The new order was made, and the new order was made.

Navy headquarters.

Marshal Zhan Guo's office.

"From now on, Rear Admiral Qianlong will be specially recruited into CP0."

Massheng said slowly, with an irresistible sense of authority in his tone.

"Special training of an uncertain time will be conducted."

"After the training is completed, Qianlong will become the new captain of CP0."

"Just announce it to the public, Zhan Guo."

Zhan Guo listened without saying a word, but a turbulent wave was set off in his heart.

More than a decade ago, he personally snatched that kid Achen back from CP0.

Now this kid quits his job as a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters?

Why is he going to be the captain of CP0?

He is treating himself like a fool!

Something must have happened in the middle, causing the World Government to start the cleanup of Achen.

"Zhan Guo?"

"Zhan Guo, issue a notice and inform all the navy officers."

Mas Saint urged again.

Hearing the impatient urging of the Five Elders.

Marshal Zhan Guo clenched his fists, his knuckles turned white, and anger and helplessness surged in his chest.


Zhan Guo smashed the desk with one punch, and scared the little goat chewing paper next to him and ran to the corner.

"What do you think of me?"

"What do you think of the navy?"

"I need to know the truth!"

"The whole truth!"


Zhan Guo's saliva was almost sprayed on the faces of the three Five Elders. This was the extreme anger.

Zambaron V. Nasujuro, Topman Wojuli, and Marcus Mas looked at each other, and finally Wojuli spoke: "This is what happened--"


After hearing the whole story, Sengoku was faintly glowing with golden light, and he could hardly suppress the urge to transform into the Great Buddha of Vajra.

"Sengoku! This is the decision of the World Government!"

"Stop making trouble. We can understand your feelings, but this is the highest order from the World Government!"

"Don't forget your identity as a navy! Sengoku!"

Nasujuro reminded sternly.

Three dark and huge shadows emerged from behind the Five Elders, confronting the golden Buddha phantom.


Marshal Sengoku tried to calm down his restless and bloodthirsty mood.

It was too much nonsense. Just because a princess of the Celestial Dragon family fell in love with Achen, Achen was forcibly kept in the holy land of Marijoa.

Although the Five Elders guaranteed that his life would not be threatened in any way.

But myself.

How to explain to Zefa that your most proud disciple, the disciple who praised him to everyone, the disciple who was happier to be praised than you, was taken away by the World Government to be trained as the captain of CP0?

How to explain to Garp that the child you and I personally brought back, the child you asked me for hundreds of times, the child who often came to you to brag and eat senbei, was imprisoned by the World Government?

How to explain to Kuzan that the younger brother you regarded as the successor of the admiral, the younger brother who provided infinite happiness for your boring promotion career, was used as a sacrifice to check and balance the navy by the Five Elders?

How to explain to He that her granddaughter's sweetheart will never come back?

How to explain to the Ti family that their little princess' childhood sweetheart will leave her forever and swear to protect another woman in the future?

How to explain to myself.

The thousands of officers and soldiers who worship the word "Qianlong" in the navy and regard Achen as their goal and motivation?

The flag you idolized is gone.

The hero you admired fell under the conspiracy.

How could I say that!

How could I say that!


"Sengoku! Don't forget--"

The voice of Massheng sounded again.

"Shock wave."

A golden Buddha appeared in the office, and with a palm full of anger, it attacked the Five Elders.


"How dare you!"

Three dark and huge shadows were about to transform.

"Big Fire!"

"Yashakani no Magatama!"

Two energies, one red and one yellow, blocked the golden shock wave.

"Sakaski? Borsalino?"

Sengoku looked at the two people who blocked his attack.

"Marshal Sengoku, don't disobey the government's orders. Military orders are like mountains, and justice requires a price."

"Yeah, Marshal--you know--"

"I know."

Marshal Sengoku seemed to use up his last strength to say this.

"Notify all lieutenant officers who are still in the Navy Headquarters to gather in front of the headquarters building."

Zhan Guo picked up the phone

Insect, notify the broadcasting room, call the officers who are still nearby to come back to announce the big event.

"Very good, Zhan Guo, although there are some minor setbacks, your decision satisfies us."

The three Five Elders present smiled at each other.

This matter is basically over if Zhan Guo is stabilized. Although there are some disturbances, it is harmless.

Soon, CP0 will be able to add a fierce general, and the five old guys will also help little Safia find true love.

In between helping Lord Yimu maintain the rule of the World Government, doing some "good things" can also benefit the country and the people.

The country, of course, is the World Government.

The people, of course, are the world's noble Celestial Dragons.

"That's right, it's just a small submerged dragon, why bother making a big fuss."

"It's not that the Figalando family doesn't have sincerity, you're too impatient, Sengoku."

"Yes, Sengoku, this time Saint Garin donated 18 billion berries to the navy, and you will also gain the friendship of the Knights of God."

"Next year, the navy's military expenditure will increase by 20 billion berries. The Figalando family will pay 18 billion, and the five of us will pay 2 billion. The sincerity is more than enough."

"Think about it, Roger is only worth 5.5648 billion berries. One submerged dragon is exchanged for nearly 4 Rogers. It's a big profit. . "

Zhan Guo's face became more and more ugly. He clenched his fists tightly, and his voice was low and firm: "This is not a matter of money. You don't know the seriousness of the matter at all! Qianlong is the benchmark and flag of the new generation of the navy."

"Just cultivate another flag. It's not a difficult task."

"Yes, Sakaski is very good. What the world government needs is justice that conforms to the government's philosophy."

"The starting point of the navy should be based on the needs of the world government."

"The world government is--"

"Dong Dong Dong"

The knock on the door interrupted the preaching of the Five Elders.

"Marshal Zhan Guo, all officers above the rank of lieutenant in the headquarters have assembled."

A report came from outside the door.

"Turn on the headquarters' camera phone bug."


With a slight sound, a beam of screens was projected on the wall of Zhan Guo's office.

Thousands of neat and upright naval lieutenants and colonels stood in front of the headquarters building, with firm eyes and solemn expressions.

Zhan Guo took the microphone and prepared to make a statement, but looking at the thousand elite officers in front of him, he felt a heavy pressure.

The building was full of vigorous young faces, their eyes full of fighting spirit, these are the future of the navy.

How many of them are die-hard fans of Qianlong?

Ninety percent!

Or even more.

Zhan Guo opened his mouth, and was speechless for a while.

The figure and the face seemed to overlap, he seemed to see Achen, who was also so high-spirited, full of courage and wisdom.


Zhan Guo threw the microphone to Massheng and turned to walk out of the office.

"Come on, the microphone is for you, you come to explain to them."

Under the headquarters building, thousands of the backbone of the navy are looking forward to it, waiting for them will be a blow that shatters their beliefs.

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