“Hello user, the time for this reincarnation world has arrived, do you want to return to the main god space?” I don’t know how long the main god system that had been silent suddenly sounded.

Bai Chen was silent. He was not a distant resident of this world, and he knew that he would leave one day, but he did not expect this day to come so quickly.

In the past two years, he has established a very deep relationship with Little Goku and Sun Gohan, which makes him, an orphan on earth, feel the taste of home for the first time. This feeling makes people linger.

Seriously, Bai Chen didn’t want to leave so soon, at least he had to say goodbye to Little Wukong!

He sighed and said, “How long can I stay in this world now?” ”

“5 minutes.” The Lord God System replied.

5 minutes, that’s too little, right? Bai Chen couldn’t help but show a wry smile.

Bai Chen looked at Han Cook next to him, and Han Cook seemed to have a soul with him, and looked at him at almost the same moment.

Both of them read each other’s eyes and nodded in agreement.

Hancock looked at Son Gohan, who was chopping wood to prepare for cooking, bit his lip, and suddenly shouted: “Grandpa Gohan, Goku!” I have been hiding from you before, it is our bad, Bai Chen and I have a reason that we can’t say, and we are leaving. Thank you for taking care of these two years! ”

Sun Wuhan’s action of chopping wood was a little paused, and he lowered his eyelids, revealing a pair of white teeth: “Han Cook girl, grandpa, I already knew that you would leave sooner or later, but I didn’t expect this day to come so quickly.” ”

Hancock’s big eyes were already covered with a layer of mist, but he suddenly found that his hand was held by Bai Chen.

Bai Chen said expressionlessly: “Continuing to stay here will only make it more sad.” Rest assured, we will come back one day sooner or later, definitely! ”

They left, shrouded in a golden beam, and instantly disappeared into this world, leaving no trace or breath.

Returning to the familiar main god space, Hancock could no longer hold back, tears burst out of his eyes, and fell to the ground like crystal clear pearls.

No matter what she achieves in the future, Hancock is just a little girl. The sentimentality characteristic of a little girl, she also has.

Although Bai Chen was also quite sad, as the main god, he knew very well that as long as he did not fall halfway, he could accumulate enough luck to open the world of Dragon Ball.

When the time comes, there will be opportunities to meet.

The icy voice of the main god system sounded: “Congratulations to the reincarnation ‘Boya. Han Cook’ and the reincarnation ‘Bai Chen’ complete the first reincarnation world. Obtain the title – ordinary reincarnator. ”

“Since the two are the first and second reincarnations of the main god space, ask the two reincarnators to choose a cultivation system, and the main god will give corresponding rewards according to your cultivation system. Note that the Dragon Ball cultivation system is excluded. ”

Hancock wiped away his tears, raised his head to look at the glowing egg above his head, and said: “Lord God, if I want to increase my strength, what direction should I take?” ”

Hearing Han Cook’s words, Bai Chen was slightly surprised, she didn’t expect her to adjust her mentality so quickly, and she was worthy of being the first reincarnation she chose.

However, Bai Chen did not intend to set a cultivation path for Hancock, after all, it was best to choose a cultivation path and let her come by herself.

“This needs to be chosen by the reincarnation.” The main god system said lightly.

Choose for yourself?

Han Cook looked at the various cultivation systems in the exchange mall, and felt that her eyes were spent, and she didn’t know which one was the most suitable for her.

As for the cultivation system in One Piece, Han Cook can no longer look at it, although the cultivation system of One Piece is not very weak, when it reaches its peak, it can completely run amok in the world, and no one can stop it.

But compared to the cultivation systems of other high-level worlds, it is slag.

She set her eyes on Bai Chen to see what cultivation system Bai Chen wanted to choose.

Meeting Han Cook’s gaze, Bai Chen shrugged his shoulders and casually chose a cultivation system from the fantasy world. A cultivation system from the world of “Covering the Sky”.

Strictly speaking, the cultivation system of the “Sky Covering” world is also within the martial arts, and it does not conflict with the cultivation system of the “Dragon Ball” world, and can even complement each other and integrate with each other.

Bai Chen smiled and said, “Han Cook, I suggest that the cultivation system you choose is best not to conflict with the system you are cultivating now. Greedy for more chewing is not rotten, this truth Grandpa Gohan has always taught us, have you forgotten? ”

Hearing Bai Chen’s words, Han Cook’s confused expression gradually dissipated, and he nodded gratefully to Bai Chen, unexpectedly choosing the same cultivation system as Bai Chen, which is also the “Sky Covering” world.

In fact, this so-called Lord God gave a reward, which was Bai Chen’s handiwork. Anyway, the five thousand reincarnation points are also placed there blindly, it is better to use it to enhance the strength of yourself and the reincarnation!

The reason why this roundabout approach is used is because Bai Chen does not want Hancock to guess that he is the main god.

The Lord God, of course, is a behind-the-scenes mastermind, maintain enough mystery, and then squeeze the reincarnation hard!


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