Pirate Chronicles


I locked myself in my room until it was dark, not because I was being rude but because I was embarrassed. I couldn't show myself to the crew after how I acted that morning. I did not know how to face them. I was even contemplating on leaving once we made it to a port. But, thinking about saying farewells to the pirates left a bitter taste in my mouth. I sighed again. Then, I heard a mild knock on my door.

"Darling," Jacob called. "Can you come out for a bit? I need to talk to you."

Several thoughts came running to my mind after I heard that. I was worried. Did the pirates already decide on what they would do to me? Are they going to ask me to walk the plank? But, some of them are like family. Still, I was very disrespectful. Jacob would probably ask me to leave once we dock. I let out a deep sigh before I went to my door and opened it.

Jacob gave me a faint smile. 'That's not promising,' I thought to myself.

"You haven't had anything to eat since breakfast," he said and motioned his hand.

I looked to what he was motioning to and I saw a plate with mashed potatoes and broiled meat. My stomach grumbled. He smiled. I looked at him embarrassed. Jacob put the plate in my hand and we walked by the wooden crates. I sat down and began to eat. He handed me a water container and then watched as I gulped the water. 'Is this my last supper?' I couldn't help but think.

"Feeling any better?" he asked after I was done eating.

I nodded and put my plate to the sides, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said then looked ahead.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I know I have to apologize, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. I was just--"

Jacob looked back at me and then I couldn't continue what I was about to say. I was beginning to be drawn in his dark eyes again. So before I got lost, I looked away. "I know you didn't mean it," he replied.

"You must hate me," I mumbled then turned back.

"Who hates you?" he asked.

"All of you," my voice cracked. "What's my verdict? Do I walk the plank? Am I banished from Labyrinth?" I asked seriously, dreading to hear what Jacob will say.

To my astonishment, Jacob laughed. "Are you serious?" he asked after. His face showed his amusement. My eyebrows met but before I could say something, he continued, "Is that the reason you locked yourself in your room?"

I sighed and nodded my head. "That and I was embarrassed on how I acted," I replied. "I apologize if I am being disrespectful to you… with you being the captain of the ship and al--"

"I'm alright with it," Jacob cut me off. "Really Darling, I do not mind. To be honest, I enjoy our little banter. I must admit that there were days where you can get too aggravating. But then again, no harm done," he explained.

"But I do not want you to bend any rules of the ship for my sake. Your crew… Thaddaeus…they look up to you," I reasoned.

Jacob chuckled, "I promise you, Darling. They won't start a mutiny or anything. They won't throw me out the sea, if that is something you were worried about," he said then smirked playfully. "Are you WORRIED about me?" he asked looking at me knowingly.

"Why do you do that to me?" I asked.

Jacob scrunched his forehead, "What do you mean?"

"Why do you tease me too much?"

Jacob studied me with his gaze once again. His eyes became serious for a moment. I was beginning to be uncomfortable with his stares so I looked away again. I heard him sigh then he tucked a strand of my hair that was blown by the wind behind my ear. I turned back to him. He smirked, "You're my entertainment, remember?"

I wrinkled my nose. He laughed hard, "Hmph… I'm glad you're happy at my expense," I couldn't help but be sarcastic.

He ignored my sarcasm and continued laughing. When he was done, he looked at me and said, "Oh… about Thaddaeus. Don't take offense to what he said."

"He spoke forcefully. Maybe he got that from being an admiral's son."

"Yes that's true. He was after all Admiral Nunez' son."

"Do you know the Admiral?"

Jacob nodded, "Yes. Before, by reputation. He far exceeded his reputation after I met him at the Isle of Snakes."

"Isle of Snakes? Isn't that the one we saw after the storm? What were you doing there?" I asked.

Jacob shrugged and answered, "It was my punishment for leaving my post and rebelling. I was exiled in the Isle of Snakes and was left there to die."

"Stella told me you were a Navy Captain before and was loyal to Beckforth."

He sighed and changed the topic right away. He obviously did not want to talk about it, "Admiral Nunez was shipwrecked in the Isle of Snakes," he said. Then, he smiled. "Do you want to know what happened?"

I nodded. Maybe if I learned the story about the admiral then I would understand Thaddaeus more.

"Alright, this happened two weeks after I was exiled in the Isle of Snakes…"

I listened intently at Jacob's story then my mind began to visualize those days…


Jacob woke up and stood up immediately after hearing the rustling of leaves. He had to be alert to stay alive. The Isle of Snakes is well-known because it is the residence of thousands of silverhead pit vipers, one of the most venomous snakes in the entire world! That was why he was exiled there, to die from snake bites! But, he refused to give in and just die. He will survive this ordeal and return to help the people!

He quickly left his handmade hammock and ran towards the shore. He grabbed the spear he made and positioned ready to attack just in case there were snakes around. There was nothing. He sighed in a relief. He looked back at the sea and noticed something in the far left. There was a ship washed ashore. It was unusual. It looked like heaven smiled upon him.That could be his way out of the island. He ran towards it as fast as he could.

When he was nearing it, he slowed down after noticing the torn flag. "Beckforth," he uttered and continued to walk towards it with his spear prepared. "ST. MARY MU" he read the ship's name out loud. The ship looked damaged, probably attacked. Good thing, it did not sink.

With his skills as former navy captain, he boarded the ship in stealth easily. It looked like it was abandoned. He looked around. The ship was not utterly destroyed. There were a couple of torn sails, broken boards, and the hull was damaged but he could still salvage most of it. If he could repair the ship, he can use it to sail away from the Isle of Snakes. He smirked. Then, he heard groaning.

Jacob quickly spun around. His hand prepared to release his spear if he sensed any danger. By the wheel, he saw a man in uniform trying to get up. He ran towards the man and helped him. The man looked like he was twenty years older than he was. His hair was mostly white with few strands of black. He noticed the admiral insignia on his uniform. The admiral looked at him. "Who are you? Where am I?" he asked.

"I am Jacob. You're in the Isle of Snakes," Jacob answered as he lifted him up.

"Jacob. Isle of Snakes," he repeated while trying to gain his balance then his eyebrows furrowed after realizing something. The admiral pushed Jacob and made a fighting stance. "You are Captain Jacob Alon? The one who deserted his men? Traitor of Beckforth?"

Jacob scoffed, "Aren't we a bit dramatic? Yes, that's me. But I preferred to be called just JACOB. And you are?"

The man shook his head, "Arrogant young man, I am Admiral Nunez and I am loyal to Beckforth."

Jacob raised his brows. "Admiral Nunez…" he said in recognition. "... Your reputation precedes you… a man of honor… it's just too bad you remain loyal to a corrupt government," he retorted.

"Such insolence, young man!" Admiral Nunez responded angrily and attempted to get his pistol but realized his holster was empty. Then, he got light headed and almost toppled over but Jacob caught him right away and steadied him.

"Easy there, Admiral,"Jacob said.

The Admiral still put on a brave face, "Unhand me, traitor!" he replied with a voice surging with pride even though he was getting weaker and weaker.

Jacob chuckled, "I will… soon. First, let's see how serious your injuries are," he responded and guided the admiral to his room in the ship.

"I can take care of myself, young man!" the Admiral reasoned.

"Yes, I can see that," Jacob agreed even if he was not convinced and continued to help the Admiral. He checked his injuries and saw that he has a bullet wound. He shook his head. Good thing, he saw it or the admiral could have died of blood loss. He immediately did what he could to treat the wound.

Jacob chuckled. He couldn't help but admire the man. His loyalty, bravery, and persistence are commendable. He sighed. "If only Beckforth's government is not so damn corrupt!" he grunted and clenched his fists.

Admiral Nunez gained consciousness after two days. Jacob gave him food to regain his strength. After eating, the admiral watched him intently as he changed his bandages. "Young man, I am loyal to Beckforth," he said.

Jacob chuckled, "I know, you already said that, Admiral."

"Why did you betray my country?" he asked him.

Jacob shook his head after letting out a faint scoff. "I did not betray the country, the country betrayed the people."

"I beg your pardon?"

Jacob could not help but raise his voice. "How long have you been at sea? Have you gone back to Beckforth yet? How about the overseas territories?" The admiral kept mum so Jacob continued, "Beckforth's government is becoming more and more corrupt. The people are starving. They are hurting. They cry out for help but the nobles? They did not care. As long as they remain rich, as long as they remain in power--- that's all they care about."

"And then?" the Admiral asked.

"What do you mean 'and then'?" Jacob responded. "I could not turn a blind eye to the suffering. Beckforth is slowly killing the citizens."

"So what did you do? Why are you here? Why do you stay here?"

"I was helping the common people and clashed with some nobles. They wouldn't budge so I stole the money they made from their merchandise and gave it back! I guess it angered them so they petitioned the regent to punish me. That's why I'm here. And I am not staying here. I am seeking for any opportunity I could find to leave this place and then I am going back to do what I was doing. I will take what the nobles took from the people and give it back! And no one can stop me! Not even loyalists like you. You won't take me down," Jacob answered. His desire for justice can be seen in his eyes.

Admiral Nunez sighed. The young man's conviction is unshakable. "Fine then. I made a decision. You saved my life so in return I will help you leave this island. But that's it. When I get back to Beckforth and you go back to what you were doing, if His Majesty ordered me to take you down, I will," he said.

Jacob smirked, "That is if you can catch me," he said, then pointed out the reality. "Besides, you cannot leave this island without my help either. St. Mary MU will not survive the raging seas with her condition. You need to make some repairs first and seeing that you're healing from your injury, I do not think you are capable of the work. Must be hard to owe me too much, huh Admiral?" he teased.

Admiral Nunez let out a small laugher but he stopped right away and winced because of the pain. "It's still my ship," he reasoned. "You're good people, Captain Jacob Alon. I even see us working well together in the future if you are not too damn stubborn. As I've said, I'm loyal to Beckforth," he said.

Jacob shook his head, "Well, for the interim, we will be working together. I mean, you're just healing. You're not invalid. I won't do the repairs by myself," he said.

Their conversation ended in laughter. They might be on opposing sides but this time they understood that if they do not work together, they will not be able to escape the Isle of Snakes.

It took them two weeks to do the repairs. The engineer of St. Mary MU was Admiral Nunez' son. He laid out detailed plans on how to efficiently repair the ship in case of damage. This they followed word for word and it made them complete all repairs in half the time.

"Your son is a genius! I never had ship repairs done in this time!" Jacob exclaimed, admiring their work.

"I'm glad you said that. That's what I have been telling him this whole time. When we sailed back to Beckforth, you would probably meet him," Admiral Nunez replied.

"In due time, maybe, Admiral. I will be jumping off the ship before we reach Beckforth's port. I'm now a fugitive, remember? Don't lure me to my demise," he teased.

Admiral Nunez laughed. Together, they helped each other careen the ship back to the sea. They had to persevere for two days until St. Mary MU was back on sea and ready to sail. It would have been longer if they were not knowledgeable of the direction of waves and tides.

Admiral Nunez steered the ship as Jacob trimmed the sails. In no time, they were riding the waves as fast as they could finally leaving the Isle of Snakes. That night they studied the map and began estimating how long they would sail before they reached Beckforth. Two months… to the West they go.

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