Because Garp's realm was also suppressed to the seventh order of the mortal realm, Kusanagi greatly underestimated Garp's threat.

In fact, even though Garp's realm has been suppressed to the seven-star mortal realm, Garp is not comparable to Kusanagi in terms of physical fitness, moves, or combat experience. "Boy, I said, you fight with me, but Always be ready to work hard!"

Garp buttoned his booger without grace, and the majesty he had finally built up suddenly disappeared.

Sigh! A ray of golden light suddenly appeared on Kusanagi Jing's body, and then the golden light quickly spread to the whole body.


Kap was stunned by Kusanagi's actions. Although Kap didn't know what Kusanagi was doing, he looked very powerful.

Exploding gas is a unique skill in the world of the King of Fighters.

Although using this move will consume an energy that is no less than Profound Truth, it can greatly increase the user's attack power, defense power and speed in a short period of time.

Moreover, using the Profound Truth in the state of explosive gas will not only increase the power, but even be able to use a more powerful Profound Truth!! Swish! After the gas explosion, the speed of Kusanagi Jing directly climbed to the top, and she used no less than The speed of shaving one of the six styles instantly appeared in front of Garp.


Kyo Kusanagi's right fist ignited a raging flame, and the high temperature of the red flame made Garp feel a scorching aura on his face.

Boom! Garp used the weapon color domineering and iron blocks superimposed for the first time, and with one wrist, he blocked Kusanagi's punch.

"Hey! It's not over yet!!"

Although it blocked Kusanagi's fist, the fire of red flame above Kusanagi's fist had no intention of letting go of Garp! The fire of red flame was extremely high temperature, even Garp could not choose to ignore it.

The fire of red flames followed Kusanagi's fist and poured directly into Garp's body, and at the same time, Kusanagi's long-awaited left fist came one after another.

"Nine wounds!!"

Karp's pupils shrank, and Kyo Kusanagi's left fist arrived on schedule!

Chapter [-]: Grass in a desperate situation? S Beijing [Please subscribe, please subscribe]

Kusanagi's fist is not actually very heavy, but what is powerful is the fire of red flames hidden in the fist! Eat a bit of a loss.

The fire of the red flame made Garp really embarrassed, and with the domineering look of his armament, Garp was just able to block the fire of the red flame.


Take advantage of his illness to kill him! Kyo Kusanagi has no intention of being soft-hearted. Seeing that Garp was a little reluctant to resist the fire of the red flame, Kyo Kusanagi hurriedly used his next combo.

I saw Kusanagi's elbow immediately after swinging his left fist up.

Pressing down heavily, this blow completely became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. There was a loophole in Garp's fists, and Kusanagi took advantage of the situation to kick Garp away.

"Fuck, my little darling, this Kusanagi actually kicked Garp away!"

Rayleigh opened his mouth wide, and even Garp was eaten up by Kyo Kusanagi's serial offensive.

"This Garp also underestimated Kyo Kusanagi. After the explosion, Kyo Kusanagi's strength is not inferior to Garp at all. That guy deserves it completely. If all the resistance is taken down, then Kyo Kusanagi doesn't need to fight."

Sengoku is worthy of being a good friend of Garp, not only did not help Garp, but also hurt Garp.

"Fuck you, Warring States, wait, I'll take care of you when I'm done taking care of this kid!"

Garp got up from the ground and cursed at Sengoku, then looked at Kyo Kusanagi seriously.

"Boy, your strength is very strong, then I have to be serious!"

Garp stared at Kyo Kusanagi, there was no change in his body, only his fists were covered with armed domineering.

"This is......"

Kusanagi looked at Karp vigilantly. Although there was no change in Karp's body, his intuition told him that Karp was very dangerous now! Huh! Almost without warning, Karp appeared in Kusanagi's body. In front of him, without waiting for Kyo Kusanagi to react, Garp's fist was already on Kyo Kusanagi's chest.

However, the moment Garp's fist touched Kyo Kusanagi's chest, a strong red flame completely engulfed Garp.

"Super Killing - Li Hundred and Eight Types - Super Snake and Pheasant!!"

Kyo Kusanagi is worthy of being Kyo Kusanagi, even under such circumstances, he still used his own unique skills.

After Kyo Kusanagi felt that something was wrong with Garp, he used his own super kill for a while, and as expected, Garp attacked him.

Boom!! Kyo Kusanagi slammed heavily on the transparent wall, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

This time, Kyo Kusanagi was not as lucky as the last time. Karp could punch with all his strength. Kyo Kusanagi touched his chest and found that his ribs were broken.


Coughing out a mouthful of blood again, Kyo Kusanagi knelt down on one knee, and the remaining part of Garp's punching energy was scurrying around in his body. With the fire of the red flame, Kyo Kusanagi finally forced the punching energy out.

Kyo Kusanagi raised his head and looked at Garp in the distance. The fire of red flames was burning, and a figure could be vaguely seen from the flames.

Garp was completely immune to flames at this moment, and the fire of red flames could not approach Garp's body at all. Garp stood in the flames, as if walking.

"As expected of a master in the first echelon, his strength is so strong..."

Kyo Kusanagi, who is a super sure-killer, knows very well that Garp can walk like a garden in his own red flames, which is enough to show the gap between him and Garp.

"Please, Your Excellency, give me another chance..."

Kyo Kusanagi stood up with difficulty, and now he has run out of fuel, if Garp attacks him at this time, he will definitely lose.

"I know you still have a hole card, just use it!"

Garp lifted his left foot and stepped heavily on the transparent ground, and the surrounding crimson flames were all extinguished in an instant.


There were only less than thirty seconds left for the burst of gas, and Kyo Kusanagi closed his eyes. The next move would be his last chance.

"One hundred and eighty-two..."

Sigh... At the feet of Kusanagi Jing, the fire of red flames was burning fiercely. At this moment, a lot of red flames appeared on Kusanagi Jing's body. These...  The fire of the red flames poured into Kusanagi's left fist.

"Oh are you gaining momentum?"

This time, Kyo Kusanagi did not use the same instant move as before, no wonder Kyo Kusanagi asked Karp to give him this chance.

If Garp attacked him at this time, the duel would be over.

"I want to see how strong your last blow is!"

Garp rarely used the domineering arrogance of the overlord, which was a respect for his opponent.

Kusanagi's strength still won Karp's approval. When Karp believed that he was in the Seven Stars of the Mortal Realm, he was not necessarily an opponent of Kusanagi.

"Darkness? This old guy Garp seems to have really comprehended something incredible."

Warring States stroked his beard and said slightly surprised.

Chapter [-] Reasonable, Unexpected 【For subscription, for full subscription】

"What is Darkness?"

Rayleigh heard the muttering of the Warring States and asked curiously.

Rayleigh and Garp have also discussed many times, but the so-called dark force Rayleigh has never seen Garp use it.

"Dark strength, after purchasing a boxing method called "Eight Chongquan", Karp realized it through his own research.

Dark energy, as the name suggests, is a power that is secretly displayed, and can enter your body without knowing it, and then cause devastating damage!"

"But I didn't look at that... Kyo Kusanagi suffered multiple injuries, Kap, the old guy, can't even use a heavy artillery punch."

Rayleigh knew Garp's trump card. If Garp was about to use his full strength, a heavy artillery punch would be the real thing.

"Garp's dark energy is not only used for attacking, but using dark energy under his feet, combined with the six-style shaving, can exert a more terrifying speed! This is the horror of dark energy!"

Above Sengoku and Rayleigh, the always-on: Kusanagi-kyo finally moved.

Kyo Kusanagi, who had been poised for more than ten seconds, gave the impression of a volcanic eruption with this punch.

After the continuous compression of the fire of red flames, it blasted Kusanagi's fist like fuel. With this punch, Kusanagi is confident that it can easily obliterate an ordinary seven-star master of the mortal realm! However, Karp is not... ordinary The seven-star master of the mortal realm.

Although the power of Kusanagi's punch is not a deadly threat in Garp's eyes, it must not be ignored.


Garp's knuckles crackled, and then Garp's right fist, seemingly unpretentious, swung towards Kusanagi's left fist.

Boom!!! The shocking sound of the impact sounded. This time, whether it was Kyo Kusanagi or Karp, they were really punched to the flesh, and even to the bone.

The fists of the two collided without a gap, and a powerful aura emanated from the two of them.


In the end, Kyo Kusanagi took the lead and couldn't hold it, and once again spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Garp's strength is really beyond Kusanagi Jing. Although Garp's realm is suppressed to the mortal realm of seven stars, Garp's body is still a supernatural body, and this is where Kusanagi's power lies.

It is almost impossible to want Garp who has a body in the supernatural realm with the power of the seven stars in the realm of the mortal realm.

"Boy, yes, I like you very much, old man!!"

Karp spoke bluntly, turned his head cheerfully and left.

This time duel with Kyo Kusanagi, Garp looks very relaxed, but in fact Garp is really moving.

Kusanagi's strength is definitely the top in the second echelon. After the explosion, his strength has reached a high level. Even Karp suffered a small loss due to his carelessness at the beginning.

Although after Garp got serious, the scene was completely... one-sided, but Kyo Kusanagi also exerted his limit and showed his combat power to the fullest.

After Kyo Kusanagi discovered that his fire of red flames could not approach Garp who was fighting seriously, he transformed the fire of red flames into his own power and displayed his most powerful meaning.

Although it was defeated in the end, this is definitely not the reason why Kusanagi is weak! The system prompts: Kusanagi Karp.

Cap wins.

With the sound of the system prompt, the duel also ended.

In the second echelon, the famous Vulcan Kusanagi was not successful in starting the school, and he was defeated. This is something that everyone did not expect, but it is reasonable.

After all, the first echelon is... the first echelon, if it is really so easy to be defeated, how can the rib and hand bones of the original Kusanagi to guard the Thunder Emperor space were broken during the duel with Garp, But after announcing the victory and defeat, Kyo Kusanagi found that her injuries had completely recovered in an instant.

Needless to say, this is naturally Bai Chen's ghost.

Because this is a duel, not a life-and-death battle, after the end, it is natural to recover from the injury, otherwise there will be a sequelae of what to do. Kusanagi slowly walked from the air to the crowd of the second echelon. Although he was defeated, no one dared to dare. laugh at him.

Because they waited for a while, they were all going to play against the masters of the first echelon, and no one was sure that they would definitely be able to defeat the masters of the first echelon.

However, it was rare that Yagami An was unexpectedly calm, just glancing at Kyo Kusanagi was staring at a man in the first echelon.

Hawkeye - Mihawk!! Mihawk naturally noticed Yagami's sight, and a pair of eagle-like eyes immediately.

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