“Karp, Mihawk? Why are you here? It’s too dangerous here, they are mutants, and their abilities are weird. Tony recognized the person at a glance and quickly shouted.

“Tony little ghost, if we don’t come, you’ll be stripped naked right now.” Karp pouted, his gaze moving to the six mutants, especially lingering on the bald body for a moment.

Just now, he also saw the picture of these mutants attacking Tony, that ability is no different from the Devil Fruit ability, but it may be the reason why the rules of the world are different, these mutants will not use their abilities to develop more powerful skills at all.

For example, Magneto, one of the top powerhouses of mutants, with his ability to control the magnetic field, is not at all more than this strength, but unfortunately he will not open his brain, nor will he develop more powerful skills, and finally hangs up.

For these mutants, Karp is a contempt for it, wasting such a powerful ability in vain, what a bunch of unenterprising bastards. If it is placed in the One Piece world, this Nima will be killed.

“Who are you? Get out of here! If you’re nosy, you’re dead. A mutant young man laughed viciously, he was treating Karp and Mihawk as ordinary people who didn’t know how to be evil.

For ordinary people, these people have no good feelings at all, and if it were not for the fact that they did not know the identities of Karp and Mihawk, they would have done it by now.

“You talk a lot of nonsense.”

Mihawk’s voice was like a fresh breeze, and the face of the mutant young man who spoke changed, because the voice came from not far behind him, and he even felt a fierce killing intent attack.

Ugh —

A big head soared into the sky, blood splashed more than a meter high, and the headless body seemed to be drained of the strength of the whole body in an instant, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Billowing warm blood gushed out from the opening of the broken neck, and soon stained the ground of the roof a small piece red, and the smell of blood permeated here, making everyone smell change.


The speed is simply fast!

Even these mutants who prided themselves on being strong could not capture Mihawk’s figure, and even if they did, their bodies could not react in an instant.

Between the electric flints, a mutant was beheaded, and this kind of strength was extremely terrifying.

Tony was already shocked and couldn’t say a word, he originally thought that with the ability of Mark II, he was enough to compete with Karp and Mihawk.

However, as soon as he saw Mihawk’s strength today, he was confused and full of doubts about life. One Mihawk alone is so powerful, what if it’s even more powerful Kapu?

At this time, the bald head looked very ugly, looked at Karp and Mihawk with great vigilance, and said angrily: “Who are you? We are people of the origin of the new human race, and if you kill our members, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will be dead! ”

Karp plucked his ears indifferently and said lightly: “I am Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters – Monchi. D. Karp! You pirates… Ahem, it’s easy to say. You mutants better not resist and honestly push the city to turn yourself in. ”


Not to mention the gang of mutants, even Tony was dumbfounded.

What is the headquarters of the Navy? Does the US Navy have this division? Or the navies of other countries? By the way, this guy has an oriental face, maybe it is the navy of that ancient civilization in the east.

Could it be that that country, a lieutenant general, is so powerful? My God, what is the Admiral, can not go against the heavens?

But what is the Advance City?

“It seems that you are dead and want to go against our new human origin.” The mutant’s bald gaze became cold, his voice seemed to come from all directions, this guy’s ability was most likely an attack like sound waves.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth have changed! The clouds above the night seemed to be forcibly torn open a gap, lightning and thunder above the clouds, and the earth trembled slightly, as if it was an earthquake.

A huge coercive pressure rolled out from Kapu’s body, the ground of the roof cracked inch by inch, and the wind roared, as if the end of the world was coming, and the momentum was very terrifying.




With a radius of more than ten or twenty kilometers centered on Karp, ordinary people rolled their eyes and passed out, even mutants could not hold out for five seconds, and they fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

The time of the entire urban area seemed to be stopped in an instant, and cars on the highway collided together, and even exploded directly, with a radius of tens of thousands of meters, like a dead city.

The superhero who fights with the criminal, collapses straight to the ground when he is about to capture the villain, and the criminal wants to escape when he sees the opportunity, but falls into the footsteps of the superhero without taking a step.

Especially the few mutants in front of Karp couldn’t hold on for a second, and the whole person fell into a heavy coma. At this point, Karp didn’t even use his fist.

Only Tony and Mihawk were deliberately avoided by Cap, but under this coercion, Tony was also pale, as if looking at Karp with the eyes of a monster.

Although Mihawk’s face was still calm, the hand that tightly held the black knife proved that his mood was not calm at all.

Karp is even too powerful, especially this one…

Overlord color domineering!

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