Somewhere in the Middle East…

“You pigs! Warn you to leave this village, you dare not listen to us, is it when the Ten Commandments Gang does not exist? Several gangsters carrying rifles cursed, kicked a pregnant woman over, and pointed a gun at the other’s head.

In front of these Ten Commandments Gang, more than a dozen civilians were holding their heads in their hands, looking terrified and undecided, shivering and squatting in a corner of the wall. For their act of kicking over pregnant women, they did not dare to say a word at all.

Next to these civilians, two young people were already shot and killed indiscriminately, and their bodies were all covered with blood holes, and the warm blood stained the ground red.

The two young men who were killed were people who resisted the Ten Commandments Gang, but unfortunately they were forcibly suppressed by force.

At this time, the equipment of the Ten Commandments Gang is not generally advanced, and I don’t know where to make a windfall, and the equipment on each gang is comparable to the armies of some big countries.

In the face of the heavily armed Ten Rings gang, these civilians with only a few AKs or small pistols are not their opponents at all. Even if someone raises the courage to resist, it will be bloodily suppressed.

“Several adults, I… I have a lot of cash at home, and it’s all in USD! As long as you are willing to release me, I will take you out those dollars. A middle-aged man who looked rich quickly shouted.

Although this place is relatively poor, there will always be some landlords and the like, and this rich middle-aged man is one of them.

Unfortunately, his IQ may need to be recharged, and he actually said that the family’s money is all cash. Isn’t it clear that if you send money to someone, you have to give your life away?

If he said that the money was in the bank card, he might be able to get a glimmer of life, after all, the people of the Ten Commandments Gang need a password to get money out of the bank card, and middle-aged men can use this password to get themselves out.

But he didn’t, so he died.

After the gang of the Ten Rings Gang forced out where the middle-aged man’s home was, they did not let the middle-aged man go, but pulled the trigger with a sinister smile.

Tongues of fire erupted from the muzzle, and bullets were like a metal frenzy, killing a dozen civilians squatting on the ground.

In the end, they also made up for it one by one, leaving no room for anything.

“A few of you, move all these weapons from the car here, hurry up!” The leader of the Ten Rings Gang, the guy with the shiny bald head, looked very demeanor.

Although he was almost killed by two monsters last time, he survived with tenacity and gathered the rest of the Ten Rings to reinvigorate.

Not so long ago, he seized a huge opportunity and intercepted several military vehicles escorting weapons! Although many people died in the Shijie Gang at that time, all the materials on these military vehicles were scraped by him.

The bald leader was carrying a silver steel mask, and his gaze became very gloomy: “Tony. Stark…… When I reassemble this super armor, it’s your festival day!” I think you must not know that your research results have fallen into my hands! ”

At the same time, a galloping red streamer in the sky suddenly stopped, and a humanoid steel man fell from the sky and landed heavily on the ground.

The cement-poured ground was directly crushed by this steel man, and smoke and dust filled in all directions.

“It’s been flying long enough, it’s already morning.” Tony moved his limbs for a while, and after looking at a group of stunned Ten Rings Gang members and civilians, he sneered: “Ten Rings Gang miscellaneous, your Stark Grandpa is back to play the game of blowing your head with you.” ”

The voice he spoke out turned into a cold mechanical sound after the synthesis of the steel armor, like a real robot.

The Ten Commandments gang, who finally reacted, quickly raised their rifles and shot at Tony.

But what shocked them happened, no matter how the bullet wreaked havoc on the steel freak in front of them, they couldn’t help each other.

When bullets hit the steel freak one by one, they bounced back in the blink of an eye, without even scraping off the paint on the person’s body.

What the hell is this? Alien invasion? Or are they dreaming en masse?

When they finished firing the bullets in the magazine, Tony spoke up: “Scraps, let you taste what a wonderful human flesh barbecue is like!” ”

The palm was aimed at a Ten Rings gang, and an energy wave burst out, directly sending the other party dozens of meters away, and the whole person was interrupted, and the intestines and internal organs were thrown out.

This power is even more powerful than in the movie! Maybe this is the so-called butterfly effect!

After killing one person, he did not stop there, and one after another energy waves blasted out, beating six or seven people in two, and the scene was very bloody and terrifying.

“Stop! Don’t come here, come back and we’ll kill these pigs!” A small leader of the Ten Commandments yelled that they were grabbing several innocent civilians and pointing their guns at their heads, trying to threaten Tony.

“Miscellaneous, you are naïve.”

Tony shook his head in amusement and ordered Jarvis to lock the heads of the Ten Rings gang.

A row of bullets suddenly appeared in his shoulder, and when Jarvis completely locked the opponent’s point, Tony did not hesitate to order an attack.

The bullet in the shoulder shot out and hit the opponent’s brain door in an instant, causing them to crash to the ground without even having a chance to shoot, leaving only a group of Middle Eastern civilians who had already been frightened and stupid.

“Huh? And a little mouse that sends a message? ”

Tony turned his head to look at a wall, and a dive rushed over in an instant.

With a fist, he actually smashed a big hole in the wall, and a bearded guy was grabbed out by him and fell to the ground fiercely.

“I’ll leave this little mouse at your disposal. Well, during the war, it is not illegal to kill. After Tony said a word to the group of fierce civilians behind him, the whole person rose into the sky.

He can’t stay here for long, because he’s going to slaughter all the people of the Ten Commandments Gang!

However, something unexpected happened, and when he was about to land in a place, Jarvis’s alarm suddenly sounded.

But Tony’s reaction was not so fast, and he saw a shell flying at great speed, hitting him in the air! Tony, who lost his balance, fell straight down.

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