Boom!! As if the real version of the sky was falling, the spectacular sight of the black cloud falling to the ground was a little shocking even to the stars of Ryu.

Such a big move was actually used by him, and he didn't dare to think about it before.

Because the black cloud blocked his sight, Lucy Star did not find that the flame monster had disappeared.

When the black cloud fell on the ground, Liu Xing put away the Liu Yun clone and turned to leave.

This kind of offensive, the flame monster can't take it, so Lucy left with confidence.

......Pfft!! A mouthful of blood spurted out of the silver-robed man's mouth. Since the Eighteenth Heaven and Earth Mirror Returning Great Array was destroyed by Dongfang Invincible, the [-] main mirrors were also wiped out by Dongfang Invincible's attack. , so the silver-robed man was seriously injured in an instant.

These eighteen main mirrors were the core of the silver-robed man's mirror, and they were all destroyed in one breath. Even if he wanted to condense again, it would take a lot of time, energy and reincarnation points.

"Damn...since you're like this.

Then don't blame me for being rude!!"

Originally, the silver-robed man was in charge of delaying time, but now he was killed instead. In this case, if Dongfang Invincible rushed forward, he would have no hope of living.

Eighteen main mirrors were destroyed, and it was too late to reunite in a short period of time, so the silver-robed man decided to kill the hostage!

The silver-robed man held a sword in his hand and slowly walked towards Whitebeard and the Warring States Period.

" brat, dare you fight me head-on!!"

Whether it was Whitebeard or the Warring States Period, they were all very angry at this time.

Kong has a lot of skills, but now he is trapped here and does nothing, all because of the side effects of Hailou Stone.

Their whole bodies were bound by Hailou stones, let alone resisting, they had to do their best to even speak.

As for Zefa, that guy is really unlucky... Because Zefa doesn't have a Devil Fruit, so in order to control Zefa, they beat Zefa half to death, and now he is in a dying state, standing all Can't stand up, let alone save them.


The silver-robed man's duty is... to guard the hostages, because with the power of the silver-robed man's devil fruit, his deity could have been vacated.

Originally, the reincarnation of the ghost snake party thought that one-on-one on their side would be fine, so they kept the Warring States Whitebeard and Zefa and did not kill, but what they did not expect was that they all lost without exception! If you lose, you will naturally have to pull down a few and die together.

The long sword fell, and both Whitebeard and Sengoku closed their eyes.

Because of the sea tower stone, the two of them are like ordinary people now, and they can't raise their strength at all. Even ordinary people can easily kill them if they come here.

Ding!! The silver-robed man opened his mouth in astonishment. The long sword did not land on the necks of Whitebeard and Warring States, but was blocked by a dark arm.

"You want to kill my companion, you, have you asked me!!"

The person who rescued Whitebeard and the Warring States period was the dying Zefa! Even though his body was injured, but seeing his companions in trouble, Zefa still chose to stand up.


Zefa spit out a mouthful of blood, and his scarred body could no longer support him. In order to be able to stand here, Zefa was completely...relying on perseverance and armed arrogance to forcibly support.

"Just a half-dead like you, are you courting death!!"

The silver-robed man was frightened by Zefa and took a step back, but then he reacted and slashed towards Zefa's chest with a sword.

If Ze Fa was in his prime, or if his injuries weren't that serious, the silver-robed man would never have dared to treat Ze Fa like this.

But now Zefa is seriously injured and not dead, dragging this half-dead body, the silver-robed man thinks that Zefa can't pose a threat to himself at all.


The silver-robed man slashed directly on Zefa's chest with a sword, and shocking bloodstains appeared on Zefa's chest.


Zefa was like a demon from hell at this time, with blood all over his body, but even so, Zefa rushed forward without hesitation and grabbed the silver-robed man's arms tightly.


Zefa suddenly lowered his head, only at this time did he realize that a long sword had directly penetrated Zefa's lower abdomen.

"What kind of prestige is still here for a waste person!!!"

The silver-robed man turned the long sword in Zefa's belly, and Zefa's internal organs were almost smashed!! "Stop, stop me!!!"

Whitebeard and Warring States shouted heart-piercingly. No matter whether it was Whitebeard or Warring States, their eyes were red at this bloody scene.

Zefa sacrificed his life to save them.

Even if the long sword runs through, it turns a punch, how much pain does this have to endure...

The three hundred and fifty-eighth chapter gives you the punishment of ten thousand swords piercing the heart

"This time the plane adventure, the other party is other main god.

The opponent we encounter will be an unprecedented strong enemy, but in order to protect our main god space, I hope you can go all out!"

"This adventure is likely to cause damage among us, you must not be careless!"

Bai Chen's words were vivid in his mind, and Zefa remembered that he once joked with Liu Xing, saying that Liu Xing's melee combat was too bad, and if he was attacked, he would definitely die.

Unexpectedly, now I am going to die... "Cough..."

Zefa spit out a mouthful of blood again, and the severe pain made his body a little unruly, and his body gradually lost its strength.

But even so, Zefa's hands still firmly grasped the silver-robed man's arm, making him unable to withdraw.

"Let's die together..."

Zefa, whose consciousness was about to collapse, suddenly gritted his teeth, and then his body exploded with unprecedented power.


The silver-robed man's eyes widened, and Zefa suddenly burst out with such terrifying power, which made him tremble with fright.

It is reasonable to say that after suffering such a degree of injury, Zefa should definitely die... "It's the return of the light... Thank you, brother..."

Sengoku weakly loosened the fist that had been clenched, and a line of clear tears flowed slowly.

The so-called return to light, this is a situation that happened before some people temporarily.

Before they die, these people will burst out with powers that surpass their own strength, but once this happens, then these people will die afterward. There is no doubt that the immortals will not be able to save them! "Fall back!!"

Zefa held the silver-robed man's arm, and actually lifted the silver-robed man directly, and then the silver-robed man felt as if his body was about to be crushed, and then Zefa was an iron bridge, the silver-robed man His head was smashed directly to the ground.

Although the silver-robed man is capable of mirror fruit, the strength of the silver-robed man is all reflected in his own fruit ability, and his physical quality is only stronger than the ordinary reincarnation.

Then Ze Fa, who returned to the light, threw his back with all his strength, causing the poor fellow's head to be directly twisted.

Seriously injured Zefa seriously injured the silver-robed man, Zefa was victorious... The silver-robed man's body was directly stuck to the ground like mud, and Zefa was also kneeling on the ground, feeling the last air.

"Good boy, how dare you!!"

The flame portal opened in the identity of Zefa, and a sinister voice came out.

No wait: Zefa reacted, a fist burning with flames directly smashed half of Zefa's body! "No!!"

Whitebeard and Warring States were really angry at this time, but they couldn't do anything, they could only watch it like this.

Originally, Zefa finally killed the silver-robed man, and the Warring States Period and Whitebeard thought the matter was over. If they brought Zefa back to the main god space earlier, there might be salvation.

But now that such a situation occurs, then Zefa is naturally dead and can no longer die.

Half of the body was knocked out, this is really nothing Bai can do... "You ants, do you really take yourself seriously!!"

The flames on the human body wrapped Zefa tightly, and it didn't take long for Zefa to turn into ashes.

Dead without a corpse!! Whitebeard and Sengoku's eyes are almost out, and the behavior of the flame monster really angered them completely.


Whitebeard's eyes turned blood red, although he was restricted from moving by Hailoushi, he was still able to use his arrogance.

It's better to say it's anger instead of being domineering.

If the current white beard is not bound by the sea tower stone, the flame monster will definitely be shaken into pieces! Zefa, who saved his life, was actually brutally murdered again and again under his eyes, such a picture Even Whitebeard couldn't take the shock.

"Ghost screaming ghost screaming..."

Although the flame monsters are a little surprised by the domineering arrogance of Whitebeard, after all, in terms of real strength, the flame monsters are still above them, so the whitebeard's domineering domineering is nothing to the flame monsters.

"Since you are so angry and sympathetic to him, then I will send you to go on the road with him. It just so happens that you have a companion on Sanyi Road and Huangquan Road!"

The flame monster showed an ugly smile, and then the flames swept away, and it was about to cover the white beard and the Warring States period.

"Metal Storm!!"

Swish!! A hurricane suddenly blew in front of Whitebeard and Sengoku, and then a large number of silver needles spun at high speed in the flames.

A large number of silver needles directly stabbed the flame monster into a sieve, but after a while, the flame monster's body turned into a flowing flame, and those silver needles all fell to the ground.

"Sorry for being late..."

Dongfang Invincible looked at the dark ashes beside the flame monster, with a look of grief in his eyes.

Although Dongfang Invincible is not a person from the Pirate World, they are the first batch of reincarnators in the Thunder Emperor space after all, and their feelings will be deep after going back and forth.

Even if everyone didn't say anything at ordinary times, when it came to a critical moment, they were able to fight desperately for their companions.


"I know......"

Dongfang Invincible reached out and interrupted the Warring States who was about to speak, and then this... the overlord in the martial arts world was really angry.


I saw Dongfang Invincible open his hands, and at this time, countless silver destroying needles flew out from Dongfang Invincible's body, and the Ice Soul Divine Needle was also hidden in it.

These needles are all suspended in front of Dongfang Invincible, and the number of them is enough to cover the sky and cover the sun like locusts passing through! "This guy is a flame creature. If material attacks can't hurt him, he must use energy to attack!"

The Warring States reminded that, although the undefeated silver needle in the east just stabbed the flame monster into a sieve, the flame monster was still uninjured.

"I see!"

Dongfang Invincible closed his heart with a grip, and then a white sword glow appeared on each of the formations! "With needles instead of swords, I will grant you the punishment of ten thousand swords piercing your heart!!"

Dongfang Invincible Undefeated...reservedly pushed his own skills to the extreme, and the sword light on each silver needle erupted with fierce sword energy! "Wan Jian pierces the heart!!"

Following Dongfang Invincible's order, all the needles burst out and attacked the flame monster! Facing the sword glow that filled the sky, the flame monster didn't show any fear.

It's not that Dongfang Invincible's strength is not strong, but even if it is a sword light, it is a material attack, and it is not enough to hurt him. He can turn himself into a flame and completely immune to Dongfang Invincible's attack.

This is also the reason why Garp and the Flame Monster have not been able to decide the winner for a long time that day, because Garp is also a material attack and can't hurt the Flame Monster at all.

Why didn't the Warring States know that Dongfang Invincible's attack was a material attack, but Dongfang Invincible said he knew it, and the Warring States naturally chose to believe in Dongfang Invincible.

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