A group of people practiced guns while advancing: The speed of the movement is really not slow.

But if you don't want to be beaten to death by the Japanese, you can only practice desperately, even if it is cramming, it is better than doing nothing at all.

This group of newcomers, the reincarnators are very clear in their hearts, if they are separated from the big team, they will definitely not be able to survive.

Instead of... dying in this troubled world, it is better to kill a few devils before dying, and maybe you can still complete the task issued by the Lord God!

Chapter [-]: Encountering the Eighth Route Army

After walking for about a day, a dilapidated small county town appeared in front of everyone.

As for the shabby appearance of this place, it can be seen from the collapse of more than half of the city wall.

However, there are still quite a lot of residents in this place, and it seems that no devils have come here to clean it up, otherwise this place would have already become: inaccessible, and not even a single person can see it.

You must know that the little devil at this time has thoroughly implemented the three-light policy to the end, killing all, burning all, and robbing all the way.

This place has not been poisoned by little devils, and I have to say that the county residents here are really happy.

When Hancock and the others came to the front of the county gate, the common people were so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word when they saw the weapons on their bodies.

Because on their weapons, those Japanese flags were not taken down.

A young man with a little more courage swallowed his saliva fiercely, gritted his teeth and yelled at the small county town: "It's not good! The devil! The devil is here! Everyone, hurry up and run!!"

After shouting, his courage was also used up, he turned around and found a path just... ran away.

He has been benevolent and righteous, and as for whether the residents of the small county heard it, it is unknown.


"The devil is here, run away, folks!"

"These god-killed devils, I fought with them!"

"Hurry up! Mother, take your child out of here, I'll hold back those... the devils of the Sun Kingdom."


Xu Sanduo stared at the common people in stunned eyes. There were a lot of people here just now, but they all ran away in the blink of an eye. The speed was so fast that even a well-trained elite soldier like him was shocked.

Suddenly, the alarm bell rang in Xu Sanduo's heart! Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a gun muzzle facing him, and the bullet inside was about to be fired! Damn it, I'm not... a devil from the Sun Kingdom! In his heart He couldn't help but cursed, and the whole person rolled on the spot without any scruples.

The next second, a small dirt pit appeared where he was standing just now. If he hadn't hid quickly, this shot would definitely hit him.

Then there was the sound of a gun being pulled.

He can't wait to yell "Fuck,"


He didn't expect that the other party was not one person, but a group of people.

Who is this Nima provoking? Before waiting for the other party to continue to shoot, many quickly shouted: "You admit it! I am not from the Sun Kingdom, I am from the Celestial Dynasty, an upright Celestial Dynasty! Not those... .The Devil of the Yang Kingdom!"

Perhaps his pure local language played a role, the unknown armed forces on the opposite side did not act rashly, and a voice full of energy came: "Since you are from the Sun Country, why are you holding the flag of the Sun Country people and riding the Sun Country people? Are you a puppet army?”

Pfft - Xu Sanduo almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, what kind of eyes do you see that I look like a puppet army?

He took a deep breath, forcibly restrained the thought of scolding the street, and shouted: "We are the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, and we spontaneously set up an army dedicated to attacking the Little Sun Country. These things were captured by the devils of the Sun Country! Put the gun down, don't you believe me?"

The other side was silent for a while, as if they were discussing something.

After a long time, a person's head appeared. They were all dressed in ordinary people's clothes, dressed in very simple clothes, and they also had pudding on them.

However, the energy is very good, everyone's eyes are bright, much better than these newcomers and reincarnations.

They have a wide variety of weapons in their hands, and their ages are very complicated.

The oldest one..., at least the one in his sixties, the youngest one... is estimated to be only twelve or thirteen years old and 121 years old.

Walking in the middle is a middle-aged and strong man with a national character face. He looks like he has learned martial arts, and it is authentic killing martial arts, not those... boxing. The routines and attainments are still very high.

The middle-aged man bowed his hands to Xu Sanduo, and said embarrassedly: "This little brother, it is really flooded with the Dragon King Temple! We are soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, and we also specialize in fighting the devils of the Sun Kingdom, but our equipment Not as luxurious as you."

"I've heard of your name in the Eighth Route Army."

Xu Sanduo nodded, he did not expect that the Eighth Route Army would exist in this strange world, and it seemed that this country was not without salvation.

I just don't know if those...great leaders are there in this world....

"Little brother, you anti-Japanese volunteers are again"

The middle-aged man wondered.

"Oh! We are all the sons of merchants from other places, but our county town was captured by the devils, and our family members died.

So, we thought about getting an anti-Japanese organization, and the Anti-Japanese Volunteers Rescue appeared."

Xu Sanduo was full of nonsense, and when he lied, he didn't even blink his eyes.

The middle-aged man believed his nonsense, looked at Xu Sanduo and the others' weapons with admiration, and said, "It seems that the anti-Japanese fighters killed a lot of devils, they are really great heroes of the country!"

[-]:Recommended Super God Anchor" "Super Seminary Reluctance to Draw Sword"!

Chapter [-]: She is our boss

Soon, the samsaras got to know each other a lot.

There are about [-] people in this group, which is quite impressive.

However, their physical fitness and weapons and equipment are really poor, it is estimated that a dozen or so fully armed little devils can destroy more than two hundred people.

And just now... the middle-aged man inside was the company commander of this group of people, named Chen Zhenguo.

Anyway... Xu Sanduo had never heard of this character.

This group of troops actually came to this small county more than a month ago, and found that the terrain of this county tends to be easier to defend and difficult to attack, and its geographical location is relatively remote. would be nice.

The only flaw is...the city walls fell into disrepair.

If the city wall is still intact, then this base will be even more perfect.

Since Xu Sanduo and the others are also an anti-Sun Nation organization, although Chen Zhenguo doesn't know what this Anti-Sun Nation Volunteer Army is, it can't be denied......the name is really good. .

In a small room, Xu Sanduo was wiping the 81 bars in his hand when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

When someone walked in, as expected by Xu Sanduo, that person was the company commander of the army - Chen Zhenguo.

Chen Zhenguo was not polite, he found a wooden bench and sat down, and said seriously: "Brother Xu, we have got an important piece of information here! I heard that a squadron of the Japanese pirates suddenly disappeared in this area, and Ling Hong The Japanese pirate headquarters in the city was very angry."

"They decided to send a team to investigate the facts, and they may even take the opportunity to clean up our county. Now they are the main enemy! The soldiers of the Japanese pirates are strong and strong, and their marksmanship is extremely accurate. We are not their opponent."

When Xu Sanduo heard this, he understood what Chen Zhenguo meant, and said with a smile, "Chen Company Commander, I understand what you mean.

It's just... let us join forces with the Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army and fight back these little devils together."

"Hey, it's just... such a reason!"

Chen Zhenguo nodded and laughed.

However, Xu Sanduo shook his head and hung Chen Xin into his throat. He thought that Xu Sanduo didn't want to cooperate with them.

If the other party doesn't cooperate, the weapons and equipment... are not the opponents of the people of the Sun Country at all.

But if you add the excellent equipment of the Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army, it will not be enough, especially the four mortars, which make his eyes very hot! Xu Sanduo said helplessly: "Chen.

Although I would love to work with you.

But I can't help it, I'm not the leader of the Volunteer Army against the Sun Country, I'm just a small big boss, and I can't make such a big decision."


Chen Zhenguo was stunned. He always thought that Xu Sanduo was the leader of the Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army. After all, his military style was too strong, and the firearms in his hands were also strange-looking, which should be advanced weapons from Europe and the United States.

Such a person is not the boss, so who is the boss! Chen Zhenguo discovered that this anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army seemed to be covered with a mysterious veil, anyway... With his savage IQ, he couldn't guess it Who is the leader of the Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army?

Seemingly knowing the doubts in his heart, Xu Sanduo took him out of the room, looked at Hancock who was squatting in the yard, and pouted: "Look, she is the boss of our Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army, we number 2 Both of them obeyed her orders."

"Brother Hexu, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

For the first time, Chen Zhenguo felt that his brain was not enough. The leader of an anti-Sun Nation organization turned out to be a little girl under the age of eleven or twelve. What was the situation? His first reaction was... Xu Sanduo was in Fool him, otherwise a little girl is the boss of the Anti-Sun Nation Organization, and Chen Zhenguo wouldn't believe it! Xu Sanduo knew this guy would have such a reaction, because Hancock's age is too pitiful, completely Can't match her strength.

With such a powerful strength at such a young age, it is purely to attack people.

He smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Chen Company Commander, I didn't fool you.

She is really the boss of our Anti-Sun Country Volunteer Army, no matter how young she is, she is definitely capable."

Looking at Xu Sanduo's serious face, Chen Zhenguo already had some confidence, but this was still a bit incredible, it almost destroyed his three views.

But at this time, Chen Zhenguo saw a scene that he will never forget! I saw Hancock's little hand gently push against the big tree next to him, "click"

The sound of breaking sounded, and the big tree that two people could hug together slowly fell down like this.

Chapter [-]: Cooperation

Chen Zhenguo, Chen Lian's long mouth, can almost put down two little devil grenades at this time. This can easily overturn the big tree that the two of them are embracing. Is Nima still a human? A soldier of the Eighth Route Army who is purer than pure milk, Chen Zhenguo naturally does not believe in the existence of all ghosts, ghosts, snakes and gods. This is all feudal and superstitious behavior belonging to the old thinking and old era.

But today, when he saw Hancock's power that was countless times greater than that of ordinary people, he felt that the whole person was not well, and the proletariat in his heart, atheist thoughts, etc... were all hit to varying degrees.

Not to mention him, there are many other soldiers of the Eighth Route Army in this compound, and their reactions are not much better than Chen Zhenguo, and even more exaggerated than his.

A ten-year-old soldier of the Eighth Route Army ran to Hancock as if he did not believe in evil, and looked left and right at the toppled tree, as if he could find some drawbacks.

He guessed that Hancock was the kind of... juggling arena entertainer, but unfortunately Hancock is not that kind of... magic arena entertainer, she is the real thing, and there is no falsehood.

Not to mention a big tree that two people hug, even a piece of granite can be smashed with one punch! If she doesn't even have the slightest bit of strength, then she is still a senior in the main god space. A negative second-generation Lucky Star like a battle five scumbags, can now knock out an elephant with one kick, not to mention the strength of a senior like her.

Therefore, no matter how much the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army searched, they could not find any drawbacks or loopholes, and looked at Hancock, who was even younger than him, with disbelief.

If this is really not a trick, it proves that this big tree was overthrown by this girl! Xu Sanduo looked at these... The Eighth Route Army soldier shrugged his shoulders and said: "Now Company Commander Chen knows why Hancock is...ahem! You know why Hancock is our boss now, right?"

Just now, I almost accidentally called Hancock "little sister"

Fortunately, Xu Sanduo changed his name in time to call him "adult"

, or else I'll be beaten if I don't talk about it now, the nose is blue and the face is swollen.

If he was hit with his genitals, with Hancock's strength, it would be possible for him to be incapable of being employed in his entire life.

Thinking of that fate, even Xu Sanduo's elite soldiers of the People's Liberation Army couldn't help shuddering. He didn't think his military boxing or grappling skills were too strong and unfathomable Hancock.

Chen Zhenguo secretly swallowed his saliva, nodded instinctively and said, "It's white! Brother Xu, your boss is really powerful, so powerful... so powerful... He is already at a loss for words of shock. .

Looking at the little girl not far away, Guo ruthlessly suppressed the shock in his heart, and quickly responded with a warm smile: "Miss Hancock, our Eighth Route Army wants to launch a military cooperation with your Anti-Japanese Volunteers. , the target is... a group of little devils who came to attack..."

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