Five minutes is very short, almost in the blink of an eye. It stands to reason that the plot should also begin now, but I don’t know where the first zombie is now.

However, zombies in the world of the school are called “dead bodies”.

Just when Bai Chen was a little puzzled, he only heard a noise and abuse in the distance, mixed with the screams of many women and the howls of men.

After two years of practice in the Dragon Ball world, Bai Chen’s five senses have far surpassed ordinary people. Although the noisy place was a little far away from him, it was still seen by his eyes.

I saw a man with a hideous face and covered in blood slammed into a passerby next to him, and his non-sharp teeth tightly bit the shoulder of the passerby.

His strength was extremely strong, his teeth were deeply embedded in the shoulders of passers-by, and a small piece of flesh and blood was torn out with a flick of his head.

Warm blood spurted out, and severe pain stimulated the nerves of passers-by, wanting to push the crazy “person” in front of him away, but the other party’s strength was completely beyond his imagination.

In the end, some other passers-by next to him saw the righteousness and pulled the crazy “man” away and subdued him.

But what no one noticed was that the man who called the shoulder was bitten off a piece of flesh and blood, the wound magically stopped the gushing blood, the frightened gaze slowly lost focus, and the smell of blood on the shoulder made him unable to control his sanity.

He was also crazy, frantically grabbing the girl who wanted to heal him, and gnawed straight down with a large caliber of blood…

The situation is getting more and more serious.

In cases like this, in the bed owner city, dozens of cases have occurred at the same time, and they are all in different places, as if someone did it on purpose.

“What an evil zombie!”

Zhao Yun frowned tightly, he felt a little tricky, this kind of thing called zombies, like a plague, can spread everywhere.

Only a minute or two after the plot began, more than a dozen people were already infected, frantically pounced on those who were not infected.

And this number is like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, the whole neighborhood is in chaos, and the so-called civilized order becomes disappeared at this moment, which seems to be somewhat funny.

“They have a lot of strength, and their explosive power at close range is enough, but they travel very slowly, and they have no reason, and they are even more beasts than wild beasts.” Hancock quickly analyzed the characteristics of the zombie, and this eyesight made even Bai Chen slightly sideways.

However, at this moment, an angry shout came: “Don’t move!” You rioters, we’re going to shoot again! ”

Bai Chen turned to look and saw that more than a dozen police cars had stopped there, and a group of police officers swarmed out, raising their pistols and aiming at the crazy zombies.

Oh? The police?

“I didn’t expect the police to react quite quickly.”

However, when he saw a police station a kilometer away, Bai Chen directly took back what he just said, no wonder he acted so quickly, it turned out that the police station was on this street!

However, when he saw a beautiful girl among these policemen, Bai Chen’s gaze became very strange, he didn’t expect to meet a plot character so soon.

Asami Nakaoka!

If he remembers correctly, this girl seems to be a small policeman in the bedowner city, who likes to call herself “this official”. In the end, it seems that she was infected because she saved people, and asked her companions to kill her, in short, she is a woman with a full sense of justice!

When she appeared, it seemed that she was trapped in a supermarket. The specific plot, Bai Chen is not very clear, because he is not much interested in the anime “School Apocalypse”.

Of course, for him now, it is useless to be familiar with the plot and not familiar with the plot. It’s not him who blows, with the strength of him and Hancock, there is nothing else in the school world that can threaten them except medium and large missiles, or nuclear bombs.

Even if a missile strikes, Bai Chen can blast it with a turtle faction qigong while the missile is still in the air.

Bai Chen shook his head, he knew that these policemen were not opponents of zombies at all. Although the speed of zombies walking is very slow, people only have one weakness, that is, the head.

And these policemen, it is estimated that they do not know the weaknesses of the zombies, but with guns and cars, they may not be destroyed.

Sure enough, as he expected, those zombies couldn’t understand the warnings of these policemen at all, and they didn’t even pay attention to the warning shots, still frantically tearing at the living.

A policeman who appeared to be the leader seemed to have received instructions from his superiors and directly shouted: “They are all thugs who endanger social order and are murderers!” Shoot!! ”

Dozens of small pistols sounded in unison, just like lighting a string of firecrackers, but unfortunately the harvest could not bear to look at directly.

Those zombies that were hit by bullets, because they were not hit in the head, they still stumbled to their feet, not even showing a trace of pain, and the pain seemed to be shielded.

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