The next day, Stan returned to Stark Industries’ office without stopping, bloodshot from the corners of his eyes and apparently not sleeping well all night.

When he saw that the neat table had become messy, he suppressed the anger in his heart, the cold light in his eyes kept flashing, and his face was full of killing intent.

He didn’t go to see any surveillance video, after all, if the person could come in openly, he had obviously interfered with all the monitoring probes in the office, and even if he went to see it, he couldn’t see anything.

After the data in the computer was stolen, there was a problem on the side of the development of the steel armor.

The reason is that they can’t power the steel warframes, and the electricity can’t drive these steel warframes at all, if they can’t drive them, what’s the difference between it and a bunch of broken copper and iron? Not even a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron!

Listening to the report of the scientist on the other side of the phone, even Estan’s cultivation could not suppress the anger in his heart, and said irritably: “Tony. Stark, he can be developed by a playboy alone, and you are the top scientists of the entire group, and you can’t even compare to him alone? ”

“But I’ve paid you enough money that you wouldn’t get anywhere else.” With huge funds, precious instruments and superb intelligence, can’t you even get a single energy source?! ”

After being scolded by him for so long, the scientists over there were speechless, after all, they were really inferior to Tony. Stark, this weapon genius.

But Stan’s words also made them unable to refute at all. But the truth is that dozens of their top scientists combined could not find any energy source to make the steel armor move.

“Fak, a bunch of trash!!”

Stan slammed the phone shut, his face gloomy.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and his gloomy face hung with a sneer, and he muttered: “Tony, don’t blame me for being an uncle and I’m sorry for you, it’s really the benefits of the steel armor that I can’t refuse.” Blame you for not being killed by the people of the Ten Commandments Gang! ”

By the time night came, Stan had arrived at Tony’s villa.

Since he didn’t have a standoff with Tony before, he often came here to discuss the truth of weapon research and development, so he knew the password of this villa.

And he also has a magnetic card in his hand, which Tony gave him before, which can make Jarvis, the intelligent system, quiet down temporarily. At least when he came in, Jarvis didn’t sound any alarms.

He walked very lightly, and when he saw Tony sitting on the sofa, he went directly behind the other party, and a drunken needle pierced Tony’s neck…

One by one, one by one

One by one, one by one

“Hiss… Yes! My neck seems to have fallen into a pillow! Wait, what is this? The next day, Tony woke up in pain and touched his neck, only to suddenly touch a needle-like object on the back of his neck.

Reaching out, the tingling sensation made him gasp, and when he took it, it was really a silver needle!

Just when he was full of doubts, a cold voice came: “Yesterday you were almost shot in the head, it’s time for your vigilance to increase a little.” ”

I saw Mihawk wiping his black knife in every way bored. Night, said with a flat face.

Last night, Stan had just lost Tony, pulled out the Ark reactor on him, and finally wanted to pull out a gun to crash Tony.

But what Stan didn’t know was that in addition to him and Pepper, two ordinary people, there were monsters like Mihawk and Karp!

In fact, their powerful domineering and domineering nature had already discovered Stan’s traces, but they did not remind Tony at the time to test his vigilance.

The result was disappointing, Tony didn’t know what vigilance was at all, and was easily knocked down.

Of course, when Stan tried to kill Tony, Mihawk intervened to stop him. But instead of killing Stan, he released Stan, the villain, and let him take the Ark reactor with him.

His intention is obvious, that is, he wants Tony’s actual combat experience to be a little more, anyway, Stan’s Mark One Mihawk is not in the eyes at all, it is just a matter of a few cuts.

After listening to Mihawk’s description, Tony’s emotions changed from anger to loss, and he smiled bitterly: “It seems that I am really not a qualified fighter, and without Mark II, I am afraid that I am not even as good as an ordinary soldier.” ”

“That’s why you need to cultivate! As for your promise to join our navy, I will teach you the six-style physical technique, and it will definitely not be a problem for you to abuse some ordinary mutants at that time. Karp laughed, equally unimpressed by Stan’s threat.

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