This Xuanxu, other temples and Taoist temples, wish that others would give them incense money, but he is good, but he wants to keep the incense money in his hand.

Just as Mu Ran was about to say something, Xuan Xu, who was sitting beside Mu Ran suddenly, stood up straight, his eyes changed from calm to: extremely cold.

Before Mu Ran could react, Xuan Xu's figure disappeared in front of Mu Ran like a cheetah.

"Ah, you stinky Taoist priest, what are you doing?"

A cry of pain sounded, attracting the attention of everyone present.

: The new book is open, please support, collect, reward, praise!!! Chapter [-]::::: Famous Huang Jian At this moment, he only feels that his left hand is caught by Xuan Xu The bone is generally broken.

Originally, Huang Jian just had nothing to do. He took out his Apple 7 and wanted to take a few photos of the gods in the Tongtian View and send them to the circle of friends to pretend to be coercive.

Who would have thought that he had just taken a picture, and the left hand holding the mobile phone was tightly grasped by Xuan Xu.

"This... layman, please also delete the photos on your phone.

If you want to take pictures, you can go outside.

The Taoist temple is used to worship immortals, and you cannot be so rude."

Xuanxu stared at the yellow sword dyed with yellow hair with cold and stern eyes, and said sternly.

"Stinky Taoist priest, why do you care about Lao Tzu letting go of Lao Tzu, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude."

Huang Jian stared fiercely at Xuan Xu and scolded him angrily.

Xuanxu ignored Huang Jian's cannibalistic gaze, and said neither humble nor arrogant: "Pindao say it again, delete the photos in the phone."

"Splash, do you think you are the old lady"

Huang Jian was not moved at all...

Xuan Xujian frowned slightly, and he couldn't help but lift his hand slightly.

"Ah, it hurts... it hurts..."

In an instant, Huang Jian felt that his left hand was about to be broken: it was like a crack, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Huang Jian, please delete the photo."

Peacemaker Wang Dapeng saw that the situation was getting more and more serious, so he could not help but stand up and mediate.

"You too, Taoist priest, just take a photo, why bother."

A boy who had a good relationship with Huang Jian also stood up and complained about Xuanxu's little belly.

"Okay, if you have something to say, just say it."

Mu Ran was still a little worried.

"It's just..., don't be hurt."


The freshmen resting aside adhered to the principle that one more thing is worse than one less thing, and persuaded Huang Jian and Xuanxu one after another.

Maybe it was because he couldn't bear the pain from his left hand, Huang Jian had to compromise, and tremblingly said: "Stinky Taoist priest, let go, I'll delete it."

Xuan Xu heard the words, did not delay, and let go of Huang Jian's hand.

Huang Jian finally deleted the photos he took under Xuanxu's cold gaze.

Seeing that Huang Jian had completely deleted the photo, Xuan Xu gave a slight bow: "This... layman, it's not that the poor Taoist wants to go against you on purpose, but you shouldn't offend the immortals."

"Immortals, it's just you.... the old man with the nose and those... the tricks of the bald donkey to deceive the world, it's just, where are the immortals in this world?"

Huang Jian rubbed his hand and looked at Xuan Xu with disdain.

Xuan Xu heard the words, his expression changed greatly, and he looked at Huang Jiandao: "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, you are blaspheming immortals, Tongtianguan does not welcome you, and please leave quickly!"

It's okay if Xuanxu didn't open his mouth, but when Xuanxu opened his mouth, Huang Jian became even more excited: "Why, I'm in a hurry to expose you guys...the famous fishermen, so I can't wait to drive people out."

Although Huang Jian's remarks were vulgar, they were not bad and reasonable. Many freshmen agreed with Huang Jian's words, and their eyes changed a bit when they looked at Xuan Xu.

It can't be blamed on them either. They lived under the five-star red flag since childhood and received nine years of compulsory education. .

In their eyes, no matter what...

Dao or Buddha is just a kind of superstition in feudal society.

"The human heart is changeable, and the heart of the sky is unpredictable.

If you raise your head three feet, there is a god, I would rather believe that it is there or not that it is not."

Xuan Xu narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a cold tone.

"Heh, who are you frightening? You think Lao Tzu was frightened, so I desecrated these immortals. What's the matter? If he has the ability, he will strike me with thunder and lightning."

Huang Jian laughed arrogantly, not listening to Xuan Xu's words at all.

Boom!!! Just when Huang Jian finished speaking, a thunderous sound exploded from the sky, and the majestic momentum was like the end of the day, overwhelming everyone present.

A cyan lightning was impartial, fell directly from the sky, and slashed on Huang Jian's body.

Huang Jian's expression changed greatly, and it was too late to say anything. If he was struck by Lei Ji, his yellow hair was burned by the electric light, his entire face was blackened by the electric shock, and he fainted in the hall.

"What the hell just happened"

"It was really thunder, and it hit Huang Jian."

"Could it be a coincidence, wouldn't it be so evil?"

"Where did the thunder and lightning come from this sunny day, is it because Huang Jian really offended the gods?"


The students present were trembling all over, and kept whispering.

Even Mu Ran, who has always been calm as water, was a little terrified.

Only Xuan Xu's face was as clear as his chest.

This thunder and lightning is actually brought in by the mysterious, but it is the divine thunder of the divine in the immortal arts of the divine.

Since it is only a preliminary test, the power is not too great, but it is used to teach a lesson to this ignorant Huang Jian....... There is no problem.

"Laymen, you are shocked!"

Seeing that everyone was overly frightened, Xuan Xu couldn't help comforting him.

"Dao... Dao Master, you... You are too polite!"

Everyone bowed back to Xuan Xu with a look of awe.

Xuan Xu smiled slightly, and continued to sit quietly under the futon to meditate.

Perhaps it was too shocking, these students just stayed for a moment, and then said goodbye to Xuan Xu.

Xuanxu didn't hold back either, telling them to take away Huang Jian, who had fainted on the ground.

What Xuan Xu didn't know was that after the group of freshmen returned to Luoyang University, someone with good deeds relayed what happened at Tongtianguan, which immediately caused an uproar throughout Luoyang University.

"Today I saw a dilapidated Taoist temple on Taishi Mountain in Songshan, and the master of this Taoist temple is a master.

Zhao Jun was directly kicked out by the master because he was disrespectful to the master, and Huang Jian was directly struck by thunder because he was disrespectful to the immortals."

As soon as this news came out, it spread like wildfire in the entire Luoyang University, reaching the ears of every student at an outrageous speed.

No matter when it is, there seems to be an innate instinct in the speed of transmitting gossip information, which can be said to be extremely fast, and it is inevitable to add fuel to the transmission in the middle.

College students are also human beings, so it is inevitable that there will be mistakes in the transmission, and the transmitted version is a bit too out of shape. The temperament of the person was so impressed that he knelt down at the knees of the immortal, and Huang Jian was smashed by an expert who used Taoism to descend the divine thunder because he insulted the immortal."


"Hey, have you heard that the masters of the Tongtian Temple are the reincarnations of immortals who can master immortal arts! Zhao Jun and Huang Jian are... examples."


"Hey, have you heard that the master of Tongtianguan is a fairy, who is omnipotent."


"Haha, did you hear that?

Zhao Jun cried for his father and called his mother to kneel down and wanted to worship the immortal of Tongtianguan as his teacher, but the immortal thought he had low qualifications and did not agree! Huang Jian was directly waved by the immortal because he insulted the immortal, and he was knocked unconscious by Shenlei."


And so on, the more and more the various versions spread, the more and more absurd, there are even some preliminary precursors of Ah's spirit.

On the contrary, after various rumors spread, Tongtianguan's name is in the forum of Luoyang University's post bar, and there are few others who can compare it with others, and it is in the limelight for a while... no two.

:The second update, please collect, please praise, please reward!!! Chapter [-]::::Cultivation and hitting ghosts Xuanxu doesn't know anything about what is happening in the outside world, and maybe he won't know it if he knows it. too much volatility.

Seeing that the sun was gradually setting towards the west, Xuan Xu knew that it was very late, closed the gate of the Taoist temple, and went to the backyard to make a fire and cook.

Vegetables are all vegetables, which were planted by Xuanxu on the land behind the Taoist temple, so every time you cook and stir-fry, you don't have to go down the mountain to buy vegetables in the market, you only need to go down the mountain to buy some vegetable seeds every time.

As for meat food such as chickens, ducks and geese, Xuanxu has never eaten since he was a child.

Meat-eaters are contemptuous, and they eat by mistake.

Taoist people pay attention to following the nature and keeping their minds calm.

Furthermore, the flesh and blood are turbid, and ordinary people can eat them to strengthen their bodies, but those of cultivators will inevitably affect their qi training and destroy their natural, clean and dust-free bodies.

In fact, in ancient times, cultivators couldn't help eating meat, and some people even dreamed of eating the flesh and blood of monsters and divine beasts.

This is because the spiritual energy in the ancient years was abundant, and the lifespan of those monsters and divine beasts was extremely long.

But in the current era of the end of the Dharma, spiritual energy, scarcity, and turbid qi are abundant, and it is countless times more difficult to cultivate the Tao.

After a simple meal, Xuan Xu tidied up a little, sat cross-legged in front of the main hall, and began to recite Shangqing Avenue.

"The one principle discussed is the pure nature of the Tao in all sentient beings.

Taoism, there is no non-existence, the true nature is always there.

Therefore, it is the Dao, the Dao exists and has no form, the form has emotions, changes are unpredictable, it communicates with the masses, and it is a god in the human body, so it is the mind. also.

The Tao is invisible, because it is clear in life, and it is impossible to live... Always, use the Tao to keep it, life and death will destroy the Tao, and if you combine the Tao, you will live forever.”

As Xuanxu closed his eyes and quietly read the Heart Sutra of the Qing Dynasty, the rhythm of Taoism drifted invisibly in the hall, and Xuanxu's figure was looming in the hall like nothingness, and the ethereal voice seemed to come from the sky, It seemed to come from the bottom of my heart.

The three thousand blue silks are automatic without wind, a faint blue halo shrouds the whole body, the plain blue robes flow, and the flawless almost transparent palace feathers flutter in the wind around the waist, making it even more elegant and dusty.

If someone else is here, I believe this person will shout: Immortals are coming.

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