he said.
"LOVE?! Can your love feed her? Clothe her? Give her all the luxuries she's used to?" Don Santiago replied and then ordered his men to beat him up.
Neville felt the pain of every punch and every kick. But, nothing hurt more than the truth that he would not be able to be with the one he loves. When Don Santiago finally told his men to stop, he was bleeding and bruised all over.
"This punishment? You brought it upon yourself the moment you laid your eyes upon my daughter. I am not done with you, Neville," he began.
Neville, even if it was difficult, lifted his head to look at the nobleman in the eye. He wanted to be angry but for what? The Don was doing this because he loves his daughter. He understood that. After all, he also wanted what was best for Henrietta.
"Tomorrow, when Henrietta waits for you and you do not show up, she will think that you are a coward and that you do not really love her," he said. Neville's eyes began to tear up but the old man continued, "she will come back to us and finally get married on her own free will."
Neville coughed up because of his injuries. But it was not over, the Don continued to tell him of his punishment, "From a distance, you will watch her wed General Mirez so you will remember not to want something that does not belong to you."
Neville groaned in pain not just from his physical injuries but most especially because his heart was broken. "I am not done Neville," Don Santiago kept on, his eyes tearing as well, "You have to understand, you forced me to do this. I have to ensure that you will not be seen by my daughter forever. You have to die. I ordered my men to burn you alive," he said then left.
Neville closed his eyes. He might be dead after the wedding but one thing he was sure of, he would never regret loving Henrietta.
The next day, Henrietta waited for Neville to come, clueless of his current circumstances. She waited for hours and then… her heart shattered for the first time when Neville did not show up. When she came back home, her father read Neville's resignation letter to the family.
That night, she cried herself to sleep. She did not know why Neville broke his promise. All she knew was that he did and because of that, she had to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart and move on. Maybe, she would learn to love General Mirez and become a dutiful wife to him.
On the day of the wedding, Neville was dragged out of the dungeon and was cleaned and changed so he could witness it in person. He has chains on his hands and feet but they were hidden to be discreet. He was made to sit at the far left end of the church so he would see clearly what was going on but Henrietta would not. Don Santiago's secret guards sat beside and behind him. One of them pointed a gun to his side so he could not do anything.
With that, the ceremony began. Neville's tears slowly trickled down his face as the bride entered the church. He smiled sadly. She was as beautiful as he pictured her to be. As she passed by and headed to her groom, Neville closed his eyes. His thoughts wander to their few moments together. Their memories that he intended to keep to his death.
"If anyone objects to this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest announced. Neville opened his eyes immediately.
"Don't you dare," one of the guards said and reminded him of the gun pointed to his side.
Neville watched quietly as the ceremony continued. There were moments where he would gaze at her, forever engraving in his mind the image of her. And, there were moments where he would look down, not wanting to see her in the arms of another man.
"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the priest finally said.
Neville held his breath. He watched as General Mirez unveiled Henrietta. Henrietta gave him a respectful smile. The general smiled at her as well before bridging the gap between their lips. The guests cheered, Neville closed his eyes.
"Good bye, my love," he muttered and looked away when the newlyweds passed by his direction.
The guards waited until there were no more people in the church before they dragged him to a carriage. Two of them tossed him inside and stayed with him and the other two drove. It was about a thirty minute drive before the carriage stopped. The guards dragged him down.
The guards took him to the very same spot he promised Henrietta they would meet. He smiled sadly. 'How long did she wait for me?' he couldn't help but wonder.
The guards continued to drag him until they were next to the cliff. One of them doused him with gasoline and the other one lit a fire. Neville began to tremble at the thoughts of his nearing death.
"Our apologies mate, we were just ordered to do this," he said and tossed the fire to his direction.
The fire quickly spread on the right side of his body. One of the guards took pity on him and kicked him off the cliff to the sea. Neville closed his eyes. He thought of Henrietta. She will be his last memory before he dies.
I couldn't help but give Neville a tight hug after he told me his story. I started to sob. He patted my back like how a father would and let out a chuckle, "Now… now… no need to cry. It's over now, that happened ten years ago," he said.
I released him from the hug to wipe my tears, "How did you survive?" I couldn't help but ask.
Neville looked back to the sea, "It was grace… I was really sure that I died. But, I woke up and I was in the fishing village of Hibu," he continued. "The villagers nursed me back to health. When I recovered, they asked who I am but I thought it was better if nobody knew that I lived so I told them I couldn't remember."
He nodded, "Yes, they were from the fire. A constant reminder of what had happened ten years ago."
"Have you any news of Henrietta?" I asked.
"From what I gather, she is living happily with the general. He turned out to be a very principled man… I don't think he is one of the corrupt people in Beckforth. I mean, Henrietta would not allow that," he answered.
I wanted to know. "Henrietta… did… did she ever know what happened to you?"
Neville looked at me and shook his head, " I do not think so and I would not prefer it otherwise."
I frowned. "Why not? She should know," I replied.
Neville took a deep breath and smiled at me again. His face at peace. "I've always wanted her to live a better life and as long as she does, what more could I ask for? I love her that much," he said.
"You are a wonderful man, Neville," I said and smiled at him.
"Thank you," he said and beamed.
"But how did you end up with Labyrinth?" I was suddenly curious.
He laughed. It was so nice to see him back to his old self. "Oh that is a funny story," he said.
I couldn't help but to laugh with him. His laughter was contagious! "I'm dying to hear it," I responded.
"Alright. So after I left the fishing village, I worked from one restaurant to another. You see, because of Henrietta, I became a great cook…" he began.
I rested my face on the palms of my hands as I eagerly listened, "And then?"
"So I was working at this restaurant," he paused, "what was the name of it?" he tried to remember. "Oh… Nika's. There…. One day, Jacob came and ordered food, I think that was six or seven years ago. He barely started being a pirate. You see Jacob is seen as a hero so he was obviously welcomed everywhere," he said then laughed, "Not Beckforth!" he laughed again.
I love seeing Neville cheerful. I was so happy he moved on and at peace.
"He was eating a dish I prepared and he liked it. He literally begged me to come to Labyrinth with him. Of course I said, no. But Jacob was persistent. Everyday he came back… everyday he pleaded… everyday HE BOTHERED me and my employer until my employer couldn't take it anymore and fired me," he scratched his head.
"Oh my goodness!" I said.
"I'm glad I accepted Jacob's offer, though. He became like a son that I never had. Taking care of him and his crew has been a pleasure," he said smiling. "Now that I think about it, there are two things I would never regret. One, loving Henrietta and two, meeting Jacob."
I sighed and looked away.
"How about you?" Neville asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked and turned back.
"Do you regret meeting Jacob?" Leave it to Neville to ask questions candidly.
I looked at him and thought of an answer but I said the truth. I cannot lie to Neville after he told me his truths, "No.. I don't."
"Are you happy?" he asked again.
"Yes," I said, "I'm happy I get to know you and the rest… and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't."
He smiled, "Then, why are you glum? Why are you so irritated?" he asked again.
I looked away and pouted. I do not want to answer that question. I will never admit that I am irritated because Jacob was giving all his attention to Zivi. I will not tell anyone how bothered I am when I hear the noises they make in the room next door. I just won't!
Neville laughed, "Do you know why I told you my story?"
I turned back to him and shook my head. "Why did you?"
"Because there is one thing I learned from that experience..." he said then paused for a dramatic effect.
I rubbed my nose a bit impatient, "Which was?"
"You have to be honest with what you feel. Do not tarry. You see if I had been honest from the very beginning then my time with Henrietta might have been longer. But, I stalled. I refused to give in. Don Santiago was not a bad man. If I had told him the truth, maybe it had ended differently," he answered.
I was quiet. "What I am trying to say, Miss Darling, is, you have to tell Captain Jacob that you are irritated. You have to be honest. I believe he's waiting for you to tell him something."
"But he would use that information to make fun of me," I retorted.
Neville laughed, "Why don't you give him a benefit of a doubt? Surely, he might use this to tease you but at the same time, your irritation will stop. What would you prefer? Jacob teasing you? Or being endlessly irritated?"
I couldn't answer.
"I will leave you to make a decision," he said then began walking away, "Ah! Young love… must be nice," he added when he was a few paces away.
I shook my head and turned back to the sea. The wind swept my hair away. "What do I prefer?" I asked myself.
That night, I couldn't sleep again! Of course Zivi was with Jacob and the sounds they were making were aggravating!!! She was giggling senseless! I HAD IT! THIS IS IT! I HAD ENOUGH! I took a deep breath and I did not care if they got mad at me after.
They stopped. "I think you have to go home." It was Jacob's voice. Zivi maybe agreed because I heard the door opening and vanishing footsteps afterward.
"THANK YOU!" I took a deep breath. "Finally," I muttered and closed my eyes.
After a few seconds, I heard, "SORRY!" It was Jacob. "GOOD NIGHT, DARLING!"
I shook my head and smiled. That night, I slept well. A decision made: Tomorrow, I will have to talk to Jacob.
After breakfast the next morning, the whole crew stayed to clean the ship. Zivi did not come either. She was probably embarrassed from last night. Hmmph!!! I do not care!!!
I looked for Jacob. I was determined to honestly tell him what I feel. I saw him by the wheel in front of my room and his. With my heart pounding, I quickly took my steps before my sanity took over and stopped me from what I was about to do.
Noticing my approach, Jacob turned towards me and smiled, "Good morn---"
I clenched my fists and started hitting his shoulder before he could continue what he was about to say. Naturally, he raised his arms in a defensive pose but that did not stop me from hitting him.
He scrunched his forehead and looked at me confused, and I think he was a bit angry. I mean, who wouldn't be? I started just hitting him without an explanation. He tried to catch my clenched fists and said, "That hurts, woman! What do you think you're do--"
"You said I can hit you when I am irritated!" I immediately cut him off and continued to hit him.
After hearing what I said, he stopped defending himself and faced my hits head on. Jacob let me hit and punch his chest and arms until I got my fill. Then, still panting, I looked at him. To my amazement, he was smiling at me. I got irritated again and punched him again.
He chuckled and caught my fist. "What made you this upset?" he asked.
Here it is. I couldn't control my emotions anymore, "You!!! Zivi!!! It irritates me when she's here! I do not like it! I hate it when she is around you! I hate it when she leans on you! I hate it when you look at her and give her your attention!" There I said it. I took deep breaths after and looked at him. I know I'm as red as a tomato. I was very embarrassed by my sudden outburst.
Jacob smiled at me, "Does that mean you want me to be yours?"
I shook my head right away, "No! That's not what I meant! You are not a thing!" I answered.
"You know what I mean," Jacob replied and looked at me. His eyes softened. "If you do not want me to be yours, then why are you so irritated?" he asked.
He had a valid point. I shook my head. My frustration level was going up. "I do not know! I do not understand it either!" I said. "I am just telling you what I honestly feel! That I am irritated! I do not like women around you and I do not like you giving them any attention!" I tried to explain.
Jacob nodded. He took a strand of my hair and twirled it in his hand, "Alright…" he said softly.
His gestures somehow calmed me. "What do you mean, 'alright'?" I asked him.
"I get it. I understand," he said then kissed the strand of my hair that he was twirling just a second ago.
I held my breath. "I do not want to be yours," I said.
Jacob chuckled, "I know, you already told me that."
"I do not want you to be mine, either," I told him again.
He nodded his head, "I know."
"And I cannot explain why I am irritated… I don't know why myself, either--" I said but he put his pointer finger on top of my lips to quiet me down.
He leaned closer to me so we were eye to eye. "I know. I understand.. I get it," he said then turned to the crew. "Time to sail away, men!" he called out and took hold of the wheel.
"We're finally leaving?" Zaki asked.
Jacob nodded and looked at my direction, "I do not want Darling to be irritated anymore," he said and winked.
I rolled my eyes. I knew it! He will use this against me… to make fun of me again! But the truth, I'd rather have him tease me than see women flirting around him and him giving them his attention.
"Up anchor!!!!" Jacob called.
"Aye! Aye! Captain!" Thom and Urdel began to pull the anchor up. They gave him a signal when it was up.
"Trim the sails!" Jacob called "To the west we go!"
Thaddaeus announced, "We're sailing upwind, captain!" he said after looking at the telltales.
"Elgo, look for flatter water!" Jacob called as he steered left.
"Aye, captain!" Elgo replied.
And so, we sailed again, finally away from Iwahi. I let out a sigh of relief. Jacob looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Neville was right. It pays to be honest. I looked around as the crew continued to maneuver Labyrinth around for our next journey. Jacob at the wheel, Elgo at the crow's nest, Sandlot, Zaki, Urdel, and Thom at the ratlines, Lowen, Gondro, and Paco at the gunport, and Puma, Wabi, Laurel, Fifer, and Tibet trimming the sails with Thaddaeus directing them. My eyes caught Neville who raised his coconut juice at me while smiling knowingly. I chuckled.
Ahhh Labyrinth, our home at sea! How did these pirates get their hands on this ship, anyways?
"I'm in my study, father," she replied. Neville quickly stepped away from her.
The Don opened the door of her study and stated right away, "I've found you a match. You will marry General Mirez of Fildas. The wedding will happen in two weeks as he wanted to go back to Fildas right away. Isn't that great?"
Henrietta scrunched her forehead, "But Father, who will manage our household's finances?"
"Oh don't you worry about that dear. Neville is still here anyways," he said. "I am so happy for you. I cannot wait to see you get married," he added and smiled.
Neville clenched his fists. He knows that even though they love each other, it was useless. The Don already promised her to a general. He quietly excused himself and left. His heart began to shatter in pieces. He did not see the yearning look on Henrietta's face when he walked out the door of her study.
As the days neared to the wedding date, Neville resorted to avoiding Henrietta at all cost. The wedding preparations were killing him softly. Imagining the woman that he loves in the arms of another man was torture enough. He could not do anything, though. If he would, what then? What kind of life will he offer Henrietta? He did not have any property or wealth. General Mirez was the better man suited for her, he kept convincing himself.
On the other hand, Henrietta tried her hardest to get Neville's attention. But, every time she had an opportunity of alone time with her, Neville would look at her sadly and walk away. She desired to talk to him but he avoided her all the time.
Two days before the wedding, Henrietta made it possible for them to be alone. She convinced her father that it would be the last time she would manage the finances so she wanted the transfer of responsibility to Neville to be smooth as possible. They went downtown to look at some household documents. On the way back home, it was just the two of them, Neville driving the carriage and inside, Henrietta.
"Neville, stop," Henrietta commanded as they reached a place overlooking the ocean.
"I beg your pardon, Miss?" Neville slowed down.
Henrietta replied a little louder, "I said, STOP! I want to see the ocean before I go to Fildas."
Neville obeyed. Henrietta immediately went down the carriage and walked towards the cliff overlooking the sea. Neville closed his eyes. He did not have a choice but to follow her. Aside from it being his responsibility, he did not want her to get hurt. The waves crashing by the cliffs were not the most gentle. What if she slipped and fell?
Neville walked behind her and kept his distance. Henrietta stopped. Neville saw her clenched her fists and then turned around. Her eyes brimming with tears. Neville held his breath. Those tears!!! They were always his weakness. He stepped forward and with shaking hands wiped her tears away.
"Why?" she asked. "I thought after we talked, everything would be alright between us? But, would you not fight for me?"
Neville smiled at her sadly, "And then what? I do not have anything to offer you. I am but a butler," he said.
Henrietta chuckled, "I believe you're underestimating me a bit. I am not like any other noblewomen out there. I know how to manage a household regardless of who I marry-- noble or middle class. I do not need all those luxuries, I just wanted to be with the one that I love."
"Henrietta, I--"
She smiled as a response and bridged the gap between their faces. Neville pulled her tighter and held her face. After the kiss, she held his hands. "Would you really let me marry General Mirez in two days?"
Neville closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened them, he asked, "Would you be willing to marry me instead?"
Henrietta beamed and nodded, "Yes."
"Your father will be furious about this," Neville told her the truth.
"Are you afraid of him?" she asked.
Neville shook his head and then kissed her hand. "I am afraid that I won't be able to give you the future you deserve," he replied.
Henrietta embraced him and rested her head on his chest, "Whatever future it is, as long as I am with you, I'd be happy. We'll face it together. In thick or thin, I will always be faithful to you," she answered.
Neville locked her in his embrace and kissed her hair, "Your father will not approve," he said another truth.
Henrietta sighed and released herself from his embrace. She gazed into his eyes, "Let's run away together. Tomorrow, meet me here and we'll leave Igari," she said seriously.
Neville held her face in his hands, "Are you sure about this? Will you not regret it?"
Henrietta nodded, "I am sure and I would never regret loving you," she answered.
"Alright, tomorrow then. In this place."
They shared another kiss before they decided to go home.
That night, Neville made sure that preparations for their departure in the morning were up and running. He bought a buggy from a friend that they could use to leave Igari. On his way back to the manor, he was intercepted by two men. One of them hit the back of his head and knocked him out.
When he finally came to, he realized he was in a dungeon. His hands tied up the ceiling. Don Santiago was in front of him.
"How dare you?" he said and hit Neville with his walking stick. "Henrietta does not deserve the likes of you! You are just a butler!"
Neville looked at his master. He never saw him this furious. How did he find out about them?
Don Santiago, seeing his confusion replied, "Do you think I would not notice? Do you think I'm a fool?" He held his face and delivered a punch to his gut. "Answer me boy! Is this how you repay me after I employed you?"
Neville met his gaze, "I…I love…. your daughter," he said.
"LOVE?! Can your love feed her? Clothe her? Give her all the luxuries she's used to?" Don Santiago replied and then ordered his men to beat him up.
Neville felt the pain of every punch and every kick. But, nothing hurt more than the truth that he would not be able to be with the one he loves. When Don Santiago finally told his men to stop, he was bleeding and bruised all over.
"This punishment? You brought it upon yourself the moment you laid your eyes upon my daughter. I am not done with you, Neville," he began.
Neville, even if it was difficult, lifted his head to look at the nobleman in the eye. He wanted to be angry but for what? The Don was doing this because he loves his daughter. He understood that. After all, he also wanted what was best for Henrietta.
"Tomorrow, when Henrietta waits for you and you do not show up, she will think that you are a coward and that you do not really love her," he said. Neville's eyes began to tear up but the old man continued, "she will come back to us and finally get married on her own free will."
Neville coughed up because of his injuries. But it was not over, the Don continued to tell him of his punishment, "From a distance, you will watch her wed General Mirez so you will remember not to want something that does not belong to you."
Neville groaned in pain not just from his physical injuries but most especially because his heart was broken. "I am not done Neville," Don Santiago kept on, his eyes tearing as well, "You have to understand, you forced me to do this. I have to ensure that you will not be seen by my daughter forever. You have to die. I ordered my men to burn you alive," he said then left.
Neville closed his eyes. He might be dead after the wedding but one thing he was sure of, he would never regret loving Henrietta.
The next day, Henrietta waited for Neville to come, clueless of his current circumstances. She waited for hours and then… her heart shattered for the first time when Neville did not show up. When she came back home, her father read Neville's resignation letter to the family.
That night, she cried herself to sleep. She did not know why Neville broke his promise. All she knew was that he did and because of that, she had to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart and move on. Maybe, she would learn to love General Mirez and become a dutiful wife to him.
On the day of the wedding, Neville was dragged out of the dungeon and was cleaned and changed so he could witness it in person. He has chains on his hands and feet but they were hidden to be discreet. He was made to sit at the far left end of the church so he would see clearly what was going on but Henrietta would not. Don Santiago's secret guards sat beside and behind him. One of them pointed a gun to his side so he could not do anything.
With that, the ceremony began. Neville's tears slowly trickled down his face as the bride entered the church. He smiled sadly. She was as beautiful as he pictured her to be. As she passed by and headed to her groom, Neville closed his eyes. His thoughts wander to their few moments together. Their memories that he intended to keep to his death.
"If anyone objects to this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest announced. Neville opened his eyes immediately.
"Don't you dare," one of the guards said and reminded him of the gun pointed to his side.
Neville watched quietly as the ceremony continued. There were moments where he would gaze at her, forever engraving in his mind the image of her. And, there were moments where he would look down, not wanting to see her in the arms of another man.
"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the priest finally said.
Neville held his breath. He watched as General Mirez unveiled Henrietta. Henrietta gave him a respectful smile. The general smiled at her as well before bridging the gap between their lips. The guests cheered, Neville closed his eyes.
"Good bye, my love," he muttered and looked away when the newlyweds passed by his direction.
The guards waited until there were no more people in the church before they dragged him to a carriage. Two of them tossed him inside and stayed with him and the other two drove. It was about a thirty minute drive before the carriage stopped. The guards dragged him down.
The guards took him to the very same spot he promised Henrietta they would meet. He smiled sadly. 'How long did she wait for me?' he couldn't help but wonder.
The guards continued to drag him until they were next to the cliff. One of them doused him with gasoline and the other one lit a fire. Neville began to tremble at the thoughts of his nearing death.
"Our apologies mate, we were just ordered to do this," he said and tossed the fire to his direction.
The fire quickly spread on the right side of his body. One of the guards took pity on him and kicked him off the cliff to the sea. Neville closed his eyes. He thought of Henrietta. She will be his last memory before he dies.
I couldn't help but give Neville a tight hug after he told me his story. I started to sob. He patted my back like how a father would and let out a chuckle, "Now… now… no need to cry. It's over now, that happened ten years ago," he said.
I released him from the hug to wipe my tears, "How did you survive?" I couldn't help but ask.
Neville looked back to the sea, "It was grace… I was really sure that I died. But, I woke up and I was in the fishing village of Hibu," he continued. "The villagers nursed me back to health. When I recovered, they asked who I am but I thought it was better if nobody knew that I lived so I told them I couldn't remember."
He nodded, "Yes, they were from the fire. A constant reminder of what had happened ten years ago."
"Have you any news of Henrietta?" I asked.
"From what I gather, she is living happily with the general. He turned out to be a very principled man… I don't think he is one of the corrupt people in Beckforth. I mean, Henrietta would not allow that," he answered.
I wanted to know. "Henrietta… did… did she ever know what happened to you?"
Neville looked at me and shook his head, " I do not think so and I would not prefer it otherwise."
I frowned. "Why not? She should know," I replied.
Neville took a deep breath and smiled at me again. His face at peace. "I've always wanted her to live a better life and as long as she does, what more could I ask for? I love her that much," he said.
"You are a wonderful man, Neville," I said and smiled at him.
"Thank you," he said and beamed.
"But how did you end up with Labyrinth?" I was suddenly curious.
He laughed. It was so nice to see him back to his old self. "Oh that is a funny story," he said.
I couldn't help but to laugh with him. His laughter was contagious! "I'm dying to hear it," I responded.
"Alright. So after I left the fishing village, I worked from one restaurant to another. You see, because of Henrietta, I became a great cook…" he began.
I rested my face on the palms of my hands as I eagerly listened, "And then?"
"So I was working at this restaurant," he paused, "what was the name of it?" he tried to remember. "Oh… Nika's. There…. One day, Jacob came and ordered food, I think that was six or seven years ago. He barely started being a pirate. You see Jacob is seen as a hero so he was obviously welcomed everywhere," he said then laughed, "Not Beckforth!" he laughed again.
I love seeing Neville cheerful. I was so happy he moved on and at peace.
"He was eating a dish I prepared and he liked it. He literally begged me to come to Labyrinth with him. Of course I said, no. But Jacob was persistent. Everyday he came back… everyday he pleaded… everyday HE BOTHERED me and my employer until my employer couldn't take it anymore and fired me," he scratched his head.
"Oh my goodness!" I said.
"I'm glad I accepted Jacob's offer, though. He became like a son that I never had. Taking care of him and his crew has been a pleasure," he said smiling. "Now that I think about it, there are two things I would never regret. One, loving Henrietta and two, meeting Jacob."
I sighed and looked away.
"How about you?" Neville asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked and turned back.
"Do you regret meeting Jacob?" Leave it to Neville to ask questions candidly.
I looked at him and thought of an answer but I said the truth. I cannot lie to Neville after he told me his truths, "No.. I don't."
"Are you happy?" he asked again.
"Yes," I said, "I'm happy I get to know you and the rest… and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't."
He smiled, "Then, why are you glum? Why are you so irritated?" he asked again.
I looked away and pouted. I do not want to answer that question. I will never admit that I am irritated because Jacob was giving all his attention to Zivi. I will not tell anyone how bothered I am when I hear the noises they make in the room next door. I just won't!
Neville laughed, "Do you know why I told you my story?"
I turned back to him and shook my head. "Why did you?"
"Because there is one thing I learned from that experience..." he said then paused for a dramatic effect.
I rubbed my nose a bit impatient, "Which was?"
"You have to be honest with what you feel. Do not tarry. You see if I had been honest from the very beginning then my time with Henrietta might have been longer. But, I stalled. I refused to give in. Don Santiago was not a bad man. If I had told him the truth, maybe it had ended differently," he answered.
I was quiet. "What I am trying to say, Miss Darling, is, you have to tell Captain Jacob that you are irritated. You have to be honest. I believe he's waiting for you to tell him something."
"But he would use that information to make fun of me," I retorted.
Neville laughed, "Why don't you give him a benefit of a doubt? Surely, he might use this to tease you but at the same time, your irritation will stop. What would you prefer? Jacob teasing you? Or being endlessly irritated?"
I couldn't answer.
"I will leave you to make a decision," he said then began walking away, "Ah! Young love… must be nice," he added when he was a few paces away.
I shook my head and turned back to the sea. The wind swept my hair away. "What do I prefer?" I asked myself.
That night, I couldn't sleep again! Of course Zivi was with Jacob and the sounds they were making were aggravating!!! She was giggling senseless! I HAD IT! THIS IS IT! I HAD ENOUGH! I took a deep breath and I did not care if they got mad at me after.
They stopped. "I think you have to go home." It was Jacob's voice. Zivi maybe agreed because I heard the door opening and vanishing footsteps afterward.
"THANK YOU!" I took a deep breath. "Finally," I muttered and closed my eyes.
After a few seconds, I heard, "SORRY!" It was Jacob. "GOOD NIGHT, DARLING!"
I shook my head and smiled. That night, I slept well. A decision made: Tomorrow, I will have to talk to Jacob.
After breakfast the next morning, the whole crew stayed to clean the ship. Zivi did not come either. She was probably embarrassed from last night. Hmmph!!! I do not care!!!
I looked for Jacob. I was determined to honestly tell him what I feel. I saw him by the wheel in front of my room and his. With my heart pounding, I quickly took my steps before my sanity took over and stopped me from what I was about to do.
Noticing my approach, Jacob turned towards me and smiled, "Good morn---"
I clenched my fists and started hitting his shoulder before he could continue what he was about to say. Naturally, he raised his arms in a defensive pose but that did not stop me from hitting him.
He scrunched his forehead and looked at me confused, and I think he was a bit angry. I mean, who wouldn't be? I started just hitting him without an explanation. He tried to catch my clenched fists and said, "That hurts, woman! What do you think you're do--"
"You said I can hit you when I am irritated!" I immediately cut him off and continued to hit him.
After hearing what I said, he stopped defending himself and faced my hits head on. Jacob let me hit and punch his chest and arms until I got my fill. Then, still panting, I looked at him. To my amazement, he was smiling at me. I got irritated again and punched him again.
He chuckled and caught my fist. "What made you this upset?" he asked.
Here it is. I couldn't control my emotions anymore, "You!!! Zivi!!! It irritates me when she's here! I do not like it! I hate it when she is around you! I hate it when she leans on you! I hate it when you look at her and give her your attention!" There I said it. I took deep breaths after and looked at him. I know I'm as red as a tomato. I was very embarrassed by my sudden outburst.
Jacob smiled at me, "Does that mean you want me to be yours?"
I shook my head right away, "No! That's not what I meant! You are not a thing!" I answered.
"You know what I mean," Jacob replied and looked at me. His eyes softened. "If you do not want me to be yours, then why are you so irritated?" he asked.
He had a valid point. I shook my head. My frustration level was going up. "I do not know! I do not understand it either!" I said. "I am just telling you what I honestly feel! That I am irritated! I do not like women around you and I do not like you giving them any attention!" I tried to explain.
Jacob nodded. He took a strand of my hair and twirled it in his hand, "Alright…" he said softly.
His gestures somehow calmed me. "What do you mean, 'alright'?" I asked him.
"I get it. I understand," he said then kissed the strand of my hair that he was twirling just a second ago.
I held my breath. "I do not want to be yours," I said.
Jacob chuckled, "I know, you already told me that."
"I do not want you to be mine, either," I told him again.
He nodded his head, "I know."
"And I cannot explain why I am irritated… I don't know why myself, either--" I said but he put his pointer finger on top of my lips to quiet me down.
He leaned closer to me so we were eye to eye. "I know. I understand.. I get it," he said then turned to the crew. "Time to sail away, men!" he called out and took hold of the wheel.
"We're finally leaving?" Zaki asked.
Jacob nodded and looked at my direction, "I do not want Darling to be irritated anymore," he said and winked.
I rolled my eyes. I knew it! He will use this against me… to make fun of me again! But the truth, I'd rather have him tease me than see women flirting around him and him giving them his attention.
"Up anchor!!!!" Jacob called.
"Aye! Aye! Captain!" Thom and Urdel began to pull the anchor up. They gave him a signal when it was up.
"Trim the sails!" Jacob called "To the west we go!"
Thaddaeus announced, "We're sailing upwind, captain!" he said after looking at the telltales.
"Elgo, look for flatter water!" Jacob called as he steered left.
"Aye, captain!" Elgo replied.
And so, we sailed again, finally away from Iwahi. I let out a sigh of relief. Jacob looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Neville was right. It pays to be honest. I looked around as the crew continued to maneuver Labyrinth around for our next journey. Jacob at the wheel, Elgo at the crow's nest, Sandlot, Zaki, Urdel, and Thom at the ratlines, Lowen, Gondro, and Paco at the gunport, and Puma, Wabi, Laurel, Fifer, and Tibet trimming the sails with Thaddaeus directing them. My eyes caught Neville who raised his coconut juice at me while smiling knowingly. I chuckled.
Ahhh Labyrinth, our home at sea! How did these pirates get their hands on this ship, anyways?
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