Time passed by minute by minute, and the metal deck above the warship had already been destroyed by Karp and Bai Chen into a pile of scrap iron slag. If it weren’t for the fact that both of them had left their hands, I am afraid that the entire warship would have to be dismembered by the beating.

Under the attack of Karp’s punch after punch, it was difficult for Bai Chen to fight back, and he could only keep using the unloading technique on the drunken fist to remove the terrifying force on Kapu’s fist.

For a while, the two of them couldn’t help anyone.

Karp’s fist is very powerful, and it is also covered with armed color domineering, if he is punched head-on, even with Bai Chen’s current physique, he will be beaten half to death.

And Bai Chen is not a vegetarian, and the drunken fist that Sun Wuhan handed over to him has been used to the extreme. The weird moves, as well as the divine qi unloading technique, made Karp suddenly feel that he couldn’t start.

If Karp is the kind of warrior who has thick flesh and high attacks, then Bai Chen is an assassin with strange means and abnormal flexibility.

Bai Chen whipped his leg on Karp’s fist, and he grinned in pain, sweat had wet his back, and his physical exertion was very serious.

Panting and rubbing his aching leg bones, Bai Chen smiled very happily and reminded: “Mr. Karp, there are still fifteen moves left.” If I continue like this, maybe I’m going to win. ”

What he said, Karp naturally knew that this time he had made a mistake. I didn’t expect this stinky little ghost to be so difficult to entangle this weird physical technique, which seems to be a drunken drunk, but in fact, people’s consciousness is very clear, and they can instantly fight back.

It seems to be an exposed weakness, but it turns out that people deliberately expose it, and they are ready to dig a hole for you to jump down.

And Karp has been taken into the pit by Bai Chen several times.

Every time, Bai Chen deliberately exposed a so-called weakness, and Kapu, who wanted to quickly end the battle, would not test anything, and directly grasped the weakness was to fight.

But as a result, it was Bai Chen who did it on purpose!

For this reason, Karp hit him with five or six punches, and one punch was hit on the eye socket, which suddenly turned into a panda eye, which looked very funny.

If you let others know that the famous naval hero, Iron Fist Karp was beaten into a panda eye by a little ghost, then how could he still mess around in the Navy? If you go back, you will definitely be laughed at by the old boy of the Warring States for several days.

Can’t delay any longer!

Although Karp has never taken the cheek and thing seriously, this time he hit too much, letting others know that he fought with a little ghost, and the result was that the little ghost won, which is not laughed off the big teeth?

Joked by ordinary people or the Navy and Army, Karp said he didn’t feel much. But if you are laughed at by those pirates, it will not be tolerated.

“Little ghost, let’s decide the winner with one move! You should not be a Devil Fruit ability, we will decide the victory with one move on the sea! I will bring out the highest level of major general, if you can resist, then I will try to become one of the instructors of the new barracks!” ”

Karp’s face was solemn, he was going to get real.

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled softly, licked the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and replied: “Lieutenant General Karp, this instructor I Bai Chen should decide!” You are ready to fight with the marshal of the navy, and General Zefa! ”

“Hmph! Arrogant imp! ”

Karp snorted coldly and stepped on the moon step to rise into the air, as if there was an invisible staircase in the air.

As for Bai Chen, although he can’t fly, there are still reefs on the sea that can be used as a temporary foothold. With a light footstep, he jumped onto a relatively large reef in three or two strokes and looked at Karp above him.

The surrounding sea surface seemed to be pressed down by a huge amount of air pressure, forming the shape of a funnel.

Bai Chen held his hands round, and the originally not too conspicuous muscles instantly swelled in a small circle, and there was a huge amount of energy under the lean muscles.

Even Karp was stunned.

This little ghost, isn’t it just the strength of a major general? This is infinitely close to the strength of the middle of the headquarters!

“Shaving—iron—armed color!!”

Karp’s fist fused with six-style iron blocks, plus armed color domineering.

Being in mid-air, he directly used the shaving in the air, instantly bursting the air, and the whole person swooped down.

“Turtle Pie Qigong!!”

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