The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

(Thank you readers for your tips!)

Grand Line.



In a luxuriously decorated office, Crocodile was holding a cigar and lost in thought.

According to the strategic policy of "accumulating food, building high walls, and slowly becoming king" given by the boss, the current situation in Alabasta is very good.

A tall wall was newly built on the periphery to deal with possible enemies.

Due to the climate in the desert area, food production is extremely difficult.

In order to solve this problem, I used the ability of the Sand Sand Fruit and combined it with technology to create an artificial oasis plan to try to gradually solve the problem of food production.

50,000 people were selected from the original 600,000 regular troops to form a special forces, equipped with the most sophisticated weapons, and undergo independent closed training, with the goal of reaching the limit of ordinary people's combat power.

The top combat power is supported by the Longyuan Pirates formed by the boss.

The military power of Alabasta is gradually growing stronger, and there is no enemy in the surrounding countries at present, but it is still early to launch.

"Dong, report."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Ikalem, Peru and Gaga walked in together. Today is the monthly summary report.

"Brother Sand Crocodile, this is the latest training situation submitted by the military."

Gaga handed the report to Sand Crocodile.

After flipping through the documents, he blew out a smoke ring with satisfaction: "Very good, we will continue to strengthen training according to this standard."

"How is the mining of the newly discovered large mines in the desert going?"

"Very smoothly, Brother Crocodile. The quality of the newly discovered minerals this time is very high and they are already being mined slowly."

"Well, not bad. How about the water conservancy system? Is it going well?"

Crocodile nodded and praised.

"Hundreds of thousands of deep wells have been drilled across the country, and the automatic water intake system has been running smoothly."

"Now, except for some remote towns that need to go to the nearest water intake point to get water, the rest of the places can enjoy clear well water at home."

"We are working hard in remote areas, and I believe that we will be able to achieve national water supply by the end of this year."

"Several newly built artificial oases have also started production smoothly, and grain reserves have begun to increase. We have begun to control the amount of grain purchased from abroad."

Peru stood up to report the latest progress of the artificial oasis.

"Very good, once the artificial oasis experiment is successful, it must be fully promoted throughout the country. Remember, food is the top priority!"

"Brother Sand Crocodile, the newly built trade market and port have all been put into use, and the tall walls newly built in recent years have all been repaired."

Ikalem added.

"This year, nearly a thousand primary and secondary schools across the country have successfully opened classes, and outstanding graduates from previous years have also actively participated in teaching work."

"The staff of the Government Affairs Office is also increasing, and the speed of implementing the orders we issued is getting faster and faster."

"Huh, it's really thriving!"

Sand Crocodile leaned back in his chair and listened to reports from all sides with satisfaction.

These are the results of his step-by-step operation according to his boss's ideas, and the kingdom he has built for his boss.

Although he always shouts that he wants to be transferred, he would be reluctant to leave if he really leaves.

After all, he and Cobra get along very well. This old man does not have the shortcomings of ordinary kings, but is full of wisdom and tolerance.

"By the way, where is Cobra?"

"Uh--King Cobra has just finished his work and is resting."

Ikalem's tone was a little evasive.

"Hmph, busy basking in the sun, right?"

Sand Crocodile got up directly, put out the cigar in the ashtray, and walked out the door.

No need to think, the old man must be basking in the sun in the garden at this time.

I'm busy here, and you old man is sleeping in the sun.



In the royal garden.

Cobra was lying on the rocking chair, and he looked very comfortable as the chair swayed slightly.

A peaceful life is really,

Ba Shi!

"Hey, isn't this our "diligent" King Cobra--"

Before the sand crocodile finished speaking, the cigar he had just lit was extinguished by a stream of water.

"Uncle Crocodile, come and chase me!"

5-year-old Princess Vivi rode on Kalu, holding a small water gun in her hand, and ran away in the garden at a high speed with a clear laugh.

Her blue hair sparkled in the sun, her eyes as bright as stars sparkled with childlike innocence, and her face was filled with a naughty smile

, with a hint of cunning.

"Cobra! Take care of your daughter!"

Sand Crocodile complained to Cobra.

"Oh, brother Sand Crocodile, isn't Vivi still young?"

Cobra responded with a smile, looking at Vivi with a doting look.

"Uncle Sand Crocodile is not fun at all, father, I want to go and play with brother Yi Chen!"

Vivi came back with a pout, pulling Cobra's thigh to act coquettishly.

At first, Uncle Sand Crocodile was not like this, he would patiently play with me, but since he got busy, he stopped playing with me.

"Good idea, I have wanted to visit brother Yi Chen for a long time!"

Cobra's eyes lit up.

"Sand Crocodile, I will take a year off to take Vivi to visit brother Yi Chen."

"You can help me!"

"Ikalem, Peru, and Gaka, pack your luggage."

"Get ready to go!"

Cobra stood up and ordered.


"Let's go play with Brother Yi Chen!"

When Wei Wei heard that she could go see Brother Yi Chen, she happily ran to pack her luggage.

Her blue skirt fluttered as she ran, and she wore small leather shoes on her feet, and every step seemed light and agile. Her laughter echoed in the garden, like a pleasant piece of music, infecting everyone present.

"I'm going to butt your head!"

"Cobra! You are the king!"

"You are!"

"I'm just sent by the boss to assist you! Don't get it wrong!"

The veins on Sand Crocodile's face were throbbing.

"Oh, it's decided!"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm here or not!"

"Let's go traveling! "

Cobra patted Crocodile's shoulder happily.

Just then, the Den Den Mushi rang.

Bulu Bulu~

Bulu Bulu~

Gaka quickly handed over an ordinary Den Den Mushi.

"Brother Crocodile, there is an urgent call."

Crocodile looked closely and found that it was a contact from the Navy.

He took out a white Den Den Mushi from his pocket and placed it next to the ordinary Den Den Mushi.

This was a batch of anti-eavesdropping Den Den Mushi given by Ginny. The cadres and important intelligence personnel of the Ryugen Pirates were all equipped with this special Den Den Mushi.

"Hello? Fire Tree King?"

"Boss Sand, the latest intelligence, two admirals of the Navy Headquarters have been dispatched, and their target is the North Sea."

"Which two admirals?"

"'Fujitora' Ichisho and 'Green Bull' Aramaki. "

Sand Crocodile narrowed his eyes and thought.

The boss has a big move in the North Sea, and the reckless Enelu has already set off in advance. He must tell the boss the news as soon as possible.

"Got it, continue to monitor their movements."

After hanging up the phone, Sand Crocodile turned to Cobra, with a hint of urgency in his tone: "Old Cobra, things have changed, you can't go."

Guess of sand wind blew in the sky.


The most handsome and beautiful reader in the world!

Reward, urge for more, kneeling thank you!

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